anyone here with some advice on CoreData and iPad and memory? In particular, I am computing views and then adding them, but keeping copies in an array. Then during rotation, I want to shrink and move them to specific locations, so I need to know which view contains which object. Having copies in convenient, but apparently taking up too much memory. alternatives?
how can we get walking route in map i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route like there is option in map for walking, driving and train and plain routes do u have any idea ?
how can we get walking route in map i am using polylines but m getting driving route on map not walking route like there is option in map for walking, driving and train and plain routes do u have any idea ?
I'd normally just wait for an answer, but i actually need to finish this part of coding today ^^
Some posibilities i was considering: getting the view/layer's position while animating, stoppin the animation, then getting the position, or making my very own animation method
In general, i find stackoverflow way more useful. Apple discussions and even the official dev forums take way longer on average to get an answer, or none at all
So you want to let the user scroll a image, and let the map under it move along with it, sripriya?
So you want to stop the user from scrolling the mapview? I'm not really getting a clear idea of what you're trying to achieve... Please tell us what you are trying to achieve, in what kind of app, so we have a idea of possible other solutions.
@SriPriya I think i see what you mean. However, i believe he simply loads a uiscrollview as a modal view controller (or something reproducing that behaviour), where he manually adds the pins; it's not a MKMapView
then, either place pins on it, or subclass the scrollview so you can easily add pins.
You could more easily make that method yourself i believe
If i were you, i would recreate a MKAnnotation myself; just make it a button with the pin as an image, and if clicked, display some kind of callout view next to it. Next, place them on certain points on your scrollview.
Do you know exactly where on the image the pins will come?
Since then you can simply use a CGPoint to place it on that place on the map. If it's dynamic, you'll need to do it a bit harder. But longitude and latitude are simply what you enter in a MKMapview, they are being converted to a CGPoint within that map's scrollview behind the schemes too, i believe
on what scale? do you show 1 building like the point inside, or is it really bigger? else this sounds like a nice challenge ^^
If you know the scale of the image (longitude/latitude of the bottom left and top right corner, for example), and you know where the middle is located, you can easily convert them to a coordinate within the scrollview
Did you have a question posted on stackoverflow about this yet? Else i will answer there so others might benefit from it
@SriPriya Place an answer on stackoverflow, clearly stating your situation; What you are trying to make and what information you will get to clear the job. If you get longitude/latitutes of the points you have to place on your image, please also tell us if you get the total size of that image, either in coordinates or in meters. I got some ideas for this, and i'll try to write the code you will need for the image-mapview
@ErikDolor i just have the image and the center coordinate of the map where the image is to be displayed, i had searched a lot to find calculations for image sizes maprect and so on..
I want to read text from pdf file and search text into pdf file.
here the link that i know.
none of this help me out.
Getting text position while parsing pdf with Quartz 2D
HIghlighting the text in PDF document iPhone xcode
Ravoor, never worked with pdf's, search the docs for the APi/kit you're using I guess
Breakfreehg: sorry, you depleted my best solutions for devices not wanting to run. I'd recommend googling the exact error for now, will help you soon; teachers being a bitch.
dont kown why getting this attaching to "App name" progress bar and it remains same for long time and the app is not running on the simulator.
What is the issue?
Any one can help me.
My app name is different from my project name.
This app runs well in xcode 3.2.5
but i am getting issue in xc...
I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data.
file size is 67 mb
how can i read.
file is in text format.
its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes.
code is
NSString *content = [[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName us...
I want to read one text file and perform some action on that data.
file size is 67 mb
how can i read.
file is in text format.
its working in simulateor but giving memory warning in device and crashes.
code is
NSString *content = [[[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:fileName us...
I still repeat my question, did you read the question? The problem was not animating at its basics; the problem is finding the position of a view being animated.
I thought that block animations were a small layer around CAAnimation. I tried using the presentationLayer to get its position, but no help there. I will try using all CA now, i hope thatll help. Though i can vaguely remember having tried that a while back already...
Ok, 1 problem... With the block animation, i could easily reset the animation in the 'completion' block. Now i only have the delegate method; how can i see what layer was being animated from the animationdidstop method?
I want to develop multiple text field search bar for iPhone. So when the user touches on search bar, he is allowed to select from a list of search criteria's. Like in a list of users, if he wants to search by firstname, lastname, email or combinations of this. Is it possible using the UISearchbar to filter by multiple criteria's
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to implement a little server service in order to upload files via web browser to my iOS app. An example of this feature is implemented in the following app:
seems to be very simple, but don't know whe...