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I'm not gonna lie to you, I just jizzed a little.
@Zirak Nice!
@Zirak well the first thing I think of is the great asset that could be for the visually impaired
@Zirak at first I was like, meh, another halo/whatever, but then it got badass
lol'd when he zapped that poor chap that ejected
@Zirak I was i the beta
Im buying it I really liked it
can anyone suggest a good IDE for node.js and webapps
I'm tired of VS
hmm, I think I heard about webstorm somewhere
Forget IDEs, text editors is where the fun's at. Look into Emacs and Vim.
Linux, vim, a makefile that runs jshint and Closure Compiler, a window manager that lets you navigate things quickly
I'm on dat windows time
That's very sad
that's what they have at work
I've been looking for an excuse to use linux for a while
even though it's ugly
It's only as ugly as you make it.
I used emacs at school, but it was a server and it was slow
and it was school projects...
Then your school sucked
i.imgur.com/1cN3Zkw.png Awesome WM, emacs
they were on dat windows time too
when will it my turn to poweruse
how about a text editor for windows
+10 for using emacs, -4 for having it run slowly, -6 for Windows
I like Notepad++.
You can use emacs/vim on windows. People like a lot of things though
I honestly just need a project directory and highlighting
Some people swear by Notepad++, some prefer Sublime.
Sublime is good for when I have tgo work on a Mac.
console commands for everything scares me
I'm a button-clicker
That's very sad
It has decent syntax highlighting. Better than Smultron, more useful than Dreamweaver.
!!doge click,click,click
            much click
                           many click
very click
But that's ok, you can learn. Everybody learns.
LOL. What a useless yet awesome command.
I could learn, but I need a reason
other than learning
Being stuck on a mac is a good one.
The tools are amazing, you'll gain productivity
I think you need a certain level of proficiency in what you do to benefit
Shell (even windows cmd) literacy is a powerful tool to have in your belt. You thrive in editors like emacs/vim when you want to.
@Mosho And to gain that level of proficiency, you visit the Proficiency Fairy.
I mean programming proficiency
I think I'm pretty good but I'm slow because I haven't done much honestly
nah. I write plaintext and emails and stuff on emacs. It's not very related to programming.
@Mosho Here's one way to do something.
gib mir ein beispiel
Hey uhm. I'd like advice from someone more experienced in JS than me. I have a slideshow JS plugin, and I've set it up so that it shows one image in front, and one on each side. But in the mobile version (which is essentially just media queries) I need it to display only one book. That I managed with a display: none. But I also need a bigger image. CSS scale works but well, I don't think it'll look very good in the end.
@Mosho This whole conversation?
So I'd need to externally change the plugin's behaviour depending on the screen's size.
Is that possible?
@Zirak for something useful I could do with emacs that I couldn't do someplace else
Do something. Don't even listen to me if you don't want. I'm just a weirdo from the internet.
@Mosho Nothing. After all, it's a text editor. The way you'll be able to do it, however...
It's like walking vs. riding a bike vs. driving a car vs. running vs. skipping vs. driving a motorcycle. Aside from running over someone or winning a medal in some places, you can't really do anything special with one - they're all means to the same end.
well, then an example of how emacs makes you so blazingly fast
No go, eh?
Vim is spartan - it's lighweight, it's fast, you can do cool shit. Emacs is extensible, it's feature-rich, sometimes it reads your mind. But when the smoke settles, all you get is a piece of text.
@Mosho You can easily find extensive research of that on the internet.
I might :X
It's just...vim/emacs are focused on text editing. That's their purpose. When I use something like Sublime or VS, it feels like I'm spending too much time not writing things or not looking at the right places. What would take 4 seconds in C-s in Emacs takes ages in VS, what takes 4 keystrokes in Emacs takes either the mouse or an obscurely documented key on Sublime.
I guess I'll try emacs for windows
Which is another part: Vim/Emacs have been around for a long, long time. You'll find a slew of articles and documentation AND well-built communities.
There's no obscure part of emacs, it's all just C-h away.
Plus, there's M-x butterfly
what's the concise version of arr = arr.slice(0,1)
Don't forget Sublime Text
Also a fantastic tool, and has a shallower learning curve than vim/emacs
yeah, also considering that
I know enough vim to survive when I don't have sublime.
never really played with emacs.
I used to use gedit - ha.
@SomeKittensUx2666 try geany
(must use plugins)
I did, too complicated to start
Once I learnt my way around sublime text I spent a good 4 hours configuring everything from hotkeys to syntax highlighting. It does exactly what I want it to, when I want it to, how I want it to.
Hell, I even have it mimicking OSX shortcuts on my windows machine, just coz :P
And the fuzzy file switching within projects? Awesome-sauce on unicorn pizza.
What would be the best place to start to write a parser/evaluator for a custom mini-language in JS?
@monners I've even got mine set up to sync everything via Dropbox
@SomeKittensUx2666 Child's play. I've got auto-FTP on a per-project basis.
Upstream and downstream syncing
Admittedly I haven't used that feature in ages...
And it was buggy as hell.
@WasabiFan Jison, I had fun with it
@SomeKittensUx2666 I sure hope you've paid for your license.
My old company had 30-odd FEDs working on unlicensed copies. They made millions a year and refused to pay for something as simple as that.
so I send this function _graph
then I do
var data = _graph.variables;
and changes I make on data are reflected in _graph
pff, nvm
recompliation in chrome made a doo-doo
what does the same as array.unshift() but returns the array?
return [[index].concat(_.toArray(value)]);
!!doge ugly,yuck,woof
!!are you alive
sorry guys/gals
my condolences
@Mosho No fair! You get a border-top.
my top is in your bottom
let me know when you want me to take it out
Ugh. Now I see three of them.
Anyone know much about the google maps api?
I've worked on a google maps api and also open street maps if you want some help I can maybe help. I recommend setting some breakpoints near the lat/lon lookups or carefully filtering your address lookups.
Well I have the map functioning, and it is zooming on the correct location. But I am having trouble finding code that works in placing a marker.
I've found a few questions people have asked on stack overflow on the issue, but when I implement their solution I can't get it working.
And I can't seem to find any tutorial on the google maps api site
Did you get a lat/lon returned?
The api maybe has changed however, check... if you have something that look like this... center = new google.maps.LatLng(locations.center.lat, locations.center.lon);
I was going to eat
3 hours ago
!!start using grunt or not
right, she died
yeah i have center: new google.maps.LatLng(0.0, 0.0) with the numbers obviously being the relevant lat and lon
the code on the google tutorial didn't seem to have anything that would load a marker
I just added within the initialize var marker = new google.maps.Marker({position: myLatLng, map: map,});
solved this - changed position to map.getCenter() and it worked
var full_data = table.innerHTML
$fd = $(full_data);

now $fd is a jquery object. I want to convert it to string. How can that be done?
@ChankeyPathak Why do you want to convert it to a string?
Check this: http://jsfiddle.net/chankeypathak/7cwZ9/8/

Here I did all the work on table's data, search replace etc. Now there is everything I need in $fd, but this is an object. I need to convert/push the same data to either full_data variable or use any method to convert $fd to string.
@ChankeyPathak Again, why?
to be able to pass that string to line 14. Line 14 expects string.
!!> document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] + '';
@ChankeyPathak In your code, line 14 is commented out...
yes, because it will not work unless I pass a string there. if you see I've written $fd there in line 14. Unless it's not a string it will not work so commented it out till I get the solution.
@ChankeyPathak It doesn't have to be a string. It's just a property of an object. It can be anything.
but it doesn't work if I uncomment it. If I put string it works fine. So I concluded

var ctx = {worksheet: name || 'Worksheet', table: "TABLE_DATA_INSTRING_FORMAT"} will work fine and it does.
@ChankeyPathak Oh, so you want the DATA, not a string representation of the object.

if you replace $fd in line 14 with full_data. then you'll see that everything is correct and excel is also correct. but there is image coming in excel. to remove the image i created jquery object and used search/replace.
now I need to put the new data (after search replace) in line 14.
can anyone help me on this please, stackoverflow.com/questions/21905400/…
Darn it
i really really really hate buttering
@DilanG Hi and I think that miss the function jqplotSaveImage() . please load it inside the question...
@AbhishekHingnikar s/tt/ff/ ?
thats just lool
since i just woke up i may be rong here but holy christ "Thanks Abhishek Hingnikar, now many like me would know the difference" wtf ?
did he seriously thought saving them as "23rd december 2011" in IST is a good solution
Huh... Youtube homepage has undergone another redesign
@MirkoCianfarani hi, I added that function there. Thanks
@JanDvorak they should let me and @mikedidthis have a try on that too
we'd do great
coud somebody answer this, stackoverflow.com/questions/21927382/…
Q: swfobject js axshockwave(external interface) call function

DaniI have a, axShockwaveFlash1.FlashVars = "width=" + "380" + "&height=" + "500" + ""; axShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(0, Application.StartupPath + "\\Sample.swf"); axShockwaveFlash1.Height = int.Parse("380"); axShockwaveFlash1.Width = int...

@AbhishekHingnikar on the youtube design? Heck no! :D
@mikedidthis ah we can rock it man
we'd just do it windows 8 style
@Dani probably not
the world will be blown
they will praise us like nuts
@AbhishekHingnikar no no no
You do it :D
// they do that [iOS 7 they praised frosted blur like nuts going idiotic as fuck, i bet they didn't tried to see whats behind the taskbar in windows 7]
// iPad they praised like omglfuck this tech is insanely awesome just never seen before [except bill gates showed something like that to the world (or atleast the concept) a few years ago ]
// more recently when i did the snapick windows 8 version everyone liked it :-( but ffs its simple microsoftisque design
uhh too early for the apple bashing.
Okay my ux looks a lil better :P
@AbhishekHingnikar Lookin' real slick, but what happens if the dimensions don't play nicely with your layout?
@monners you saw the example in top ;-)
images go smaller
till it goes to mobile
and on mobile
Right, but what if someone has an image that's 120 X 800 ?
it will detect it and make a column for it
and then use object-fit:cover
@AbhishekHingnikar Ah, that's what I was wondering
psh @monners for most of facebook, instagram, 500px, flicker
i am sure i wont get 120x800 lol
@AbhishekHingnikar It's the interwebz, anything could happen!
@monners instagram,pixter,flicker,500px won't let u pload such image
@AbhishekHingnikar I thought this was going to integrate with dropbox?
its integrated with hard-disk aswell
@AbhishekHingnikar what does the app do doe
@Mosho you will see it soon so :P
!!doge mysterious,app,pictures
aw she dead
Sup bitches, I'm in SEEEDNEY
@phenomnomnominal Come to Melbourne, I'll buy ya a beer.
I'm in Melbourne Tuesday/Wednesday, but I'm craaaaayyy busy
@phenomnomnominal You in the CBD?
I work like, right smack in the middle.
I actually don't know, I'm going to a concert and staying with a mate
@phenomnomnominal Ah, just south of the city. 5 minutes on a tram
What ya seeing?
Alkaline Trio
Ah, not my scene, but cool.
/me says as though he was even remotely considering going
Yeah going Sydney, Melbourne & Auckland. Should be a good time.
Sydney traffic is awful
!!s/traffic is / /
Fuck, cap6 is still down.
Sydney is like the Seattle of Australia
Lots of money and nothing to do.
Yeah I'm not a fan. I'm heading up to Newcastle, my sister lives up there
I hear they've got a pretty decent music scene
Yeah, I've never been, she just moved there
when will it my turn to leave canada
@Mosho Leave for where?
I want to go to germany
which is why I'm reading Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
right now
but they aren't keen on letting people back into canada without a valid resident card
Parsing code, is the only reliable thing to do to parse ALL of the code, even if you don't care about most of it?
Let's just say you have 10 global functions that have an unknown amount of nested functions within them and you want to parse that file and get an array containing those 10 functions
can always do text
I'm not sure what you mean.
It is text.
@m59 At least parsing will be easy to do in a reliable way.
How do you know you don't care about it if you don't parse it?
I know I only want the global functions? Do you mean how do I know what those are? That's what I'm asking :)
you can detect {} blocks
It seems like overkill having to parse every bit of code just to find out where the top level functions open and close
you start parsing the file, and when you see a block you throw it away
How do you "see" a block?
I did something like that with Jison
@m59 The thing is you can use an existing parser, that's the easy way
yeah, it's just really hard to justify.
you create a rule for a block
hold on
Parsing is fast.
What's the language to extract functions from ? JS ?
    : '{' '}'
        { $$ = []; }
    | '{' body '}'
        { $$ = $2; }
that's bison
so that's how I would do it, but I don't know any other way
and it's all text so you can do whatever you want
I basically need to accomplish this: pastebin.com/G4L70wyB
well, jison can do that easily
but you have to fiddle around with bison/flex
@Mosho Jison is failing pretty hard :) throwing errors about my code
what are you trying to do with it
the same code I showed you
you have to write a bison/flex spec for it
and then some handlers
Oh =D I must be misunderstanding the website demo thing
oh lol
it creates a lexer/parser for you
it's not an instant fix :P
@OctavianDamiean o/
> When I'm not at the computer I'm probably shredding some downhill trails on my mountain bike.
this looks really complicated.
I might have to get some sleep first
took me a day to get a handle on
if the task is important...
I can help you when you wake up, let me know
Hello dolphin lovers!
isn't there a book about a guy that has sex with dolphins
@AbhishekHingnikar You're a mountain biker?
@monners no that is on Octavien Damiens profile
@AbhishekHingnikar Ahhh. I also cycle. Hitting the mountains tomorrow morning actually.
I prefer the powered version
you can go through some crazy shit with a manbike
more dramatic crashes too
I'm of the opinion that if you didn't climb the mountain under your own power, you've no right to enjoy the descent :P
why not enjoy both
@AbhishekHingnikar Does it???
@Mosho I do enjoy both :P Pain is weakness leaving the body.
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't get it
@monners could be that i am tooooo perverted
@AbhishekHingnikar Seriously, I've a penchant for deliberate misinterpretations. Do share!
I can see no perverted way to interpret that
@monners cowgirl
@AbhishekHingnikar Mountain == Cowgirl?
Climb & enjoy decent
if u know what i mean now
you are simply too indian
nothing to do with perversion
yeah that too lol
@AbhishekHingnikar That's stretching it a bit, but yeah, I see where you're coming from.
we all come from that one place dude xD
this app I made
is getting nice
but it's on the company network so I can't show it to anyone
setting my svg canvas' style to 'display' : 'none' seems to remove my zoom handler
anyone has any idea where I can find listeners on my page?
@Mosho ?
I do this:
.call(d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([0.25, 2]).on("zoom", zoom)).on("dblclick.zoom",null)
then this
syntax error
syntax error again
are you trying to imply that I should put the whole thing
and finally
just that what's your giving us is not valid JS, is what I'm implying
it's a part, just to show the chain of events
So what's the problem?
after I display it again, the zoom handler seems to be gone
I wish I could put this thing on github
I guess I could...
Make a fiddle?
it's in an angular app
I've actually never really tried zoom.
I can make a jsfiddle, but not without some effort
So I'm not familiar about quirks.
I don't know if that's the issue, but it's pretty much all I do there
There might be a bug in d3.
yeah, it's why I wanted to find the listener
and see what happens to it
Breakpoint on d3 event.
Might help.
file too big
I don't even know what I'm looking for
Isn't Angular supposed to help you with modularization?
of d3?
Oh, you're talking about d3?
is that not what you meant :X
I usually go to github.
all I do is add event, set display to none and back to block
It's easier to browse individual modules.
and the listener seems to be gone
where can I find the dom in the window?
Right-click, inspect?
I'm not sure what you mean by "find dom in the window".
oh i got it
event listeners tab in chrome dev tools
@Zirak Huzzah!
@Zirak Because you love her voice
@Zirak Oh, alright. Why is that? Same with /moustache, right?
                   what is this called?
Hmm, I'm trying to abstract a transport layer.
transport.send(???, payload, callback);
"route" sounds good actually.
Was also thinking about "destination".
go with route :P
oh now I see
when I inspect element while zoom is working, it goes to the svg element
when it's not working, inspection goes to its holder
a clue!
it has to be the addition of style="display: block;"
yup, solved by style="display:'';"
talking to myself, so fun

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