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Well, back to writing more C++...
22 hours later…
> Unprovoked abuse is not allowed.
So provoked abuse is allowed?
That's interesting
it's certainly not encouraged, but you can't sanction someone for reacting to abuse - since that's how initial abusers try to get people to react, then turn their reaction against them
very nasty business, that
or you can just have 50k people flag what you say as abusive..
Who judges what is or is not an abuse?
or less.. way less.. but the point is still the same
the reasonable public
@Johnathon Who judges who is reasonable?
point is, mod action needs to be focused on the root of issues, not on who just happened to get themselves caught up in it
@wilx are you not reasonable?
here's an explanation of the rules - gist.github.com/bryanedds/5e0ed2ee92cdd89bee20
@BryanEdds Make it a link plz
Why are people so bad at markdown jesus christ
It's like the plague
just tried to pin it
@Johnathon I am reasonable always, by my own judgement. :)
@wilx ;)
@BryanEdds Please please please edit this to be a link
ya - having trouble with this
Also need a more descriptive pin for the link you gave
stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/… - jan 15 at 14:09 by набиячлэвэлиь ▼
Can you make that one more pinnable too?
I keep inexplicably finding myself interested in writing C++ code - even tho I'm an F# programmer who should by all right do otherwise.
it's fun to program at disparate levels of abstraction, I guess :)
but transitioning between writing one or the other can be very disorienting for a moment :)
I'm just about finished writing a light-weight reflection library in C++
It's been really intense
Compile-time reflection or runtime reflection?
kept it much more light-weight
You got a link for it?
ok, please don't belittle my work
I don't belittle it, I know it's not an easy task
the reason it's run time is because I needed it to be super light-weight
@BryanEdds It's more light-weight when it's O(0)
light-weight in terms of amount of code to write and pull in as a dependency
Not really, no. I mean, sure, in some circumstances, yes.
not really what?
It's not literal bytecount, that's silly
I don't want a "light-weight" lib that's O(n^3) because it's "small"
I prefer my C++ code O(0)
You got a link for that lib?
I'm really hoping people can be supportive here instead of being argumentative all the time...
It's such a drag
It's not yet public, I'm afraid.
Not yet, so it's gonna be?
Post it here, please, when it becomes so; I'd like to take a look
Will do.

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