I am writing an app that displays a panorama picture that eventually has several markers on it to display information about certain points.
As the large image crashed the app (I have also another activity in the app that is displaying a large map), I am now trying to display the panorama as a se...
I am continously having this problem and I don't know what to do about it.
I've used this library and when I get the cropped image I save it in a static variable and move to the next activity. When I arrive in the next activity , I reference that static variable to get the bitmap and try to scal...
For each imageView you will have to call recycle() method. So, before the line:
bild.setImageBitmap(DecodeImage.decode(bild.getContext().getResources(), R.drawable.swipe_bild));
You have to put the line:
((BitmapDrawable) bild.getDrawable()).getBitmap().recycle();
If the problem persi...