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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

@lakiniphone Unfortunately there is no good Objective-C library to read an excel file. If you find one let me know!
how to show 2 annotaion location side by side even if they share same lat/long??
WOW this is awesome! love the chat feature.
Okay guys, my question: how might I figure out some sort of unique ID for the specific DEVICE that you are on? Like the Push id, but from the app. I need this for a web verification that the user bought the app to use the web interface. Thanks! Christian
you can use Device ID
NSString *sysID=[[UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier];
NSLog(@" ID IS %@",sysID);
Is there a way to get sections/groups into an NSCollectionView?
1 hour later…
I got some question about Textfield in tableview , anyone can help me ?
what time is it in your country ?
its now 11.30 AM
Here is 13.52 PM
you are working now?
may I ask some question about textfield in tableview ?
or you are busying ?
let me find the code
if (indexPath.row == 0) {
inputpTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyNext;
cell.accessoryView = inputpTextField;
cell.textLabel.text = @"IP";

else if (indexPath.row == 1) {
inputpTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyNext;
cell.accessoryView = inputpTextField;
cell.textLabel.text = @"Mask";


else if(indexPath.row ==2){
inputpTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
cell.accessoryView = inputpTextField;
cell.textLabel.text = @"Gate Way";
I put a textfield in table cell
How can I get the text when I press Done Button ?
First 2 is NEXT button
last one is Done button
by using text field's tag you can get text
I have got a tab based app, with UITabbarControllerDelegate but the delegate methods are not getting called, anybody got an idea why would it be so?
I search some Discussion
I wish when I press first 2 Next button it will jump to next textfield
So I copy the code
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField;{

NSInteger nextTag = textField.tag +1;
// Try to find next responder
UIResponder* nextResponder = [textField.superview viewWithTag:nextTag];
if (nextResponder) {
// Found next responder, so set it.
NSLog(@"STRING IN TEXTFIELD IS %@",textField.text);
[nextResponder becomeFirstResponder];
} else {
// Not found, so remove keyboard.
NSLog(@"STRING IN TEXTFIELD IS %@",textField.text);
[textField resignFirstResponder];
It 's ONLY go to "else" part
why ?
WebberLai, this might help you: blog.d-17.com/2009/08/…
I check it now
I'm having a problem opening the 'GKAchievementViewController'... I get a "undeclared (first use in this function)" message when I compile. And yes, I am #import-ing <GameKit/GameKit.h>
anyone in here have experience with GameCenter?
@VibhorGoyal It has a sample link inside
@livingtech Try this #import <GameKit/GKAchievementViewController>
@WebberLai yes download that sample code, it should help you.
let me study the code ......If I can understand
@VibhorGoyal I get "no such file or directory"...
Is this is your bolg ?
@WebberLai No
Ok ~
Thank you
@VibhorGoyal what's this..? I got TextfieldsWithKeyboard
Is your office has any beauty girls ?
@livingtech this is link for me....
oddly enough, I can compile the GKTapper project, no problem.
I can SEE the GameKit headers in my project.
but in the class where I'm trying to open the view... syntax highlighting doesn't work for GKAchievementViewController.
Hi everyone
@livingtech ohh sorry that link was for webberlai
can somebody tell me if there is a way to develop iphone application on windows pc?
Can somebody help me with UItabbarcontrollerdelegate
ha ha I tell him before
I can probably help with TabBar issues.
What's up?
@livingtech thanks, I have a tabbar based app
I have set up the tabbarcontroller delegate to self
in the app delegate, but still the tabbarcontroller delegate methods aren't getting called
any help?
sorry, off reading links... which methods aren't getting called?
oh, delegate methods, sorry.
your tabs are all showing up correctly then...?
and still might be helpful to know which method in particular isn't getting called.
@livingtech - (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController and yes the tabs are showing correctly
Might be obvious, but I'm assuming you've got the <UITabBarDelegate> after your class name...
I have just
and the above delegate method I mentioned is for UITabBarControllerDelegate not UITabBarDelegate>
ahhh, I see now.
so what does your init/delegate setting look like?
// Override point for customization after application launch.
self.tabBarController.delegate = self;

// Add the tab bar controller's view to the window and display.
[window addSubview:tabBarController.view];
[window makeKeyAndVisible];
have you tried without self. before the .delegate=self?
(you shouldn't need it.)
I initially had without self
didn't work
Have you tried setting the delegate in IB?
It is not the first time I am using UITabbarcontroller delegate
I have atleast 5 other apps, which have the same code
but their delegate methods do get invoked
I have no clue what is the problem with this one
I even tried creating a new appdelegate but no help
Yeah... sorry, I'm not thinking of anything earth shattering.
so now after wasting 5-6 hours on this issue, I guess I should just create a new app, and copy files over
gve a break
go out hang with GF
n com back
- (void)tabBarController:(UITabBarController *)tabBarController didSelectViewController:(UIViewController *)viewController
@prajakta if it was the regular stackoverflow forum, I would hve given you one up for the answer
@WebberLai did that link help?
how many years you guys be a Xcode programer ?
vibhor wer r u now
@WebberLai 2+
ya...but not works fine ?
@prajakta trying to find a GF to go out :p
Next Button is not work
Q: How to navigate through textfields (Next / Done Buttons)

phxHey all, how can i navigate through all my text fields with the "Next" Button on the iPhone Keyboard. The last text field should close the Keyboard. I setup in the IB the Buttons (Next / Done) but now im stuck. I implemented the textFieldShouldReturn action but now the Next and Done Buttons c...

I copy this answer~
@WebberLai well just assign tags to all the textfields
and tap of next button
make the textfield with next tag becomefirstresponder
yes I assign all textfield
I figured out my issue. Stupid ActiveTarget settings were set to use 3.2 Base SDK.
@livingtech lol I hate that bug. Can't wait for 4.2 to come out and unify the SDKs
For sure.
Oh man! This is the first time I've seen my achivement images in GameCenter's funky circles... it looks AWESOME!!!
@VibhorGoyal It only can print out the row I tap
Totally worth the ridiculous amount of time I spent making them.
@livingtech Not big deal ~keep going
@livingtech Awesome! I am yet to try GamecenterKit
Why this code won't let me jump to next textfield ?
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldReturn:(UITextField *)textField;{

NSInteger nextTag = textField.tag +1;
// Try to find next responder
UIResponder* nextResponder = [textField.superview viewWithTag:nextTag];
if (nextResponder) {
// Found next responder, so set it.
NSLog(@"STRING IN TEXTFIELD IS %@",textField.text);
[nextResponder becomeFirstResponder];
} else {
// Not found, so remove keyboard.
NSLog(@"STRING IN TEXTFIELD IS %@",textField.text);
[textField resignFirstResponder];
return NO;
// We do not want UITextField to insert line-breaks.
I see
I didnt give a next button "tag"
Let me google it ,how to give a next button tag
uibutton *btn;
btn.tag = 1;
@VibhorGoyal a default next button in keyboard ?
Pac Man and Mrs. Pac Man are on sale for $.99!
wow, the iPad version too. (only .99)
How can I let the textfield remember what I type ?If I leave the view with textfield ,and I switch back......the textfield will clear as a new one
@WebberLai You will have to save it somewhere. Google for data persistence in iPhone SDK
@VibhorGoyal thank you...
I only write code under 3 month,so I got so many questions
@WebberLai I can see that.
You'll learn
ya..I can write a song...but code is still learning
@VibhorGoyal Yes, but that version doesn't have GameCenter! ;)
lol yea, but to be very frank Gamecenter isn't too good yet
it's almost impossible to find your friends there
unless they specifically tell you their Gamesenter handle
I'm 'grid', btw. ;) Feel free to add me.
I think it maxes out at 50 games.
Which is kind of annoying.
yea n 1000 friends
I'm "vbgoz"
@livingtech friend request sent
ONLY 1000 friends.
I wonder how many achievements you can have.
1000 friends is a heck of a lot more reasonable than 50 games. :P
is any one do fotogaphy herE?
@prajakta you mean use camera to snap a photo ?
Is it possible to switch tab on a tab bar controller from within a View Controller?
yes but professional
not possible
i mean you have to play with index
tabbar indez
add "more " in tab bar ?
yes of course. I got a tab bar controller that has one View Controller on each tab, inside the View Controller i have a View that has a button that should change Tab on the Parent tab controller :)
Guess I could make the tab controlle global and access it and change index from the View .. but that feels like bad design
8360 points >??? how come you got that
@livingtech Yeah, 1000 friends is good enough
@prajakta, Why wouldn't I have that? I am fairly active and answer a lot of questions.
Only been doing objective-c for a couple of weeks though so it's not really my major.
@FilipEkberg Tab bar controller is global
@FilipEkberg You need to use tababarcontroller delegate methods to change current selected view
@VibhorGoyal, Right. How would I access it from within a View then? I suppose there's somewhat a "Parent Controll"-property?
this is my first iphone app, so bare with me ;)
@FilipEkberg there can be many ways
the easiest being create an instance of the app delegate
and then
delegate.tabbarcontroller.tabbar.selectedindex = 1
somewaht like this
wer r u working vihor?? banglore
No I am in chicago
@prajakta what about you?
when u went der?
@FilipEkberg Since there can only be one TabBarController, most folks put it in the AppDelegate.
@prajakta well I'm not working for an indian co. I have been here for more than 4 years. So I am not onsite kinda thing
@FilipEkberg Also handy is this quick way to "get" your delegate: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate]
@FilipEkberg Just like @livingtech said its best to have one Tabbar in app delegate. Since it's your first app, I would suggest you to create the app with tab bar, and xcode will automatically do it for you.
chicago ... if you find any opening for iphone do call me ;)
@prajakta Sure. Where are you right now?
<- Taiwan
lol Webber I was asking @prajakta but good to know about you as well :p
@prajakta How do I contact you?
I didn't notice it ! so embarrassed
<-- Minnesota
@livingtech My car got hit by strong hailstorm in Minnesota this summer :(
@VibhorGoyal, yeah already have it in my appdelegate.
@FilipEkberg cool
@VibhorGoyal, is it enough that i synthesize and @property the UITabBarController in the app delegate to be able to access it through [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate].myTabController
@FilipEkberg yes Synthesize and property is all you need to access it
exactly how to access it:
Weird, getting "Accessing unknow 'rootController' getter method"
AppDelegate * delegate = (AppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
@VibhorGoyal ouch! That's funny though, because the last time I was in Chicago, we had to pull over under and overpass because there was golf ball sized hail. I think it was last year.
@livingtech lol
Hey anybody knows how we change the title for backbutton of UInavigationbar?
@VibhorGoyal, Conversion to non-scalar type requested. Am I missing something trivial here?
@FilipEkberg Can you paste the exact code here?
I am using
@VibhorGoyal change the title of the Nav Controller itself.
but it doesn't work
self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem.title = @"Back";
...the one it's going back to.
@livingtech Can't do that
@VibhorGoyal, I guess that AppDelegate should be replaced by the classname of my app delegate so it looks like this:
MyAppDelegate *myDelegate = (MyAppDelegate)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
And i've imported the header file for MyAppDelegate
@FilipEkberg You are missing an asterisk
(MyAppDelegate *) instead of (MyAppDelegate)
Oh! Thanks
Works, thanks a lot
@VibhorGoyal That's how I've done it in the past. I don't think tehre's any backBarButtonItem property.
@livingtech Got it, there you go: blog.evandavey.com/2008/12/…
there is a backbarbuttonitem property
I stand corrected. :)
what is ur comp name vibor?
@prajakta Rareavis
soft comp?
i can opn site?
whats the URL
so US guys still hire IPhone ppl from abroad??
its wher u work?> or its your own comp
how many ppl der?
1 hour later…
anybody have any idea about Udp sockets in iPhone background ?
anyone have idea how to update sqlite3 version on macbook ?
Why is iPad behaving differently than an iPhone when it comes to running iPhone apps? I've got a UIWebView that displays an <object> with embedded youtube. On iPhone it opens up in the app and you can return back to the state you were in before. But on iPad you can't return back to the app, the youtube app that opens up has odd bounds and nothing happens when you click "Done". Ideas?
how are you show the UIWebView?
@GojaN: load the url using the loadRequest method, like:
NSURLRequest *requestObj = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:yourURL];
[webview loadRequest:requestObj];
also in the IB, set the UIWebView's delegate to the File's Owner
The embedded object is a part of the iPad, it is the way it was built...
As far as the youtube thing goes, I haven't had any troubles with that..
@CodeWriter Filip is who post the question
hello there, I have posted a question on the forum I would be obliged if some one can help, here is the link
Q: [Objective C: "Bindings"] How can I bind an NSTableView with 2D data at the backend ?

Umair Hello there, I am new to mac, and I am in trouble. I need to bind NSTableView to 2D data at the back end so that I can have dynamic update of data at the front end. I have 5*10 data at the back end that I want to bind it to NSTableView. I have tried almost every approach, read every article, impl...

@GojaN: sorry, missed reading the post above :)
@everyone: people please help if anyone can :(
@Umair don't panic. I really don't get what "2D data" and "5*10 data" meaning. Can you exaplain it in more simple way?
actaully I have some data that needs to be displayed as a 2D array
the array has 5 columns and 10 rows
the NSTableView in my application's GUI needs to be bound to the Array in order to dynamically update the data !
@GojaN, I am adding the WebView to my subViews like this: [myViewController.view addSubView:myWebView];
@Umair I would try with one array for each column and put this array in other collection
As I noted, it works on iPhone, but on iPad the youtube-movies get weird bounds.
@FilipEkberg setting the bounds of the webView to something reasonable? or try put the webView in a separate controller and present it modal?
@GojaN, I am creating the webview like this: [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,411)]; Do i need to set any properties for it to scale properly?
I am dynamicly creating webviews and adding them from code.
@Gojan: I hope its works, by the way what do you refer to when you say collections. Is this term used for Arrays in general ?
Hi..anybody have an answer for this ?
Q: NSTimer or NSThread in iOs 4 background mode

SijoI have to keep a NSThread or NSTimer when my iPhone application goes into background mode. Is it possible ? I have enabled the background modes in info.plist and opened readstream and writestream as follows ...(I am using UDP) CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamNetworkServiceType,...

@Umair with 'collection' a mean any type of data structure (NSDictionary, NSArray, etc) depends what you need
Is it possible through code to determen weather or not the device running the app is an iPad or iPhone ?
@FilipEkberg yes, but i will try first to set other values for your frame to something that's show well in iPad to confirm that it is the problem
@FilipEkberg yes, it's very easy, check google
@Gojan: any progress so far ?
@Umair jajaja sorry about my english, what I was trying to say is you can try using the arrays
okay no problem
1 hour later…
If anyone here has any experience with bindings, I would love to hear whether I'm able to do something like this....
[childArrayController bind:@"contentArray" toObject:[self parentArrayController] withKeyPath:@"selection.prototypeIDs" options:nil];
anybody in here
@JohnWordsworth childArrayController can access "selection.prototypeIDs" in a KVC way?
@GojaN I'm quite new to the bindings, and I've done it through the NIB a few times, but wanted to tie these together without cluttering up my NIB file with loads of objects.
So I have a parent table view (bound to an NSArrayController through the Nib) which works fine. What I would like is to make a second table view then bind to an array 'prototypeIDs' from the object selected in the top table.
And you want do it from the code right?
char* passUserChoiceToSyncAgent()

char pass[10];

strncpy(pass, choice, 10);

return pass;

whats wrong with this function
What's the type of 'choice'? Is it's length more or equal to 10?
@GojaN Ideally, just as my NIB is getting quite cluttered with objects, and there are going to be a lot of these sub-views.
@JohnWordsworth You could try hold a reference to the NSArrayController of the parent table in the object that's creates the others tables and use the 'selection' property in a call to bind:toObject:withKeyPath:
@GojaN Awesome - thanks. I will give it a shot!
Other approach may be use an observer
Cool, please tell me how it's was!
Will let you know - am going to implement it tomorrow, but may catch you around these parts again soon!
If we are creating a tabbarbased app, should we add viewcontrollers via IB or Code?
I prefer IB...
Just because it seems kind of easier to manage them...
@RichardJRossIII I am doing that but it seems to be causing strange issues. i.e. that tabbarcontrollerdelegate methods
sometimes do not get invoked
vibhor, do they ever get invoked or is it intermittent?
btw, i also prefer using IB, it's quicker and, as long as i connect all the dots, i don't have to worry about forgetting to set something, like I'm more likely to do if writing the actual code
Hi ,
hey there
hi :)
anyone in here familiar with how to force a specific orientation when a view controller is pushed onto the nav stack?
i've been searching around on the web and all the solutions I can date back to 2008 when the solution was very hacky
i have problem with custom backspace
i create a custom keyboard for iphone
would you please help me ?
i'm wondering if apple's implemented a more automated way since then that doesn't involve having to write custom (yet somewhat simple) animation code
@Momeks, what's the problem?
@Vladimir my codes just remove characters at the end of the line not from the cursor location .
Hi dear ,i have problem with the custom backspace and enter buttons on custom iPhone keyboard ,

The Backspace : my codes just remove characters at the end of the line not from the cursor location .

if ([textView.text length]>0) textView.text = [textView.text substringToIndex:([textView.text length]-1)];

and read this question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2536691/custom-keyboard-iphone-having-problem-with-backspace-button-in-uitextview but didn't solve my problem .
i change my code to this :
NSRange deleteRange = textview.selectedRange;
deleteRange.length -= 1; length - 1.
textView.text = [textView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:deleteRange withString:@""];
but my app crashed and receive SIGBART
dunno :) need to thank about that
does anybody here to help me ?
it seems the 1st problem is that selectedRange returns UITextRange, not NSRange
so how can i fix it ?
no, sorry, looked at another class, nsrange is correct
the compiler doesn't report any bug ! or crash logs
what 2nd line (deleteRange.length -= 1; length - 1. ) supposed to do?
it's just this : deleteRange.length -= 1;
anyone in here familiar with forcing an orientation in a single view?
@BeachRunnerJoe this what's your problem ?
i'm just trying to understand the process since the apple guides don't really cover it, but is there a simple function I can use that will provide the same behavior as when the user rotates the physical device or do I have to write custom code to do this?
here's some code I found on the net, but it dates back a while...

[UIView beginAnimations:@"View Flip" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5f];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveEaseInOut];

self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
self.view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(degreesToRadian(90));
self.view.bounds = CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 480.0f, 320.0f);
self.view.center = CGPointMake(160.0f, 240.0f);

[UIView commitAnimations];
@BeachRunnerJoe, I did it once in my app, but as I remember the code looked awful :) i did something like manually rotate the view
yes, something like you posted :)
thanks. one more quick question, where's the best place to put that code?
also, i just found this function as well...
[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight;
@BeachRunnerJoe i think it's better to create a function then call it on viewDidLoad
@Momeks, at least if selected nsrange has zero length then your code obviously fails. do you want to remove the whole selected text or always just the last symobl?
@Vladimir look , for example i write a sentence : "this is my new work " if i want delete the new word , my backspace delete the last character ! from the end of sentence not the place user selected
i can send my sample code app , if you want it :)
hm, I took ran code and it deletes the "ne" (as expected actually)
but as I said it will crash the app if selection has zero length - as you'll set the length to -1
why decrement range length anyway?
for the delete character :D
it's backspace button
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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