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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

i fixed the enter problem , except backspace
does not allow me to download
wait up
thank you for help me anyway :)
anyway, the correct logic imo must be: 1) get the range. if its length > 0 just delete it (that's the case selection is not empty)
if length == 0 then create new range - with location = selectedRange.location-1 and length=1
so if there's no selection you'll delete 1 symbol before cursor
so in your code now you just always remove last character. try to apply the logic I described
would you please write the code? i didn't understand :-S
if (selectedRange.length>0)
textView.text = [textView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:selectedRange withString:@""];
if (selectedRange.location > 0)
[textView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(selectedRange.location-1,1) withString:@""];
something like that
let me test it :D thanks
the backspace worked but ! just for selected words !
it means if i highlight some text i can delete it !
because last line does nothing ;)
Ok , i don't get my answer but thank you for your respond
check the last line of my code - I forgot to put textView.text = in it
it must work then
as I see there's also an issue when text is larger than textview then view scrolls to the end for some reason. you may need to scroll it back manually, but I don't know how to do that in a nice-looking way
sorry textview.text should be equal with what ?
if (selectedRange.location > 0)
textView.text = [textView.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(selectedRange.location-1,1) withString:@""];
Thank you very very very much
but it has a tiny problem can is say it ?:-s
the new problem is , my back button works great in order to delete character from middle of words
but just remove 1 character after that (removing letters) , comes back to the end of line
it means doesn't stay where the cursor is
yes, that's what I wrote about... I dont know to make it stay in current position
you can set selection manually so cursor remains where it was
aha !!!
but it scrolls to the end anyway and scrolling it back manually does not work (at least for me, I may have missed something simple)
thanks anyway , iam graphic designer , i would be happy help you about graphical stuff on your apps :)
ok :) because when I have to do something with gimp it is a real pain for me :(
this is my email : [email protected] tell me what you need and here is my apps
Has anybody used Flurry API for iPhone here?
@Vladimir i fixxxxxxxxxxxxxxx it :)
deleteRange.length = 0;
textPad.selectedRange = deleteRange;
@Momeks good :)
does anybody knows if there is a property like navigationController.visibleViewController in a splitViewController
yeeep , thank you again :) , babye
2 hours later…
hi there...
some one use SCM in XCode?
@GojaN yes I do
cool, can you tell my how update the entry project?
am I allowed to ask an iphone specific question here.
ask first, sorry later :)
Im getting a white screen when I present an MPMoviePlayerViewController
@GojaN Click on SCM at top menu bar, and select Update antire project
@VibhorGoyal ...estrange, I must quit XCode and open again to see this option. Thanks!
@GojaN No it should be there, if you configured the repository for current project.
@JordanBrown yes but I only saw "Repositories", "Configure SCM Repositories" and "Configure SCM for this project" until i restart it... Now I see it
I think you ment to point that to @VibhorGoyal
@JordanBrown true, sorry
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 23:00

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