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6:27 AM
Today (well, past two days technically) in "questionable custom close reasons":
- Would have closed with "needs more details" but I don't really want to have more details
- I’m voting to close this question because the OP has solved it himself.
- I’m voting to close this question because probably homework.
- I’m voting to close this question because OP needs to show some effort.
- Just swapping "http" to "https" only changes the protocol, but you didn't tell it which certificate to actually use. See the [official Node.js tutorial on setting up an HTTPS server](https://nodejs.org/en/knowledg
@RyanM The first one is completely justified, as it turns out.
@CodyGray BAHAHA. Okay, that's legit.
But literally the rest of them... wow. Not a one among them is legitimate. Once again, several are even answers.
Do moderators actually have a way to find the questions they were cast on? i.e., how you found that one?
No. But Zoe shared a screenshot with me earlier, after she nuked it, and I remembered seeing that as a comment. Mods can search for deleted questions, so it was trivial to find it.
6:31 AM
Ah, I wondered if that might've been the case.
Oddly, I don't think we have a search tool for comments. If we did, that would solve this problem, too.
To be more specific, we have a search tool for a specific user's comments, but not for all comments on the site.
You'd say that would be too much to search, but... (A) this one company seems to manage to search the entire Internet, and (B) the entire list of questions and answers is an awfully large corpus, too.
also C) you can do it in SEDE for most comments but that comes with all the limitations of that.
Oh, that's true. I always forget about that, because my SQL skills are non-existent.
Also, you'll be pleased to know that Zoe's flag messages have been getting more...whimsical? I got a YouTube video link in one, and it wasn't even a rickroll.
That is pleasing to hear.
I'd grown tired of the rickroll.
Huh, yeah. I guess that pretty definitively gives away which mod it was.
Especially with BoltClock inactive these days.
"Disemvowel" though... That's clever. (Wasn't the answerer who came up with it, though, so no points.)
6:39 AM
Yeah, I enjoy that term.
Also, if there was any doubt, she cast the last vote in one of the reviews while handling it.
Can still be misleading, due to teamwork.
True. I've also seen flags get half handled, then handled the rest of the way later.
And you think: "Poor mod, they probably had to stop for a meeting"
6:57 AM
If only the URLs for suggested edit reviews were shorter than /review/suggested-edits/12345678... I could fit so many more into my flags.
Just had to cut an example to make the message fit.
Had to settle for a mere seven examples.
I have yet to resort to linking to off-site information, though (other than metasmoke).
You could do /review/suggested-edits/12345678 once, and then subsequent references could include only the ID?
I feel like y'all prefer clickable links, though.
Yeah, of course.
Is /review/... even clickable, though?
But yeah, if I ever think it's important, that's probably what I'll do.
[1](/review/suggested-edits/12345678), [2](/review/suggested-edits/23456789), [3](/review/suggested-edits/34567890), ...
Wait, flags actually support that kind of mini-markdown?
7:05 AM
...have you never gotten any of my flags? I do this constantly.
I...don't read them?
No, that's clearly untrue. I don't memorize them.
But yeah it's the same feature set that comments support, IIRC.
Huh, OK. I didn't realize that.
Almost no one uses that. They just paste in the raw URLs, which get turned into links for us.
But yeah, can confirm that yours do work properly.
Yeah, I'd be waaaaay over the char limit if I did that.
I do appreciate the confirmation.
A bare URL takes fewer characters than including the 4 minimum markdown symbols, and that's not even including the actual link text.
7:10 AM
No, it's longer because the bare URL includes the https://stackoverflow.com bit.
Oh, that can be omitted with the markdown link syntax, but not otherwise? Hmm.
Comment text: /u/208273 /review/suggested-edits/30262140 stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/30262140 //stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/30262140 https://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/30262140
But yeah it otherwise doesn't know if you're writing a link vs. something like /bin/bash.
7:42 AM
@RyanM I saw #3 in person. I may have even voted to close that question (can't remember) but not for that reason. Might have also been passable. I do recall that the Q wasn't great but the close reason also surprised me.
8:12 AM
@RyanM Saw one custom close reason right now which I won't say is "questionable" but still may seem strange if read out of context: "I’m voting to close this question because Stack Overflow's scope is limited to practical, answerable questions. A StackOverflowError is never something that would be deliberately designed as part of a useful algorithm; thus, its cyclomatic complexity is not a practical consideration."
I mean it's slightly wrong. The question was asking what the time time and space complexity is of a code where the only purpose is throwing an StackOverflowError. So, it's not cyclomatic complexity it's asking for. But perhaps the voter made a typo.
8:29 AM
It's very wrong.
That's that ongoing misuse of the word "practical" to justify not answering questions you personally don't like.
This was the question: stackoverflow.com/q/69830505 I agree it's not useful for SO.
Why not?
"What is the Big-O complexity of a function that throws an exception?"
That seems totally reasonable.
Even if the answer is "this is a nonsensical question because <…>, so it has no answer".
Because time complexity is useful for when you have variable input. I don't see the value of measuring the time complexity there. It's O(1) but so what?
Sounds like you're well on your way to answer.
This could even be a canonical for any question that asks about Big-O complexity of a function that takes no input.
That would be different, I'd say.
8:36 AM
Anyway, I did what someone should have done in the first place, and closed it as a duplicate.
Yes, I know there's a C# question in there. Shush. It has the same answer, thus it's a duplicate.
Something that takes no input as parameters might have (conceptually) input as global values. For example start() might initialise some counter which stop() finishes and returns you the list of...something. Let's say timestamps 1 second apart. It'd have O(n) complexity as it scales with how long it ran. This being the conceptual input of the stop() function.
Yeah, and here they're asking about an exception. Which, for all they know, takes some kind of implicit input.
I mean, I agree this is a question you would not ask if you already knew the answer. But...
The implicit input for that code is "the size of the stack". Which is static, so it's going to fail the same time if you run it multiple times.
I suppose it might depend slightly on how long the call chain is when you execute the throwing code but it really doesn't matter in the end for any practical purpose. Whether it takes 10000 steps or 9976 is irrelevant.
It doesn't depend on anything, really. It's O(1). The person's confusion is that they think the overhead of throwing an exception affects cyclomatic complexity theory. It doesn't. In terms of big-O, the performance is fixed.
Something can be inherently really slow, but still be O(1).
Of course. My favourite example is making an algorithm that does some costly operation (that may take few minutes depending on input) in exactly 5 days by padding the time. It's now changed from O(n) or O(n^2) or whatever to O(1).
It's a bit of an exaggeration but gets the point accoss that O(1) doesn't mean "fast".
8:45 AM
And that's the explanation that the asker needs/needed.
They don't need it anymore, because I found questions that say that.
Hmm, not sure about this suggested edit: "Probably the most simple thing ever, I just suck with JS." to "Probably the most simple thing ever, I just stuck with JS."
Changes the meaning.
Yeah, no - I read a bit further: "I need to apply jquery textfill to a knockout binding" to "I need to apply jquery textfile to a knockout binding"
Totally changes the meaning to something nonsensical.
ha...yeah, no.
So many people fix "grammar"
Some of them even fix "grammer".
@VLAZ Oof. It's the "eye halve a spelling checquer" all over again...
We already did that joke, though. Why are they doing it again?
8:50 AM
It's so ridiculous that all these programmers keep forgetting to put spaces between the words in their function names...
@RyanM :D Maybe it's secretly C# code
It's an Android developer who proposed that!
@VLAZ Then it'd be StartForegroundService()
Amusingly, Kotlin does allow method names with spaces...but the Android runtime does not.
Wow, that seems like a misfeature.
What do you do, wrap them in quotation marks?
8:52 AM
backticks, IIRC
@RyanM Maybe ForegroundService() is the method. And they want to start it.
That sounds like a constructor to me
Which maybe they want to use to create an object, then start that object.
...but actually, no, startForegroundService is a thing in Android :-p
@CodyGray It's useful for naming tests soThatYou_dontHaveToWrite_methodNamesLikeThis
...of course, only if your tests run on the host JVM, not the device.
Seems on-face a bit weird. How can a service run in the foreground? Doesn't "service" imply background?
Foreground service means you're showing a notification to the user that your service is running. Background services are invisible.
@RyanM whatsWrongWith_methodNamesLikeThat? Wouldn't that be stillBeSoMuchBetter thanMethodNames withEmbeddedSpaces?
@RyanM So... displayForegroundServiceMessage? :-)
8:56 AM
Background services are much more restricted, on the principle that if you're consuming resources on the device (and not using the included battery-efficient means to do so), you need to tell the user about it.
Ooohh. I see.
Foreground and background are really misnomers, then.
It doesn't refer to how they run, it refers to whether the user is aware of them or not.
@CodyGray No, it actually starts the service. Although that would be a reasonable name for Service.startForeground...
Yeah, I had misunderstood what you were explaining until the last message.
@CodyGray "Foreground" is often used to mean "visible to the user"
Even though it's not actually in the foreground!
8:58 AM
developer.android.com/about/versions/oreo/background#services - "An app is considered to be in the foreground if any of the following is true:..."
Objectively speaking, this is extremely confusing.
The title says "service", and so does the first paragraph, but then the next paragraph talks about apps!
This is not very good documentation. It was obviously written by someone who knows the system so well that they already intimately understand it, and thus aren't being very careful/clear with terminology.
Whether the app is in the foreground determines whether it can use ...background services. Yeah, that's not great.
And people say Windows is hard?
More likely the problem is that these were built over time, and restrictions added over time (note that /about/versions/oreo/ in the URL - this is describing changes in Android Oreo) as it was discovered that maybe giving apps unfettered ability to waste power was a bad idea.
In farness, Windows doesn't have to manage the battery as much as Android.
9:02 AM
Yeah, something Android got wrong that iOS didn't.
Although recent versions of iOS are now going in the opposite direction of Android, giving apps increasing access to run stuff in the background.
iOS got this wrong in the other direction, IM(not so)HO.
@VLAZ Perhaps not specific to the battery, but Windows has to deal with a lot of other complexity...
I don't want or need stuff running in the background on my phone.
A lot of stuff is just worse on iOS because you can't do this. Whereas modern Android has figured out a way to make it work without draining the battery too much.
@CodyGray That's true. And while I'm not a big fan of Windows, I'll have to give credit where it's due - the OS is a lot older than Android. The developers have a handle on how to build it. Android seems at times like Google is discovering how make an OS as they build it.
Location sharing with my iOS-using friends is noticeably worse, for instance. Of course, Apple specially privileges their own location-sharing service, so it works perfectly. But you can't use that unless you have an Apple device.
9:04 AM
At least as a user, that's the impression I some times get.
But yeah it turns out that if you don't stop them, app developers will do some extremely bad things(...and our docs have occasionally given bad advice) because they're easier than doing it properly.
For instance, you could programmatically register a listener for the internet connection changing when your app starts. or you could just stick a line in your manifest! Never mind that this starts your app process every time the connectivity state changes...
...multiply that by dozens of apps doing this and your phone quickly stops working properly every time your network goes in or out
(the ability to do this has since been removed, because that's terrible)
But hey, it's got 104 upvotes and it works, so it must be good!
Yes, this is what Microsoft realized with Windows back in the early 90s: if you don't stop them, app developers will do some extremely bad things.
So, it is unfortunately the operating system's job to stop them, because users don't actually want or need this, even though app developers think they do.
In Raymond Chen's language: "I bet someone got a special bonus for that feature..."
Haha. I love those stories from him.
Alas, he's mostly been doing deep dives into topics I don't really care about lately.
Yeah, same for me.
Related but not to Raymond Chen: Have you seen the story of why Docker for Windows won't run if you have the Razer Synapse driver management tool running?
9:15 AM
Hmm, no.
And I probably won't be able to, because Twitter has made it nearly impossible for anyone without an account to view a thread.
Nice. Answer started getting mod flags the day after the Twitter post.
Oh, one of the flaggers nicely linked us to threadreader.app.
Note that all 6 of these flags were declined. :-\
Despite the fact that it says in the thread that the answer was fixed?
9:18 AM
The Twitter thread?
The flags realize that
But it was "fixed" by copy-pasting the accepted answer into it, because the system wouldn't let an accepted answer be deleted, so that was the only available workaround.
The real solution is to just have a mod delete the accepted answer to that the actually correct answer can "win".
Oh, I see, that's not a great fix, yeah. Fixed now though.
@RyanM This is just precious...
@RyanM Because a different mod who wasn't involved in declining any of the flags deleted it. :-)
The original correction was also quite bad.
It left the wrong code in place, but just added a comment. I have no idea why.
"It performs flawlessly if you start Docker before Synapse." <-- That makes no sense, given the explanation.
@CodyGray no, works fine in other environments (like desktop)
@CodyGray Revision 3 is also not very good. I'd have probably rejected.
9:25 AM
@Zoe "Misfeature" doesn't mean "doesn't work". It means it shouldn't work, because it's a dumb idea.
@CodyGray It could just be wrong.
@VLAZ No, no. It's a comment on Reddit. What do you mean "could be wrong"? Obviously not!
@CodyGray Oh, my mistake...
> homework assignment for all programmers reading this thread:
Think about how you'd find this bug in your own programs.
You copy/paste the code, it seems to work, and you don't realize it's broken because you don't run either of these programs which made the same mistake.
Geez, that's an easy one.
9:27 AM
@RyanM why would I rickroll a weak Pokémon reference? :p
(1) Don't copy-pasta code you don't understand.
(2) There is no step 2.
@Zoe wait, was there an unintended pokemon reference in my flag text?
No, but there was one in my flag reply, because I can :p
Related to Reddit, I recently-ish got Reddit silver twice for not that amazing of posts. It's weird. Reddit silver is kind of their version of unicorn points. But somebody has to pay to get those, according to my understanding.
My favorite instance of "can't be installed simultaneously" that I've personally encountered was a bug-reporting library that hardcoded a value that needs to unique across all apps on the device. And so you could only install one app at a time that used this library.
I just find it baffling that somebody would have paid for some of my comments. I think the silver reward is very cheap, so it's not like they dropped that much cash on it but still - non-zero is still baffling.
I love foone threads.
@VLAZ You have to pay for things on Reddit?
@VLAZ I seem to vaguely recall you get some amount of free stuff to give out if you have Reddit Gold? Maybe? I don't really Reddit much.
Or at least I basically never engage outside of voting.
@CodyGray I'm not super well-versed but I think you have to buy Reddit Coins and with those you can award silver/gold/platinum(?) awards. And maybe other stuff.
9:35 AM
> that 158mb driver
Related: Guess how many copies of Chromium Embedded Framework the Epic Games Store ships.
Seems reasonable for a mouse driver to be 1/10th the size of a video driver, right?
It's three. They ship three copies of what basically amounts to "most of Chromium".
They also include 4K imagery as PNG files.
@RyanM Oh, I would have guessed 5.
What is this "Epic Games Store"?
(this is as of a year ago; it is possible that they have since acquired competent engineering staff)
9:38 AM
@CodyGray Proprietary game launcher from the company called Epic. If you buy something on their store, you need the Epic Games Store launcher to play it.
@CodyGray I believe they're using the "extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope" sense of the word.
@RyanM You sure? I think they still don't have a shopping cart.
Oh I thought I remembered hearing they added that.
although it's possible I was thinking of a different product with a sorely missing feature.
@RyanM They announced it as coming soon. I'm not sure if it's in yet. Also, I don't really use Epic. Might have missed the feature.
9:40 AM
It still took them, what, two years. To add a shopping cart.
So it's some kind of proprietary launcher just so you can play a game that you already bought?
It's like Steam but made by Epic.
Also they give out free games every two weeks.
Why do they need Chromium at all?
It's not a web browser, is it? Just an application?
@VLAZ No, it does not appear to have a shopping cart.
@CodyGray Yes. And it's widely ridiculed because of some very questionable way they made it. Like not having a shopping cart for ages. So, if you want to buy multiple games, you need to buy them one by one. And somebody got suspended for doing that at the first sale they ran...
9:43 AM
@CodyGray Haven't you heard that every app these days embeds a browser rendering engine? (Electron, etc.)
@CodyGray You can use it to visit the web and buy stuff. Instead of using a web browser.
Oh yeah, I try not to run crap like that.
@VLAZ Suspended by the store or by their credit card company?
@RyanM Store, IIRC for too many purchases. But it was a mistake. Still, very bad publicity.
@RyanM Here is some news. They were banned due to fraud protection: gamereactor.eu/…
Not having a shopping cart seems like shooting themselves in the foot, as it will just reduce sales.
I'm not sure why users would be so upset about it.
I don't mind when companies erect roadblocks to them taking my money. I wish more would do so.
9:49 AM
Just checked: the shopping cart is listed as "up next" on their public Kanban task board. Which I'd read as "in development". But history shows it was moved from "Long Term ( > 6 months)" to "Future Development" in August 2019. It was then moved to "Up next" in July 2021.
Wow, a public Kanban task board
That's a curious idea.
Would you petition your work to have one, as well?
I don't even like the idea of having a private one.
OK, just wanted to see your reaction there.
We used to have one. We don't maintain it anymore, or even use it at all.
Now, we use a Word document listing all the projects. :-(
And now for something else frustrating...
I have an anonymous function in JS, wired up to an event handler, like so:
flagItem.on("click", ".flag-dismiss-helpful, .flag-dismiss-decline", function()
{ ... }
I want to do something which is probably really bad design: I want to store the equivalent of a "static" variable in there, which will keep its value across invocations.
9:55 AM
You can make a variable just outside of this and use it inside the function.
I found some answers on SO saying to use a property of my choosing on arguments.callee, but that doesn't work, because apparently this is a strict mode function.
argument.callee is deprecated, so not recommended.
If you want to be more explicit about where the property belongs, you can extract the function to a named one and attach it there.
So, option one - just a variable outside:
Ah, but I can also just put it the same level as the function itself.
Yeah, that works. Seems awful, but it works.
var myvar = 42;
flagItem.on("click", ".flag-dismiss-helpful, .flag-dismiss-decline", function()
{ /* use myVar */ }
9:57 AM
To be honest, in JS, I can't tell what is actually awful and what just seems awful.
Yup, got that now. Except I used let, and I did not assign it, because I want the default to be null/undefined.
Option 2 would be
function myhandler() {/* ... */}
myhandler.myvar = 42;
flagItem.on("click", ".flag-dismiss-helpful, .flag-dismiss-decline", myhandler)
You can then use myhandler.myvar inside.
So there's no way to store a property on an anonymous function? That seems odd.
@CodyGray Yeah, but it's not possible. You can name it, however: flagItem.on("click", ".flag-dismiss-helpful, .flag-dismiss-decline", function myhandler() { /* refer to myhandler here */ }
Oh, I see.
That seems perhaps more elegant than option #2.
Yes, sorry. I assumed you wanted something unchanging. So it needs to be initialised first. But if you don't, I'd go with option #3
10:01 AM
Oh, I see.
Well, I also discovered this doesn't quite work anyway for other design reasons.
Are you already programming in the chat? :)
Already? Was I supposed to wait for a while?
What does it mean again when I have a colon before a function definition?
Like flagHelpfulUI: function(param1, param2) { ... }
I considered that we should relax here ;)
Is that creating a named object that contains that function? Or simply giving the function a name?
@CodyGray That's probably inside an object, so the wider context is { a: b }
10:06 AM
@manro You don't find programming relaxing?
@VLAZ Yes, I believe so. The entire userscript is in an object.
@CodyGray heh, actually both. You can use obj.flagHelpfulUI to get the function but its initialised with a name that is also the same. obj.flagHelpfulUI.name === "flagHelpfulUI"
Can I define variables and stuff inside that object, too?
{ flagHelpfulUI: let foo = 'value'; function(param1, param2) { ... } }
Note that this is just the name property. It's mostly useless outside of seeing it in a stacktrace. You won't be able to use flagHelpfulUI inside the function to refer to it.
@CodyGray No, that's not legal syntax. You can do { foo: "bar", flagHelpfulUI: function(param1, param2) { ... } }
How is the comma operator there different from the statement terminator (;)?
In objects, you separate key-value pairs with a comma.
10:10 AM
I see.
A semicolon is not valid.
Maybe I should ask this: is there like an actual flagHelpfulUI object that I can use, somewhat like a class?
My intention is to be able to track the state of this flagHelpfulUI so that I can hide it on a second click, rather than just continually recreating it.
You could use an IIFE, if you want to initialise some stuff about a function:
{ flagHelpfulUI: (function() { let foo = 'value'; return function(param1, param2) { ... } })() }`
This creates a function and runs it immediately. And a function is a normal code block, so you can declare variables and so on. You need to return the function you want from it but inside the returned function you can refer to foo freely as it's within its scope.
@CodyGray no, this is a real brain work. But when someone is a pro(like you), maybe is the best relax
foo is not going to be visible outside of that returned function.
10:13 AM
manro is right, JS is not relaxing.
I am trying not to completely rearchitect the script.
When I'm reading IT/programming books i sit wit other books and dictionaries ))
Oh, that sounds relaxing.
I like books and dictionaries.
@CodyGray You only say that because JS causes grief any time anybody looks at it.
Some days ago, i discovered, what is a "camel and snake cases". Ha-ha)
@VLAZ Yes. Specifically, I say it because it causes me grief.
10:16 AM
@CodyGray :D Well, it often causes me grief, too D:
It worked! It freakin' worked!
I feel like it is probably horrible.
Cody betrayed C?))
Oh, and it only partially works. flagHelpfulUI works, but it doesn't interact well with flagDeclineUI.
If I could run C in my browser and manipulate the DOM, I would.
10:24 AM
Exist any monikers for programmers?) F.e., who use C - cman, js-jsman etc?
Uh, no
We have a "GMan" in the C++ tag, but that's based on his actual name, not his programming language.
@CodyGray I remember googling something about databases and came to an article that promoted a database solution entirely written in JS. where you use JS to interact with individual bytes stored. I was blown away at how stupid this sounded, until I found it was an April fools joke. But I found it in at a completely different time of the year and the date wasn't easy to find, either.
Maybe exist some "opposing" groups of programmers? Which are toxic to each other?
Machavity shared this video about databases with me earlier, which I'd never heard of before, but think is hilarious. (Involves cursing, so likely NSFW.)
Ha, I've seen that. It's excellent. Blast from the past, there.
10:28 AM
I don't know how I missed it then.
Both flags I've sent today were exactly 500 characters. I'm more pleased with this than I should be.
Totally understandable.
Hmm. I wonder what happens if you try to submit one that is 501 characters. Does the server just fail rudely?
I vaguely recall someone on one of the meta sites attempting to exceed some char limit and the server rejecting it.
Though I'd totally use a userscript that let me submit longer flags.
> Redis is so fast
That's what it does for mod flag dismissals.
10:32 AM
And we've been having weird issues with cache disappearing from Redis recently...
Rejects them rudely?
@VLAZ But does the cache disappear quickly?
It's nuts how short the char limit on those is...
Well, "helpful" flags have a shorter char limit than "declined" flags.
@CodyGray I don't know. Other than the errors that the cache doesn't exist when it's needed.
10:33 AM
Because that almost makes sense.
Wait, no. I lied.
But yeah, as you said, I don't think SE has ever honored a request to increase the char limit on anything.
I thought helpful was 200, while decline was 500, but that's not right. They're both 200.
Technically - yes, it's quick. It's supposed to cache something for 15 minutes, in the logs we see it was cached less than 15 minutes before the error that says the cache is empty.
10:34 AM
I understand them not wanting people to submit essays in mod flags, but like...c'mon, links aren't short.
I wouldn't mind essays.
I wouldn't mind the modflag text limit be expanded.
And most people don't know all the tricks that I know to minimize char count.
What is it currently? Not a lot, I think around 500 characters, right?
500 for flags, it seems, yeah, and 200 for dismissal messages.
10:36 AM
@RyanM Just go with Zoe's suggestion and encode the entire message in emojis!
I think that was my suggestion to Zoe.
Oh, then go with Cody's suggestion.
And I think we can all guess how that will end.
I won't need the 200 character limit.
Yep. Two character rejections messages: 👎💩
We don't actually have to enter any characters in the dismiss reasons.
They can be left blank.
10:38 AM
Flagging for 💩📑🔍
@VLAZ ...actually, I might swap out "approve" and "reject" for emoji. That'd buy me a few characters.
Although usually all of the bad reviews for a given reviewer should have been either approved or rejected. ...actually, if they're all the same, I've never seen anyone only reject good edits. Only consistently approve bad ones.
@RyanM I suspect it's just consistent approval, regardless of whether it's bad or good.
Well yes.
Some of them even approve audits.
Almost as if audits are there to stop exactly that...
But I flagged one today where 5/6 bad reviews should have been approved.
@VLAZ If a flag is raised and no one is around to see it approved, do the emojis even exist?
10:44 AM
@Zoe 😵
Unfortunately, yes.
TIL I can suspend people from making suggested edits
Heh, yeah.
There's even an option on the user dashboard for it now, so it's much easier than it ever was before.
@Zoe OK, maybe weird question - does that differentiate between tag edits and post edits? Or is it all suggestions?
I have absolutely no idea, but I assume it's for all of them
10:46 AM
All suggested edits, so anything coming from a user without full editing prilveges.
No way to block anyone with full editing privileges from making edits of any kind.
Short of suspending their account, obviously.
Can you suspend a user with 3k rep from making tag edits?
Uh... interesting question.
Wait, full edit was 2k, right? If so, that's what I meant.
Edit's 2k, yeah.
And, no, apparently we cannot suspend a 2k user from suggesting edits. At least, the option is not presented. If it was, then I would think it would probably let us suspend them from suggesting tag edits. But there is no such option, so presumably not.
No idea what would happen if we just tried to hit the endpoint.
Meanwhile in the server room...
10:51 AM
That's a theoretical question. The "suggested edit for tags made by people with 2k+ rep" caught me off-guard several times, so I'm trying to keep it in mind to see what weird situations it can lead to.
@CodyGray Although, amusingly, if a user is suspended from review, they can't approve edits to their own posts.
Do you know any >2k but <20k users who are interested in sacrificing themselves for science?
@RyanM Right. That makes total sense, though.
@CodyGray which science?
5 mins ago, by VLAZ
Can you suspend a user with 3k rep from making tag edits?
Kiiind of. It does seem reasonable to let them retain control of their own posts.
@CodyGray Sure, why not.
10:53 AM
@RyanM Except if they don't know how to make those decisions.
@manro The science of science-y sacrifice
@RyanM It would require you actually trying to submit an edit to a tag wiki, so you couldn't be merely a passive participant.
@CodyGray Hmmmm....fair.
@CodyGray I'm sure I can find one, give me a sec.
OK... I got "success".
"Too many of your edits were rejected."
And the button's gone.
... I wonder if I can edit.
10:56 AM
It absolutely went through. Your profile page now shows up as you being suspended from suggesting edits.
@Zoe sacrifice? Good scientists have great money
Yep, I can still edit directly, but not suggest tag edits.
Aww, I'm a bad scientist?
@RyanM You can edit other people's posts? Does the UI look any different?
The post editing UI and functionality are both totally normal.
OK, so the only button that's gone is for editing tag wikis
10:58 AM
That'd be more helpful if I knew what it normally looked like :-)
Having clicked the button on the page that loaded before I was suspended from editing, I received this masterpiece of UI design.
The famous one itself.
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