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Jan 8 at 12:28, by sehe
@BryanEdds What happened?
don't even remember now
5 hours later…
3 hours later…
@Karn Mournin'
8 hours later…
@набиячлэвэлиь I almost really like that.
3 hours later…
hello... im newbie i need some help in c++
is the right place to get help ??
hello i need i little help with c++
Hi @EduardoGutierrez, what is it?
yes hi how may i help u
well im programming a pacman game in opengl...and i need to have a higscore table with highest scores
And what seems to be the problem?
@EduardoGutierrez Okay...
im using the class pastebin.com/6AKTJ2gr
@EduardoGutierrez Move operator<< outside of the class and it'll work
in main file i have a vector <highscores> highscore; with all the highscoresentrys... so i have to read them from file at beginning
and writing and updating the file at the end
And what's the problem?
highscores.push_back(HighScoreEntry("antonio", 300));
highscores.push_back(HighScoreEntry("Juan", 15));

// std::sort(highscores.begin(), highscores.end(), less_than_key());
cout << highscores[3];
std::sort( highscores.begin(), highscores.end() );
cout << "Ultimo es" << highscores[3].getScore() << "nombre" << highscores[3].getName();
@EduardoGutierrez Recommendation: use highscores.emplace_back("test",100);
im trying to overload << and >> but i need help it doesn work
1 min ago, by набиячлэвэлиь
@EduardoGutierrez Move operator<< outside of the class and it'll work
Aren't I forseeing
some pseudocode i made...void ReadTable();
for ( i=0; i< highscores.size() || EOF ;i++)
HighScoreEntry temp;
temp << file;

//Write the vector in the same file
void WriteTable();
for ( i=0; i< highscores.size() ;i++)
highscores[i] >> file;

2 messages moved from bin
can i paste anything i want or is better to use pastebin ?? sorry is the first time im using this chat...
@EduardoGutierrez It's okay if you press the "indent as code" button and it's not too too long
void ReadTable();
    for ( i=0; i< highscores.size() || EOF ;i++)
HighScoreEntry temp;
    temp  << file;

//Write the vector in the same file
void WriteTable();
    for ( i=0; i< highscores.size() ;i++)
highscores[i] >> file;

Disregard, I suck
so i need to assure that overload works... as you can see i have string name of the player + \n + int score + \n... to write a highscoreEntry...
Is the name constrained in a any way>
Is up to me....i could use string or char for name.... i like strings because i can assign values
@EduardoGutierrez I mean, can it contain spaces and whatnot?
up to me again
If it can, then that complicates matters, if it can't, then that's easy
id ask for name using cin... because its not possible to make scanf or something in opengl
@EduardoGutierrez Rule of thumb: don't ever use cplusplus.com
ostream operator<<(ostream & strm, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
	strm << entry.name << ' ' << entry.score;

istream operator>>(istream & strm, HighScoreEntry & entry) {
	strm >> entry.name >> entry.score;
Iff your names can't contain spaces
@набиячлэвэлиь this is a forum though, not a reference
thats inside the class HighScoreEntry ?? why dont use \n instead of ' ' ??
@milleniumbug Better safe than sorry
I guess
the code there isn't exactly high-quality
SO at least downvotes into oblivion horrible answers
@набиячлэвэлиь I like this. +1
If you're going to allow spaces, you have to have some convention to tell what your values are.
well its my idea as im newbie in c++ .... but if you know a better way to put a vector of HighScoresEntry ( with its name and score) into a file... and then read from a file and put it in the vector...im waiting to hear
Are '\t' characters allowed?
@EduardoGutierrez It's a fine method.
@caps There was std::quoted IIRC
@caps its up to me
@EduardoGutierrez Well, then, decide
@EduardoGutierrez Then if you prefer simplicity, don't allow any whitespace and use the one here: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/28354610#28354610
i need the most elegant and flexible way...
If you want to allow spaces, but not other whitespace, then use '\t' for delimiters instead of spaces. If you want to allow those, use '\n', if you want to allow those also, then you have to find some other delimiter.
Hello all
@FoggyFinder hi
I have a question
after scores dont need a \n or \t ???
When I did something similar (saving filters to a file so they could be loaded again later), I did something sorta' kinda' like one-dimensional JSON. For your use, it would look like: entry_name: "entry name is printed here"\nentry_score: "entry score is printed here"\nNEWENTRY\n then you search the file and parse it into tokens. Then you can do std::find to find "entry_name: " in the file and then read in the next token, then std::find "entry_score: " and read in the next token, etc.
@FoggyFinder Shoot away
I want write to file some variables an read them after.
@FoggyFinder So far so good
I tried this:
	std::string path = "file.txt";
	std::ofstream output(path, std::ios::binary);
	int v1 = 123;
	int v2 = 456;
	output << v1;
	output << v2;
	int i1,i2;
	std::ifstream input(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
	input >> i1;
	input >> i2;
but i1 = 123456
@FoggyFinder output << v1; output << ' '; output << v2;
You need a delimiter
@FoggyFinder You have to put some kind of whitespace between v1 and v2
@FoggyFinder ... ?
this way I know :)
@набиячлэвэлиь : It gives error in eclipse std::istream RandomMaze::HighScoreEntry::operator>>(std::istream&, RandomMaze::HighScoreEntry&)’ must take exactly one
22 mins ago, by набиячлэвэлиь
@EduardoGutierrez Move operator<< outside of the class and it'll work
another way is reinterpret_cast?
@FoggyFinder No, it's not
@FoggyFinder The content of the saved file is literally "123456"
@EduardoGutierrez If it were me, instead of making a temp object, streaming the file into it, and pushing the temp into the vector, I'd make an explicit constructor on HighScoreEntry that takes a file (or a stream, or whatever) and builds itself from that. Then you can just do highscores.emplace_back(file) and skip the temporary.
@FoggyFinder Lol, no.
@caps meh
@набиячлэвэлиь how ??
@FoggyFinder You wrote "123456" to the file. Why would you expect something else to be read from the file?
@EduardoGutierrez Cut those two functions and paste them after the class' closing bracket
this mcve
@caps one thing is highscoreentry and another the vector of higscoresentries that i had to fill
@EduardoGutierrez before: class a { operator<<()fsadfsdfsd; }; after: class a { }; operator<<()fsadfsdfsd;
@EduardoGutierrez That message wasn't directed at you, actually. I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me.
@milleniumbug You don't like that for some reason?
error that score and name are private
Declare it as friend
namespace RandomMaze {

class HighScoreEntry {
	std::string name;
	int score;

	HighScoreEntry( std::string n, int s);
	int getScore();
	std::string getName();
	virtual ~HighScoreEntry();
	bool operator<(const HighScoreEntry& other) const
		       // code that determines ordering goes here
		       return score < other.score;


ostream operator<<(ostream & strm, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
		strm << entry.name << ' ' << entry.score;

	istream operator>>(istream & strm, HighScoreEntry & entry) {
(see full text)
@milleniumbug then error
‘friend’ used outside of class HighScoreEntry.h /RandomMazeScore line 37 C/C++ Problem
the same to istream
but reinterpret_cast working fine:
	std::string path = "file.txt";
	std::ofstream output(path, std::ios::binary);
	int v1 = 123;
	int v2 = 456;
	output.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&v1), sizeof(int));
	output.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&v2), sizeof(int));
	int i1,i2;
	std::ifstream input(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
	input.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&i1), sizeof(int));
	input.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&i2), sizeof(int));
	std::cout<<"i1: "<<i1<<std::endl<<"i2: "<<i2<<std::endl;
(see full text)
i1: 123
i2: 456
@caps It's irrelevant to the responsiblity of the class, can be made non-member
@FoggyFinder On your machine
and your not?
No, the binary representation is platform dependent
well, what are the other options?
10 mins ago, by набиячлэвэлиь
@FoggyFinder output << v1; output << ' '; output << v2;
I am truly forseeing
which can be shortened to output << v1 << ' ' << v2; btw
@набиячлэвэлиь : it has to end ostream
stream operator<<(ostream & strm, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
strm << entry.name << ' ' << entry.score;
@EduardoGutierrez eh?
had a \n after entry score and return strm ??
it gives me error in eclipse...
Oh, yes. Return strm
the same way you did before
of course
@набиячлэвэлиь: i return strm and then error:
‘istream’ does not name a type C/C++ Problem
@EduardoGutierrez Prefix [io]stream with std::
@milleniumbug, this option is also bad?:
	std::string path = "file.txt";
	const auto Si = sizeof(int);
	std::ofstream output(path, std::ios::binary);
	int v1 = 123;
	int v2 = 456;
	int i1,i2;
	char temp;
	std::ifstream input(path, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
	std::cout<<"i1: "<<i1<<std::endl<<"i2: "<<i2<<std::endl;
It's even worse
Don't use C-style casts
@набиячлэвэлиь : still error dont know what to do .. i have test it outside class and inside class....
It's like saying "don't smoke"
pure C bad?
namespace RandomMaze {

class HighScoreEntry {
	std::string name;
	int score;

	HighScoreEntry( std::string n, int s);
	int getScore();
	std::string getName();
	virtual ~HighScoreEntry();
	bool operator<(const HighScoreEntry& other) const
		       // code that determines ordering goes here
		       return score < other.score;

	std::ostream operator<<(ostream & strm, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
			strm << entry.name << '\n' << entry.score;
			return strm;
(see full text)
if i put ostream outside class i have to put in .h the declaration ??
@набиячлэвэлиь yenjie
any help please ?? its impossible to get this ....
friend declaration goes inside the class, operator<< definition goes outside
@milleniumbug (or not and gets injected)
sure whatever
that's obscure feature
‘std::ios_base::ios_base(const std::ios_base&)’ is private RandomMazeScore line 786, external location: /usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/ios_base.h C/C++ Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type
within this context RandomMazeScore line 66, external location: /usr/include/c++/4.8/bits/basic_ios.h C/C++ Problem
return the reference instead std::ostream&
:28355719 Have I, now
I need to use allcaps or they don't see it
@набиячлэвэлиь are you writing about reading a book to me ??
@milleniumbug it doesnt work....
@EduardoGutierrez No, I'm yelling at a fucking wall, goddammit
@EduardoGutierrez it seems so, what else
@EduardoGutierrez this is not a problem statement
"use a hammer" "it doesn't work"
"add 2" "it doesn't work"
@milleniumbug what can i do ??? i h ave in highscoreentry.cpp
std::istream operator>>(std::istream & in, HighScoreEntry & entry) {
in >> entry.name >> entry.score;
return in;
std::ostream operator<<(std::ostream & out, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
out << entry.name << '\n' << entry.score;
return out;
an in highscoreentry.h
class HighScoreEntry {
std::string name;
int score;

HighScoreEntry( std::string n, int s);
int getScore();
std::string getName();
virtual ~HighScoreEntry();
bool operator<(const HighScoreEntry& other) const
// code that determines ordering goes here
return score < other.score;
//friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const HighScoreEntry& entry);
//friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, HighScoreEntry & entry);
//friend std::ostream operator<<(ostream & strm, const HighScoreEntry & entry) {
(see full text)
You clearly have no idea what you're doing
friend std::ostream operator<<(
I should set up a bot that spams that link
I don't see & in there
@milleniumbug Look closer
12 mins ago, by milleniumbug
return the reference instead std::ostream&
And then cry out in despair
@набиячлэвэлиь yea thats what im looking for help... i dont know how to put a class in a file... and have been searching a lot in forums in books....
@milleniumbug Quite the foresight we got there, eh
@EduardoGutierrez Take one of the beginner books from that list. Read it.
Take another beginner book and read it as well.
Then read a semi-advanced book and that's p. much the level you'll be kk with
well finally i had it !!!
i only have to redirect cout << highscores[3] to a file ... is there a easy way ?' All the highscoreentry....
@EduardoGutierrez Use a std::ofstream
@wilx I consider this a sign of the un-enlightened mind, really.
The one thing that can make consciousness progress is the - obvious - realization that very little of a person's actions usually rationally guided.
I know I can be rational, but it takes great effort. And science shows that people only have limited "ego" (or will power) to make the effort.
void WriteHighScoresToFile()

std::ofstream myfile;
myfile.open ("example.txt");

for(int i = 0; i < highscores.size(); i++)
myfile << highscores[i];
//myfile << highscores[2];
i need the inverse readform file example.txt and put it in vector highscores... any idea ??
@EduardoGutierrez s/myfile;\nmyfile.open//
@EduardoGutierrez Inverse as in?
@набиячлэвэлиь are you expecting them to read this
@набиячлэвэлиь inverse operation to writing... what could it be...?
I had no fuking clue what "inverse readform file" meant
i have created a file example.txt with peter 100 richard 200 manolo 300
@набиячлэвэлиь because you're trying hard to outtroll everyone
instead of reading between the words
no i need to read the file and read peter 100 and put peter in the first entry name and 100 its score.... the second highscore richard and its score 200 ...
std::ifstream ifile("example.txt");
vector<HighscoreEntry> entries;
HighscoreEntry tentry;
while(ifile >> tentry)
@EduardoGutierrez explicit .close() is useless there
@набиячлэвэлиь with clever transformation you can get from "inverse readform file" to "inverse: read from file"
it seems that works two last questions... do i have to close ifile after using it ?
and i want to write the vector...it would append or writing from the beginning of the file ?
with these it seems all is working...
No, the destructor of the std::ifstream class closes the file
@EduardoGutierrez Not explicitly, it gets closed when the destructor is called
i could do the same no in the write file ? std::ofstream myfile( example.txt) ?? and i wouldnt have to open and close it ???
and the last what about append or writing new file ??
@EduardoGutierrez yes
it seems that write appends text...how can i write the file from begining ??
@EduardoGutierrez std::ofstream ofile("example.txt", std::ios::trunc);
and just the last question ... i have some coust << highscores[3]... the cout would not write to file no ?
im not directing anything from console....
you create a file and stream to it
the above code by набиячлэвэлиь declares a file stream
it's a stream, just like cout, and you can stream to it
not with trunc it appends....strange....reading documentation
void ReadHighScoresFromFile()

std::ifstream ifile("example.txt");
HighScoreEntry tentry;
while(ifile) {
ifile >> tentry;
Im facing one weird problem...if the file doesnt exists or is empty... it reads an 1 ... and gets the first highscore from file as 1 .....
1 hour ago, by набиячлэвэлиь
std::ifstream ifile("example.txt");
vector<HighscoreEntry> entries;
HighscoreEntry tentry;
while(ifile >> tentry)
Those are facts. It's best to rely on them.
@milleniumbug lol. Is it a lost cause?
@sehe набиячлэвэлиь has given up quite a long time ago

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