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@hakre No, I think it means "Don't worry, I've got 270Kb of documentation for those 13 lines of code; coming your way!"
@Bracketworks can u help me
@ManishSingh Please read the room description on the top right of this page.
@ManishSingh I could, but I won't. Not because I'm mean spirited, but I because I have to leave for work.
Speaking of which, adios.
@Bracketworks Mean spirited!
@NikiC jo
posted on August 02, 2013 by TechPortal

July's PHP London had a particularly notable speaker – Rasmus Lerdorf himself presenting what's new in PHP. So many people wanted to attend that, with limited venue capacity, a live (and recorded) video stream was used for the first time. You can skip straight to seeing the slides and video of the session if you like, or keep reading for my impressions of the evening. PHP History & Evolution

want to learn PHP. Please suggest some gud sites.
@Pravin gud?
good.Typo mistake :)
@MadaraUchiha More characters == more greenhouse gas emissions. Save the planet, type illegibly.
@DaveRandom k
Thanks yogesh you are very intelligent.
Q: Witchcraft! Php

Steve GreenThis is madness, hoping someone can explain. $dir = getcwd(); $a = "/bla/httpdocs/ble"; $b = "/bla/httpdocs/meh"; if( ($dir == $a) || ($dir == $b) ){ $dirlist = glob("../images2/spinner/*.jpg"); }else{ $dirlist = glob("images2/spinner/*.jpg"); } works fine but $dir = getcwd(); if( ($di...

Thanks David.
@Pravin Seriously, the PHP manual is the best resource for learning PHP. There are many, many "tutorials", almost all of them are awful. If you are using any of them, look at the date they were written. If it's more than three years ago, it's probably crap.
Even one written yesterday is probably crap, but there is a slightly better chance that it isn't.
@DaveRandom Thanks David.
3 mins ago, by Pravin
Thanks yogesh you are very intelligent.
You are welcome, Monsier Uchiha.
@YogeshSuthar laal kiya
@Pravin I am also intellegent
Nice comment for somebody with 15.2k rep. — PeeHaa 8 secs ago
Also delv the "answer" ^ pls
@PeeHaa negate him
@PeeHaa Gone.
Some people are just here to fight
Ok...anyways thanks for suggestions. by the way 'vague' is a nice word that does not 'turn off' the person asking the question! — San 57 secs ago
@Jimbo Is she your regular customer? :P
@Mr.Alien What language is that?
@YogeshSuthar Hah, she wishes.
@DaveRandom laal means read and kiya means done, it's a street lang here, hindi... means hindi meme ;)
@Bracketworks hmm, sometimes there is some value of having build scripts for different targets then .... :D
@Jimbo wut is a sarcasm?
@Mr.Alien Google translate doesn't understand it :-(
@Jimbo that guy(OP) was in the room few mins back, and lol, you just enjoy with here...
She must've stalked my profile in order to find that response
@CarrieKendall What do you mean?
@DaveRandom ofcourse won't, it's a street lang lal kiya but it just means you are a meme
@Jimbo just working on my jeopardy skills
@CarrieKendall haha
@Jimbo reply to her:
I just love this show^^^
@Mr.Alien @DaveRandom already has his own meme
Not seen that for a while
I don't forget ;D
@Jimbo this guy -> @YogeshSuthar was meme
@Jimbo well well, is that real dave
Anyone knows 3rd data format like XML and JSON?
@Mr.Alien Yes. He looks exactly like that
@DavidFregoli thankx fortunately i know to code in php and so i can solve this problem by server side validation... :) — Ashis Jan 31 at 14:06
can someone explain to me why you'd spell thanks as thankx
i will hear the argument about thx thnx thks all that
Yeah I met Dave in Manchester at PHPNW one time actually, and I was like aahh it's DaveRandom from StackOverflow and the other guys were like, what, who?
Need some more publicity
Only Indian can do that @CarrieKendall
@DaveRandom also, thanks for that, and what the..
Ahh no one knows.
@Mr.Alien I am not meme, I am original. :)
i am about to test a solution for this but i am weary of giving it since OP hasn't done anything
@hakre Nice post
he is true repwhore.
@YogeshSuthar you are a meme bitch, and did you downloaded that rip?
@Mr.Alien meme bitch means? Yeah downloading it
@YogeshSuthar nothing, and y don't you take from me instead of wasting hours to download such huge games?
@Mr.Alien lol
@Mr.Alien bye will chat when reach home.
again, you just love making me jealous, tada
@PeeHaa Funny thing is that would probably be closed on SU too.
@Bracketworks I didn't vote for migration
@PeeHaa Neither did I, but some people did/wanted to/suggested.
> Just when I thought there was no more beauty in the world: cloud-to-butt, a browser extension that replaces "the cloud" with "my butt" : DaveRAndom
@DaveRandom its hilarious ..
Will adding enums to php take a while? I find them useful.
@PLB Never gonna happen, probably :-(
@cspray has a userland lib for it but it's a little bit nasty really, it makes heavy use of reflection so it will slow your code down a lot if you use it much
@DaveRandom Well there's a work around final class Enum { private function __construct() {} } but...
@PLB Yeh I have a couple of things that do that. But you can't typehint for it.
Even without that it would be nice.
@PeeHaa now its more readable :)
... :P
I've just implemented little compiler (buggy, with awful lexer) for that hack: ideone.com/bTguGT
@DaveRandom What's that?
Oh, typesafe enums. Nevermind
@Jimbo which one? :D
@DaveRandom There's some ways to get around the need for Reflection in something intended more for a production environment
I'm just not sure those extra steps are worth it.
@cspray Care to elaborate? I can't think of anything that doesn't involve an if() at the head of each method that uses it
Good morning again
@Gordon Sir there..?? in strange condition..
@SilentKiller hi
A New one -

AN mechanical engineer went to police station for
filing report for his missing wife:

Engineer : I lost my wife (misty) ,she went for shopping and still not reached home yet

Inspector: What is her height

Engineer: I never noticed

Inspector: Slim or healthy

Engineer: Not slim can be healthy

Inspector: Colour of eyes

Engineer: Never noticed

Inspector: Colour of hair

Engineer: Changes according to

Inspector: What was she wearing

Engineer: Saree/suit/ I don’t
remember exactly
why were people requesting access to this room?
lol ^^^
@Gordon Sir unfortunately my friend removed all owners and room is gallery...
@ircmaxell because @MadaraUchiha put the room into a Gallery to prevent us from posting Rebecca and apparently the ungallerying didnt work properly for some people
is there any solution..??
@SilentKiller link?

Hello World

For beginners of programming,testing,security etc Developers a...
@PLB That's all I do.
@SilentKiller Heh, pwnd you guys real good :) Make sure to not give Room ownership for folks you don't trust.
@MadaraUchiha will surely keep this in my mind.. and sorry for that.. :(
@SilentKiller No reason to be. Pinging a moderator is the correct course of action.
@SilentKiller while I am handling the issue with that room, could you please check chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11019116#11019116 and tell me whether they are making fun of others there?
@Gordon jeet won't answer you. He removed himself as well (no one would answer you really, no one has access)
Can I be the room owner :-/
that aint really a fun message
lol I like how the "removed" notice got 2 stars :P
@Gordon that is the regular process of that room.. i already ask for this.. you can ask this to @Mr.Alien too..
in iOS/Cocos2d, 1 hour ago, by ExceptionInNameInitializer
bhai tab bhi real device hi use krta tha aur aaj bhi real device hi use krta hu, emulator itna slow tha k ganga me baha diya use 2 saal pehle hi :D
this means .. emulator is slow and i have disposed of the emulator
@DaveRandom I would but I am at work right now. Maybe later in the day if you're still on
@MadaraUchiha 1 is mine :p
@MadaraUchiha :-D
@SilentKiller what do you mean by regular process?
yes. we find funny messages and share them .. that's it
you could clear it with me
@Gordon what happened again?
not that we target users
gifs are also reshared
like the C++ freeze issue
@MadaraUchiha get me in the owners list too if you dun mind, I would like to be one
You know, this is my lingering ignorance of the world, but when I read this in my head, it sounds really bizarre:
I have no idea what that means.
is it flagged ?
just a joke
@DJ' Are you talking to me?
@Gordon I say don't appoint any room owner, and let the system do its thing.
and different language do exist.. i will not really say you have a bizzare thing going on when you talk in your language
It'll automatically select one based on activity.
yes.. ithat was from iOS room you got
@MadaraUchiha yeah, that's what I am thinking too
I'm going to step back into the shadows and work now.
@Gordon in that room users post funny images and they also talk in Hindi.. but yet now i did n't found anything abusive in that room
dont want to really make you feel bad..
@DJ' there was two mod flags now complaining that people in there make fun of others.
just clearing
i would like to clear
in rooms when you dont get access
can I get the room link please
people create room and then ask owner why dont you give access and rubishh
@Mr.Alien It was linked a few posts ago by Gordon.
it is usually then shared inside the room to laugh about .. see this guy is randomly pinging
@Gordon ya some users pasted other room's messages but right now i dont have any link of that
@MadaraUchiha I don't have it, share wid me, I'll take a look


Join to become part of the community, not to simply ask questi...
not that yes... haha we have to make fun of this guy
10 mins ago, by Gordon
@SilentKiller while I am handling the issue with that room, could you please check http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/11019116#11019116 and tell me whether they are making fun of others there?
so now google is forcing you to have google plus to use their chat?
9 mins ago, by DJ'
this means .. emulator is slow and i have disposed of the emulator
where is the fun of others ?
How to get only page name from URL?
Why is PHP the court room for flag disputes?
way to be like microsoft, google.
eg. google.com/a.html
i dont want to overload the mod myself
@Bracketworks because I am here
i want only a.html
not really going to other room and also start a fight
@CarrieKendall What do you mean?
@SilentKiller @DJ' @Mr.Alien what does "ganga me baha diya :D" mean?
@Gordon @MadaraUchiha Clean there
1 min ago, by DJ'
9 mins ago, by DJ'
this means .. emulator is slow and i have disposed of the emulator
explaining third time
ganga is a river in india
and you dispose of things like it when in funeral
@Gordon nothing ya, it's kist indians put the dead mans ashes in river ganga, after their funeral...
so when he said he disposed emulator in ganga.. it was naturally funny
@Gordon it just mean dispose in river..
@Gordon don't worry, you can carry on wid ur work, nothing abusive there
just ban all people not writing english - it's annoying
@CarrieKendall any other solution?
@Gordon don't worry, you can carry on wid ur work, nothing abusive there
@NikiC I recall that was a thing back in the day, no?
yes.. ban all :D.. that would work
ok. thanks.
@NikiC no one's going to listen anyways
but a warning beforehand would be nice
@MadaraUchiha well, first gmail forced to upgrade from google talk to hangouts and i login to gmail today and see: i.imgur.com/9erj7IN.png
@Gordon anytime :)
@Gordon Bye. .:)
@Gordon could you tell who flagged ?
@MadaraUchiha and apparently there's no way of downgrading back to "talk" (productforums.google.com/d/msg/google-plus-discuss/arSj_vtbtGc/…)
@DJ' no :)
I guess SO needs one mod from that area.
@Gordon what the hell just happened in Hello World?
then unnecessary flag will be simply a menace
@MadaraUchiha I don't know. I am tempted to suspend jeet for that but since I don't clearly understand what was going on there …
@SilentKiller next time something happens, you can ping me, I will handle it if am only, fyi am not a mod ;)
@DJ' We've already had enough trouble with the Teen Moderator
@Gordon even i was also suggest that there should be a moderator who knows hindi
I'm not sure how SO would handle an Indian Moderator
(j/k of course :P)
@Mr.Alien sure i'll.... i know brother... ;)
Speaking of Friday:
@MadaraUchiha ye SO can.. as it can handle lots of Indian developers
@MadaraUchiha Room hijacking
Q: Evaluating the risks of allowing teen moderators on the SE network

user774411I have a David vs Goliath case here involving a teen moderator on Stack Overflow. His display name is BoltClock. I'm a low reputation SO user (less than 150 points) who was recently suspended for Voting Irregularities by BoltClock. Eventually the mistake was corrected by another non-teen moderat...

@Mr.Alien It's not hijacking when you remove access for yourself too :io
@MadaraUchiha hahahah -90. .:D
@SilentKiller It's gold, the entire rant
@SilentKiller we have moderators that can speak Hindi. They are not SO mods but SE mods. I ask the, frequently. They just dont speak, what its called, Guarani? Gujarati? That language you speak.
@Gordon ya its Gujarati.. i knw some of SE moderators.. one of is my friend
@MadaraUchiha ohh, I just read, he was stressed haha, ok so I dun want to be an owner as well ;)
@Gordon it's a language spoken by gujarati people, am gujarati ;)
@ircmaxell GEMA'd :(
@Gordon in india we have almost 564 languages here...
leaving time guys... bye bye alll.....
@SilentKiller bye and thanks
@Mr.Alien seeya brother... @Gordon bye sir
@Gordon My pleasure and My duty as SO user... :)
@SilentKiller ;)
ok, now back to programming topics before @NikiC gets a nervous breakdown ;)
helloooooo? rooooom?
anyways, cyaaa.. @Gordon ping me for any local help ;)
@Mr.Alien thanks. cya
How about "GO is cooler than PHP". Discuss?
@Gordon move out of the sticks ;-)
@Gordon pff
@Gordon @MadaraUchiha or @Baba Had example of huge performance advantage of GO.
@ircmaxell I might not need to: startnext.de/en/c3s
Q: Witchcraft! php

Steve GreenThis is madness, hoping someone can explain. $dir = getcwd(); $a = "/bla/httpdocs/ble"; $b = "/bla/httpdocs/meh"; if ( ($dir == $a) || ($dir == $b) ) { $dirlist = glob("../images2/spinner/*.jpg"); } else { $dirlist = glob("images2/spinner/*.jpg"); } Works fine but $dir = getcwd();...

hi guys :D
@PLB I've never done Go before, so not, probably not me.
@ircmaxell I bet a beer that the first reply to that is "I dont like your attitude"
@Gordon Slightly , people changing htdocs to httpdocs really bugs me.
@Gordon ?
@MadaraUchiha lol why you removed teresko .. i mean he is regular and posted 47.4k message :(
@ircmaxell the mail to internals. he is so full of enthusiasm.
@NullPoiиteя I'm kinda afraid of what would happen :|
@ircmaxell I get unavailable video, have another link perhaps? :(
@NullPoiиteя at first i would love to know why he added me
@MadaraUchiha why Gordon has shining ♦
@NullPoiиteя I dunno
@tereško Read the message before I added you :P
@MadaraUchiha gawd .. trust him :P
> tabhi samajh mey nahi aya hoga haha
What does this mean?
why exactly would i want to have the position of glorified sanitary engineer ?!
you did not understood it .. <--- that means
@MadaraUchiha they should not use hindi
talking to something in context
@MadaraUchiha that might be transliterate klingon for all i care
> Talk to me if something about me or PHP bugs you.
/me grabs list and starts spamming Michael Wallner
it's actually a pretty good interview question
"tell me, what do you hate about php?"
@DJ' Tell them to quit flagging stuff that's not flaggable. It is annoying everybody on the network and there are (AFAIK) no Hindi-speaking moderators to handle the flags.
@tereško The correct answer for that would be: "Tell me, what don't you hate about PHP?"
i would like the same result
@MadaraUchiha hmm ... that's a hard one
stop all non english language then
i dont know who flags
@tereško They asked me that when I started ranting about PHP during my job interview with the current dev
and i cant really solve until we have a common solution
dont want to trouble a user myself
someone is just pin pointing that room
@PeeHaa Where do you start with a question like that?
@PeeHaa , yeah .. that kind of questions tend to shift the tone of interview, if you are in the room with from senior (and competent) developer and some HR/management person
@DaveRandom Doesn't matter just start peelig somewhere ::)
.. you end up comparing notes and sharing horror stories
@tereško :D
and the HR person is left confused a bit
@MadaraUchiha nope
php > echo ceil(1.11 * 100);
As far as I can tell, that really is a bug.
php > echo 1.11 * 100;
php > echo ceil(111);
$ php --version
PHP 5.3.15
I don't think 1.11 has a rational representation in binary.
Maybe. 1.11 * 100 seems to be correct though.
@LeviMorrison 1.11 * 100 is still float, is not it?
How is that a bug? @LeviMorrison
@PeeHaa ceil(111); // 111 ; ceil(1.11 * 100); // 112
@LeviMorrison The latter is a float
@PeeHaa That in and of itself does not explain it.
it's not rational - have a play with h-schmidt.net/FloatConverter
Guys, I'm not floating point nooblet.
/me listens to @LeviMorrison
I just want to know if :
echo 1.11 * 100;
echo ceil(111);
then why:
echo ceil(1.11 * 100);
because it's 100 * 1.1100000143051147
@PaulDixon No, no.
echo 1.11 * 100;
because 1.11 converted to binary is irrational.
. . . sigh.
Nobody understands.
that operation wouldn't take the ceiling value
@LeviMorrison 3v4l.org/dWn3N
I guess PHP might have default rounding values.
ANd if that's what's going on, then that is the answer.
Not floating point wtfs.
Maybe I am just terrible at explaining things.
it might convert to doubles, do the operation, then convert the answer to single precision. Not sure about that though
@LeviMorrison I don't see how that is strange?? Considering it is a float and not a decimal?
@BenjaminGruenbaum you around?
echo intval(1.11 *100);
I understand that 1.11 is not represented exactly, so when you multiply it by 100 you will get something not exactly 111.
Yet PHP displays 111 for that operation.
Not something > 111.
the cast to string if fixing it
That reminds me to poke @NikiC about a sane implementation of decimal values in PHP
@MadaraUchiha what's going on there?
@Gordon Where?
@MadaraUchiha the flagging
In the hindi room? no idea, what got flagged?
in iOS/Cocos2d, 24 mins ago, by Madara Uchiha
gam ani yodea ledaber besafot muzarot
@Gordon Huh
wasnt flagged but you seem to understand what they say
Just delete it
delete them both
Oh, no lol
It's transliterated hebrew
@PLB just saw your message .... what about go ??
"I can speak in strange languages too"
@MadaraUchiha indeed :)
@Baba You asked why for loop takes a while or something like that.
If that has never happened, I'll go home (I guess, I am drunk and don't know it).
@PLB Oh ... i remember ... PHP was very slow for that task
@LeviMorrison If it makes you feel better Javascript behaves the exact same way
Math.ceil(1.11 * 100);
== 112
Whew, I am not drunk.
@Orangepill I'm fine with that bit. What does it say 1.11 * 100 is though?
@Levi 111.00000000000001
See, now THAT makes sense.
	$start = microtime(true) ;

	$t = 1e9;
	$sum = 0;

	for($i = 0; $i < $t; $i++) {
		$sum += $i ;

	echo microtime(true) - $start ;
@PLB ^^ that was the code
@Levi I think it's just the way PHP formats a double value passed to echo, try printf("%0.20f$\n", 1.11 * 100); and you see the full precision
Oh, yes, I remembered everything. You were parsing large file. Did you go with GO or C?
@PLB using go at the moment
@PLB have found one flow in go anyway .. when working with json .. am sure it would get better
@PLB but that php code took 72sec on my system ... that was crazy
portable computer:
(The guy is trying to get out of Q-ban, even if his question is borderline, it already has an answer and he seems to really putting an effort, help him out)
@Baba In general I try to avoid working with large files using php. It's clearly not optimized for that.
Go sounds like interesting language. I'll play with it this weekend.
@PLB but that code above was just a simple arithmetic ...
I think php just when casting a float to a string thinks 111.00000000000001421085 is not meaningfully different then 111 so opts with the similar representation.
@PLB Goo have answered some question in go here in stackoverflow stackoverflow.com/a/18018495/1226894 & stackoverflow.com/a/17999896/1226894 .. ITs just my first week .. am sure in another 3 months i would be better
@Baba At the first glance reminds some mix up of few scripting language.
@MadaraUchiha looks like he suceeded

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