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how to do the firing bullets in html5
:D no i mean the logic
they would originate from the user
and then go where?
how do i get the destination co ordinates
@Zirak Hahaha, yeeeaaaah, I like Octavian's video better
@shortCircuit Depends on the mechanics
What is the user aiming with? A mouse?
to start with .. i was thinking keyboards
So you'll have an angle, I guess?
ya... i mean in terms of pi
Do your bullets have a maximum distance they can travel?
You probably want to determine a speed
Then it's just basic trig
The speed would be the hypotenuse of the triangle formed
cos(angle) * speed should give you the x component
maximum distance would be some thing greater than the diagonal of the screen
sin(angle) * speed would give you the y component
Draw it on paper and try to figure it out
Imagine the unit circle
we might get another 17 year old who wants to build a chat site joining us in this room, not indian... contacted me [i asked him to come here]
I'm making you a demo because I'm bored
I assume we don't mind teaching noobs, do we ? (atleast no if they want to learn)
that would be cool
@SomeGuy now tell me young friend, who amongst the two parties were obliterated today ?
What do you mean?
@SomeGuy The exam
It was pretty great!
You make us all proud :D
what are the result of the votes?
@shortCircuit Might take a while because I'm doing other stuff too
@SomeGuy when is the next one ?
thats fine.. i will also take my time to do it myself too
@AbhishekHingnikar Tuesday
Which is it ?
Maths :D ?
oh lovely ... you gonna nail it with ease.
Haha, thanks. I'm not so sure
@SomeGuy well you are smarter then I am by far, and i nailed that so should be easy for you :D
I haven't finished the portion :p
By which I mean I haven't even finished reading through most of the chapters
Whats left ?
Too much to actually tell you :p
About half, at least
3 days are enough mate
for me the hardest was fluid dynamics.
rest its all basic physics :-) and simple maths
nohting that you can't do in 3 days.
You can't spend a week in 3 days
how do i generate the enemies!! i have thought so far... there would be three sets... one flying horizontal , one vertical and the other diagonal... but there are a certain things i can't decide.. do i need to check collisions between enemies?
:-) , good luck :D and i know u will do well :P its school dude
come to college then i'd say => Don't bother if u fail, you can always give it again :-P x)
@shortCircuit Between enemies? Probably not
!!choose make cards opensource or keep cards closed source
doing UI is good fun
but it sucks you in
I just want to add more shit
forgot what the app is for
Caprika 6 is still down
I think it's because rlemon can't turn Caprica on.
whats caprica
@shortCircuit The bot
@NinjaEcho can rlemon turn Caprica on?
aw.. that receptionist who asks every new guy to read the rule... thats a bot!! ew
^ doesn't work either?
I believe the term is a toaster
Hi guys, I am trying one task to finish from yesterday,still I did't fins the way.
Regarding this I post a question,I didn't get any replies.can you look once
Q: How can change configuration parameters of jquery easy pie chart

user3279058I am using juery easy-pie chart plugin for making pie charts.Initially I pass default configuration parameters.After I want to change configuration parameters like bar-color, sizeof pie chart. default configuration parameters: $('.chart').easyPieChart({ easing: 'easeOutCirc', barColor: '#1...

based on screen sizes, I want to adjust the size of pie charts.
okay time to work
cya fellas
@AbhishekHingnikar in the mean time, Can you suggest me how to fix this
inside jquery.easypiechart.js, I added one more function to achieve my problem.circle is creating but bar color was not applying.
var currentEle=this.el;
//removing previous
var previousEle=currentEle.getElementsByTagName("Canvas")[0];
this.renderer.drawCircle(options.trackColor, options.lineWidth, 100);
In this way , I tried but I didn't fix this. please can anyone help me.
me.knowItAll=== false
me.knows("EasyPieChart") === false
me.isBusy === true
hope that helps :P
you.work === lie
@Mosho google me ;-)
why would I google you
if u think me.work === lie
"Welcome To My Blog"
psh that might throw some code issues
Bet that was strenuous lol
:D @IanBrindley don't see that :P its just to provide me an email [the real blog like thing that i have is codepen.io/darkyen ]
Hi guys, i can't change anything to this github.com/minikomi/Bootstrap-Form-Builder i can't put it in development mode, i change stuff but it doesnt effect
@AbhishekHingnikar I meant
> okay time to work
i am working (yawn)
yes but
oh nvm :P
I should be
Anyone ?
@user3279058 does stackoverflow.com/a/21932014/632133 answer your question?
@Muhammet What's the problem with your repo?
@IanBrindley i cant make changes to it
For development & debugging change the data-main for the require script tag in index.html to point at assets/js/main.js. (Look just before the closing <body> tag!)

Once done, change it back to build for production using the build.js script in the assets/js/lib folder and r.js. Then revert to assets/js/main-built.js
@shortCircuit jsfiddle.net/wZLyS/1
You can only have one bullet on the screen at once because I didn't want to bother with creating a function to create and manage the bullets
@IanBrindley i change it to main.js and deleted some parts, reloaded the page, and changed it to build.js and reloaded. changed it back to main-built.js reloaded same thing as it was before
@SomeGuy yay your bullet turns as you turn the turret
Hahhaa, yeah, I was just fixing that
the bullet turns when you fire when a bullet is in the air
Might be better to have a class for a bullet.
Yeah, definitely
I was too lazy
@Oleg just now, I seen your reply.you means Am I need to redraw chart completely.
@user3279058 yes
Definitely a class for the bullet
Iterate over a collection to update each bullet object
@IanBrindley anything ?
I tried to redraw chart completely,for that I written the code what I mention in my previous message.
4 mins ago, by Some Guy
I was too lazy
it's clearing the previous chart and creating the new chart as per new "size",but the problem was
@Muhammet sorry, short on time.
barColor was not applying
@Muhammet, I assume you have branches for including the different js files?
otherwise,do you know ant other library, which is handle options dynamically.
@user3279058 $('.chart').empty().easyPieChart({ ... your new options here... });
Please stop pinging.
@Oleg just a min, I will check it once.
@IanBrindley yes, i have them in my computer
i downloaded the whole thing
What's the logic behind the American date format? For what reason does MM/DD/YYYY make more sense than DD/MM/YYYY ?
People upvote the laziest questions...
Q: How can I explode a string by a delimeters

Dmitry FucintvIs there exists a function in JavaScript such that it acts like explode (string $delimeter, string $str);php`-function?

@monners FREEDOM!
@SomeGuy I said American, not Scottish
this question went totally crazy security.stackexchange.com/questions/51771/…
remember that it's on security.SE
@Oleg it's not working.It's clearing the previous chart but new chart is not appearing.
@Oleg is there any library, which is supports options dynamically.
@user3279058 create a jsfiddle to demonstrate what's not working
@shortCircuit Here, I made a better one jsfiddle.net/wZLyS/3
(It doesn't remove the bullets from the array because I forgot about that -.-)
@monners I suppose it is to easily filter out dates for a given month
I'm trying to get ng-show to work
It doesn't make much sense from a programmer's perspective, but I doubt if the future invention of computers was taken into consideration back then
$scope.setTheme = (name) ->
        $scope.show = $scope.themes.indexOf(name)
If you want to be picky, yyyy/mm/dd is best
I know adding it with jQuery is dumb, but it's datatables
it doesn't work :X what else do I need?
Can you please downvote and delete this ?
Q: How can I explode a string by a delimeters

Dmitry FucintvIs there a function in JavaScript such that it acts like explode(string $delimiter, string $str); php-function?

can I even do ng-show on children nodes of an element with a directive
that don't have a directive of their own
bah I don't know what I'm doing
@SomeGuy colorbay.me the website doesn't looks as pleasing as pixter.in yes ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Both look pretty great
how r u ?
which technology are you working
pls tell me
@Some something bothers me about colorbay
the montage on top is great
but the website gets a lil turn off for me after it
english, you need to understand the technology called language::english first.
@Sajith Why are you inviting me in another room ?
The code above will fail a lot of tests for edge cases. When detecting URLs, it's better to rely on a specialized library. Here's why. — Dan Dascalescu 6 hours ago
@AbhishekHingnikar I really like the colorbay one, sorry :(
this user really commented on every single descent answer (which uses their own regexp) saying not to use it and to just use someone elses code
@mikedidthis well are you on facebook ?
@GNi33 Not the kind we meant
well, this is awkward now
ohh and he also downvoted them
@AbhishekHingnikar no, but from experience anything with images always looks better on a dark background
@mikedidthis i know , but something bothers me about it :-( maybe that i have seen almost a million times while building :$
@rlemon I've seen the two last answers. Did you notice other ones ?
@mikedidthis are you a designer or developer or the exact mixture of both ?
@AbhishekHingnikar I really like it. Its clear, quick and I can see what the app is like.
@SomeGuy i have no words for this
@AbhishekHingnikar I don't even know anymore.
I just make stuff.
must be that i have seen it almost a few million times (xD)
@GNi33 No words needed. Just some handjobs
@mikedidthis u on a job ?
@AbhishekHingnikar yep, well client job
seriously, reading this made me feel somewhat uncomfortable
Yeah, it's incredibly odd
@dystroy if you keep scrolling like 4-5 at least
just irks me. great, you have an answer. don't downvote the other answers because you prefer a library because you are afraid of a single edge case or two
other answers are still useful to others, and someone had to write the library solution in the first place.
what if you told him "no don't do it, edge cases and shit"
Yeah it seems like a dick move
Also doesn't that fall under voting irregularities?
@rlemon I don't find more. But most of his answers seem to be just links found by googling...
@dystroy no man, in that same question
he basically blanket downvoted all of the other answers there
and posted some copy paste remark about how you should only use a library to do this
okay bye
A: How to replace plain URLs with links?

rlemonThis solution works like many of the others, and in fact uses the same regex as one of them, however in stead of returning a HTML String this will return a document fragment containing the A element and any applicable text nodes. function make_link(string) { var words = string.split(' '), ...

1 message moved to Trash can
^ Boy that made me laugh my hell off
@Sajith Don't do that
@Zirak o/
so there are edge cases. wonderful. these answers still may be useful to others and blanket downvoting them seems like overkill. The other answers you've commented on and seemingly downvoted do contain useful information (as well as your answer). not everyone will come against said cases, and not everyone will want to use a library. — rlemon 40 secs ago
wrong link ;)
I don't get what he says about google.com ? Why would google.com be recognized as an URL ? It isn't
I read the word "glorious" in my English paper today
@rlemon You've ruined the word for me
nobody read the star war incest joke :-(
We read it, it's funny
win-cest ?
@AbhishekHingnikar It's not really incest, more like...uhm...ipse-cest (ipse = myself, @OctavianDamiean?)
Oh, oh, suicest (think suicide)
Holy crap, google wins 10 internet points google.com/search?q=suicide+etymology
I have a small question guys, right now I am paginating tables through dataTables and bootstrap all through jQuery, the tables are only hidden and shown when you click a page number though, the thing is actually loading all the tables at once, just using visible and hidden. Do you think this is ok and how many rows do you think is the max before I need to do it in PHP (Server Side)
@Zirak he is going to please himself with his son's hand
isn't bit of both ?
i wonder though can't vader use the force lol
okay, I can see why
@Zirak you think its ok?
Nope, it's quite terrible, and destroys the whole point of pagination (lazy loading)
Do you have any suggestions?
Don't do that.
A table pagination system
The point is that you only request data when the user requests it.
It has to support sorting which is the main problem, it can't really sort things it doesn't see
Then you don't really want pagination
Or you can do the sorting server-side.
@rlemon I flagged one of his comments
> This commenter spams all other questions with this unargumented comment being just a link to his own (poor) answer
(should be "all other answers")
@Zirak you have any suggestions, scripts wise? anything open source?
His own answer isn't good. It's mostly biased rant. Who cares if a url recognizing library didn't change since 2009 ?
Hmmm, I think wordpress actually might have a table thing as part of the core now that I think about it....
Or you can try and make it yourself.
Yeah, thats another option, lol
Back to the drawing board... :/
@rlemon you should probably flag his comment as spam. It is spam
@dystroy thanks. "use a library" shouldn't be the canonical answer.
his post is informative, okay. but yea.
@rlemon not really. It's mostly unrelated FUD. How would the various regexes fail with .museum ? Why should URL recognition libraries recognize what's basically not an URL ? Why should a URL recognition library change every year ?
So that an actually useful answer bubbles up towards the top. People's attention span is short, and the paradox of choice indicates that they'll stop looking into answer beyond the Nth. — Dan Dascalescu 7 mins ago
so he admits to mass downvoting to push his own answer up
@dystroy All relevant questions, all of which I'm sure the people responsible for changing what a valid URL is from year to year care nothing about
That's what I love about standards. There are always so many to choose from
Are there some people here using Laravel?
@Duikboot Why would anyone use a language whose name closely resembles Larva eels?
@Neil I'd like to see lava eels
:D haha
Well I would like to add some functionality like this: paste.jesse-obrien.ca/pQ to render the input field when I click on the name
@dystroy Search on the internet, and you shall find
My click event is not responding on my label
$('label').click(function() {
What is wrong ? :s
posted on February 21, 2014

Yesterday I replied to a tweet by Marcos about “add to home screen,” and that kicked off a long and rather interesting conversation about installable web apps. This post gives my view. As Bruce explained in his Fronteers 2013 session, bookmarking something in a mobile browser should mean adding an icon to the device’s home screen instead of making an entry in an otherwise un

@Duikboot We don't have enough information to tell
@OctavianDamiean 25 years ago (take or remove 5) I played with a dog simulator on my Mac. you had to hide bones, chase the cat, etc. t'was well made
@Duikboot You're not so far from learning to use jsbin
Oh' Google Chrome can't find jsbin but I'll find it.
@OctavianDamiean haha, I need this
Ok, I find out that the click is working.
How would you guy do that ? change the 'label' to an input field?
!!tell Duikboot mdn replaceChild
Or you can play with visibilities.
@rlemon i r sad
@Duikboot sorry : it's jsbin.com, not jsbin.net
Dang dude ... Day Z looks quite awesome.
Great its working
Is there an easy option when I do a click handler on a label:
- and I do a replacewith that it only happends with the clicked span en not all spans in the document structure?
Maybe something like event.currentTarget or something?
@Duikboot Events usually only occur on one element, and bubble up.
Give it a try.
@OctavianDamiean Ouch
That looks awesome, though
$('label').each(...) maybe this is why you're doing it on everything...
Zirak y u sad
@OctavianDamiean Hahaha, it has a "ping" sound from Facebook in the middle
Confused me because I didn't have Facebook open
@Duikboot You should limit your selector to only apply the event listener to labels you care about; better yet, look up "event delegation". Furthermore, replaceChild is not a jquery function.
!!tell rlemon live

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