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A: Why is MATLAB so fast in matrix multiplication?

LoryMATLAB has been developed for mathematical calculation, so it is good (and normal) that it is so fast for this. I'm using it for audio elaboration and, unfortunately, it is much slower than programs written in C/C++. About every programming language is built for a specific field.

sometimes I wonder why people answer old questions which already have very good answers with this kind of non-answer...
Should we discuss with a mod sometime to clean up answers there? Most are either pure "MATLAB uses BLAS/LAPACK" (including Edric's), or are "Your C++ implementation is probably slow, this one's better <code>"
Might just clean the thing of those types of answers imo
2 hours later…
A: Why do we count starting from zero?

drawocNone of the reasons you suggest really get to the heart of why we use zero-indexing in CS. Dijkstra's EWD831 explains why this convention works out the best. It comes down to the fact that we want to represent sequences of integers as half-open intervals that are inclusive on the start side. ...

also: one answer on the site, get 1600 rep and a couple of badges for it :p
quick fread question
I got a file where I have a lot of lines with integers in a piece of it
you mean like third column of every line is an int?
I know how many lines tehre are, but there is a chunck of them that are 7 ints and then a chnk that are 8
nono, all are ints
a chunck of the file as in from line 4566 to 1235512 are rows of ints
so you have basically a broken csv where a part of the lines are missing columns
but its a output from another software
now I am getting line by line, but that sucks
so, say from line 4566 to 1235512 you have ints, 5256 to 363253 have 7 columns and the rest 8?
I'd try cutting off the top and using a csv reader to read the columns, allowing nans or whatever in missing columns
thanks, I'll try that
Is there a way to know which is the current line you are reading ?
as csvread accepts from where to where, but I need to know where I am
I guess I can keep track
@AndrasDeak "allowing NaNs"?
> Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
@AnderBiguri reasonable csv readers can handle missing data
yeah.... reasonable
though that will pad with zeros apparently, let's see if there's a param for missing values
hmm, probably not
dlmread gives the error yeah
yeah but it doesnt allow me to select a chunk of the file though
which dlmread does
also EmptyValue is promising
I'm not sure it can stop after N read lines but there's a buttload of options
yeah ill check those
thasks man
no worries
Reading failed at line 80280. All lines of a text file must have the same number of delimiters. Line 80280 has 8 delimiters, while
preceding lines have 7. T.T
Morning both
hey there
dinner at 11:50?
ah shite, you brits sometimes derp and call dinner any food
absurd language
Sorry I was on my dinner
@AnderBiguri Hows your OOP knowledge?
I mean
@AnderBiguri can you work with a try/catch block, probably needs to be implemented per line?
fixed it finally, with some hacky solution
I had perline code, but per line code takes ages
readtable(file,'FileType','text','Delimiter',' ','HeaderLines',nline,...
    'Format', '%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f','ReadVariableNames', false,'TreatAsEmpty','$EndElements');
my file ends with "$EndElements"
I just wished for a "FooterLines" option, but there is none
@AnderBiguri the fgetl thingy? Some code from my instructors used that, and it was quite fast as I remember it
I started lookign for this because it was quite slow
for ~150k lines
ah, I don't think the files I had to read were that big
@AnderBiguri there are ways to make fgetl pretty rapid, as it's fairly low level... how had you implemented it before?
I have scrapped the code , no idea
I htink I was getting the lines, then str2num
as the problem was that at some point my lines where changing from 7 to 8 ints
fgetl for 7 bits, as soon as that fails go to 8 bits; fill the last bit of the 7 bits with 0/nan?
I wanted to separate them, so no need to fill etc
that was slow though
@AnderBiguri aaaah, tricky
\o/ solved a physics problem on SO (ok, technically it was just that sinc in MATLAB is implemented with an implicit factor of pi, which you would not expect, but still, there's and hbar)
Thanks for the legend catch @gnovice, fixed that
@Adriaan No problem. The code still needs updating though.
@gnovice pff, I should've just rolled back the edit as "changes answers" :p
Something needs to be done about that title, but what? If I change it to "sinc function giving off-results" it's immediately clear what the problem is, and it wouldn't be asked on SO in the first place
@Adriaan Hmmm, not sure what a better title would be.
@Adriaan Perhaps "Why does plotting this equation not generate the correct curve?"
@AnderBiguri Dinner is any food. Well, any large meal. I'd expect a Spanish person to understand the correct meaning. What do you call "comida"?
Yes, but the common usage of the word "dinner" is cena
is the last meal at nigh
That's because of the Americans changed its meaning. You're thinking of "supper".
yes I understand the difference :D
just eveyone I know calls supepr dinner
As wikipedia acknoledges
Dinner usually refers to the most significant meal of the day, which can be at noon or in the evening. However, the term "dinner" can have different meanings depending on culture, as it may mean a meal of any size eaten at any time of day. Historically, it referred to the first meal of the day eaten around noon, and is still sometimes used for a noon-time meal, particularly if it is a large or main meal. In many parts of the Western world, dinner is taken as the evening meal. == Etymology == The word is from the Old French (c. 1300) disner, meaning "dine", from the stem of Gallo-Romance desjunare...
@gnovice yup, would mean the same as now, but at least more pleasantly written
@AnderBiguri apparently there's a dissertation-row going on in Spanish politics; all kinds of people being accused of plagiarism etc in their dissertations. Reminds me of a few years ago, when a couple of high-ranking German government officials lost their jobs that way
Oh, but in spain is different
we all knew
its just now people are, for the first time, being held accountable
we have a flaxible understanding of ethincs in spain
I know people who charged a friedn for writtin their disertation and just did it
geting fake masters because you are the son of someone or a politician, that has been going on for so long
same as with the corruption. So widespread that our royal family was doing it
Italians invented mafia, but we are so so good at it
@Adriaan I think we discovered the head of the conservatives party had a fake masters like 2 or 3 months ago. He hasnt lost his job
Look at the quote. Is so Trumpatic
In a miracle which probably won't happen again for the next few decades, our previous president was revealed to have plagiarised his PhD thesis (probably the guy who, he hired to write it plagiarised it). Eventually he resigned. I wouldn't have thought that it's possible here. I mean the resignation, not the plagiarism...
yeah I think on that we are on the same level (of pure governmental crappiness)
could be
@AnderBiguri what ever happened with that whole barcelona thing
I fell out of the loop
Our government has its flaws, but as a whole I'd say it's better than elsewhere :P
at least we can't blame our opponents with high treason :P
@Adriaan Feel the same about my own
@ballBreaker everyone went to jail, and the new ones still tried to do the same. ITs still a crapshow but its not that much in the news
@AnderBiguri jeepers
@AndrasDeak maybe we are then on worse guvernamental crap
The news cycle these days is so screwy
@AnderBiguri OK, "high treason" could be committed against the state as well. I don't know if there's a word for being disloyal to the crown :P
@AndrasDeak fuck our 3rd world country
Aww I can't see removed messages anymore
(Was the same)
@AndrasDeak Franz - Jozef is dead, just so you know :p
@AnderBiguri you mean the 3rd world country you'll live in after the 29th of March? ;)
@Adriaan my point exactly
@AndrasDeak I guess Victor is aspiring to be his successor
@Adriaan nah, this is a first world country (full of 3rd grade idiots and with so much poverty you can make a small 3rd world country with it)
nah, Im being bad with the brits, not idiots.
but the other thign is true
they were cheated into this thing of the Brexit, same way people voted fro Trump
I think there are more reasons then them being stupid, but I also don't necessarily disagree either
@ballBreaker you in favour of Canada leaving the EU? ;)
they were media bombarded with absurd lies. Manipulation was very high
I meant with regards to the Trump situation! I'm not exactly sure of what happened with Brexit, other than the fact that it happened
In the EU we trust!
same like trump. Absurd media campaing with no real facts anywere drives a country against the stablishment, not realizing they went with a madman
> Spain’s PP leader faces new legal setback over suspect master’s degree
Is this the guy in charge of all the PP's?
@AnderBiguri haha, that sounds so much like what we have
He got a master's degree in phallic studies
Same in Spain really
@AnderBiguri Yeah that's a big part of it
I think bad opposition who messed up majorly in their own ways as well
Trump appealed to the marginalized whites which definitely helped him win the mid-west and some of the swing states
So many cluster fuck factors involved in all of this political BS
im going to go to live under a rock
that's basically what I do when it comes to news involving politics
or news in general for the most part
@AnderBiguri good geological idea!
I prefer slate as roof cover, so I can live under rock ;)
@AnderBiguri But have you seen the rent on those things!
I foudn a very nice rock in London, 700£ a month
its a great deal!
I want that rock. 90m of sheer vertical black basalt, with a nice rock garden underneath.
Hiking there was fantastic
thats a nice rock
i.sstatic.net/A4GK1.jpg Why live under a rock when you can live in one?
that looks a lot more than 90 m
@AnderBiguri Was this a misspelling as well?
@AndrasDeak it is, but the vertical part (on the left) is ~90m
@ballBreaker no =]
user image
^ Me in a conference I attended last week. Spreading the word :-)
@AnderBiguri hehehe
*Oh the Prophet, here he comes*
@Adriaan ah
@AndrasDeak the rocks on the bottom is the end-point of a famous hiking trail, that of stórurð, which literally means "large bunch of dumped rocks" :D
Who dumped them there?
What a waste of resources
The ice giants, of course
@ballBreaker the glacier on top of the Dyrfjöll (that looming black mountain)
I figured as much bahaha
Stop killing my jokes mannn
East-Iceland is magic to hike. If you ever get the time, do that
you joke hitler!
Yeah I would love to actually
Iceland looks so beautiful, definitely want to go eventually
I've been there twice now, and I still missed big parts of the island, so I have to go back
@Adriaan nice name
2 hours later…
interp1 is a mathematical function. How would you even define it in terms of a string? Does y contain numbers? At least I hope so, and in that case you can use str2double(y), if those are not numbers, please elaborate on you you'd define string-based interpolation. — Adriaan 6 mins ago
I have no idea
@Adriaan It is probably obvious to OP, who's thought about the problem for a long time, and therefore thinks it is obvious to the world at large as well.
@CrisLuengo the answer on that makes so little sense to me. Why'd you want to interpolate linguistics?
@Adriaan I was just (trying to) read that. I don't get it at all.
@CrisLuengo he basically says "In an array of strings, get the nearest neighbour to that location", which, mathematically, makes sense, but is still utter bollocks in linguistics terms
Ghe, he stripped almost all of the answer to do the same with bare interp1.
@Adriaan When you interpolate between 'dog' and 'mouse' you get 'cat', I think. Or maybe 'rat'. Am I close to understanding the problem?
It's a nicer solution now, but I still don't understand what that has to do with interpolation. Finding the closest value is equivalent to nearest neighbor interpolation, but this is conceptually very different from interpolation.
@CrisLuengo I honestly have no idea, hence I wanted them to elaborate. Language is not a linear thing (or cubic spline) to be interpolated in some mathematical way, so all I can think of this use, is that y actually contains some numbered string (hexadecimal, binary, decimal w/e) and he doesn't want to convert for some reason
@CrisLuengo yea, but it's the sole thing that fits into this bizarre thing
2 hours later…
@Adriaan Elaboration provided in a comment: "it can be any fillmissing strategy, as nearest, previous, next."
I don't think OP wanted interpolation at all.
FWIW I don't think OP knows what they're doing
2 hours later…
Random observation.
Last week I asked about editing the boilerplate parts of a App Designer app because I wanted to connect to a database "in the constructor".
Which you can't do.
But that is not actually what I wanted to do. I really wanted to connect to the database at startup.
And you can do that by setting up a startupFcn callback.
Callbacks are also available for closing and size changes.

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