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@revo I've deleted now (have to go) - will see it later
You can usually set up your web server to log to a process instead of a file. Write a quick and dirty executable to process the log information coming from the server however you want.
I love this quote: Coding to specification is like walking on water. It's easier when it's frozen.
@rdlowrey That might be an idea :)
To whom it may concern: I'm unstarring those messages.
★ !== personal bookmark
@rdlowrey I was wondering that too =oP
@rdlowrey now you got the stars :-)
If only there was a native php webserver..then you could do that kind of logging trivially :D
@bwoebi That's right. I just engaged in a star-jacking :)
@Orangepill @rdlowrey work faster :-D
@Orangepill What a concept :)
@rdlowrey you can always star your own message, and through "follow the herd" others will do so as well.
God damn Equininty! Let me sell my shares you stupid busy automated number
Best thing is pinning your own message. Then unpin it and the star stays! Winner :)
@rdlowrey that's so unfair! :-(
@rdlowrey how is your webserver coming, are you holding on getting the open ssl stuff fixed before release?
@Orangepill Yeah the openssl stuff has been taking all my available coding time, but I'm going to post the RFC later today/tonight and be finished with that. Then I can go back to putting the finishing touches on the server.
Need to change some websocket stuff :/
@AlmaDoMundo ok thanks ;)
Shares sold :)
Now can can obnoxiously tell people I dabble in shares at dinner parties.
@rdlowrey what especially?
@rdlowrey I think that is going to be a game changer when it is released. I'm really excited.... it means I won't have to learn nodejs :)
What's the game changer?
@bwoebi I've decided I hate the heavy-handed dependency-injection approach I'm currently using to instantiate the websocket endpoint classes. It's too magical and requires too much information on the part of the user.
I'm going to employ a more functional approach where you specify callables for the websocket API instead of a single monolithic class.
@Fabien @rdlowrey's native php http server.
@Fabien @Orangepill is being kind with regard to my forthcoming php webserver that also does websockets.
Wish I knew more about websockets to also see how awesome it is :(
@rdlowrey a callable bound on a certain path?
A websocket handler class currently just needs to implement this interface:
interface Endpoint {
    function onOpen($socketId);
    function onMessage($socketId, Message $msg);
    function onClose($socketId, $code, $reason);
When clients connect, send you info or disconnect those methods are invoked and your handler does whatever it's supposed to.
Then when you want to push data out you do something like this inside your handler class:
$this->websocketBroker->sendText($socketId, "Hello, user!");
The server automagically provides the websocket broker instance you need to do that.
That's the problem.
@rdlowrey I think that's fine in this case…
I feel like it's too magical -- I'd like to come up with a cleaner way to do it. The hard part is abstracting away all the details of the websocket protocol so people don't have to know anything about websockets without getting too magical.
★ === personal bookmark
@bwoebi With the current approach the only way to have a websocket application is to have a class matching that Endpoint interface. If I allow the specification of individual callables it would allow more functional implementations instead of forcing you into classes with dependency injection.
@rdlowrey would it be an idea to make an abstract class… so that it is much less magic and it'd have the advantage that declaring an empty onOpen or empty onClose method isn't necessary when not needed. (I HATE putting an empty run() method in classes extending Stackable when not needed in pthreads)
abstract class Endpoint {
    protected $wsBroker;
    public function onOpen ($socketId) {}
    abstract public function onMessage ($socketId, Message $msg);
    public function onClose ($socketId, $code, $reason) {}
@rdlowrey so something like this? $server->registerEndpoint($endpoint, $onOpenFunc, $onMessageFunc, $onClose);
@Orangepill Yes, something like that.
@bwoebi I've considered that too. I hate inheritance and try to use it only as a last resort but I may end up doing it in this case.
@Orangepill only if you alternatively accept a class here… and I'd take the $wsBroker by reference (or returning it?)… so that it isn't magic?
@rdlowrey what's the problem with it?
@bwoebi I don't think there is a problem with it in this case. In ~99% of scenarios (my personal unsubstantiated estimate) inheritance is an anti-pattern, though.
@rdlowrey yeah, it always depends on the case…
I'll likely provide both options. Something like:
$app->addWebsocket('/my-websocket-uri', [
    'onMessage' => $someCallable
$app->addWebsocketClass('/some-other-endpoint', 'ClassNameThatImplementsEndpoint');
You would still be able to use $server->registerEndpoint($endpoint, [$endpointClass, "onOpen"], [$endpointClass, "onMessage"], [$endpointClass, "onClose"]);
That way you can do whatever is best for you.
or closures that use the implementing class to act as proxies.
@rdlowrey That makes all kinds of sense to me.
@Orangepill I hate that style of callback passing especially when used multiple times in a same fcall.
for people, who have some interest in A Perfect Circle, they have made a new song, that you can listen to at the bottom of this article
@bwoebi yeah... it is kinda salty
@rdlowrey is that from your php server project's API ?
@rdlowrey would the server need to create the functions/object that would implement the endpoint or would supplying an instance work?
@rdlowrey If only there were anonymous classes...
there are anonymous functions which could provide separation
what I find more worrying is the flexibility of routing (then again, I have no idea what the underlaying implementation is solving there)
Used my first variable variable. :)
just wrote 242 lines of pseudo C code.
actually, it is C code, but trimmed down
When $dbh->exec($query);  $query has couple of queries .
So is there any way to track duplicate entires ?
I feel dirty:
void tiggerShutter() {
  unsigned long time;
  do {
    current_state.shutter = SHUTTER_OPEN;
    switch (current_state.mode) {
      case MODE_SINGLE:
      case MODE_DOUBLE:
      case MODE_BULB: {
        while (IS_LOW(digitalRead(SHUTTER_RELEASE_IN_PIN))) {
it's CCCCC
@samitha if you need to execute several queries, you should be using transactions, and not exec()
also, there are several ways of handling UNIQUE constraint violations, but they depend on use-case
:12370017 because strings are not actually arrays
:12370017 because in PHP string is not an array of chars
@ircmaxell what are you on there ?? something embedded ?
Sorry, E_RETARDED, I'm reading the manual and it says "doesn't work with strings", but I thought it meant strings as input params
@JoeWatkins yeah. A project with an arduino
can we jump to next query if duplicate found ? @tereško
@tereško It's from the configuration file. It's equivalent to nginx.conf or httpd.conf.
  if ($e->errorInfo[1] == 1062) @tereško
@ircmaxell found some cool modules have you ??
I have the code all written, but the parts won't arrive until Thursday
is that a camera ?
@JoeWatkins it's a camera controller
because my camera doesn't have a "normal" shutter release cable (it's IR), so I am building a controller to help me with long exposures, time lapse and automated triggering
I guessed as much ... so what you doin then ?
what you imaging I mean ?
@ircmaxell should that be triggerShutter as opposed to tiggerShutter?
The sky, city, whatever
@Orangepill yup
@Orangepill no, tigger has a shutter, under his tail ...
@Orangepill The server doesn't do anything -- your configuration file looks like this:
$app = (new App)
    ->addRoute('GET', '/', 'MyClass::hello')
    ->addRoute('GET', '/function', 'my_function')
    ->addRoute('GET', '/closure', $myLambda)
    ->addWebsocket('/my-websocket-uri', 'ClassName');
And then you run a server by passing that config file to the binary like so:
@samitha depends on what those queries do. You might use INSERT .. IGNORE or INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE .. syntax. Or handle the exception. There are other ways to.
$ aerys --config /path/to/app-config.php
@ircmaxell I assume in some automated way ??
@JoeWatkins exactly
@salathe if only!
@tereško dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/insert-on-duplicate.html yes.but i need to check that when inserting to the db course i already worked with generating queries
I wanted to see anonymous classes approved :(
@ircmaxell I though tiggering a shutter might be some cool artsy thing you could do with a camera.
@rdlowrey what would be the alternative if RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php [L] ?
@tereško The server has callback hooks exposed on a per-virtual-host basis. So you could do something like this:
@rdlowrey yh me 2 ... apparently we're completely wrong ...
@tereško $e->errorInfo[1] == 1062) does this help with begin Transactions ?
I might make a life goal out of firstly submitting a RFC and secondly having one pass.
I don't think that you know what SQL transactions are
$server->addMod($host = '*', $event = 'onRequest', function($request, $requestId) use ($server) {
    if (preg_match('/whatever/', $request['REQUEST_URI'])) {
        $request['MY_REWRITTEN_URI'] = '/new-uri';
        $server->setRequest($requestId, $request);
@Orangepill lol
yay! it compiled fine!
@tereško It's roughly like that, but there are more streamlined ways to do it.
now I just need to get the board and wire it all up
@rdlowrey the reason why I am asking this is, for that project to live, it need to be somehow compatible with existing php applications and frameworks
@ircmaxell I do love a morning on the soldering iron ...
... at least, that's how I see it
@JoeWatkins yeah, I have the schematic all designed. Fairly elaborate. Debating making this into an actual PCB, and then 3D printing a case for it.
why? Why not...
healthy to do something with your hands once in a while ...
touch things other than a keyboard ... even if it's very close by ...
@ircmaxell do you have a 3d printer?
Hi anyone have a working exmple of implemetation of websockts using php?
@ircmaxell yh next question ... you know somewhere that does it ?
@rdlowrey , someone's looking for you =P
does what?
@Orangepill nope, but I know how to get access to one
It's like fate.
the sad thing, is I have the circuit designed, the code written, and don't even have all the parts. Or any of them
what is happening here....?
found the arduino ?
@tereško If people want to stick with their existing apps they can. For example, I can run the server as a reverse proxy and intercept only websocket requests at the aerys layer:
$app = (new App)
    ->proxyTo('') // backend php application (apache/lighttpd/nginx)
    ->addWebsocket('/my-websocket-uri', 'ClassName');
Well, I have 95% of it on order, which will come in on Thursday. I need to pick up a few parts locally (that were difficult to order)
^ That captures all requests to /my-websocket-uri and handles them. Everything else passes through to your existing backend php application.
and the winner might be that from ext/tokenizer

"0.1", /* Replace with version number for your extension */

as if it were just generated :)
from http://news.php.net/php.internals/69564
I was thinking more along the lines of "adapter" which can be applied to mimic the default SAPI
That can be done but it's not really a high-priority for me at the moment.
@rdlowrey You must have a pretty big todo list :P
Well that's not a high-priority because I consider the existing PHP web SAPI to be the problem.
Are websockets connections the only ones that can be caught and dealt with in the server or are other protocols on the table?
Of course. Everything happens at the same time. Anything can be done. You can export the socket connection of any client at any time and execute any protocol you want.
So for example I register a mod that only fires if a 400 Bad Request response is about to be sent.
If the contents of the request message that caused the 400 are equal to ZANZIBAR my server mod will export the socket, cancel the response and start communicating with the client using my custom zanzibar protocol.
That's the beauty of having your web server written in PHP -- you can make it do anything.
@Fabien Was that in response to something specific?
@LeviMorrison I think he was trying to type "Leri" and not "Levi"
@Orangepill I remembered what I was dealing with
@m59 vaguely... there was rum involved :)
@Orangepill $output = $this->presenter->render($output, $request->type);
Consider that^
@rdlowrey and where are the limits of it?
@m59 so far looks sane.
@bwoebi There aren't. You can make server admins hate you because all of a sudden you can run any socket protocol you like on port 80 at the same time you're serving HTTP resources :)
@Orangepill if they ask for xml and I only support json, the render() will throw an exception, however....the exception then adds an error message to the output, which now isn't rendered, LOL
And admins hate that. But port 80/443 always have to be open because HTTP.
It's pretty great.
So, I need it to add the error AND render it. The execution needs to continue, but change the type to something that works.
The best part is you can setup SSL/TLS on the same ports and get free encryption with your custom protocol :)
@m59 so the errors are kinda soft.
Yeah, ALL of them are kind of like that. I've just been taking care of the issues outside of the functions. Like, if a query fails, the exception is thrown and therefore nothing is returned. That means that I have to have a conditional outside the fetching function that will set the data to an empty array if the function returned nothing.
@m59 just out of curiosity what format would you send the error in if they requested an unsupported format?
@rdlowrey why should server admins have a problem with that (???)
@bwoebi Because server admins don't like opening ports.
Hmm I'd never heard of Bootsnipp. Can't say I am an avid Bootstrap user but those of you that are might like it.
And they complain about "it's not safe blah blah blah"
@Orangepill I was supposing json since it's so universal. It was at least be easy to read the dumped data or console log or whatever
@rdlowrey but it's nice to serve websockets on the standard port :-)
@bwoebi absolutely. The protocol would be pretty useless otherwise.
@rdlowrey huh? they don't have to open additional ports in this case?!
Anyway, I'd rather have access to an error-msg-adding service that I can just call and then continue to return something based on the situation, unless the other way I just described is better.
@rdlowrey btw. can I still bind in a same aerys process multiple things to different ports?
@tereško INSERT IGNORE is i want
@bwoebi No, they don't. You're missing the point: I'm talking about running some other custom socket protocol that isn't websockets and isn't HTTP on port 80 at the same time you're serving those services.
@m59 you may just have to catch earlier and have the catch block annotate your response with a user formatted error
@bwoebi You can register as many virtual host names on as many or as few ports and IP addresses as you like.
For example:
$app1 = (new App)
    ->setPort(80) // defaults to 80, so this isn't actually necessary
    ->addWebsocket('/', 'MyWebsocketChatClass');
$app2 = (new App)
$app3 = (new App)
    ->addRoute('GET', '/', $someCallable);
$app4 = (new App)
        'local_cert' => '/path/to/certificate.pem',
        'passphrase' => 'cert passphrase'
^^ And that's all running at the same time.
@rdlowrey ah I understand… you mean that ServerAdmins like to restrict what their users can do…
@bwoebi exactly.
So you could tell them to shove it and run any protocol you like on 80/443 at the same time you're also serving HTTP resources on those ports.
@m59 It might help to formalize a response class as well.
try {
    $response->setContent($this->presenter->render($data, $request->type));
} catch (RenderException $e) {

echo $response->toString();
ah clever
will toString not affect the json-ness of the $response?
Why did people not like this: php.net/manual/en/function.die.php#97815?
@m59 toString can be can output whatever you like. json or whatever.
Besides the fact that calling die() from a function doesn't work
DAMMMMMMMIT. GoDaddy just bought MediaTemple. Now I'm going to have to move all my hosting away from MediaTemple.
Wonder how GoDaddy could afford that. No one likes them anymore.
@rdlowrey it's about time for your code to emigrate
@kian calling die in a function works just fine.
I've actually never had any issues with MediaTemple. But GoDaddy is not okay with me.
@Orangepill Oh herpderp I can't read "Note: Because this is a language construct and not a function, it cannot be called using variable functions."
Why didn't they like it then?
hmm, I just noticed that includes ignore case, that's nice.
@kian don't know. but dying in a function as a normal part of your process flow just seems a little silly to me.
Would it be possible to expose the byte offset of a given token to userland (a 'la token_get_all or the various reflection utils) or is that something impossible to do without a revamp at this point?
@DanLugg how do you mean the byte offset here?
The position in the file where the token begins.
@DanLugg Also - x/y problem detected.
Why do you want to do that?
@DanLugg you mean in error messages etc.?
@Danack Shoe-horned closure-driven expression parser.
@DanLugg Purple monkey dishwasher.
Noodle topped Washington copper.
(that's what I call spaghetti and pennies)
@DanLugg I am no wiser to what you're trying to do, or why you need the byte offset. You want to modify the original source ?
Anyway, I'm referring to Reflection specifically with this, but it'd be sensible to expose it in other places (namely token_get_all). For instance, with ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getStartLine, could it be complemented with ::getStartByteOffset?
@Danack Hold on; example imminent.
lol, what if someone requests something that doesn't exist AND in a format I don't support?
What error code?
@m59 Doesn't exist should be 404; doesn't matter what about it they want to specify.
Agreed. If you return an error code that the format is wrong the client may decide to just change it to a correct format. The resource still doesn't exist though
"Do you have any dishwashers?"
"No, I have no dishwashers."
"Do you have any purple-monkey dishwashers?"
"No, I have no dishwashers."
Yeah, I'm giving them an error message about both anyway (in the wrong format haha)
if they read it, they'll know to correct both
@m59 This might be some help on envisioning a response class
class Response{
    private $headers = [];
    private $body;
    private $errors = [];

    public function setHeader($header){
        $this->headers[] = $header;

    public function setContent($body){
        $this->body = $body;

    public function setErrors($error){
        $this->errors[] = $error;
    public function getErrors(){
        return $this->errors;
    public function getContent(){
        return $this->body;

    public function sendHeaders(){
@Danack Ok, example too difficult to hack out at this second; basically: given FunctionReflection::getStartByteOffset, and ::getEndByteOffset one could extract the closure code, and tokenize it (via token_get_all); then, with a restricted parser, one could emulate the construction/evaluation of expression trees from PHP source.
@Orangepill I came up with something close to that
Not sure about the header thing, though
I'll read about it
I know @nikic built an AST driven parser, but that's... heavyweight, given the intent.
I don't know what multiple headers actually means/implies.. I didn't know that was possible :)
@m59 and a restful service should be sending back a single status code...
@m59 http headers... like content-type, content length, etc.
should just be one, then?
I just setup it up to add error messages for each exception, but only the first call to the error function is allowed to change the code (since it would be the most relevant error)
One of each type. One for type one for length any cache control headers etc...
@Danack I suppose you're right, X/Y problem. The only thing that needs to be exposed is a ReflectionFunction::tokenize(), but I don't know if that's feasible.
I figured exposing something less complex would allow it to be composed in userland.
@m59 there should only be one status header. But that's probably not the only header you want to send .... $response->addHeader("Content-Type: application/json"); for example would be a sensible one to send
stackoverflow.com/q/19374312/168868 -- software installation != software development
@Orangepill so, what's the idea behind adding the headers to an array and then looping them to the header function, rather than calling the function directly each time in the header function?
@m59 I would rather send the headers precisely when output is ready to be sent. You set a content-type header and it gets sent; well now your status header gets sent too. What if through some further processing you discover that the status should be something different?
ah, smart.
The status code is totally separate from all of that, right?
@m59 Yes. But the first header you send will ALWAYS be the status header
Regardless of the actual string you pass to header()
ah heck.
@PeeHaa github.com/Lusitanian/PHPoAuthLib/issues/132 thoughts? everything I saw when making the service providers showed that they used the query param rather than the header, but we can revisit this if you want
@cspray could you expand on what that means exactly?
what does "status header" actually mean?
@m59 The first header in a response needs to be the status header. Typically this will look something like HTTP/1.1 200 OK
@MadaraUchiha hello
Damn yesterday was insane
Got back to my dorm at ~3AM
@m59 Well, if the first string you pass to header() is Content-Type: application/json we still have to send that status header first.
Otherwise the client will, probably, not be able to parse your response correctly
@cspray oh that. So...do I need to do that manually? Up to this point, I haven't done anything other than just set the status code. This is a whole new subject for me.
@m59 I would do this manually. You can always use the third parameter to the header function or construct the appropriate status header and send it before you send any others
Hey guys
I take the latter approach most of the time and just send it myself before I send others
I need advice please?
@MauriceBotha Please read the description to the top right
anyway, I think I will make a quick run to shop, before it's closed and then gonna try to write something (either answer in SO or code)
I know!
@Orangepill Did you see anything blatantly wrong in my explanation? :P
also, why do you ask whether you need an advice ?
and I could build the status header manually (my own set code)?
@m59 I prefer $response->send() that will send your headers (in the appropriate order) and then the appropriate output body
Usually the way to go when asking a question
@m59 I would stick with the http defined status codes
But, yes, something along those linges
same logic, just consolidated, yeah
@Orangepill did I suggest otherwise?
@m59 i misread.
I just meant that http_response_code() isn't going to help me here, I think.
@m59 lolnice
@Danack This is kinda what I meant. With the ability to pull the function's start/end offsets, you wouldn't have to do any regex or token filtering magic.
Looks good, make sure to send a 418 where appropriate.
418 Daffreak!?
@Orangepill E_TEAPOT_EMPTY
@m59 The original rfc for htcpcp
> 2.3.2 418 I'm a teapot

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error
code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and
@Orangepill haha, that is good stuff. I did not realize there's an entire RFC behind 418
So, do I need a list of all the OK Unauthorized stuffs to insert when I set the code?
@M59 The status message?
Yes... And do note too that some responses Allow a body, some require a body and some disallow a body.
Hey guys
I'm going to be a boss by the time this is done haha
Wait, noooooo. I'm doing it again. I need to just leave it alone for now :)
I ask it for things and it gives them to me. I need to finish the front-end and make some money :)
@Orangepill shouldn't this one be removed in the next http draft?
@bwoebi never...
@Orangepill greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/… if you can find status 418 here…
I've just added TLS Peer Verification to the wiki's "In Draft" RFC section. I would appreciate any feedback prior to announcing the thing on internals. FYI it's heavily stripped down from the original version because the other ext/openssl changes are unrelated to enabling peer verification by default on encrypted client streams.
@user2883525 Ok, the solution is to send me a copy of this theme you want to use. I'll send back a contract for my 'friends and family rate' of $100 an hour to re-write it to not use eval() because that's the only solution. It's shit code and there's no simple, drop-in solution to get around the use of eval() which I said in the first fscking sentence. — Sammitch 23 mins ago
@bwoebi Don't know if I should applaud or flag...
@DanLugg the first. (because I assume it's meant humorously…)
Yea, I upvoted :-P
I seem unable to submit a form using post to a php file within a localhost-only folder.
I thought the post action was server-side and counts as localhost or am I wrong?
Well the OP wants to use PHP inside widgets.. it has nothing to do with the theme
so i dont know how smart the answer about let me rewrite it for a price is...
Hey Guys! Any of you know a good HTML to PDF generator to use in Laravel 4? I've tried DOMPDF, but it breaks with the amout of data I'm using. wkhtlp2pdf doesn't seems to work (no idea why!).So, any sugestions?
@DennisBraga Figure out why wkhtmltopdf doesn't work and fix it? It's pretty much the best thing out there that's free.
^^ Seriously, why is this still open?
can somebody help me with this, please stackoverflow.com/questions/19372013/…
@user2875157 you already have two answers there
@user2875157 "I changed the question, your answer is not good, can you update?" Are you a bot?
If not, please say why the answer isn't acceptable, rather than just saying 'nope'.
@Danack well, bots usually aren't so bad ;-P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm here now :)
@Charles I assume that I wasn't clear enough, and a I may apologize for that. But, I was wondering if any of you has already had this problem (if the solution is laravel based, even better!) of generate PDFs with a huge amout of data (78 pages, or more). Again, if a wasn't clear in fisrt time, apologies!
* if I wasn't clear
@DennisBraga 78 pages? Is it all dynamic, or is some pregenerated?
@Charles It's a blade templete, used by laravel, that may vary in numbers. It a list of prices of some products that may company sells. But, not only the prices: descriptions, expirations dates, avalability and etc are also contained. So, answering your questions, it's dynamic generated with blade.
@tereško Maybe you would have something to add to this recent question of mine about storing model state, seeing your comments/answer on similar topics? stackoverflow.com/questions/19387863/…
.. im writing, be patient
@DennisBraga Hmm. Unfortunately I have no recommendations for you, as I've never dealt with PHP PDF generation over a few pages, and am ignorant of the challenges (outside of memory use).
The ★ vote is getting close in the starred section. :)
@Charles Well, I don't think it's a memory problem, since the apache's log doesn't show a thing about it. But, thanks for your attention and time. :D
@tereško E_MISSING_Y_U
Wow, token_get_all is surprisingly resilient; it doesn't care about syntax validity apparently.

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