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Ah, derp. Just bumped into an old answer of mine that answers this. — sehe 1 min ago
Evening folks
@sehe if you could have one material thing worth any amount of money granted to you for free, what would it be?
Q: I think the so called "reputation" points should be transferable to other accounts

Travis BangerIt would be good to transfer my reputation to newer SO accounts, when I need to use new e-mail accounts after being blocked by the StackExchange Nazis. While we are on the topic: How about a site about psychiatry/psychology group? Quite a number of folks around here could use it...

@Ell Money
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did you see this?
How much money?
can it be considered "material"?
no clue what this is referring to, but i laughed anyway
it's funny because it's not true
Health is not considered material
You can't really give health as a gift
those thunderstorms are annoying
A sandwich.
@luc what kind of sandwich ?
Any. Preferably no fish.
I'd buy a warehouse.
The USS Enterprise, kthx
Or well, wish for one.
Hehe oh I didn't see the image before I asked
Preferably with stuff inside.
Probably one of the maldives islands.
Yeah that'd be cool
possibly the one I was conceived on
looks like i need to use stack overflow game development to fix my collision.
im lost on it for now.
@Borgleader The US congress pretty routinely passes laws that apply to the rest of the country, but not to the congress. For example, they have their own retirement plan (separate from Social Security), their own health care (separate from Obamacare). If memory serves, there are also some provisions giving them immunity from some minor offenses if it's in the pursuit of doing their jobs (e.g., speeding so they can get to vote on a bill).
So if you want to speed without getting in trouble, you should get elected congressman. Great.
@JerryCoffin And I bet those are pretty good (retirement plan & healthcare)
No more copyrighted music in @Twitch stream archives. Was only a matter of time. http://bit.ly/XEZJ8O
everyone's outraged over that
I hope people switch from Twitch to something else
fuck twitch
They're just covering their own ass. Its just like youtube taking down music on copyright grounds
I don't have a problem with it =/
95% of VODs are muted
Have you gone on Twitch at all today?
Everything's muted.
Even Twitch's own videos are muted.
I haven't been to twitch in a few days. I'm just saying I'm not against the idea. I get why they're doing it.
Twitch was bought out by Google, eventually they'd have to follow the same rules as Google would.
@Borgleader It makes sense.
@Borgleader I've never looked into the details, but I think it's safe to guess that they're probably better than most of the rest of us get.
@ThePhD great. Google also owns DARPA
The only other Twitch altneratives I know of are Livestream/Justin.tv and...
... Well, that's it.
Darpa :D
Justin.tv is shut down.
@cyberspace009 Google and Apple have formed a secret consortium that bought the US government.
@Rapptz Is it?
I could of sworn I went to a stream of theirs like 20 days ago.
It was a Japanese Channel stream.
@JerryCoffin no....proof?
> The Justin.tv website, mobile apps, and APIs are no longer in service. Thank you sincerely for seven years of live video memories.
Where they just streamed Japanese TV.
@Borgleader Well, hot damn.
So who's left then?
hitbox.tv, ustream, azubu
I see, I see.
People seem to be migrating over to hitbox.tv
or well, a small population
hm.. I'm 220 rep away from 10k
I should probably repwhore one last day
do eet
three separate people today said I look like a vampire
@corvid do you sparkle in the sunlight?
yes, I'm beautiful
@cyberspace009 No proof is possible because it is all a lie. Sincerely Google Jerry Coffin.
@JerryCoffin lol
crows are attached to other creatures butt:
At work I got a big group of crows to like me. Enough to get them to follow me on command
fed em my french fries because fries are gross, but crows eat carrion so they're probably okay with it
a potato isn't a meat...
meaty potato ...
they're not? Then what have I been eating?
Is it meat?
Why should I learn iOS programming? What good is it going to do me aside from finding some job? I am not gonna create any apps for Apple by myself, since whatever I create, there are probably 100 better alternatives.
And because of that, my Mac has become useless.
@TemplateRex can you stop adding the tag to everything you answer?
I'm rolling them back (because they have absolutely nothing to do with C++1y)
Can anyone point me to some good x86 assembly tutorials?
@DemCodeLines been using apache cordova to make iPhone apps, just requires js and HTML
4 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
And because of that, my Mac has become useless.
@DemCodeLines iOS/Android dev positions aren't real. Every year India makes 2 million engineers who can only make apps.
yes, and those guys make like $70/hr
@DemCodeLines nope
@DemCodeLines check glassdoor for different technologies. ios is like 60k
60k is a lot of money ._.
not enough in IT industry
thats about 35$ dollars per hours
60k can't even buy you rent in Silicon Valley after tax.
people make $100k in a year or more than that usually, 60k is not all that much for tech jobs
depends on where you are and what currency you are talking about
like 30k is a decent living, 60k is a lot
@corvid Depends on where you live.
Where I live, rent is easily 5000 USD a month.
where I live, rent is about $1200/month
buh that's ridiculous, couldn't spend that much. Those city prices?
New York City, maybe.
he lives in SF doesn't he?
his rent is irrelevant
The shittier and less convenient places will go as low as 3k/month. Regardless, it's ridiculous. And while I theoretically can afford to move out of the house I grew up in, it makes absolutely no financial sense to do so. My parents know that, so they let me stay - for now at least.
oh never mind
you can build a small house for like. 9k
@corvid But the land will cost you a few million. :)
Yeah, it's the land that's expensive...
I guess I'm too used to the country... there's tons of open space
@Mysticial I'm in the same boat ;p
I'm sure you're making $100k+ more than me given I don't work for Google and do work for the gov't, but it's hard to justify moving out even with the land/rent/mortgage/etc prices being comparatively lower in a mid-Atlantic suburb than Mountain View/Palo Alto
so, parents it is :P
@Mysticial do it for the ladies
@Mikhail My parents aren't in the house most of the time. And they go away for weeks at a time on vacation.
man. I have stuff ship to New Hampshire so I don't have to pay taxes on things. I feel cheap now
@corvid thats a good idea
Whatever the case is, I'm actually thinking of buying a house or a small apartment. Not to live in, but to rent it out. And I'll just stay at my parents place in the meantime.
I am amused by this discussion because I'm trying to figure out a problem with COM caused by Single Threaded Apartment vs a Multithread Apartment
my apartment -- if I ever get one -- will be single-threaded. I wasn't born with hyperthreading or more than one core, so I don't bother with threads.
my OS doesn't even have a scheduler.
the first thing I said when I was born was "CoInitialize!"
@Mikhail haha, I love the title of this question
"crore" in Indian English is 10 million
#define QCroreApplication(x) QCoreApplication x[10000000]
Currently I am renting out my property, very little interests ... possibly due to the construction of 2nd dwelling ~_~
also using this cheapstake website for ads management, yes, cheap indicates inferior quality in this case ... at least, instead of $360+, I am only paying $99 for posting the ad ~_~
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: I an established programmer with an impressive portfolio and important financial clients [c++] [c++11] [c++1y] [c++-faq]
What happened there?
Why was the name censored :D?
And wow...5000 a month??!
Sounds like an upscale part of Manhattan :-S
Dunno. After the incident that got the puppy booted from ownership, I'll try to set it back to Lounge<C++> if it gets changed for more than a day.
@borrrden Or rather, the heart of Silicon Valley.
Really? I live in Tokyo, which is considered an expensive city, and I've never heard of rent that high.
That's rough
5k is the mid to high end. The lower end is about 3k.
I'm sure there are places that are even lower, but there is a limit to how shitty one can tolerate.
Boston is around 1-2k. It's dumb
heh. as an intern while still in college and no prior work experience, I got an internship in silicon valley making like $30/hour... that was years ago... and I spent most of it on rent LOL
I thought they were being generous and really needed my skills! ... turns out, they were basically just paying enough for me to have a place to stay. >_<
man. Programmers must be rich
I was staying/working a bike ride away from Google HQ
(but not for Google)
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ Being within biking distance of Google HQ will guarantee your rent costs > 5k regardless of whether it has plumbing or a roof.
Well programmers in Japan are not rich unfortunately
My salary is less than half of the world average
why's that?
Because Japan is cheap
Did you just say Japan is cheap?
it is? I imagined it'd be fairly expensive
I don't mean a cheap place to live
I mean the employers are cheap
As in cheap people :p
Fuck, when I connected through Narita, shit, everything was like...
Stingy I should say
And the anime figmas that I try to buy from Japan... fuck.....
:( ... my place is within 20 minutes walk from Microsoft headquarter in Australia, still no one wants to rent my place ... sadness
to be fair, it is currently rented out ... same tenant for the past 4 years
@borrrden my UPS deliveryman makes more than me now ): oh how far I've fallen from my heydey in Silicon Valley ;p
But to be fair, if you know where to shop Japan can be reasonably cheap
I'm amazed at how everyone is missing the obvious XY problem here. :) — Mysticial just now
money is lame :\
Yes it is
But I have student loans...which are far more lame
@borrrden I can't imagine it being cheap if I went to Akihabara to get my Anime fix.
Nope, Akiba is expensive of course :p
They can get away with it too. There really is no place that can rival it.
I don't get why certain places pay more and some less. Wouldn't employers be inclined to target the places paying less?
What do you mean?
like, if it costs so much to hire someone from Silicone Valley or Cambridge or wherever, why would people there be hired so much? Seems financially unreasonable
Probably because they are located there
Actually I've been in Japan for so long I've forgotten if companies pay for commuting expenses
They do here in Japan
companies do that now? Man. These fancy software engineers
I don't know about America
I like the sound of this "in my heyday" stuff. Makes me feel like I am surrounded by people much smarter than me
Which is obviously true :p
@borrrden here, they only pay commuting expenses if you're going somewhere different than your usual work site (at least, where I work)
My goal is to get back to America and make a decent wage :p
if you hire on and your normal work site is 25 miles or whatever, then that's on you to pay
but if they ask you to go somewhere else for a week and help out some other folks, they'll cover you per-mile
Right. America uses cars far more than Japan
Even if you own a car in Japan you'd likely take the train to work
I want to go to either Amsterdam or Seattle :\
That makes commuting expenses very simple to calculate
In my case about $310 every 6 months
that's cheap
I'm not that far from my company ;)
And I only go via one train company
Before I moved it was more like $780
car is $210 per month after 12k downpayment, ~$50 week in gas
Cars are expensive.
Even more expensive here in Japan
Yearly expensive inspection, thousands of dollars just to obtain a driver's license, price of gas double of USA, taxed yearly
oh taxes. Makes me happy I live in Murickah where they're kinda low
On the other hand, that drives down income tax
Which makes me happy since I own no car and no property here
Anyway this might be an obvious question, but do you all mainly work in C++?
my car is... more per month ;x but 40 MPG
No C++ sucks
I learned it as my first language in college, then didn't use it again until I was thrust back into it a couple months ago.
@borrrden I mainly work in Ruby these days
but I often end up delving into native land to hunt after a segfault in a gem or something
and that's C, so that's close at least
@borrrden I mainly work in an office.
As do I haha
@borrrden I don't know who you are talking to or about what, but I use C++ because of performance, ease of use for GUI programming (Qt) and compatibility with my binaries. I couldn't imagine controlling my experimental setup with anything else. For example Labview can't recover form camera failure (it just crashes, in C++ I can catch that exception)
My office is 5m from my bed. Sometimes 0
That's where my second office is
@CatPlusPlus Work consumes
@Mikhail Qt? Do you work on open source stuff or did you purchase a commercial license?
Qt has been LGPL for couple of years now
@borrrden you don't need a commercial license if you don't modify the source code of Qt itself
@borrrden I'm a graduate student doing psuedo physics, so I don't have any money...
That's very interesting and definitely something that I will look into
it's a disjunctive GPL/LGPL/commercial license
You need to link it dynamically, modifying is irrelevant
Because the amazingly retarded cross platform solution our company arrived at was cocos2d-x
works on any flavor of OS X?
Yeah, that's right I remember now
iOS disallows dynamic linking
So Qt was a no-go :(
@CatPlusPlus I'm pretty sure it's the opposite. Linkage has nothing to do with whether LGPL "infects" downstream code. That confusion was resolved long ago. It's just about whether you modify the original work.
But there are reports in the prerelease docs of iOS 8 that it is being allowed now
Qt is really nice until it fuck you over because its restrictive nature. For example its hard to do multithreaded OpenGL or now I'm being fucked over by multi-aprtment COM
I work on mobile platforms
my friends say I don't have a job because I don't get paid to be told what to do, currently I am managing my own smart phone app company, supervising a construction project and managing a couple of property for family simultaneously ... but hey I don't have a job you see ... dumb people who has higher employment income but make less money for the time being
Specifically iOS, Android, and WinRT
I too am a smartphone company :-)
Or C++ friendly, C++ gross, and C++ wtf
The license text of the LGPL 2.1 says absolutely nothing about linkage, dynamic or otherwise.
There's a special linking exception, IIRC?
I have found the Qt view model the best way to write GUI code that doesn't break... It also can compile C++ and run on desktop or android...
Linking exception is a different unrelated thing
Oh, people are talking about what happens when you use LGPL stuff with non-LGPL stuff.
@Mikhail have a registered company number? Sad thing is that if I don't lodge company tax return, I would get a nudge from the tax office ... did for last year. I had to explain I wasn't much much money so I didn't think it was necessary. But nope, just had to by law ...
LGPL should allow you to use it without having to release/disclose non-LGPL stuff, so long as you don't modify the LGPL program in any way.
@chmod711telkitty For my 1099 forms I use Fun Farm & Corn Maze LLC
No, that's not it
Well, IANAL. :D
Ah LGPL version 3 does make a distinction
But QT is 2.1 so that is irrelevant
@CatPlusPlus even that site says "derivative OR statically linked", and I'd contest that the restriction against static linking wouldn't hold up in court, since you're literally just copying illegible machine code bits (which were just a moment ago in an .a file) into your own file
I wonder if LTO falls under the class path exception?
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ You'd lose miserably?
basically, if you do modify Qt itself, then you MUST release your entire code under the (L)GPL or get a commercial license -- that much is certain -- but if you don't modify Qt itself, to be safe, dynamically link, but imo static linking would not cause a court to go batshit on you (though, in the US, who knows)
It's pretty clear.
If you static-link, your program now belongs under LGPL and must disclose source.
The static-link battle has been fought by the FSF foundation, and I'm fairly certain that they won that argument.
@ThePhD except that the LGPL license text itself specifically does not distinguish between static and dynamic linking
> When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with the library.
> 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
> However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. Section 6 s
Containment is static linking hth
You need to provide sources (on demand or w/e) for Qt whether you modify or not
ugh... every time they use the word "linking" they don't distinguish between static and dynamic linking. so why are we suddenly adding those words into the license ourselves?
when you dynamically link your code to a library, it "contains" the symbol linkage to the library, so it could technically fall under that second provision "contains portions of the Library"
I'm not sure what's confusing in this paragraph
you'd have to dynamically load it
but then your string table contains the function names, so....
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ That's a ridiculous definition.
@Mikhail I am not not sure about different countries, and I am sure it is just a formality thing, but here a company is like a artificial person - you can have a business but it is not a company unless you register it as a company with ASIC. Amount of on going paper work is hideous ...
> Also, you must do one of these things:

a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood that the user who changes the contents of definiti
Relinking requirement also effectively prohibits static linking hth
> b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if the user installs one, as long as the modified version is interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
I was just about to quote 6b
But there it is
I still have a thick book about company law from postgrad days ... partially obsolete now ...
@ÃŁŁǫǛȉЖΦΤїҪ That's open to a lot more question. Containing the name of a function is not the same as containing the function. Also note that (at least on Windows) you can create a DLL that exports by ordinal, in which case the executable only contains a number (chosen by the linker, not the author), not even the name of the function. Any claim of copyright on such an executable goes well beyond tenuous into purely nonsensical fantasy.
In particular, copyright (by definition) can only subsist upon a creative work. A number that's not even chosen by the author clearly falls well outside this basic requirement.
@JerryCoffin of course it's not the same; but just last year (or was it this year?) Oracle was claiming that Google infringed on all their intellectual property (er... conflation of copyright/patent/trademarks) for copying some API definitions. they may be in hot water because they copied the literal source text containing the API defs, but Oracle wanted to make the stronger argument that they can't implement a set of APIs conforming to that specification at all without a license from Oracle.
That was patent case not copyright
Completely orthogonal issue
Also completely different circumstances
> Oracle wins Android-Java copyright appeal: API code copyrightable, new trial on fair use
So now it is about copyright.
we haven't even seen that entire case play out yet, anyway -- I'm sure there will be appeals and counter-lawsuits going on for a good while yet -- hopefully things don't get out of hand, or we could find projects like Wine, ReactOS, etc. in some pretty hot water (not to mention any program that tries to reimplement a proprietary library or interface without licensing from the original author, whether that program is FOSS or not)
@CatPlusPlus As already noted, it was actually both patents and copyrights (and, if memory, at one point some trade secret allegations thrown in to complete the Trifecta).
ah yes, I forgot Trade Secrets :)
Interestingly, even the FSF came out with comments pointing out how horrible the ruling from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit was.
Also I wonder by definition I am unemployed because I am not paying myself a salary from my app business or as an owner builder ... my company could pay me $1 salary although I don't see the point
Of course, from what I've seen of "free software" advocates, most wouldn't even be phased for a moment by the blatant hypocrisy of saying it was a bad ruling, but they're still going to use it to "protect freedom".
sometimes an interesting life means living a weird one ... but I have lived 'normal' life before - it's so boring I wanted to kill myself
@chmod711telkitty Live a happy life and don't worry about whether it's "normal".
Don't kill yourself! If you work yourself to death at the least somebody wins!
@JerryCoffin Every few months, I'll get an angry email from some open-source fanboi berating me for not open-sourcing my pi program. It's kinda hilarious how desperate they sound when I kindly ask them to fuck off.
Send them that ugly fucking macro
They'll start asking you to never open-source it
#define M_PI 3
@JerryCoffin Is hypocrisy working within the system while wishing for the system to be different? What would rather have a free software advocate do, commit piracy?
I don't often tell people to fuck off, but when I do, it's usually after several escalating emails. Then I kindly ask them to do so.
Just ignore 'em
How does that sound?
"Please fuck off, thanks"?
@CatPlusPlus I do. There's at least two that I've filtered into my spam box.
If someone thinks no one should be taxed above 15% of their income, should they stop paying taxes?
But most of the people get the message when I use the word, "open-source fanboi".
@Mysticial What? You think that just because you wrote it that it's yours and they don't have a right to demand that you give it to them? How dare you?
I can imagine this on the SE hot list - academia.SE: "How do I kindly ask someone to fuck off?"
@LucDanton In most cases I'd rather have them be honest, which would tend to contraindicate both piracy and hypocrisy.
sounds like a good arqade question for one of those social games
@borrrden I usually say, "I'm not exactly an open-source fanboi. So no, I'm not going to open-source it. Thank you very much."
@LucDanton It's one thing to break a law. Quite another to enforce "rights" of your own on others, even though you openly state that you have no right to those "rights" in the first place.
They get offended really easily, so I don't usually say that unless they persist and start to get annoying.
Actually, I'm an idiot. Instead of politely tell them to fuck off, I should just ask for money. Like a few million dollars. Just to see to see how they respond. Who knows, if one of them decides to pay up, I'm ok with that. :)
@JerryCoffin I suppose I could agree that’s fairly hypocritical.
Hang on, I need to tweak that.
Clarification: I read ‘[using the ruling] to "protect freedom"’ as ‘doing business as usual’, not ‘being more of an asshole’.
Not one ever asked me to open source my apps, probably no one ever thought too much about my apps - not reading my code is probably better for their mental health really
@JerryCoffin only true if you don't have to deal with people ... but the greatest part of business is dealing with people ...
If I were to develop my app business or do a good job as an owner builder, I would have to be really good with dealing people which I don't think I am either very good nor really interested in ...
explains the depression lately ...
you need a steve jobs!
but I am getting better, so all good
OH MY FUCKIGN GOD I SOLVED MY PROBLEM. The trick was the loop the CoInitialize in my constructor repeatedly until it got rid of that crap so I could make my own multihreaded apartment.
now i can go to _sleep
I hope somebody is proud
Q: This site is really strict like the Taliban

user3125707I have been banned from posting questions on stackoverflow and I don't even know the exact reason for the ban. It seems I may have posted 1 or 2 "bad" questions which may have resulted in this ban. I had also not received any kind of warning or intimation about the ban. Another ridiculous thing i...

So the Taliban is the new Godwin's Law?
so libpq, how do i define an array param value with pqexecparams? I thought it'd be something like "{(123,180),(345,360)} but apparently that gives a malformed record literal
If you think it is bad that your clients who pay you are giving you a headache, you need to rethink again because lately I have been given a lot of headache by the contractors who I am paying for ... I am paying them & they give me headaches &^$#2!!!
stop paying them and they go away. your headaches probably won't though!
How much space does Visual Studio take?
I've got a Surface here with only some 14 GB left...
@ThePhD A lot
Well, fuck.
This is the underpowered surface
(Windows RT bullshit)
So I can't even install VS
Welcome to my pain
I wonder if I can unlock it so I can run Windows 8.1 unsigned apps on it.
I doubt you would want to anyway
Apparently it is very difficult to do
@Mysticial Somehow seems relevant:
haha surface
Using desktop mode on a tablet is a special type of hell
@borrrden Really?
Yeah I read about it before
Don't know how it's changed since a few months ago though
Eh, turns out its really straightforward and simple to do.
I've already got the thing enabled.
Now I have a useful testbed for later.
@JerryCoffin ahahaha
This is a dupe: stackoverflow.com/questions/25175264/… but I can't find it
Oh someone got one.
> One of the studies that didn't successfully replicate had to do with a report that washing your hands makes you less likely to perceive moral failures in others.
Getting humped by an elephant would definitely be terrifying.
> The elephant rubbed against and sat on the roof and hood of the VW Polo, extensively denting the vehicle, smashing out all the windows, blowing out all four tires, and breaking the chassis, according to Armand Grobler’s account in the U.K. Mirror.
must have been a pesky itch
Who else here works on multi-platform mobile?
@Mysticial But I can't even remove the itch when rubbing my arm in a car.
Must have been frustrating for the elephant.
at least the elephant did not hump the grey car ... could be ... awkward ...
Though the article did say that the elephant may have had testosterone buildup...

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