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1:13 PM
@web-tiki Pretty dang close. Thanks!
how can i bind(Dynamic) value to input in html
@Naveen explain what you mean please
i have username i need to bind the value to input coming dynamically
bind meaning save to a variable?
That's really hard to understand
1:18 PM
i have a variable that variable i need to bind to input
@Naveen what do you mean by "bind"
@Naveen do you mean autofill?
yes @PatsyIssa @ZachSaucier
From the browser's default ?
no that will coming from controller
1:23 PM
@Naveen What are you using? PHP?
i think he means autocomplete textbox
:cv - too broad/unclear what you're asking:
posted on June 23, 2014 by Maksim Chemerisuk

    Writing front-end code often requires developers to address the problem of internationalization at some level. Despite the current standard, which introduces a bunch of new tags, simply adding support for different languages in a JavaScript plugin is still complicated. As a result, for any new project, you have to build a solution from scratch or adapt various existing APIs fr

@SecondRikudo I don't suppose you're still willing to help? I have made next to no progress trying to do this with CSS only
1:30 PM
@Billy do what?
@Billy Like I said, make a jsfiddle. It's hard to help you with just a website.
Make a working example of the problem.
Need the <article>s vertically centred inside the <section>. You will have to drag your window smaller to see the <section> become higher
Then we can work on that to improve it
@SecondRikudo I personally find a link to a live dev site is much better. That is the best working example of the problem.. And you can play around with Chrome inspector. I will put it into a jsfiddle for u now
@Billy you are 1 out of 100 to prefer a live site :)
1:36 PM
Link to a live dev site has a lot of clutter attached to it
@Billy No version control, no ability to refresh, no clear way to edit code and see result, thanks, but no thanks.
@SecondRikudo I often develop by adjusting css rules in the inspector - which makes temporary changes to the linked css file - which I can then copy, paste and save over the old one.
No need to refresh.. changes are instant
@web-tiki they give the exact same result for me :P
thanks though
Aren't they aranged by views now?
1:39 PM
yeah but you could do that on the other by clicking the views category
sql \o/
@Billy But when you want to refresh because certain events happen at load, you're screwed.
@Billy still don't get why you're fighting the only guy in here that's trying to help you...
@PatsyIssa Nono! don't get me wrong! Just stating my opinion not arguing or anything!! Setting up a jsfiddle as we speak.
1:41 PM
Guys, save it for Fight Friday :D
@SecondRikudo And that is very true.
@ZachSaucier haha didn't even notice I could do that on the first query!
Stab Saturday
@mikedidthis I prefer Fellatio Friday
but whatever turns your crank man :P
1:44 PM
not sure if safe
I mean if it's borat in a speedo that's cool
but if it's actual fellatio people might feel bad
so many stars
okay I got my stars for the day. back to work :)
1:46 PM
Also nodeBB looks awesome.
@mikedidthis start making themes :D
Someone here learn Promises so I can bug you with questions :P
@rlemon I kinda understand the jQuery $.Deferred which is little help to you.
@PatsyIssa if I can install it I will look at it.
@mikedidthis deferred !== promises
1:48 PM
@PatsyIssa Correct, hence it being little help :D
Ok I think this should demonstrate the problem well enough jsfiddle.net/9AUV5
There's an added pitfall to my requirements aswell; the <header> inside the article (hover on image to see) cannot be bigger than the image that is displayed at any point
it's shit like this where my boss is putting pressure on me because he thinks it's like a really small change but it has taken me hours already and I'm not even sure I will ever come to a solution here. FML
I don't know the context, but I presume this is a thumbnail that you hover to get the details?
Yeah pretty much. minus the thumbnail.
straight up large image.
Ok, then no its not going to work.
Just explain to your boss that on smaller screens you don't have the space to display the text over the image.
it's not about that - it just needs to be centred
1:54 PM
The images. And if the info div is meant to cover whatever image is showing - if it's larger or smaller obviously it will look turd (has semi-transparent background)
How can I get the length of what jsfiddle.net/H8scH? .length doesn't seem to work
@ZachSaucier .length doesn't work on objects iirc.
@ZachSaucier jsfiddle.net/H8scH/1 should work
I didn't check tbh
@ZachSaucier Object.keys(what).length for IE8 +
Q: Length of Javascript Object (ie. Associative Array)

Gareth SimpsonIf I have a javascript associative array say: var myArray = new Object(); myArray["firstname"] = "Gareth"; myArray["lastname"] = "Simpson"; myArray["age"] = 21; Is there a built in or accepted best practice way to get the length of this array? EDIT: JavaScript does not have associative arrays...

1:58 PM
yea yea, just checked there. Thanks
@ZachSaucier Or this jsfiddle.net/H8scH/2
Ooh, random shuffle of all my music (3.3k songs) just had 2 classic Daft Punk songs close to each other. Good start to my day
Swedish House Mafia - Essential Mix :D
@mikedidthis Thanks for helping! What did you change? I can't see a differencee
2:01 PM
SHM sets were too similar throughout for me
@Billy bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; on the pull down, so its bound to the parents dimensions.
@ZachSaucier yep, not wrong there.
I'm trying to understand the flow here, why do you have position: absolute all over the place?
@SecondRikudo no idea, I dipped in and ran away.
@mikedidthis Thanks again for trying to help, but that div was supposed to be aligned to the bottom..
@Billy to the bottom of what?
2:05 PM
@mikedidthis the text was supposed to be aligned to the bottom of header.info
The h2 and p's were just inside the header before, had to add a div in order to position it on the bottom of the header
jsfiddle.net/H8scH/3 this gets me the result I want but I feel like the for loop is unnecessary. Any ideas if there is a better way?
@SecondRikudo The images need to be stacked
...it will have next/prev buttons for the images, which will controll z-index
or perhaps I can use offset positioning.. anyways.. that's irrelevant
@ZachSaucier what are you trying to do?
@Loktar exactly what it does. Return the number 4 since it's the first property. But the numbers will not always be the same
just return the first property
2:10 PM
w/e you call it
@Billy You don't want them stacked... You want all of them hidden until one is displayed...
And it's not "irrelevant" because position absolute should be avoided unless necessary.
@SecondRikudo why?
> what[Object.keys(what)[0]]
@mikedidthis Because position: absolute on things which are not very small and localized will get out of hand very fast
2:11 PM
@Loktar Thanks!
And it implicitly impaces how you write your CSS for the rest of the project.
@SecondRikudo I mean't whether I use z-index or offset positioning is irrelevant
There's a reason why document flow exists. You can bend it to your needs, removing an element from that flow should not be done without consideration.
now let's hope that it works the same in the actual case. Not sure how the object is laid out in some cases
2:13 PM
I agree. But I don't think there is anything wrong with what I am doing.
@SecondRikudo I agree with that. But there is no performance issue with doing it that way?
@mikedidthis Do you listen to hardstyle at all?
@ZachSaucier I can't say I have
might not be your cup of tea, but I enjoy the very melodic songs with good vocals
same goes for @rlemon ^^
@mikedidthis Performance is hardly a problem with CSS
2:16 PM
^^ unless you use box-shadows
@SecondRikudo I don't think that's what he means by performance
@SecondRikudo Sweet. I think using position: absolute is perfectly fine as long as you understand how to use it.
^ Which I do ^.^
(I think/99% sure)
For context, I am trying to still answer this: gist.github.com/mikedidthis/7438341
hahaha I use position:absolute; all the time.
2:18 PM
@rlemon +1
There should be an anti-star feature as well
For wall of shame moments
no reason not so use it so long as it's used properly
I'm going to write that JS function in a minute
@Billy Not really. This code does not need position: absolute.
because I have gotten literally nowhere trying to do this CSS only
2:21 PM
@TylerH here you go : wall of shame
And I have being working for almost 5 hours now
@rlemon <3
@SecondRikudo It does need absolute positioning
I said wall of shame, not wall of fame
otherwise how will the info div appear on top of the images?
2:22 PM
@Billy relative positioning.
the images must be stacked for them to fade/transition
So, you think I should position every element relatively?
Or the div with the text and only the div with the text could have absolute position to leverage the top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0;.
@Billy just do it the way you know how
@SecondRikudo + 1.
That would make most sense, the images would then push the height of the parent.
2:23 PM
what are we trying to do anyways?
I should write a css rule for every image separately to position it relatively another increment of the image height (which varies) up, so that they are all stacked with relative positioning? Sorry but that seems absolutely retarded
You can stack with position: relative btw.
@Billy pun intended?
I can't see a pun. I'm hardly in a mood to be making puns right now
@Billy What?
2:25 PM
Like I said, 5 hours, no progress
fuck it, I got this.
First of all, how are you transitioning other images? I haven't seen that transition
@SecondRikudo I haven't written the JS yet
@Billy I didn't ask about JS
Will it fade in? Scroll from the side? What?
Also, any reason why you aren't using one of the many carousel plugins out there?
Fade. And because I highly doubt any of them will use the structure I am using
@mikedidthis Really? How? Won't it leave the original space taken up? Wouldn't you have the write a million incrementing CSS rules?
2:29 PM
@Billy yes and no, depends on the use case.
@Billy talking about relative position/etc. and you call it absolutely retarded
6 mins ago, by rlemon
what are we trying to do anyways?
@rlemon it actually should be quite simple.. I thought.
One should always be in the mood for puns.
It keeps one sharp and attentive.
@rlemon live example, jsfiddle Trying to vertically centre the images inside the <section>
2:32 PM
looks centered to me
@rlemon the responsiveness make the height of the section get larger
you can tackle this anyway you like - keep the section the correct height (tight around the image) - or do the same with the articles or centring the images themselves
but I think the latter will be a problem as also the info div which appears on hover mustn't be larger or smaller than the images. So I think the best way actually would be to get the article element centred and somehow the correct height. I don't think any of this is possible without JS; which is where I was at 10 this morning until Second Rikudo told me to use CSS only
@Loktar That ended up simplifying my function like 20 fold, haha
ha nice
I can't even describe how I feel having worked on this for more than 5 hours now and having made no progress. I want to punch my laptop. Hard.
supported in IE9 > too which is good
2:42 PM
@Billy that should get you started: jsbin.com/fupuv/1/edit
You have two possible issues now. 1) If you use position: absolute on .slide the parent lacks height, as its out of the document flow. 2) If you don't use position: absolute on .slide you need to figure out how to stack the images.
Why don't I just position them absolutely and centre them with JavaScript
I don't really know why @SecondRikudo told me to do this with CSS only. Considering I'm running JavaScript anyway
You can center it with out JS.
@Billy Rule of thumb: Anything that could be done without JS, should be done without JS.
I thought he was talking about this jsbin.com/kegitelo/1/edit
@SecondRikudo couldn't have said it better myself.
2:47 PM
@SecondRikudo not true at all actually
I mean, for this case yea. but that statement is horribly misguided
Ha, yeah. If its visually and you can do it with CSS, do it with CSS please.
A: Pressed <button> CSS

rlemonYou can do this if you use a <a> tag instead of a button. I know it's not exactly what you asked for but it might give you some other options if you cannot find a solution to this: Borrowing from a demo from another answer here I produced this: a { display: block; font-size: 18px; ...

Sorry I read that wrong
great example of "possible, but bat crap crazy to do in css"
I read:
2:49 PM
I love listening to old trance sets
> Anything that should be done with JS, should be done without JS
@rlemon Absolutely anything that can be done without JS is better done without JS.
@SecondRikudo I'm sorry but you are 100% wrong in that statement
Be it transition, or animation, or some other form of style change.
there are tonnes of CSS hacks that are horrible and your mother should be slapped if you use them
2:50 PM
@SecondRikudo disagree
@rlemon Please give an example for something that can be done with CSS alone, but is better done with JS
@rlemon +1
1 min ago, by rlemon
A: Pressed <button> CSS

rlemonYou can do this if you use a <a> tag instead of a button. I know it's not exactly what you asked for but it might give you some other options if you cannot find a solution to this: Borrowing from a demo from another answer here I produced this: a { display: block; font-size: 18px; ...

@rlemon +1000
@rlemon Because it's her fault you're doing it in the first place
2:50 PM
I just did actually
@rlemon my mother wouldn't. She still things a PSD is a website.
I'm on the third floor. is that high enough to kill myself?
or how about just saying "Radio Hack" <- another prime example of abuse in CSS
@SecondRikudo The checkbox/radio hack codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/Lasyt
CSS shouldn't contain conditional logic
that is an anti-pattern
2:51 PM
I love that hack <3
Guys, guys, guys. Preference.
I love it as well. it is fun. but I wouldn't use it in production because it is stupid :P
there is "what I enjoy" and "what I, as a professional, should advocate and use"
see all of my CodePen for an example
not to mention blanket statements are almost always misguided.
2:52 PM
@Billy no
At least the 6th floor
@TylerH What about if I jumped head first
It's tempting to send my laptop to it's fate
and just go home
Untrained humans can't control spin in a free fall without some external apparatus, and your head is not the heaviest part of your body, so it would rotate away from the ground
untrained ;)
Yes. Are you a high diver?
@TylerH not if you are Kanye
I'm pretty sure his head is the heaviest part of his body
2:55 PM
@rlemon let me repharse that
It took me a minute to figure out who Kanye was
Anything that could be done reasonably without JavaScript, should be done without JavaScript.
@SecondRikudo And 5 hours of no progress isn't unreasonable?
Where I can see no possible way of getting the exact result I need
how about "anything that should be done in Javascript, should be done in Javascript. And anything that should be done in CSS, should be done in CSS"
2:56 PM
@SecondRikudo much more of an agreeable statement
they are (at this stage in the game) mutually inclusive
@rlemon even better.
try making a outstanding website without tonnes of both.
not gonna happen
@rlemon Well that's quite the syllogism.
!!wiki syllogism
2:59 PM
Any of you Sass users know this? stackoverflow.com/questions/24368992/… Seems like an easy question
@SecondRikudo I feel like writing you a very angry letter#
I don't think its his fault :p
He told me to do it CSS only. I then spent 6 (as of 16:00) hours trying to do so with absolutely no progress whatsoever. I am now resorting back to using JS.
So basically, the wasted 6 hours is entirely his fault..
On that note, back to work. GL.
I usually don't listen to people when I think they're wrong. I will going back to those ways.
Don't get me wrong; I do appreciate you (@mikedidthis, @SecondRikudo, and more) putting time out to try and help me etc.
Very much appreciated.
3:06 PM
tl;dr ask for advice, take what you feel is helpful.
If we coded the same thing, each of use would use different techniques to create the same outcome. Its the beauty of coding.
beautiful and ugly at the same time.
It would be nice if there was one, correct way of doing things :P
@fanky ask in the java room?
Good thing I don't have room owner privileges any more... That would be straight in the bin ^.^
k sorry sir
3:09 PM
@fanky no need to apologise, I just think you may have more success asking in the room dedicated to the language you have the issue with :)
@rlemon lol
@Loktar Any idea how to do it with a double nested object? jsfiddle.net/H8scH/4 I'm trying to get that to log "4a"
Object.keys(what)[0] returns 4
3:10 PM
so that is the key you need to put back into what
@mikedidthis you are trying to access the first [0] of the number 4
@rlemon yeah, I fucked up :D
@rlemon I know it was doing that, didn't know how to access the object :P
3:11 PM
got it now :P
you can interchange dot and bracket notation for most things
nice got it?
I was answering a canvas question
I once wrote a function to access objects via strings :P
var foo = { bar : { baz : { biz : 1 } } }; searchObject(foo, ".bar.baz.biz"); // 1
but it was pointless so I scrapped it
I hate this project.
3:17 PM
sounds like they need a proper front end framework with routing
would have saved them, and you tons of headaches I imagine
would have saved 3~4 days of work to try and add this freaking functionality
could have built a new platform in a day or two for this but noooo
@ZachSaucier hey, welcome to employment :D
^ haha so true
the thing is, we're currently redesigning the whole website. This will all be useless in like a month
@ZachSaucier I can't get this to work :( codepen.io/Zeaklous/pen/Lasyt
3:21 PM
@Billy Have to use the correct code
I know. I found it in your CSS
@ZachSaucier so did you win the contest?
@Loktar ya, no other contestants
var hash = what.casestudies._cachedCaseStudies[Object.keys(what.casestudies._cachedCaseStud‌​ies)[1]].caseStudyUrlSlug <--- the actual thing I need
3:23 PM
^ finished my arcade finally
took almost an entire week
but was worth it
need to get some custom art for the top
@Loktar nice!
thanks :)
Also tried all the other way, and the horizontal ones both ways as not sure which is which..
3:26 PM
@Billy that's wrong :P
it's dim - meaning it's off for one
all your verticals are backwards
@ZachSaucier Yeah - the #power:not(:checked) let me to that
And - got it now :P. Pretty cool nice 3d-ness
eh, could be a lot better TBH
nearly had sudo 3D switches in one element but calculations were taking too long
but thanks
Oh my god, no wonder I never got that codepen
It's because I was using Firefox
@TylerH ya, I never tested FF :/
@ZachSaucier Don't look
3:31 PM
Or, if you want to understand my confusion, do look :-P
I don't have it on this PC
lol, I suppose the prefixes don't work or something
3:51 PM
Oh I do have FF
What my fellow dev just shared with me 37.media.tumblr.com/b36ddbeac0665999c1d393474ae0ddad/… (kind of NSFW)

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