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if you're handwriting your code, you have more serious problems
yes, well, it's better than punch cards for taking notes
Not if your handwriting looks like mine ;)
or mine, it seems
pictures/diagrams/pseudocode > handwritten code for design
var user in org doesn't make much sense, var user in org.Users makes much more sense :)
well now that I've figured out my basic blunders, I think it's time to go back to Battlestar Galactica for a bit
How do websites like Google and Amazon temporarily save your logins when you log in? cookies? cache?
usually cookies
if you clear your cookies in the browser, it'll log you out ;)
Ah. Well.. I haven't seen the password stored in the cookies, encrypted somehow?
they don't usually store a password and send it on each session, they store a token that identifies your unique account in their database. but if you get pushed across a domain boundary, they will generally have to regenerate the token, hence you have to put a password in again if you go from say store.whatever.com to account.whatever.com
often some other information (that's saved server side) is used to lookup properly
As @AndrewCounts said ;) There's typically some identifying information, sometimes it's a username + some hash of some id, or something else - but the idea is to not have to pass around your password more than needed
hmmm flaky connection
cya all
@AndrewCounts Ah, so if I synced the cookies across the browsers... they would still have to re-type their password?
@CCInc Still working on that projct?
I decided to redo it.
using WPF
1 hour later…
1 hour later...
analyzing why some auto-generated queries are slow
and it's not a very fun thing to do
I bet
to top it off, client has a db with 500k rows, around 30+ columns, totally the opposite of normalization
Haha wow
What the heck? xD
@edc I feel like queries would be slow on a db that big anyways
Hey Steve
Hm, can someone help me figure something out?
@Kinected @MatthewH ya, I am think at best I can chop 1 or 2s out from the total 7s execution time
@MatthewH Shoot
with better indices and such. to solve the root problem, they need a better... DBA ;-)
@edc Well every ms counst;)
Okay, hold on. Let me pull up my code.
@edc Also you could use Big O maybe
How do you use the " ` " tags? They never seem to work on multi line code of mine. But on one line code it does
string i = @"uno lines
dos line";
`one line
two line`
`one line`
`two line`
`three line`
`four line`
Oh you mean in SO chat
You use fixed font... post your code then click fixed font
Hint: Shift+Enter creates newline
No not that.
Hold on, let me type my question
heard a good news on the radio. a kid was holding a knife in a bus in toronto. bus already evacuated, cops surrounded him and told him to drop the weapon. kid didn't comply but didn't do much. this one cop shot the kid 3 times. kid fell, same cop shot him 6 more times, THEN another cop tasered the kid.
the cop who fired 9 shots is now being charged with second degree murder
Thats... Disturbing
luckily some pedestrian recorded the whole gong show
Kinda makes me think of those annoying facebook statuses that people post that are like "This cop shot this dog", well that dog was probably trained to distract police while evidence is disposed of
ya, I understand that cops sometimes walk the great gray area of justice. but 9 shots to a kid with a knife - something seems wrong
So, first the purpose. I'm having a form pop up and you type the name of the folder in the text box, hit create. That all works. But two pop up dialogs come up next after you create it. I want it to take the files chosen and put them in the new directory that was created. The creation of the directory works though. So that's not problem. Its the copying part that does not work. I keep trying and trying. I can not seem to get it to work...


private void createDirectory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
@edc Not fighting you there
@Matt You are doing string dPath = Path.GetFullPath(modjar.FileName); which will return e.g. c:/temp/file.txt, but then calling string target = System.IO.Path.Combine(dFolder, modjar.FileName); makes it be c:/temp/file.txt/file.txt which is one problem, another is that you never actually copy anything you are just call Path.Combine which is basically a path builder, you want:
string[] data = File.ReadAllLines(@dPath);
File.WriteAllLines(@dFolder, data);
Which creates a new version of the file there
Or do I not understand what your doing
Also you have like 3+ variable you don't even need Im gonna edit your code
@Kinected I'm going to go get some food. Then I will be back and read your post. And okay. Have fun. I was trying a lot of things and didn't feel like editting the original stuff out.
private string createFolder
private void createDirectory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string folder = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%AppData%\\");
createFolder = Path.Combine(folder, nameText.Text);
this.Visible = false;

MessageBox.Show("Folder with that name already exists. Please choose another name.");
this.Visible = true;

using (OpenFileDialog modjar = new OpenFileDialog())
modjar.Filter = "TextFile(*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*";
@CCInc you there bruh?
i'm here bruh
@Kinected is anything supposed to do under private string createFolder? Just wondering. I'm guessing not. But just making sure. Also, how did you get your all your code to show up like code?
It's a string so.
@Kinected even then. It's not copying the file over.
Should I change it to writeallbytes? Hm
No, and File.Copy doesn't work either.
anyone know anything about Openauth?
i'll take that as a no
@ShaneSuperflyMacNeill What's your question/
I can't seemed to find any example of authorizing
that actually works
What is it?
ok basically I need to authorize with Dropbox to upload a file using C#
and well there are no examples of making that go... is anyone aware of any ?
dotnetopenauth has crappy documentation
@MatthewH You probably have a problem with the file paths then.... Also I just made createFolder global, and I used fixed font to make it show up in code, And also You could use a StreamReader and StreamWriter like StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@target, new StreamReader(@source).ReadAllLines()); more or less and Im going to bed you can ping me and Ill try to help tomorrow
@Kinected okay, thank you
Np ping if you need something
@CCInc hey mate
@CCInc nice to see you again
hey there code
eh nm you?
so much rain. hahaha
why that
we get no rain. ever.
@c0dem0nkey maybe you can help me with my problem from earlier.
gud morning guys
how to find if a application is built with EF Codefirst/Model First ?
I want some help on Entity frame work. Anyone ?
Hello Guys, Is there any way to find both Min and Max from the below code (from row in Enumerable.Range(0, arr.GetLength(0))
let cols = Enumerable.Range(0, arr.GetLength(1))
select cols.Max(col => arr[row, col])).ToArray();
this not works:
Parallel.ForEach(Enum.GetValues(typeof(VisualStudioVersions)), visualStudioVersion =>
    // Statements
I face with this error:
The type arguments for method 'System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.ForEach<TSource>(System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner<TSource>, System.Action<TSource,System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState,long>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
can any one tell me why?
A: Iterating through each Enum value needs to be parallelized

davenewzaIf you want the loop to block you could also consider using Parallel.ForEach for this problem. It uses a Partitioner to distribute your collection into work items and then executes them way more efficiently than if you create a new Task for each iteration. This is really does depend on how heav...

hey @ActionHank
Anyone to help me with EF ?
hey @codebrain
hey @MRS , @Action whatsup ?
I've started to learn EF recently and haven't any good experience with it ;)
@codebrain -> I've faced with a problem ;)
I have only problems with no solutions. lol
I've a solution but it not works ;)
Just tell me what you need to learn EF?
A: The type arguments for method 'x' cannot be inferred from the usage using Parallel.ForEach

Jon SkeetThe first argument of Parallel.ForEach should be an IEnumerable<T>, a Partitioner<T> or something similar. Your UnOrderedBuffer class isn't convertible to any of the parameter types involved. If you make it implement IEnumerable<T> or something similar, then it'll work. This isn't really about t...

What's the problme?
@SagarUpadhyay I want to establish EF in my new MVC 4 project. I am confused where to start
Have u ever work before in EF?
I refer this site
@SagarUpadhyay Nope , i have basic idea of it.
But first tell me do u know what is EF??
Or have you ever worked in it>
See one problem
The link from where you are studying MVC4 is using EF 5.0 and later version...
Entity framework, can fetch DB tables as objects in application and process CRUD process through linq
I am using EF 4.4
Which not make you good skils, in practice...
If u are using EF 4.4, than you must developing it in VS 2010?
okay..yeah i use vs 2010.
SO I suggest you to stop work on this..
In first week practice in EF 4.0, normal..
Which gives you best ideas for practice, and queries....
I invited you to a new room. lets not populate this room. will you >?
YA sure/./.
Invirte me..
Hello guys.. if I have one abstract class and I have an abstract field like this protected abstract string url; how I can override it in my class that derive from my abstract? I tried protected override string url = "http://mysite.com/"; but it gives me this error: The modifier 'override' is not valid for this item
Guyz... which one sounds better/do u like better? "Incidentrack" or "Incident Tracker"?
Hey @codebrain!
@Aeron as a product name?
Yeah :)
@Aeron Incident Tracker
I'm gonna go with xoe on this one: 'incident tracker'
Thanks :)
@ActionHank I am feeling fuc*d up with EF.
@codebrain that is not possible my friend
@codebrain entity framework?
it should be the best thing you've ever seen
oh wait switches sarcasm off
guys can anyone help me with my question?
@Aeron Yeah same Entity framework 5.0 , im a noooob of it
You'll grow to love it though. It makes DB work soooooooooooooooooooooooo much funner
At first everyone was like use ef.. but I was like.. noooo :( it not working. but then it worked. and now i'm :) i'm reading up, maybe theres something I can help with?
tee-hee 'funner'
xoemab I have no idea about this abstract thing
@ActionHank me too :D
@Aeron stay here some time mate. I ll ask you for help. I may need basics of ef.
I invited you to a room , so we can discuss some stuff.
@Aeron Are you there ?
sorry man, I was making a coffee while you wrote those messages. I am here now.
hey @JohanLarsson
can u help me with this:
48 mins ago, by MRS1367
this not works:
should I create a class that inherited from IEnumerable<T> for solve my problem?
@(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group => group.DefaultPath("~/Scripts/telerik/"))) provides error
Specified file doesnt exist:"~/script/telerik.common.js"
how to set rowheadercolumn in gridview programattically, i want first column in gridview as row header
gridview is binding dynamically
so we cant hard code column name
in the property of RowHeaderColumn in gridview
Parallel.ForEach(Enum.GetValues(typeof(VisualStudioVersions)).Cast<VisualStudioVersions>(), visualStudioVersion =>
// Statements
@MRS1367 try with a cast ^
hi @JohanLarsson
how to fix this.. @(Html.Telerik().ScriptRegistrar().DefaultGroup(group => group.DefaultPath("~/Scripts/telerik/"))) provides error
Specified file doesnt exist:"~/script/telerik.common.js"
I don't know anything better than to check if the file exists
I have never done any web nor used Telerik
hmm okay @JohanLarsson
Anyone to help me with EF ?
Tell me.. if i can i will
if any one knows android
Q: class not found exception in android

Navat Kay AaheI am using following code for SQLConnection in android: public void queryResultSet(String CommandSQL) throws ClassNotFoundException, java.sql.SQLException { ResultSet rs; Connection conn = null; Toast msg1 = Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "...

Buddy try other chat rooms ..
@JasperManickaraj i have gone through all , but no one knows answer
@NavatKayAahe android question in C# ?
hmm try buddy
@codebrain i believe that anyone who can code in c# can do anything in his life,,thats why posted to c#
does any body have an idea about CommandBinding in WPF?
@NavatKayAahe you code in c# ?
:) :)
@Chukwuemeka Hey
i had predicted ur next dialogue
what ?
2 mins ago, by codebrain
@NavatKayAahe you code in c# ?
by me: Yes
Hello @codebrain. Long time.
U: U can do it in android also
Why dont you speak something in reality, out of something like a philosopher ?
@NavatKayAahe I don't know android but maybe you must do something like using NameSpacePath in c#?
@Chukwuemeka Hey man , are you even alive ?
Some projects are keeping me in the mud pit
I miss this place man.
Yep sounds sarcastic. I have a project in which i am struggling to establish EF.
Yeah If SO isnt there, i would probably leave this job now.
@codebrain sarcastic? how?
..What's your pain with EF?
Are you alive, Yep. sounds dull though.
I think i am using code first. lol , I am trying to do simple CRUD operations.
I'm still alive. man
Thats sounds better , 1UP.
 public class SwatchContext : DbContext
        public SwatchContext()
            : base("DefaultConnection")
        public DbSet<Swatch> swatches { get; set; }
Will this fetch data from database ?
that won't fetch..
Swatch is a model class with 6 properties.
    public class Swatch
        public string SwatchSequenceNumber { get; set; }

        [Display(Name = "Swatch style")]
        public string swatchStyle { get; set; }
..I mean, the code is not telling EF to fetch anything yet.
so this must fetch and set ?
Oh. I get your question now. You have to call the property accessor to fetch the Swatches set.
huh, something like that.
let me explain. I have a database with tables. MVC application with models relevent to tables in database. now how do i do CRUD with this ? I have EF 5.0 , vs2010
I don't know how to give you a specific answer as there're varying approaches.
@Chukwuemeka Ha ha its okay.
I will manage it ;)
you can scaffold directly from your MVC app and have CRUD templates up in a bit
but i dont know how far it will be comfortable.
I wouldnt need some fields in view which are present in model
It'll be comfortable. Good people are always here if you run into bumps on the way. :)
I just dont understand how ef accessing DB and when it fetches data and stuff, no good books too.
yeah i entered into this with thought already.
you have team viewer and look at my code ?
I am giving up with EF :\
my internet connection won't let me.
my internet connection won't let me.
lol its okay ..I should read very well and then start. Its a live project and i am crawling up. :D
Internet connection over here crawls like a snail
Have fun man. I've been force-fed Java (and also told not to use any ORM) by management. Human Rights Watch.. where're you???
@Chukwuemeka I am at work, just had a smoke break. For time being i will go for ADO, later learn and come back to EF
@JohanLarsson -> tnx for ur help.
@Chukwuemeka How are you ? Progress at work ?
I'm alright man
hey, you just got high and decided to go ADO?
I'd say, the smoke got you low..
Work's slowly turning to torture these days.
@codebrain How's yours going?
@Chukwuemeka Haha nope. I am far more determined. Just in one year from scratch to 3 live projects in my hand now.
Huh, i will learn in weekends and in one week i will implement it in here :P
Life is good. I dont pressure my head much. easy going. yours ?
How do you change a sql table column name ?
@codebrain Which database technology are you using?
MSSQL I am a stupid i made a mess.
I wanted to change a column name 'UpdateUser' to 'UpdatedUser' and i used
SP_RENAME 'SwatchMaster.[UpdateUser]' , '[Updateduser]' , 'COLUMN'
now my column name appears to be [UpdatedUser] lol
hi @codebrain
hi @Chukwuemeka
If i try the same thing again, ambiguous column name error throws
I have some issue regarding the streaming of video,can anyone help me out
post it!
webform or MVC ?
Actually I am getting stream from IP Camera and I need to store it in Video format when i click on start button
It is of MVC
I have no idea how can i store stream in video
can you please give me some idea
It's not magically going to happen. You want to use a tool like ffmpeg to assist you.
can you give me any reference link
hi @RoelvanUden
Instruct it to capture a stream and write it to a video file, for example.
Hi everyone..
I am using this(http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Social-Media-Dashboard-135436da ) sample from MSDN for my Windows store app.

When I try to use the sample I am getting much errors.
hmm but i think it is not in c#
In that page there is a discription about "SocialMediaDashboard.PCL"
Does anyone know about Portable Class Library
hi @RoelvanUden can you please help me out,
Its really important for me
byte[] buffer = new byte[100000];
int read, total = 0;
var AxxonResult = GetAxxonUrl();
var Url = AxxonResult + "live/media/" + serverurl + "?format=mjpeg&w=640&h=480";
HttpWebRequest webrequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);
webrequest.Timeout = 100000;
webrequest.Method = "GET";
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)webrequest.GetResponse();

Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();

while ((read = stream.Read(buffer, total, 1000)) != 0)
total += read;
Bitmap bmp = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(new MemoryStream(buffer, 0, total));
I have tried this
@BharatBhushan You can invoke executables from C# with Process.Start. Just find the correct arguments to pass in.
I have tried the code but it is not working
Of course not. If the end point is a stream, capturing the entire thing into a buffer and trying to turn it into an image isn't going to do what you want. You have to capture each frame update and process it according to the input protocol.
Hence, I suggested ffmpeg because it is capable of almost any encoding.
I am unable to use the namespace 'using SocialMediaDashboard.PCL;'

Can any one help me out
Actually the process it like this,I have list of IP Camera on a page and I want to start and stop camera,On the click of start button ,I need to show live streaming in website from this web service and start recording to video in the backend
and on the click of stop the video recording stop and will store in the path
I have no idea how can i do that,I am novice in this streaming or video storing part,please help me out @RoelvanUden
ofcourse you should provide complete accessibility. People cant give you codes. and if you dont have any idea you should either quit job or try to learn !
if you can't help no need to answer man,I am not asking you @codebrain
Yeah neither you will get such help from anyone here/
ok thanks
welcome :)
@RoelvanUden any idea
Image type in sql takes byte as Input ?
@codebrain I think so. A BLOB does and SQL IMAGE is fundamentally the same.
@BharatBhushan Yeah, ffmpeg with multiple outputs. One to stdout and one to the video file.
hi, I want to learn practical unit testing, where can I find good sample with tutorials?
Capture stdout and stream it to the web client
@RoelvanUden Yes, Variable-length binary data from 0 through 2^31-1 (2,147,483,647) bytes. (MSDN). I passed 01010101 as test data and it threw error. its cool now :)
1 hour later…
Anyone with good math skills? I need help with a math question :X and wolframalpha is not helping :X
I'm having an "Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file" error when performing a BCP IN. My file is a csv file with this basically:

this is the bcp command:

bcp database.dbo.table IN path/to/csv/file -Sserver-Uusername -Ppassword -b50000 -t; -w
any clues?
:( sorry, no idea
@ton.yeung Sorry I was away
and morning y'all
First day of school today! Woo!
Oh college.. lol
yep yep
I'm still college free..
I guess not for long
hi @JLott
How are you
Doing well :)
Starting my work day
Do you have any knowledge about IP Camera streaming
With Kinect?
hey it's @Jlott
Hey People , good evening
@ActionHank Yep Yep
@codebrain Good morning
hey brain good afternoon ;)
@Action , @Jlott, @Andre Whats up ? I am back home from work. Waiting for client to come in team viewer.

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