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anyone here with some advice on CoreData and iPad and memory? In particular, I am computing views and then adding them, but keeping copies in an array. Then during rotation, I want to shrink and move them to specific locations, so I need to know which view contains which object. Having copies in convenient, but apparently taking up too much memory. alternatives?
hi all
hi all
Hi Guys
@PugalDevan hi
@Alekhya hi
hello all
@Fasttracks hi
@Fasttracks how can we get walking route in map
@ManjotSingh, Hi
@Fasttracks i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route
@Alekhya, HI
@PugalDevan how can we get walking route in map
@PugalDevan i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route
@PugalDevan like there is option in map for walking, driving and train and plain routes
@PugalDevan do u have any idea ?
@PugalDevan Hi
anyone knows about it
@Alekhya hi
@ManjotSingh Hi..
@ManjotSingh. Okay,
how can we get walking route in map
i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route
like there is option in map for walking, driving and train and plain routes
do u have any idea ?
@Alekhya, Have you tried that sharekit?
@PugalDevan tried...its workin and now im trying to integrate ino my app
@Alekhya, okay fine
@PugalDevan Why my question was downvoted?Do u know?
@Alekhya. And some of API's are available like gigya, jainrain. FYI developers.gigya.com
@Alekhya u have idea about it
@PugalDevan ok i will try,thank u
@PugalDevan could you please tell me how do i get walking route
@Alekhya, Actually if you are question is not clear and it's not helpful for someone, so that they have put downvoted
@ManjotSingh, I think some of the sample applications are available, have you tried that
@PugalDevan ya i am successfully to get route on map between two lang lats
@PugalDevan that route is driving route
@ManjotSingh no sorry..
@ManjotSingh, Okay. You want to draw road map
@PugalDevan client is damanding for the walking route
@ManjotSingh, Ohh walking root, which is similar to google map apps?. sorry i dunno.
@PugalDevan not an issue
@Fasttracks i m getting driving route only not walking routes as in google maps
hi every 1
@ravoorinandan hi
hey am having a doubt regarding navigation bar button item can you ppl let me know how to fix this issue
@ravoorinandan what is the issue
right now am having two bar buttons on navigation bar one is back button and other(right bar button item)is settings button
@ravoorinandan ok
@ravoorinandan so what is the issue
when i touch near by back button its navigating back to be clear action is taking place what would be the issue?
@ravoorinandan clear action means
@ravoorinandan you might call wrong method
nope man 1 sec
even if i touch outside of back button its navigating!
same with rest of the buttons!
i mean even if i touch close to back button its gng back or button is getting pressed
@ravoorinandan ok i got it
@ravoorinandan mean when you are clicking just near to it even u dont click on button u redirect to back page
@ravoorinandan i got the same problem
@ravoorinandan fix the size of the button
@ravoorinandan do u know how to aligned the text of button label
s ofcorse
@ravoorinandan means label on the custom button
but for back button we are not gng to gve the size right?
@ravoorinandan yes make a custom button
i jst try to gve tht as button title
it works!
@ravoorinandan printing label from webservice on the button
@ravoorinandan it might be 1,2,3 lines
@ravoorinandan how will fix it
oh you want tht to be on the button?
i mean on the custom button over the label ?
@ravoorinandan like when the label is of 3 lines then it looks fine but if label is of 1 line then it comes in centre
@ravoorinandan which doesnt look fine
did you check with the alignment?
@ravoorinandan yes i had tried for the vertical and horizontal alignment
left alignment
@ravoorinandan but it applies on the button not on the label
@ravoorinandan it is left but i need is top left alighnment and there is not method for it
@ravoorinandan there are three only left right and center
yes i do
k will try to 2 find it out and let u knw
@ravoorinandan sure
@ravoorinandan thanks it has been done
@ravoorinandan no need to find thanks for ur support
@ravoorinandan have u work with map routes
hi guys
@Prasanna hi
how can we get walking route in map
i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route
like there is option in map for walking, driving and train and plain routes
do u have any idea ?
@ManjotSingh, sry not aware of that
@Prasanna thanks
anyone in this room has idea about walking route
in Google maps?
i have done the same thing whch u have done?
Check out the json string for walking routes.That is when u receive the it from google
Anyone got a tip on changing ongoing animations? stackoverflow.com/questions/5349679/…
I'd normally just wait for an answer, but i actually need to finish this part of coding today ^^
Some posibilities i was considering: getting the view/layer's position while animating, stoppin the animation, then getting the position, or making my very own animation method
hi but i have not worked with animations...you can ask similar question on the iPhone chat
Hm, i never know what to ask under iPhone tags and what under obj-c tags :)
hi.., can anyone tell me how to scroll a map on scrolling scrollview which is on top of mapview..?
Y a scroll view on the map..?
So, if i get you right, you have:
So you want a map inside a scrollview which you add on top of a mapview?
i need to display an image on top of map which needs to zoomin and out..
i tried customoverlayview too, but there region other than image displays map, i should not let user to scroll other than the image
@breakfreehg k i will check it..
In general, i find stackoverflow way more useful. Apple discussions and even the official dev forums take way longer on average to get an answer, or none at all
So you want to let the user scroll a image, and let the map under it move along with it, sripriya?
A: iphone App Deployment Question

MacYou can add maximum 100 device using developer account. Othrewise you need to upload application to apple store. Regards, MAc

@ErikDolor yes
@SriPriya ok
And why did the custom overlay not work? Other scroll speed?
@ErikDolor my image of custom overlay should fix to specified region, i should not let user to see the region other than image..
So you want to stop the user from scrolling the mapview? I'm not really getting a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve... Please tell us what you are trying to achieve, in what kind of app, so we have a idea of possible other solutions.
like pointInside app

Check this is it write?
@ErikDolor yes..
@SriPriya I think i see what you mean. However, i believe he simply loads a uiscrollview as a modal view controller (or something reproducing that behaviour), where he manually adds the pins; it's not a MKMapView
stackoverflow.com/questions/1404534/… add a button like this to the annotation, and make it load a scrollview on top of your mapview
@ErikDolor even if he not, i need to add pins na, so i need mapview in back..
then, either place pins on it, or subclass the scrollview so you can easily add pins.
You could more easily make that method yourself i believe
If i were you, i would recreate a MKAnnotation myself; just make it a button with the pin as an image, and if clicked, display some kind of callout view next to it. Next, place them on certain points on your scrollview.
@ErikDolor how can i get latitude longitude values which needs to be saved..
Do you know exactly where on the image the pins will come?
Since then you can simply use a CGPoint to place it on that place on the map. If it's dynamic, you'll need to do it a bit harder. But longitude and latitude are simply what you enter in a MKMapview, they are being converted to a CGPoint within that map's scrollview behind the schemes too, i believe
they are dynamic, i will get latitude longitude values only..
on what scale? do you show 1 building like the point inside, or is it really bigger? else this sounds like a nice challenge ^^
If you know the scale of the image (longitude/latitude of the bottom left and top right corner, for example), and you know where the middle is located, you can easily convert them to a coordinate within the scrollview
Did you have a question posted on stackoverflow about this yet? Else i will answer there so others might benefit from it
@SriPriya Place an answer on stackoverflow, clearly stating your situation; What you are trying to make and what information you will get to clear the job. If you get longitude/latitutes of the points you have to place on your image, please also tell us if you get the total size of that image, either in coordinates or in meters. I got some ideas for this, and i'll try to write the code you will need for the image-mapview
@ErikDolor i just have the image and the center coordinate of the map where the image is to be displayed, i had searched a lot to find calculations for image sizes maprect and so on..
Do you know the size of the image, either in coordinates or in meters? else you wont know on what scale to place the image on the map anyway
but i got to go now; i'll check your profile and this chat when i get back in about 3 hours.
@ErikDolor ok,, thank you..
do you know core graphics?
Apparetly this chat works from iPhone so I can chat from school; did you post it yet priya?
@ErikDolor i didnt posted yet, posting..
Q: pdf file text reading and searching

FasttracksHello, I want to read text from pdf file and search text into pdf file. here the link that i know. none of this help me out. Getting text position while parsing pdf with Quartz 2D HIghlighting the text in PDF document iPhone xcode http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Graphic...

Why do those topics get posted in the chat like that btw?
xcode 4 issue
Hey, what's the problem?
Xcode 4 "waiting for process 'Appname' to launch
dont know wht to do?
need help?
Stop, reconnect your device and try again :)
trying on simulator
Else restart Xcode, helped plenty of times for me too
Then quit the simulator and try again; same effect
tried already
other apps working fine issue in this application
Try to manually remove the app from the simulator, then restart it
I haven't had the problem with the simulator yet but I hope it's enough like the real device
the app is not created only in the simulator
How do you mean?
Just try holding the icon to remove it in te simulator, just like you'd do on the device, then restart both Xcode and the simulator;
still same issue...
@ErikDolor hi.., my map issue solved, decided to display image and load pins manually, thanks for the idea..
@ErikDolor hey dude are u there?
@sripriya: nice, glad you solved it!
@breakfreehg now I am again, did you try the magical reboot yet? (of your Mac)
rebooting the mac
Sorry, I'm in physics lesson so have to he careful not to be caught 'chatting'. And, yep
@ErikDolor oopsss
on ipod/iphone
You mean your problem or me chatting?
my issue is not getting solved dude wht to do?
it really sucks
xcode 4
do any 1of you ppl know about finding position of a text in a pdf file
i mean getting coordinates!
if so plz lemme know thx in adv
@ErikDolor are u there any solution
hi prasanna
Ravoor, never worked with pdf's, search the docs for the APi/kit you're using I guess
Breakfreehg: sorry, you depleted my best solutions for devices not wanting to run. I'd recommend googling
the exact error for now, will help you soon; teachers being a bitch.
hmmm am searching a lot but unable to get the xact soln :(
hi @ravoorinandan
Meh :( I'll be backto you guys in an hour or two; for now I can't take much more risk, he's giving people turns now...
me too stucking with scrolview orientation issue
oh scroll view wht happend?
i add imageview as subview to scrollview.
orientation will not allow to set the frame accordingly
had you defined the frame coordinates in both the orientations???
ya. but scrollview is k. frame get change.. but the imageview doestnot
then did u set the frame for imageview in the bth orientations!
i need to set the two types of Frame for imageview.
when portrait, i would set 320,250 and for landscape 480,320
for (int k=0; k<[image count]; k++) {

NSString *imageName = [image objectAtIndex:k];

imageScroll=[[UIImageView alloc]initWithImage:imageName];

imageScroll.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0,480,320);

[scrolV addSubview:imageScroll];
after i set scrollView Frame. i added the imageview
for landscape if i did change the frame of my imageView (imageScroll) it doesnot change.
its being still the same when it was allocated
where you r gvngfor landscape
@ErikDolor:there are no API regarding pdf for ios there are only for mac right!
in UIINterfaceOrientation for Landscape
even though is it not workin?
i think there was a framework for PDF, i could not remind now. but i told to fasttracks
if so plz lemme know yar
need help ppl
koi hai
its really screwin me dwn past 1 week!!!
oh good. let i try
and more over can you send me your code coz it should work in both orientations if you set the frame!
@ravoorinandan Xcode 4 "waiting for process 'Appname' to launch
its working, changes the scroll of frame accordingly but the problem i stuck is. the funny imageviews
@breakfreeh:i didnt get u?
actualy my project name and my product name are diffrent
will tht be the issue
actually in xcode 4 whn i am running my project i am getting "waiting for process Appname" at the top
prdct name?
product name
koi hai...
@breakfreehg Hi..
@Alekhya hi
can you please help me out
in the above issue
@breakfreehg product name?
tht is the product
so it was working fine in the previous version of the xcode but in xcode 4 its not
cant find out whts the issu
now u wana change appname
check out my question
Q: Xcode 4 issue "attaching to 'appname' "

breakfreehg dont kown why getting this attaching to "App name" progress bar and it remains same for long time and the app is not running on the simulator. What is the issue? Any one can help me. My app name is different from my project name. This app runs well in xcode 3.2.5 but i am getting issue in xc...

different behaviour
didnt seen before
yar actually all my other xcode 3 projects working fine ths project is giving me ths issue
the project it not getting into the iphone simulator
would all other projects r working in Xcode 4?
my only ths projects name of the product is diffrent from the project name...will tht be the issue
try to change the product name similar to projectname
i feel tht will be better
i m not sure it will work after did change also
so wht will be the issue
u try
ios simulator is diffrent frm iphone simulator
both r same
actually its was some profile error
thanks for ur support
thnks a lot
thats great
wat u do
atually it was taking as debug but i should have selected distribution profile
so now u did select. right?
after selecting distribution.....it worked since the product name was requiring the distribution profile not debug
yes its working now xcode 4 is a bit confusing but since i am totally new to it
thnks dude
not worked on ipad ap uptil now/
@Prasanna hi How r u?
can u help me?
1 down vote favorite


I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data.

file size is 67 mb

how can i read.

file is in text format.

its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes.
can any one help me out.
1 down vote favorite


I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data.

file size is 67 mb

how can i read.

file is in text format.

its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes.


Shyam parmar
@Fasttracks NSStream i believe is your ticket
you cannot load that whole file into memory on iOS devices.
The working space for an iOS application is about 30mb
@KyletheUnruly so that i am getting stack in that
I don't understand.
@KyletheUnruly it crashes when i am reading that file
are you currently using NSStream?
NSString *content = [[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName usedEncoding:nil error:nil] autorelease];
currently i am using this
I just told you that you cannot use that.
The file exceeds the maximum memory space available to your application.
i have no idea about nsstream can u give me some example of that
you need to read a stream instead of loading the whole contents into memory using NSStream
nope, google it.
There are lots of examples.
ok thanks
@Fasttracks, fine dude. u?
@Prasanna stuck in one pro,
i want to read one 70 mb file how can i do /
one friend told to do this by nsstream i am searching for that
try it...
@KyletheUnruly hi
can u help me out to find a code i am not getting anything for that
@Prasanna can u help me out to find a code i am not getting anything for that
@Fasttracks, can u clear me out
@Prasanna i want to read a 70 mb text file how can i do
Q: a long long file reading

FasttracksHello, I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data. file size is 67 mb how can i read. file is in text format. its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes. code is NSString *content = [[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName us...

hold. u want to read text file
@Prasanna yes
NSString *content = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName
after this it crashes duto memory warning
dont use autorelease....
@Prasanna tring
tell error log u seen
@Fasttracks, you simply cannot read the whole 70MB file at once - try using NSStream as Kyle said
@Prasanna same pro
@Vladimir yes u r write
ok gays thanks
if any one find solution pls update below que or send me mail @[email protected]
Q: a long long file reading

FasttracksHello, I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data. file size is 67 mb how can i read. file is in text format. its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes. code is NSString *content = [[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName us...

hello guys, anything interesting happened while i was in school?
stackoverflow.com/questions/5349679/… - anyone got any tips on getting moving views' positions or otherwise changing an animation while it's going?
look at uiviewanimation with cgafflinetransformmakerotation
how do you find name of the account with associated with the exchange calendar programatically
@Prasanna Whom was this an answer to?
Did you read the question? I cant remember i said anything about rotating views in there... ;)
@Pradeep i believe this is not possible... Sounds private to me
not 100% sure though
i not mean to rotation. likewise u can move your views
I still repeat my question, did you read the question? The problem was not animating at its basics; the problem is finding the position of a view being animated.
use Cgpoint with locationinview
Please read the whole question first.
@ErikDolor, probably you have to use CAAnimation-family classes to access to view intermediate position, not block-based UIView animations
just a guess...
I thought that block animations were a small layer around CAAnimation. I tried using the presentationLayer to get its position, but no help there. I will try using all CA now, i hope thatll help. Though i can vaguely remember having tried that a while back already...
hey is anybody familiar with outlook here. I hv a simple question and am not sure what place should i ask.
At least not in the objective-c chat, but go ahead
i am sorry abt this..my question is If I permanently delete a folder in Outlook….will that also be deleted in the GFI archive ?
well, they actually are, but blocks may make some difference
I dont know GFI myself developer, but from what i read about it it will; sounds like a synchronization cloud service?
it is Email archiving software for Exchange Server
@Vladimir , do you know if the subviews of a view will also move, if i move a view's layer?
Any one having exp with Coreplot
are the UIView and its layer linked that close?
yes, I think they should move
cool, else this code i'm writing would be kinda worthless :p
Ok, 1 problem... With the block animation, i could easily reset the animation in the 'completion' block. Now i only have the delegate method; how can i see what layer was being animated from the animationdidstop method?
guys? :)
I want to develop multiple text field search bar for iPhone. So when the user touches on search bar, he is allowed to select from a list of search criteria's. Like in a list of users, if he wants to search by firstname, lastname, email or combinations of this. Is it possible using the UISearchbar to filter by multiple criteria's
Not by default, you'll have to make a smart subclass
Can you please explain me what that is.
just a subclass; i just meant youd have to think of a smart way to do it ;)
oh ok.. Can I use a Scope bar?
do you have any links to tutorials as to how i would create a scope bar because I tried to google but am not able to find any
7 hours later…
Q: Mini server implementation in Objective C

OmerHi everyone, I'm trying to implement a little server service in order to upload files via web browser to my iOS app. An example of this feature is implemented in the following app: http://itunes.apple.com/uy/app/files-document-reader/id294150896?mt=8 seems to be very simple, but don't know whe...

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