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@MikeM. [ tag:cv-pls ]
Remove spacing and that's it. ^
@Leri reading the docs for like the third time xD
Hi frndz..Can anyone help me to correct my mysql query??
don't ask to ask a question
just post your question
The table structure is shared in this post stackoverflow.com/questions/23487061/…
People how hard is it too follow a giving error? for example: arning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in C:\xampp\htdocs\hiddenprocess.php on line 21
Your Images Must Be JPG OR PNG And equal to six images
@Jenz Your query is vulnerable to sql injection.
What I want is to get all tickets which are send to me and which are purchased by me and not gifted to any others.
uhm Jenz ever used Where clauses?
This is the query I am currently using `select t.id,t.video_id,t.ticket_key,t.generated_on,t.attempt,t.status,v.title,v.videothumbnail from ticket as t
INNER JOIN video as v ON t.video_id=v.videoid where t.user_id=1 order by t.generated_on desc`
okay and do you have a column which says: pushaded||gifted
but this will return all the tickets which I have purchased..but I want to filter the results
@Jenz I don't care what you want. I pointed you to the security bug. I wanted to be nice but that kind of attitude simply makes me crazy. Good luck with your problems.
If we have gifted a ticket, it will be entered in sendticket table
@Jenz why not? how would you be able to see if it's purshaded or gifted if you don't save it anywhere?
oh I get it but why doing so dificult xD a simple type or so column would save alot of coding (as far as I am now atm aware of)
If I have gifted a ticket, then an entry corresponding to it with details ticketid,videoid,user id to whom I have gifted it and user id of who have gifted it etc,will be entered to sendticket table
but also in the table ticket ?
because if the table ticket is only for purshaded items then ye it's normal you only get purshaded tickets
In my project I am using ticket table for just storing the ticket details..Now I can't create a field as you suggests..
There is no such word as "purshaded", I think you mean "purchased".
sorry itz a spelling mistake :)
you'd have to make a combobox like: item1: Purshased items only || Gifted items only

if purshased items you run the query you already have and only shows the purshased items and if its the other value (gifted items) you will check in the sendticket table using a different query
@Jenz So is "itz" :)
it is
indeed :)
@MikeM. stop picking on people
@tereško What you mean? I don't pick on anyone lol wrong mention?
can I do this in a single query..
also, I dreamt today that my project manager was fired .. unfortunately it wasn't a prophetic dream
I think you mean @vascowhite isn't it @tereško
@MikeM. Why would he mean me?
because I am just helping @Jenz while you are going into the grammar mistakes
@Jenz I think it's not possible atleast not as far as I am aware of (not that great in query writing - only the most general ones)
@MikeM. There are many people in this room who's first language is not english. They usually appreciate being corrected so they can learn and improve. It is normal here and is in no way intended to be 'picking' on anybody.
@vascowhite So then explain me how I am picking on someone while helping the user... you're the only one I see talking about grammar mistakes so don't get me wrong I don't say it's bad too help people with their grammar mistakes I also appreciate it but that doesn't mean it might be mentioned for you... :)
good mornings
@iroegbu Morning
good mornings
good morning
although it's evening here :)
Great things .. (no, this isn't a reverse video record)
ah johnny cash - ring of fire :)
but they did it! I mean - controlled back landing
my internet didn't wake with me
@MikeM. I didn't say you were picking on anybody.
@MikeM. Honestly, I doubt @tereško messes m and v. :)
You get me wrong - @tereško: @MikeM. stop picking on people
so I just asked if he had a wrong mentioned it wrong
@Leri So then show me where I picked on anyone would love to see it while I was helping @Jenz
^ tiny avatar
^ seconded
@MikeM. meh.. did the same. ^
Leri, I don't get it...
thank god the silly question (again) about why the header() doesn't work while not every code is in there is deleted (party) - skype style
is it possible to see all small avatars on here...? like sharing other people's list?
@tereško Can you show/explain me where I picked on someone while helping @Lenz
@iroegbu Your chat profile -> prefs
@Leri no, that shows my list... possible to see your own?
@iroegbu Other people can't see your ignore list. You'd need to post a screen shot.
@iroegbu No way to see other people's list, afaik. And, seriously, you should not be able to see it.
:D ok, no problem
composer's update has revived
you mean auto-update on git hook?
I meant "git self update" .. if was returning 404 an hour ago
Hi good morning
@GayanChathuranga Morning
can some one provide me best practices tutorial for setting up git server
can some1 tell me if this is old PHP code or not ?
        if ($extended) {
            $function = '$string = $point[\'lon\'] . \' \' . $point[\'lat\'];
                if (isset($point[\'ele\']) {
                    $string = \' \' . $point[\'ele\'];
                return $string;';
        } else {
            $function = 'return $point[\'lon\'] . \' \' . $point[\'lat\'];';

        $conversion = create_function('$point', $function);
a function wrapped in a string. i've never seen that
@KarelG Yes, it's old.
string escape nothing old
Today we have "closures"
can you tell the php version ?
( currently reviewing code for a company )
@KarelG not sure if old, but it's horrible
gotcha rewrite it to prevent upcoming issues at newest PHP releases in the future.
@GayanChathuranga create_function was used before he had anonymous functions
Today there's very little reason to use it.
@KarelG Google "php anonymous functions"
@KarelG php 5.2 I guess...
@SecondRikudo : it's not my code. i'm only reviewing it and updating/improving whenever it should be
@KarelG Okay... and?
Still Google "php anonymous functions" to figure out what you should rewrite :)
i know what anonymous functions are
thanks for your answers :)
Ah nothing too bad, nvm :-)
> Add this function to the global model ...
WTF is global model? ^ Context
^ something bad since it's global
@AlmaDo I was going to link that to one SO questions but was confused myself.
Sounds like a "Model" base class
global == !isolation && isolation == testable => global == !testable
@Jimbo Oh, it's active record then, not a model... But yii thinks active record is a model, so yeah..
And 90% of people talk to me about "UserModel" and "OtherModel" and I'm like FFS
They basically have an entity, and a load of SQL in the same class, and call it a model. It's like an Entity + Repository all in one class
@Jimbo Meh, Entity + ORM + Repository + Service + Data Validation
@Leri We call it "God" or "Crap"
Yup, Service -> (Repository -> ORM -> Repository) -> Entity + Validation -> Service
@SecondRikudo The latter is proper name, because real god is CController there.
@Jimbo also know as "activerecord"
Well, ActiveRecord is antipattern by default since it violates SRP at interface level...
it's used in Rails, your argument is invalid
> The project is OS and free if you found a bug/vulnerability go and fucking fix it [then merge with master]
When I see something like that, I want to kill its author. ^
I apologise to anyone who saw the Twitter-rape that someone perpetrated on Friday night on my account
@DaveRandom Left your account open somewhere? XD
Someone nicked my phone when I went for a smoke. They also installed a bunch of gay dating apps
@DaveRandom lol
Sounds like you have some charming friends
Conclusion: Smoking is bad for you, you should stop.
well .. I don't use twitter at home
well .. I don't use twitter
@DaveRandom I missed said twitterrape :(
Also, phpnw tonight?
@Jimbo Yeh I deleted it, it was pretty rank. @DanLugg and @Danack saw it because they replied
@Jimbo Something about a bleeding anus, IIRC.
@SecondRikudo DAMN, must find tweet to favourite...
11 hours ago, by tereško
These pigeons look like they're about to release the best hip-hop album of 2014. http://t.co/G52zmY75dy"
ok ... it's official: DI containers are bitch to make
@tereško :P
@Jimbo I'm probably not mentally capable, tbh. Went to YO1 festival on Sunday and I am... let's say... running at reduced mental capacity
Not sure if this is you on twitter...
Having a blank screen on the pc and funny look on my face when the wife walks in the room is not good.
It certainly sounds like you.
the workflow looked like this:
- hit a snag
- couldnt think of a way to write a clean solution
- decided to peek at how Auryn did it
- solution resembled a roadkill
- back to drawing board
@Jimbo Gee, thanks :-P
@tereško So Auryn isn't all sunshine and daisies then? What's wrong with it? I admit, I haven't looked at the sauce...
@tereško I ended up with: let me just pass an argument (well, I was doing in C# though). :)
I haven't seen anyone do private $errorMessages = [ constant, constant, constant...] before. Nope, not super easy to read. But still it's not simple stuff it does anyway
You know, @tereško I'm starting to think that 1:1 Controller:View might not be the best thing.
@SecondRikudo I use it as "rule of thumb", not a law
I think that having the controller's action return the needed view to instantiate, or perhaps invoking a factory to make it and return the view itself, may be beneficial in certain situations.
that way the madness awaits , in my personal experience
thanks but i got this one "Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in C:\xampp\htdocs\hiddenprocess.php on line 24" — DinaLizooo 12 mins ago
how this got +6 ? Such very basics of SQL? ...
Damnit, I never get to a delv-pls on time
@AmalMurali Got it. Thanks :-)
@Jimbo Whee!
@Fabien morgnisg
@DaveRandom How's your butthole?
Whats going on here? lol
@JoeWatkins Interesting - designed as an observer-pattern helper? (unfortunately not really flexible enough to replace my userland boilerplate for events, but seems to be for a different purpose anyway?)
@bergman Conspiracy
38 mins ago, by DaveRandom
I apologise to anyone who saw the Twitter-rape that someone perpetrated on Friday night on my account
36 mins ago, by DaveRandom
Someone nicked my phone when I went for a smoke. They also installed a bunch of gay dating apps
So yeh... sorry about that
It was compounded by the fact you weren't in the room all weekend.
@DaveRandom That's what they all say ;)
Hey would this be useful for git? stackoverflow.com/questions/23487855/…
@Jimbo Sorry, I mean a bunch of additional gay dating apps
The guy who did it has the heterosexual version of grinder installed (I forget what it's called), there's somehow something way more seedy about that than grinder
thanks sr could please suggest me your email id and link improving in curl (best sites simple lucid info given). — user3306026 11 mins ago
well is not really observer pattern, or don't think it is because not observing an object for change of state, observing vm for function call, I guess you could say observer in that sense ... I think events better word than observer, but not really sure ...
Gonna be honest, I've never implemented the observer pattern. I know PHP has SPLSubject etc. Perhaps I should take a look into it for websocket stuff
@JoeWatkins Yeh I know it's not exactly the right term, but it's not pub/sub because there's not really any explicit pub
I would explicitly like to go to the pub
I'd quite like to crawl under a rock and sleep for a few months/years ...
@JoeWatkins Number of repositories escalated quickly.
Anyone see 503 in sqlfiddle?
@JoeWatkins +1. I went to a 1-day festival on Sunday and did not sleep very well last night (the two are directly related, I'll leave you to fill in the blanks) and I really desperately wish I had booked today off work.
@TOOTSKI indeed ...
also @TOOTSKI had to remove that page from phpdbg.com, rasmus asked me too
Hello, guys I would really appreciate any help -> stackoverflow.com/questions/23490731/…
@DaveRandom understood ...
mornigngindijfsdkujhfdsk f
moin @PeeHaa
Mornings PeeHaap
@JoeWatkins there is always pastebin.com/R2Q0P39z
Morning @PeeHaa
@DaveRandom Only advantage of remote work is that you can mysteriously go afk in the middle of work :D
Take e.g. half hour nap, really helps.
yeah also cached by google and coming up 8th for nusphere dbg ... but he asked so had to really ...
I suspect the only thing that would really help me is something I would find it easier to obtain if I went to visit @PeeHaa
And pay ridiculous price for it.
@JoeWatkins 5th for me, sure, he has reasons :)
@TOOTSKI way more advantages than that :P
OK, Fabien, don't tell our secret :P
@DaveRandom That better be a mum joke!
Erm, that sounded... soft.
Your secret now. :( I work in an office.
@PeeHaa mum*
Right.. I thought you can choose or something.
No. I was made redundant from that job months ago
@PeeHaa Not even your mother could help me at the moment, and that's a rare state of affairs
@Jimbo it's in Soviet Russia, not Russia :P Actually maybe even now...
I was still committing code at 5am this morning ...
that's pretty unreasonable ...
Someone commits crime at 5AM, while Joe commits code.
I went to sleep at 7AM.
I didn't do that yet ...
tomorrow, maybe ...
Lot of work, or you're just spicing things up?
kinda waiting for dick head to make his next move ...
Ah, the Dikov head problem.
yeah ... not awake for the fun of it ...
Today i am tired
So fucking true, every time.
Is it hard via htaccess to do:
1 domain that needs a 301 redirect to a other domain specific path so http://www.example.nl/user/id/ to http://www.another.com/profile/id ?
@TOOTSKI you're doing it wrong ;)
I'm doing stuff that I've never done, and therefore I suck at estimating.
I always say, "this will be fast" because it looks easy-ish.
stuff like what ?
don't like guessing either ... I don't really do that ... better to say "I don't know" if you don't really know ...
hello everyone
gud noon
i need ur help i'm working with prettyphoto media and fancybox but when i'm using prettyphot as a gallery then its showing only single image when i check the code in firebug it showing rel="fancybox instead of rel="prettyphoto""
when i deactivate fancybox plugin its workign fine
@Monty Hint: move to javascript room.
Hint Delete Wordpress, pay someone do to work, spend time to learn
all viable options
@RonniSkansing: thats what exactly i was thinking about u save the world man....god bless u
@DaveRandom Oh weird, it didn't read like a tweetjack; I thought you ate glass or something.
@Monty lol, option 1?
@RonniSkansing: then what is the need of this chat rom?? lolwaa
@Monty room-11.github.io , I think being abit social, having fun and helping one another
@RonniSkansing: exactly
@RonniSkansing: then help me buddy....
@Monty Maybe I was abit fast. What was your problem?
That your wordpress does not work like it should, sure it is a php problem?
A) Wordpress is poop.
B) This isn't the JavaScript room.
hey, need help in finding a solution that is able to initiate tasks in background asynchronously and also, provide the status of the services
@Cody Message queueing / cron
I have checked out github.com/reactphp/promise
@RonniSkansing: heer its is
i'm working with prettyphoto media and fancybox but when i'm using prettyphot as a gallery then its showing only single image when i check the code in firebug it showing rel="fancybox instead of rel="prettyphoto""
yea that is to weak a definition of your code
though it allows the task to be run async in a single request, and as soon as the request dies, the background job gets killed
exact problem is that prettyphoto media and facybox are not working together
@Cody Right, you need to externalize the processing; hence use a message server, or cron
@Monty yes and you should spend some time to understand why
You start a separate process; the bindings (say for a message queue) would allow you to poll that message's state later on (in the same request or a different one)
i have already done that after deactivating the fancybox its working fine
@Monty so what it is your are asking?
@RonniSkansing: ok buddy i m moving to javascript room
hmm ... it seams I really like Tom Kha Pla soup
@DanLugg externalizing the processing is a requirement, though I also need to get the status of progress of the externalizes processing via another request, have you used any other implementation, for a task of this sort?
@tereško Never heard of, just Googled. Looks good.
^ looks good...
yeah .. had that soup and Thai Massaman Beef Curry ... was awesome
@Cody Okay, that depends on what you mean by "status". Do you mean just running or not? Or are you going to send a request to another process/service and ask for specific details about the status of a previously created request?
@tereško If you're complaining about the complexity of that class, I have a version that has refactored it into an actual injector and something that holds the dependency data.
I actually need to use the response of the externalized process from another request
@JoeWatkins Tokenizer, code parser, pretty printer... never did that, and wouldn't if there hadn't been for PHP-Parser... I haven't said anything... but I planned one week, turned out two... doesn't matter much because it works OK...
@DaveRandom Glad to hear you're well. "They also installed a bunch of gay dating apps" - yeah, right 'they'.
Okay, so again; message queuing of some sort. You send a message to the message server, "start doing shit". You can request the status with another message, "whats the status of shit?". When it's done, there'll be a pending message in the queue "heres the status of shit"
@Monty being a developer is not about installing plugins and debugging by deactiving them. What did you expect, that i installed wp, both plugins, and told you the obvious, they both use the "rel".. then what? This should already be obvious. So what next, did you expect me to hack the plugin you use, suggest you another or what exactly where you hoping with the info you gave?
@Danack I legit thought he broke his pooper somehow.
Horror story: Guy has private and public keys, generates token with: md5($public_key.'-'.$private_key), assigns result to javascript variable, after product is shared on facebook or twitter, sends request to ws, passes generated token and in ws there's: if ($_POST['token'] == md5($public_key.'-'.$private_key) generate discount.
I am gonna kill someone now...
@Leri That's pragmatic ;-)
@Danack that's what I am doing in my own approach: I currently have Container, Inspector and Cache .. probably will add later
@DanLugg It's also pragmatic to make ws request and simply pass token I obtained when product page was loaded and get unlimited discount without doing a sh*t but http requests. ^_^
probably will add some kind of Pool later for shared instances
@DanLugg then, any messaging queue that you would suggest for integration in PHP?
and I wish to run messaging queue jobs in paraller
1 hour ago, by DaveRandom
@Jimbo Sorry, I mean a bunch of additional gay dating apps
Or... da-bum-tish :P
Well, I admit, I am stuck.
emm .... @Danack , why do you have so many remote branches ?
@tereško When I fix bugs, I create a branch per bugfix.
And sometimes I've farked up a branch.
I did it, phew. Thought I'd created sentient code for a moment
@Danack "fark" ? is that some fusion of "fork", "push" and "barf" ?
As in, fark my farking hard drive is corrupt. /shit shit shit.
well .. I kinda keep my branches locally
unless it actually is a legitimate "major branch"
Hot network questions Is there a male equivalent of 'bitch'? Really important thing. Yay.
"wanker" seems to me the most appropriate, IMHO
"bastard" maybe?
no. it's about that strange feeling when I saw this in host questions list (=important questions for me) on SO
Hot != Important
@Jaydles Interestingly, in a manner "dick" implies the negative quality you suggested more than "bitch", as a "dick" tends to "fuck" everything around them. I'm interested in how the term "bitch" came to the meaning it's commonly used for today. — Dan Lugg 1 min ago
Depends how you want to say it
There's "nob head", "twat", "shit" - as in, "that guy is such a shit".
my form is in a frame, on submit its just loading action in the frame, i want the action page to come all over(not just in iframe), how can i set this?
got it, thanks
my project manager just explained to me that developers do not need to know anything about the domain of the project
hello just came home from our horse / the grandma´s grave and my dad. good afternoon
it was a physical effort to not start bludgeoning him with a keyboard
That automatically makes him a superior wanker
Keepin' it classy, PHP chat.
@DanLugg Valid on engrish.so, but some developer is crying. That's gotta be a first :)
please, person-with-poll-up-his-ass new visitor. Stop flagging legitimate quotes.
this is php chat not english class
heh, the director of dev here is complaining about SO because he got 'down-ranked' for a drupal 6 answer of his :P
<-- Keeping silent.
@Fabien :P
@Fabien show answer here... let's downvote some more =))
we'll send it to oblivion :p
@GayanChathuranga Of all reasons you could think of that is the most valid one
Valid quote is valid.
T'was a tangent of discussion earlier.
sorry three pings :P
@PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa @PeeHaa
:-) lovely
That doesn't actually multi-ping though, does it?
@DanLugg Yeah I totally got 20 pings ;)
@Jimbo ever integrated this with OAuth?
@DanLugg exactly one full line.
@DanLugg noob, str_repeat()
Array.apply(null, new Array(16)).map(String.prototype.valueOf,"@AlmaDo").join(' ')
@AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo @AlmaDo
$('#input').val(Array.apply(null, new Array(32)).map(String.prototype.valueOf,"@AlmaDo").join(' '))
dat spam
it's innovation :p
I tried to build recursive menu using stackoverflow.com/a/3380296/1528701 Its perfectly working fine but not nested & so css is not applying, can you recommend any better solution?
heh, only 4 pings. sad :p
can one ping himself? @iroegbu nope :(
@DaveRandom @iroegbu No but you can reply to yourself
You get a ping when you do that as well
@iroegbu oho! So, I can chat with myself.
@iroegbu Nope, that what you're after doing?
Was just thinking of it...
I might need to do it
oh, I'll use this, should be easy
Should be, just include in composer and you're good to go
Composer is one of the best things that happened
^ so many years in mysql. Even with that, such odd question surprised me
@AlmaDo Sometimes there is no word to describe people like that :D
completely clueless about what is DBMS & SQL

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