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Apparently politely telling them their post is too broad is my opinion and I shouldn't do it....
Ah and they've deleted the comment which literally agreed with my first comment
2 hours later…
Is the phrase "happily thinking that X..." understood as "blissfully unaware that ~X" ?
I'd read it like that
I had to make sure that I wasn't imagining....
But perhaps a native should verify :D
Could be a case of the blind leading the blind
I also asked a native Brit who verified this :)
Native Brit here
Can you ratify this?
Yup I think its OK
Public service announcement ^ in case anybody still uses SVN nowadays....
@Dev-iL yeah, but who the heck is using SVN indeed
Sourceforge also?!?! :D
@AnderBiguri someone I work with told me to use it
Are they ancient earth lizards that refuse to accept the meteorite?
that explains it
@AnderBiguri lol
@AnderBiguri Did you fix that algorithmic problem you were having after?
I think
You go Glen Coco
because its a numerical problem, the only 100% way of making sure it does not happen is well... seing it does not happen
so I need to run as many test as possible
So there's always going to be some uncertainty then
No, if I run 20.000 samples of 1024^2 runs each and everything is solid I can pretty much accept it works
I believe the Riemann hypothesis is true, basically
Awesome. Glad to hear :)
I've been trying to prep for this interview
Friday / Chelmsford
well, what company I meant
XD, BAE Systems Applied Intelligence division
As a junior machine learning researcher
you mentioned it yes
making pew pew flyiers
I believe they conduct a lot of work in the fields of NLP and computer vision. I think I'd be mostly interesting in computer vision
I discovered U-net the other day and it blew my mind
Well, yeah, but pew pew thingies have a lot of computer vision nowadays
@Sam just another structure no?
@AnderBiguri Yup
Ive seen similar ones, just put in a line instead of a fancy U
I've also been trying to explore some segmentation techniques
e.g. extraction of features in a scenery. I think it's quite cool
I like ML talk
"some segmentation techniques", i.e. the same damn thing I do always, but it just outputs different data
show me the ways
BEcause you are not talking about level sets or fancy things I assume
The type of segmentation that really caught my eye was being able to label objects within satellite imagery
not that they work any better, but all NN is just trowing shit to a deep learner. "this paper says that this structure works best!" "why?" "No one knows"
just ranting :P
@AnderBiguri i gathered
@Sam "its OK", some native Brit! :P
I feel targeted today. I'm going to point my pew pew are you both
I hope everyone who see's that message also read the others for context
2 hours later…
they want broadcast division and they can't count
yes, hence "they can't count"
unclear, detrimental to mental health stackoverflow.com/questions/51948263/…
@CrisLuengo I've been looking into that animation question... That loop is not his issue, it's the framerate that's unrealistic... I've tried adapting the framerate on the fly, can't say that it helped that much
I'm pretty sure they want a.' ./ b with broadcasting, but I'm not going to answer that crap
@Dev-iL yes, I replaced the pause with a drawnow to experiment. I had never animated patches before, not sure why it is so slow. Drawing a plain old line object with markers is so much faster!
@CrisLuengo yeah that's a pretty clear required modification
"the manual says that onyl uses qr", no, no it does not
@Ander they want mrdivide
I'm not sure the docs say anything about that
It does say "The operators / and \ are related to each other by the equation B/A = (A'\B')'.", wonder how true that is
@AndrasDeak they are related at least conceptually?
I’m pretty sure this is a dupe: stackoverflow.com/questions/51942464/…
@AnderBiguri blargh, I answered the apparently typo of his question. Custom OTed now
... a dupe of this other question: stackoverflow.com/questions/49840280/…
@CrisLuengo I posted an answer to the q... not sure how useful it'll end up being...
@AnderBiguri Going through that differentiation worksheet has made me realise just how poor my basic math is :P
Yes it can, Those questions were from 5, 6 years ago, back in the beginning of SO. Lots was permitted back then, since then the rules have become more stringent. But regardless of that: I remain by what I said, if "it uses a QR solver" is not good enough, WE CAN'T TELL YOU MORE. Only the developers from TMW can, as they know what it does internally. So I remain by my close reason: we simply cannot answer, you need to ask the developers over at TMW, since we don't have the back end code for this function. — Adriaan 4 mins ago
I feel the rude flags and meta post incomming
@Dev-iL nice!
posted on August 21, 2018 by jpingel

Hello Everyone! It's Johanna, and Steve has allowed me to take over the blog from time to time to talk about deep learning. I'm back for another episode of: “Deep Learning in Action: Cool projects created at MathWorks   This aims to give you insight into what we’re working on at MathWorks. Today’s demo is called... read more >>

@Adriaan he’s added links to his question pointing to similar questions. One exactly answers his question.
1 hour later…
@Sam you need to knwo that differenciation worksheet as you need to know multiplication tables
yup working on it
Although I'm struggling with one derivative
Yup :/
f(g(x))-> ?
I've tried it about 4 times now... first I transform the root into exponent form
1 / 2x^(4/3)
better your way yes
I guess theres multiple ways to do it
1 / 2x^(4/3) = (2x)^-4/3
Right ok. Then I'd apply power rule
ah fek. I see where I've been screwing up
My methodology was correct for the differentiation but I kept making a numerical mistake
How to name the fucntions in your toolbox : uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54919-abaqus2matlab
@AnderBiguri WTF?
13 people rated this with 5 stars!
I guess is useful?
I was triying to see if I could read a .inp file reader, and I got scared
I think these names might make sense if you understand this Abaqus software: mathworks.com/matlabcentral/mlc-downloads/downloads/submissions/…
yeah still sucks
coudl have been Concentrated_Flux() instead of Rec206()
or arr_ee_see_two_oh_sicks()
@AnderBiguri Good Lord! WHY?! Couldn't they have put it all into one function: out = getRecord(rec, key);?
ah, that is advanced stuff
2 inputs, ARE YOU CRAZY
well, you can make one, and use eval() :p
Anyone here work with FEM stuff?
@flawr? ^
Q: File format for tetrahedral volume meshes

Ander BiguriI am generating my own tetrahedral volume meshes (like the ones for FEMs), where each tetrahedron has an attached numerical value to it (similar to a FEM output). I want to be able to visualize them in e.g. Paraview (other free software suggestions are also welcome) However, I do not know which ...

this is my question anyways
anyway, im off
@AnderBiguri I guess a CSV file with corner coordinates and numeric value of the tetrahedron is out of the question?
2 hours later…
@Adriaan thing is, I can not make up the file format
It needs to be some sort of stardard, as I have no control over the visualziation software
If I knew which one to use, then I'd jsut make amatlab fucntion for it
@AnderBiguri makes sense. Hence my comment. Can you at least narrow down the 220 list? Not that I can help, but I can imagine others looking at your question would like a smaller list instead
@AnderBiguri I would go down the list and pick the first one that is easy to write. I cannot imagine that those 220 options are all equally well described?
Actually, I can't imagine most of the 220 being very different from each other. :)
@AndrasDeak yep, but unfortunately I do not know this software
@CrisLuengo I think the problem is that he wants to assign values to the thetrahedron (the elements) where as usually (with exceptions) you use values at the nodes in FEM.
whad'ya know, I've used paraview before
@AnderBiguri Check out this, I think you just need to consider one of these formats
@flawr Thanks for the clarification. I know approximately 0 about FEM, I did not know he's trying to do anything out of the ordinary.
Well it is probably not excessively far out of the ordinary, but I think in vanilla fem it is rarely used:)
But then again I'm not a FEM expert
Hey, compared to me you are an expert. ;)
@Adriaan @CrisLuengo yeah a lot of them are definetly removable from the list. I was asking before I sit don and go ticking 220 file formats
@flawr mmmmmmmmmm yes, But maybe I could deal with that
I just want to visualize T.T
@AnderBiguri you might want to ask @TroyHaskin, who saved me on my FEM exam.
He's pinged now!
Better double ping @TroyHaskin
@flawr The terrifying MATLAB toolbox I linked before (starred) came because I started with that list, Ansys is Abaqus format
but yeah that list is shorter
I just need to figure out how to make any of those files, without having access to any of those files
I tried visualizing in MATLAB, but it decides it needs 1024 GPUs in parallel to plot more than 5000 tetrahedrons
@flawr we all miss @TroyHaskin now that he's in about the most troublesome timezone for this chatroom (since that operates approximately on British/European time)
@AnderBiguri You're not plotting all sides are you? You just have to plot the outer triangles.
I just know (about) ansys, they produce great simulation software, and there is some free student versions that you might want to check out, maybe these can produce such example files that you could take a look at. @AnderBiguri
@gnovice yes yes I know. I was plotting them all at some point, but I need to plot some, the ones with value X. I cannot chose which ones are "out"
@flawr yup I will have a look. My uni has access to pretty much all software, but I just dont want to install random crap just to test
Apparently you can, and apparently the .cdb files just contain the geometry stuff while some .dat files actually contain values/matrices/numbery-stuff
@AnderBiguri Are the "X" ones scattered around, or in clusters?
@gnovice clusters, but at some point MATLAB will just not be enough. At some point also the values will be continuos. I just need a nicer visualization software to make my life better
@flawr I'll check that :D! thanks
We're not trying to get around @TroyHaskin's contribution are we? We still miss him.
Bloody new contributor indicator is now live
"bloody indicator", not "bloody contributor", before some wise guy flags that
Saw that. One badge would have been enough, it didn't need to show also in the answer box and in the comment box.
But then you wouldn't know that POOR NEW USER BE CAREFUL DON'T STARTLE THEM
I started writing an answer but I realized it wouldn't be nice enough for today's standards. So here's the gist of it: I find this new feature in its current form insulting. It implies that the experienced users can't be trusted to act like decent human beings, and that they have to be extra decent with new users. It all doesn't make sense. The blog post, the intrusive comment flag icons, the "thanks for flagging, we're sorry you're offended" popup, and now this...I can't help but feel criminalized. Is this worth it all? — Andras Deak Aug 17 at 21:38
my stance ^
Well, the problem is that some experienced users don't act like decent human beings. Or so I hear. I'm probably one of those.
hehe, probably not
in Python, Aug 7 at 17:06, by Andras Deak
> These questions are really stupid. How on earth do you think C#.NET accomplishes it? Oh wait! What's that? It's a bell ringing and there's a note that says "C#.NET relies on Win32 API internally". Oh wow, what a surprise! If you had have done your own homework then you'd have never needed to waste everyone's time down-voting and flagging your post.
Wow. That's something else.
First I thought this was one of your comments (it does say "by Andras Deak"), but then I realized you're quoting from yourself quoting someone else.
yup, little context in the transcript link thre
when people are talking about rudeness and toxic content they mean shit like that ^
It does exist, and it is very bad, and it's extra bad towards minorities who face this IRL all the time. But the solution is not to do...what the company has been doing since the Blog Post of Welcomingness
I find SO terribly polite compared to 99% of the Internets. But that experience may be different on more popular tags. YMMV.
yeah, in C and C++ people are annoyed to begin with due to all the crap
of course the most egregious cases of abuse don't really depend on tags or moods or anything, because assholes will be assholes no matter what
Which is also why the noob signal won't help but maybe make it worse. If anything it will only trigger assholes who would otherwise leave a noob alone
When I venture to I find many more deleted answers too. It looks like people there are frantic to answer quickly, before reading the actual question even.
nobody responsive to the whole welcoming ordeal will go "oh my, this is a new user, let me be nice". Those people are decent to begin with.
That is a good point.
@CrisLuengo yeah, there's huge competition in high-traffic tags. High risk, high reward
High reward indeed, my posts with most votes are all in C++. Though most votes is still only 13 for an answer and 18 for a question. I'm a noob after all... :)
hehe :)

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