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"You shouldn't push your beliefs on other people" IS A BELIEF (and you're pushing it on people!)
No one is forcing you to stay here
Out of all the people in the rooms you're the only one to ever get offended
Yeah, because I'm the one being attacked.
(if we are going to be honest here - I am agnostic with a very strong belief that organized religion is evil - personal belief systems hurt no one - if you want to believe one thing all the power to you - be happy! but as soon as your personal beliefs obstruct someone else from doing the same - you are wrong for doing that.)
You're always attacked
It so happens that when you act like a jerk to someone, they get their feelings hurt.
Grow up
No one attacked you though?
Bye :)
Uh bye.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones" That's what they teach to children
When did it stop applying to adults
@m59 I don't go door to door preaching about "You shouldn't push your beliefs on other people", nor do I make a Church for it, or post spam about it.
Always prosecuted and attacked, what a joke
I only discuss religion when someone else asks me too - or when someone else is trying to tell me how their religion is correct and I should consider it
Also the last I checked we beleivers of "You shouldn't push your beliefs on other people" have no started a bloody war about it.
I think Agnostics and Buddhists (certain types) have it right.
The day you stated i was a jerk before i met jesus it showed what you truly are, if you need something to tell you not to be a jerk and you prance around acting all righteous after it that makes you an asshole @m59
Agnostics - No fucking clue - and I don't care to care about that shit.
Buddhists - life long path to self enlightenment. no Deity. only spiritual guidance from Buddha
what a tool
he is actually a nice guy - but when you start discussing religion with religious people - you are arguing against their belief system which is so well ingrained they will see it as an attack.
even if it isn't.
Thing is no one talked to him about his religion nor did we question it
and they think they are enlightening you - would you ever think you were attacking someone by telling them how to do CSS the right way?
I wouldn't as it's something subjective
eh - I enjoy the debate (sometimes) but overall there is no point in having it
I think the biggest lesson I have learned from my few years coding, there is no right way.
it just gives the precedence that the debate is worth having
"is the world flat"
< 1500 year long argument >
sorry if I am offending anyone here - believe what ever makes you happy. I really don't give a fuck :P
but if you scam my grandmother out of $20 because your religious group doesn't make enough $$ as is... go fuck yourself.
I'm not sure how it is other places - but Canada and the USA churches are tax exempt.
same here
complete BS if you ask me
I'm paying for others religions
I don't agree with that
@rlemon that argument is still going on theflatearthsociety.org/cms sadly I am blocked from their forums =o(
@crypticツ I know - hence the long year count on the bottom (although it is more like what? 800 years?)
but the argument is pointless and we shouldn't humor the people who want to have it <- what I was getting at
@crypticツ I hope that is on your CV.
@mikedidthis Notable Achievements: got banned from The Flat Earth Society
wonder what his views on gay marriage are
I got banned from reddit.com/r/pyongyang
I should put that on my CV
@mikedidthis can we add "Heathens that will probably burn in hell" to the end of the room description ?
@PatsyIssa I would prefer: 'Leave your religious beliefs at the door'.
@JimmyDushku, Austin
Just a young guy trying to make the world a better place :) (Not related to the other Dushku)
5.8k tweets, 3.5k followers, following 185 users
The only person followed by North Korea's Twitter account
he got death threats and shit about it :P
but I'm sure it is on his CV anyways
add the to the room description ??
@rlemon Jimmy and North Korea BFFs 4 Life! =oD
@rlemon do it
hrm... but I like to think of code as my religion and maybe that tag is spreading the wrong message...
@rlemon he'd then get upset that the room is anti-religious and we are being intolerant of religion, such an ironic thing
room topic changed to HTML / CSS / WebDesign: Don't ask to ask! Support room for HTML, CSS, DOM technologies and WebDesign. If you need help post an example of your issue, please. Religion and Politics are off-topic. Thank you! [css] [css3] [dom] [html] [html5] [microdata] [responsive-design]
add in Politics just so we are not targeting them :P
@rlemon don't forget race, gender and kittens.
but we're fun racists :/
Its odd saying it, but I love you girls / guys.
Mike is a Wanker
Patsy has no balls
Vegas cuts himself.
cryptic is fruity
I'm a sour faced bastard.
did I offend enough?
i miss my balls :/
@Wes make me a pizza!
I m offended and you know what i m going to do with my opinion ?
keep them to yourself?
@mikedidthis is "wanker" really offensive over there?
@rlemon nah, not really. Its hard to offended me with swear words, we are pretty foul mouthed.
Tea is for pussies.
Soccer sucks.
am I getting warm yet?
The Queen is old and ugly.
Nope, you are just spitting facts.
damn, you really are chill...
Yea! Well... Your dental hygiene is somewhat of a joke!
Aww I have a good image to post, but it's now off-topic as it may offend some people =o(
> Tell us we don’t spell things properly.
@crypticツ please post it :P
as a Canadian dealing with a lot of Americans... this pisses me right off.
I have this iframe that for the life of me would not want to center correctly. I have a page of images that upon being clicked they open up an iframe, but for some reason it does not want to center corectly, but only on the first icon. If I click away and click on a different image it centers correctly. It has me completely baffled. Has anyone had this issue?
no one is reading a wall of code
use jsfiddle or something
@crypticツ they left out the climate control
> Tell us you love English accents.
@mikedidthis hahahah
I tell you this all the time :)
you remind me of Dr. Who
function autoResize(id){
    var newheight;
    var newwidth;

        newheight=document.getElementById(id).contentWindow.document .body.scrollHeight;
        newwidth=document.getElementById(id).contentWindow.document .body.scrollWidth;

    document.getElementById(id).height= (newheight) + "px";
    document.getElementById(id).width= (newwidth) + "px";


anyone know why this freakin iframe won't center?
ohh wow that is ugly cod e
I am not a coder, a graphic designer that code is being forced upon. -__-
@rlemon but it is.
because employers think they are the same thing. lol
function autoResize(id) {
	var elm = document.getElementById(id),
		eBody = elm.contentWindow.document.body
		newHeight = eBody.scrollHeight,
		newWidth = eBody.scrollWidth;
	elm.style.height = newHeight + 'px';
	elm.style.width = newWidth + 'px';
cleaner way of writing the exact same thing
except I added .style. to the bottom two calls (because it is probably needed, although I have no idea what the elm is)
You can annoy me by making me spell colour -> color. Thats about it.
check or cheque ?
what's wrong with color ?
I say cheque
@PatsyIssa it is when you correct colour to color
colour isn't wrong in most english dialects
American English drops a lot of letters (they don't like U's)
I was trying to piss him off...
b/w lemon do you speak french ?
setInterval(function() {
  if( $('.message').last().contains('colour') ) {
}, 1000);
tee hee
@PatsyIssa not fluently. but I can manage if I have to
@rlemon two different things.
@rlemon I replaced my ugly code with yours still works the same. But I still have a very weird problem with my iframe alignment. The weird part is that it only fails to center correctly is the first iframe that loads, but not the rest.
9 years of school. 11 years since I used it
montreal ?
check mark, cheque book.
@Mr.Vegas yea my code wasn't 'fixing' anything but looks
A cheque (or check in American English) is a document that orders a payment of money from a bank account. The person writing the cheque, the drawer, has a transaction banking account (often called a current, cheque, chequing or checking account) where their money is held. The drawer writes the various details including the monetary amount, date, and a payee on the cheque, and signs it, ordering their bank, known as the drawee, to pay that person or company the amount of money stated. Cheques are a type of bill of exchange and were developed as a way to make payments without the need ...
not in American english ;)
that is what I was commenting on
@rlemon was that last comment for me?
@Mr.Vegas the one that I pinged you on was for you :P
haha why?
you have lost me.
enjoy this instead of a solution to your issue
@mikedidthis American english is ugly. but it is what most of the worlds programming languages use as a base dialect
@rlemon would you like some money to fix issues on my site?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Mr.Vegas no
@rlemon Fuuuuuuuuuu
@Mr.Vegas ^^
you can find someone there to do it for you
@rlemon fierro
!!define fierro
@rlemon iron (uncountable) A common, inexpensive metal, often black in color, that rusts, is attracted by magnets, and is used in making steel.
@rlemon now look up the mexican slang version
@rlemon fierro iron
@Mr.Vegas no thanks.
dude you are fucking strange (Vegas)
@mikedidthis totally not it
it means "for sure" like when black people say "solid"
in agreement with something
when I say "solid" I'm generally talking about the state of matter
@rlemon you statement is solid
of having solid reasoning
perfectly acceptable use of the word
@Mr.Vegas hey, I just googled it!
!!does google lie?
@rlemon Absolutely not
another question based on anyone's experience is freelancer or elance better?
I considered outsourcing - but then I figured it would be easier to just learn how to do things on my own .
contractors are a pain in the ass.
@rlemon you've been reasonable to me. I feel like there's nothing I can do here, but I hate things being broken. This is one of a few things that I considered an attack --------"or always trying to convert you then I find issue with it. Let everyone believe what they want to, but don't let that life choice spill over into other people's lives."
^ that's doing the very thing it accuses people like me of (and followed by an offensive image)
You guys can tag the room anti-religion I don't mind that
You're free to do and believe what you want AND even let me know often how you feel about it. Why should I be upset with you for being you, so long as you don't do wrong to others?
that is what I said in my statement.
and if the lemon/lime offends you then the internet is going to be a very scary place indeed.
Yeah, but saying that people like me need to mind their ^%$%^$ business because I like to talk about what I believe is hurtful.
shake off the jokes - keep the debates in the right environments - eat lots of vegetables.
@m59 as soon as the discussion goes south all parties should back off out of respect. I try to lighten the mood with humor - in lieu of that working I would mute the room (if this were JS)
like I said - everyone believe whatever the fuck you wanna believe - until you impede on others from doing the same.
that is unfair.
Agreed, but what does that mean?
I don't go around cussing at people because they share their interests.
Sorry to clarify, I have no problem at all with you talking about your belief, absolutely zero.
and in all honesty (I wasn't here for the entire thing) I don't think they were discussing your personal beliefs, but outlining the fact that almost world wide there is an issue with religions conflicting in a violent / undignified manner - it probably would be better if in a professional environment those discussions were left at the door.
And I wouldn't knock what you belief in at all. I am an atheist, but I see the benefit of having something to believe in.
same - if it makes you happy and drives you to be a better person - it is a good thing
but it might not do the same for the guy next to you
and even discussing it might offend him - in his mind even discussing it might be telling him his beliefs are wrong
(some religions are hard core like that)
I don't mind being told my beliefs are wrong - goodness knows I'd be miserable all the time if so.
I wasn't offended for that reason at all.
It was that there were 3 posts summarizing that I am basically inferior/wrong for having them
We're all going to be fucked when we die and all religions prove untrue and we are just floating in emptiness listening to old REM albums.
I think if I came in and said all you atheists need to keep your f'ing mouth shut about atheism and was dead serious, you'd be mad.
@m59 well if any of them were from me - I can assure you that they were mis interpreted.
No, not you.
I wouldn't tell someone they were wrong for wanting to believe in a deity. I would only tell them they are wrong if they think I should as well.
But can't you respect their desire to tell you and want you to believe it?
@rlemon yep, that would be my only issue.
@m59 you are married yes?
do you have any homosexual friends?
Sort of
@m59 I would appreciate the offer, but decline.
would you get sick and tired of it if every time you hung out with your gay friends they tried to swing you to their team?
well you have a lot of patience that most people do not share.
Though, I'd feel like their friendship is based more around an agenda than genuine appreciate of who I am.
I have a rule of three - I'll say no, then really no - I mean it. then you get punched in the nose
I would give them the benefit of the doubt and assume (unless told otherwise) that they just really like being gay.
(for my gay friends trying to hit on me that is)
Like, my brother is agnostic, but we talk about Christianity ALL the time
Sure, I'd love it if he believed, but that's not the point.
face to face religion talks VS internet religion talks are unfortunately two very different things.
I love my brother and we talk about our lives.
there is no tonality - no facial triggers - nothing.
people get easily offended then defensive against their claim
Anyway, most of "Christianity" is total bullcrap
then you get arguments on both sides
the tax exempt status for Churches - that's an abomination
and legalizing gay marriage isn't the real issue. The real issue is that the government recognizes any marriage.
If anyone should shut their mouth, it's the government =D
I was born into a very Christian family - read the bible (old and new) - read most of the Quran - and a bunch of books / articles on Buddhism... I came to one conclusion - All religion is a early form of a judicial system and is a way to enforce us to treat eachother with some basic forms of respect - so I just side step the 'religion' and try not to be a dick to others.
^ in no way telling anyone anything about their religion - just outlining my path to enlightenment
@m59 well Marriage isn't actually mentioned anywhere in the Bible
I've studied all of the world's religions - except for one I recently found out about :( - and I disagree. But I'm ok with our differences
by definition it is "lawful union between <here is where it gets hazy>"
I think it would be better not to discuss it here =D
sure - but that isn't really discussion it is splitting hairs - terms are just terms until you give them meaning and that specific term is not mentioned anywhere in the bible :)
it is the pedantic argument
but yes - we can discuss that in a private room later if you'd like
I like you - I just don't like it when rooms get all pissy and start fighting (if you didn't notice in the JS room over the last few weeks)
rlemon: argument ender :P
I don't know how else to handle the situation but to ask to be respected. Otherwise the person will just keep causing harm and be none the wiser.
Sum heavy stuff going down @_@. Hey I have a question about OOCSS, if anybody's down?
@Terry sure, go for it.
@Terry fire away
@Terry no
OOCSS is the Devil
you sir have offended me
CSS shouldn't have conditional logic
:starts working on an radio button hack:
Ive been doing some performance testing but I havnt really come to any conclusions. It's regarding situations like having a single class like float-left just for floating elements. @rlemon awesomeness lol
@Terry its a really tough call. There is no right / wrong answer.
Are you using a preprocessor?
well that is the philosophical question of whether or not your CSS should be modularized like that. Personally I love it - makes for rapid prototyping and development but it really does add bloat to your CSS files.
it is a give and take.
The key is that you do something efficient and understandable. I think the how is circumstantial and preferential.
Now, i dont mind having extra markup in the html but whatI'm trying to figure out is this... Is there not an overhead from adding addition classes and the browser having to find tons of floated-left elements?
@Terry iirc not really, as its a very specific selector. The main issue you may have is running into overridding styles.
.fiz.bang {
.pull-left {
  float: left;
/* and now you have to add a class to all of the elements on the DOM listed above. it might be more, it might be less. it should be considered on a case by case basis */
@Terry it almost sounds like you want atomic css
@mikedidthis, I'm not familiar with atomic css...
Oh uh, I also think it's worth noting, I'm not offended by jokes you guys make, etc. Bash my christianeze all you want, just as long as it's with good will. :)
Sorry for the awkwardness of it all.
@m59 don't worry about it. :D
@rlemon, you make a good point and that is what I'm currently struggling with. I am building a CMS to go along with this site, I guess a float-left class is somewhat inevitable. What as well utilize it. Thanks
@Terry sorry, my bad :D
If you use Sass, you can use placeholders ftw.
@Terry yea it isn't really cut-and-dry (like most things with development)
@mikedidthis, I've never used SASS, to tell the truth.
if you find you are duplicating a lot of css in specific rules... maybe think about breaking them out to their own rules. otherwise keep on chugging
@Terry ahh ok, no problem.
I would ask the use case for .float-left.
for an entire CMS I imagine there are quite a few overlapping definitions -> floats being one of them. things like buttons and titles being another.
but yea. that is an assumption
.is-bold {
  font-weight: 700;
^ probably a bad rule.
Its worth mentioning that the other head with duplication is really not an issue to worry about too much.
@rlemon I have always tending to write in a OOCSS style. Ive just recently started second-guessing myself in regard to having so many elements with multiple single-stye class like float-left and text-center and any performance impact.
.title {}
.title.big {}
.title.small {}
^ probably not a bad idea if these are used on multiple pages in multiple spots.
But from a code point of view, creating css patterns is never a bad habbit.
@all, sorry for the slow typing.. Recovering from a wrist injury.
well again, it is not a hard rule. you would have to give us specific examples for us to give you proper answers
@Terry no worries :D
in the app I'm writing I have these:
.state-alarm { color: red; }
.state-warning { color: orange; }
.state-good { color: green; }
@rlemon, it's more a less just a general inquiry I had, wanted to gain insight one other's opinions.
not because it is easier for my to write my markup - but because I use JS to apply them. It makes sense.
@mikedidthis thanks _^
* ^_^ lol
@rlemon, from what you just showed me i have been going with a similar approach.
@Terry you seen BEM?
!!google BEM
@mikedidthis, gonna check it out is a sec.
@Terry how long have you been doing web development?
@rlemon, I guess in it's worse case senario I'm using float-left to float list items that have no other classes or styles.
No problem. On a personal note, read, try, do what is best for you.
I spent too bloody long trying to use other peoples methods and finally just went fuck it.
@rlemon, 2-3 years seriously. I'm also a graphic design student.
The number 1 thing i've learned in my... many years of programming... is your ideas on what is a proper pattern will likely change as your coding styles do. It is an artform.
if you are not disgusted in your own code six months from now you haven't learned enough in those six months.
@mikedidthis when you open your old templates you haven't touched in 6mo to a year do you wanna punch yourself?>
@rlemon, I hear that lol BUT again, I have nbly been doing this for 2-3years
@rlemon all the time. ALL THE TIME.
@Terry doesn't matter
I've been doing this for ~ten years and I still do that
fair enough...
it is one of the (if not the) fastest evolving industries in the world.
we stand no chance to actually keep up - best we can do is never stop trying
I guess in retrospect... It's been a nice, I'm happy to see my progression. i've made a lot of mistakes in my life (not gonna get into that lol) but I now try to look at them with an optimistic view. I've been applying that same type of mentality to my coding.
@Terry you won't be the only one :D
@Terry stick around here and the JS room - don't mind we are a bunch of sarcastic assholes. we can teach you tonnes and i'm sure you can teach us a few things as well.
// I'm optimistic about this code - hopefully it is too!
for( var i = 0, l = 500; i < l; i++,l-- ) {
@rlemon I appreciate that. 3 years ago I was completely dependent on jQuery. Now i write all my js from scratch. It's communities like this that have really helped me grow and I'm sure countless others
no worries - I'm often online (actually almost always... :( so you can probably ping me if you get anymore questions)
ohh Nice... TO
I live in KW
KW? Sorry, I'm not familiar :$
@rlemon What is KW adrv for? Sorry...
@mikedidthis, I'm gonna read over those articles. Thanks!
Kitchener - Waterloo
like 40 mintues away from you
!!afk sliding down the highway making my way home
Ahh yes, cool. Sorry, never saw refereed as KW. Nice, you are the only Canadian I have met on SO yet eyes sparkle
I'm stille getting use to the SO forum operation's syntax, blah.
@Terry no problem. BEM wasn't for me, but its a popular choice.
@mikedidthis, I'm surrently reading about ATomic
@Terry That wasn't for me either, but from both I picked up a few good habits.
@mikedidthis, To each is there own, coding really is an art-form. I tend to read a lot of articles, even if there isn't a something in there for me particularly, it's something learned. I feel a larger insight into any programming language (and patterns) can give new insight and strength into one's own 'art-form'.
If that makes sense @_@
@Terry totally. Like cooking. Each chef has their own recipe for the same dish.
@mikedidthis, exactly, much better analogy.
@Terry now I am hungry.
But what Rob said. We are usually around if you need a hand!
@mikedidthis, I appreciate it. I tend to try and to exhaust all my options before approach SO. What I mean by that is, I try to do as much as I can and only if I REALLY CANT FIGURE SOMETHING OUT then I'll hit up SO.
So, no help-vampire 'exposes fangs'
In that case, you are a welcome addition.
@mikedidthis, I'm usually on SO around 3-5am, after 2 days of performance testing or debugging and the twitch in my eye won't go away cuz I just can't figure it out... I try to be as self reliant as possible BUT I'm the only programmer I know. So, SO at times has really been (more lack of a better word at this moment) awesome.
@Terry yep me too, even the twitch. I get that in my left eye.
@mikedidthis, get the twitch in my left eye too...
I have one friend irl who codes and he moved to Poland and works for a different time zone, so this and the JS room keep me sane.
@mikedidthis, I'm a graphic designer by training, I work with a lot of photographers and designers and at times, being the only coder ( i also tend to program more then design), it's a lonely lonely existence. I had to explain to a veteran Graphic designer (mostly print) the other day that using half pixels just doesn't work. Face palm moments to the point where my forehead was red.
That was meant to be comical then anything...
@Terry ha, I have the same background. I moved from print / editorial work into web design. The PSD > Website is still a huge face palm.
isn't that because we stare at computer screens all day?
kinda like that? maybe a video would have been better...
@m59 I suffer from mild anxiety, so its related to that I think.
Though I do wear glasses that seems to have helped.
hmm...I had (have?) some anxiety stuff, but I think I control it pretty well
I mean, my eye never twitched before programming =D
and it's definitely not a source of negative stress to me. I love it.
@m59 it could be caused by numerous things... lack of sleep, over-caffeination, stress, lack of minerals like potassium....
Yeah, but in my case I'm fairly confident it's just the computer screen, just because no factors have changed except the amount of time I look at one.
I had anxiety problems too, it may sound cheese but meditation really helped me. I learned to controll my emotions better, almost vulcan style.
hi-five + woot
In my personal journey, I felt like God had a lot to do with it. I mean, I never noticed what I was really like before that. Anyway, I do also know that I had to fight for it.
Who wants to be a grown man having total flip out anxiety attacks. Ick.
@m59 I wouldn't recommend taking about religion on SO, your gonna get a lot of resistance. I myself have no problem, I'm not a particularly religious person but I consider myself agnostic. Regardless, that is besides the point. I just don't want you getting people raging and attacking you. I have had some really weird encounters on SO. Especially over something as trivial as jQuery.
@m59 but yeah otherwise that's pretty cool, I'm happy to hear that :D
Heheh, it's something to deal with. If it comes to a point that I'm not welcome, I'll leave. Otherwise, I'll be me.

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