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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

Seems kinda deserted in here (I had a po-boy mself, so I didn't have room for dessert...) but I'll put my query out anyway:
I've got a setter for a test/worksheet class that goes thus:
        def solution(self, solution):
            # assert all solutions  are in the answer choices
            if solution and self.answers:
                # TODO: replace assert with exception
             assert (
                set(solution) & set(self.answers) == set(solution)
            ), "Answer not in answer choices."
        self.__solution = solution
That went funny, should be:
    def solution(self, solution):
        # assert all solutions  are in the answer choices
        if solution and self.answers:
            # TODO: replace assert with exception
            assert (
                set(solution) & set(self.answers) == set(solution)
            ), "Answer not in answer choices."
        self.__solution = solution
Anyway, is this the pythonic way to do it?
if set(solution) & set(self.answers) != set(solution):
raise some exception
I'm not sure how I'm planning on handling the error condition (eg where the answer options are 1,2,3,4 but the answer is 5). It's not an application stopping or unlikely occurrence given user input, but it is kinda an error. What would the pythonic way of handling it be?
So all you're trying to check is whether every element of solution is in answers?
(Is that not what my current assert is checking...?)
I'd use <= or .issubset, then. Much easier to follow.
Never thought of <=, hadn't head of .issubset. Is the if condition: raise the way to do it, or is there some try/except that's preferable, or should I just not be bothering with an exception, log what I want to log, return what I want to return, and be done using logic rather than an exception?
Depends entirely on what you want to do. In Python we do tend to use exceptions for more than just control flow, but I tend to only use it when there's something concrete I want to do "upstream" based on that error. What's going to happen if the answer isn't there?
Probably one of two things, which I can handle upstream (or not). I'll either be continuing to iterate over a series of data being processed into question objects, or returning the error to user who's entering questions individually.
[wait, weird use of words on my part there -- I meant 'for control flow as well', not 'for more than just control flow', which makes it seem like flow is their standard use.]
I just want to avoid the possibility of:
Question: What is the third letter in "susceptible"?
a) q b) t c) a d) z
@DSM I got what you meant :)
In that case I think I'd be okay with an exception -- it's basically a kind of ValueError -- but since it's something which can be verified, why not just call an is_valid function which returns a bool and act accordingly?
[I'm also allowing the object to instantiate without issue if no answers or solution/s are provided, it's the impossible to get correct case I'm trying to preclude, based upon actual teachers doing dump things on their tests]
@DSM I might just do that. I was thinking of doing a custom Solution_unavailable_error. I just wasn't sure what would be the more readable/pythonic way to do it. I haven't had to do much with custom error conditions so far, so I'm trying to tread carefully to learn how to do things right, and not regret in 3 months when it bites me.
I guess it's mostly about at what point in the chain you want things to be prevented, and where you want responsibility for handling the failure to be treated. I'm sure it'll all work out, and the cost of switching if you decide you were wrong in three months should be pretty modest.
And with that it's time for rhubarb, given how unexpectedly late it's become.
@DSM Ah, I think what I'm really wanting to happen is for it to fail to intantiate the class with bad data (and also not allow you to use the setter to enter illogical data). That setter is used when instantiating the class.
3 hours later…
any one using sqlalchamy
need to delete a record from sql database
Thanks.. @IljaEverilä
morning cbg
EPIC --> he government has been hiding lowercase 1 from us for years because they fear its power
is the rep notif b0rken for others too?
I got +11 score to an answer and a nice answer and the dropdown doesn't show anything :D
Oh my, it's too late to think. I thought you meant +11 rep, not +11 score :P
Q: Achievement notifications are no longer updating in real time

Temani AfifIs there an issue with the notifications of achievements? I noticed that it has not been updating for 2 hours now. Here is a screenshot: As you can see, the data is not synchronized with the reputation tab. Has anyone faced the same issue or is it only me?

@user3483203 Done
1 hour later…
Hello everyone
Can someone help me in connect the socket of python with MQL5?
my scenario python is server and mql5 is client
import .dll files in your own MQL Programs
create a *.dll in c++ which will create a socket and listen for incoming commands. In python you would connect to that socket and send the commands over to the Metatrader.
@jpp can you understand this after the edit? I'm asking you because you asked them for an MCVE and they did edit for what I asked. Am I right in thinking they're relying on multiple DFs indexing each other, or am I missing something, or is the edit not sufficient?
Since they did edit when requested and they're a new user, I kinda feel I want to respond with an answer but something isn't connecting up for me. But I could just be being slow :)
@jamesorc Why import dll from the c++? I know that there windows dll in built so can't I use it? If you have any reference for your saying can you please share that with me?
@AndrasDeak ah, I meant to ask, did you find any speed ups on copies of numpy slices? I can't remember whether it was this week or next that you were going to test.
@Kevin FWIW, lowercase numerals, aka text figures are a thing. "Text figures are not encoded separately in Unicode, because they are not considered separate characters from lining figures, only a different way of writing the same characters. However, many fonts intended for professional use offer both text and lining figures, either using OpenType features to select between them or using Unicode's Private Use Area for one or the other set."
@roganjosh end of this week :) Getting back in front of a laptop tomorrow
But now I realized that I index along the first dimension and use fancy indexing, so nothing is going to happen :)
@JafferWilson Yes, if you know the C interface to a function in a DLL you can call it from Python using the standard ctypes module.
Actually, I'm not sure I'm so convinced?
I didn't test with fancy indexing, that feels like the intuitive next step to test
1. Fancy indexing always copies, 2. Slicing along the first dim would stay contiguous
Only because even the answer is speculative. I'm not at my PC to test, but I'm gonna try it myself when I'm back
where always copies though doesn't it?
@JafferWilson Yup you can If you know ..
@roganjosh yes?
So the first point is redundant because it's the act of taking an explicit copy that speeds things up?
But Panzer's argument was that working with strided views makes the difference. I don't have strided views.
@PM2Ring I coud not understand that. Can you please guide me with some reference
@jamesorc I know the dll I tried to use t but was not successful. You ca check it on my latest question if you want to wahat I tried.
I see what you're saying, though
@JafferWilson link to ques?
I just refer back to my comment a few days ago that I think I'm taking too much for granted with numpy so I'm gonna have to test either way for peace of mind :)
FWIW I didn't thoroughly read the where-y context, just the gist of the answer
If fancy indexing gives the same then it's not about strides
Wait, a slice of the first dimension is still a view?
So there's still a chance of strides?
Albeit in a different circumstance from my original test
Of course. I'd expect arr[from:to] and arr[from:to:step] to differ. Former is contiguous.
With abs(step)!=1 of course
@JafferWilson Oh. If you don't understand that, then you probably will not be able to call a DLL function from Python at this stage. You won't understand the docs for the ctypes module if you do not have some familiarity with C.
@PM2Ring I am familiar with many monogramming languages independently. But sir, I am not able to merge one module to other. This first time I am trying to and failing to my best level.
I'm actually really interested in your test results when you run this. Even if the result is that there's no difference. I'm not sure I'm reasoning it out in my head correctly. It's very possible that you're right but there's a niggle in the back of my mind :)
@roganjosh niggles are the worst
Especially when they're against Andras' logic :P
@JafferWilson I know nothing about MQL5, I was just responding to the part of your conversation about calling a DLL. You may not need to call a DLL to do what you want, but if you want to see an example of calling a DLL from Python my answer here shows how to call the OpenSSL crypto library to perform SHA-256 hashing.
@PM2Ring Thank you for the reference I will check it out.
Got assigned a task recently: "the widget reticulator, which should reticulate all widgets as they enter the database, is failing to reticulate widgets". I have repaired the bug, and now all incoming widgets are reticulated. But there are still a hundred un-reticulated widgets in the database. I wonder if I'm expected to fix those too? Surely the task would have mentioned that, if so.
Reticulating incoming widgets is easy. The incoming_widgets table has a spline_count field, and everyone knows that reticulation is trivial if you know the widget's spline count ahead of time. But there's no spline_count field in the main widgets table. Reticulating widgets long after they've entered the database is very hard, because everyone knows that reticulation is near-impossible without a spline count.
@Kevin do you want an easy life? That's the real question.
Does this comment seem too harsh or nasty to you?
Presumably, ix[1,i] is a typo. Apart from that, the code is straight-forward. Seriously, if you don't know enough C and Python to translate that line you should not be attempting to do this code conversion yourself: you could make serious errors. — PM 2Ring 46 mins ago
Do you want to rummage around in this industrial bin or chill out on a beach?
The second one sounds nice.
@PM2Ring Not really.
@PM2Ring the only thing I can suggest is dropping the "seriously" but I'm seeing new things playing out very recently where people don't want direct criticism
And even then, I'm only suggesting that because it's easy to read out-of-context and a second read was very different. I'm not sure we'll get the text communication right
@roganjosh Yes, I've been reading about that on SO Meta (and a little on SE Meta). My opinion is that we cannot stop giving constructive criticism purely because it may be seen as unwelcoming. And I said "seriously" because I wanted the OP to realise I was giving stern advice.
@PM2Ring I'd agree, being welcoming shouldn't come at the cost of being useful.
@PM2Ring I saw the meta posts, kinda thought it didn't apply to our tag, then saw it play out today
However, now that the typos have been fixed (not by the OP) that question now has 3 reopen votes. I hope it gets deleted before that happens.
A 1-rep user telling someone I have some respect for that they are going to be flagged for asking them to show what they tried
I'm almost inclined to think it was a troll account tbh
@roganjosh Yeah, that's crazy. OTOH, there are a variety of ways to request OP's to show their attempts, some more "welcoming" than others. I like to assume that of course the OP has tried something, and ask them to please show me the part of their code that doesn't work how they expect it to.
If they respond that they haven't written any code yet, I try to act puzzled rather than annoyed, eg "I'd love to help you fix your program, so please try and write something and then I can help you make it work properly".
The question I have in mind, I have little doubt that the comments were intended to get the question into an answerable state. I paraphrased badly, it wasn't just a "show us what you tried", only along those lines
\o cbg
These are why most people object to how the welcome wagon was rolled out. Good intentions, horrible attempts for action
Cbg, Moo
@PM2Ring I agree. Sincere, well-intentioned surprise is generally a non-destructive social cue
P.s. cbg
And this is why I was curious about whether there are particular mods handling different flags
Because I will read comments differently based on the community and who I know
So the idea that raw text can ever be presented in a neutral way is a little astonishing. It cannot be pinned down while getting a message across
@roganjosh Indeed. And that's why the general rule in open online communication has been "Assume good faith", unless the other person is obviously being nasty / trolling. Always try to give things the best possible interpretation (even if that's not necessarily realistic), and assume that any perceived slights are due to differences of language, culture, or simple ignorance, rather than active malice.
Back on FidoNet, the attitude was "don't offend others, but also don't go out of your way to be offended".
I remember there was a random forum I use to read that try to implement these tags to allow the reader to understand which emotion was trying to be convey, and iirc the rule for untagged stuff was "it's the writers fault if the read misread the situation and no fault of the reader".
I don't recall how effective it was but I found it pretty interesting.
Agreed. I just can't extend it further into the context we're trying to abide by. I might lose patience but I don't want that to reflect on me in the idea that I don't have interest. I also get out-of-line and will accept criticism of such behaviour. But you can't move forward without that kind of structure.
@MooingRawr Sounds interesting, but I guess it could sometimes be hard for the writer to choose the appropriate tag(s).
@MooingRawr the reader will always inject their own biases, surely?
@PM2Ring I just stick the my old faithfuls: #notmeanttooffend #getoffyourhighhorse #ihateyouall #justkidding #blessed
@roganjosh bias if it's untag? I think that was the point, to make the writer always tag. Bias if it was tagged? I think that was what they were trying to remove.
@PM2Ring That's a fair point I wonder if they had allow multiple tags to be associated to each sentences and what not.
I've missed your point, apologies.
All I know was, growing up on the internet pre voice chat, irc and gaming communities would use little /s or what not to indicate some sort of emotion or direction the sentence should be taken as.
thinking back now, I'm kinda sadden on how many of my childhood's games and communities are shut down :\
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
One cute concept that was floated a while back was to use a reverse italic font for sarcasm. Of course, that would be useless on SO now that sarcasm has been banned…
@Kevin top ten greatest anime quotes of all time
that being said, it still doesn't really bring it back, just brings peace, I guess that's all you can ask for.
Top ten quotes from the store at the mall where they sell wooden plaques with things like "live laugh love" written on them
@PM2Ring Oh I remember first seeing this in a novel, I forget the name of it but I was baffled by the different font. It made sense after asking my teacher about it.
Sarcasm is old hat, these days I'm all about civil honest sincerity that has an unmistakable undercurrent of ice-cold steel
Example: when a user copy-pastes a code challenge with no effort, I reply "looks interesting. Go ahead and get started and let us know if you have any specific questions :-)"
This communicates that I am interested in the problem, and I am willing to help the OP, and they are getting absolutely nothing from me until they improve their post by 1000%
Yep, and that's what I saw getting reported
They must have done it wrong, then. Maybe they forgot the smiley face.
Hahaha, you might be right there :P
the smiley face is the tag to show good intention :D
So it's settled. SO becomes welcoming by smiley faces.
^ demo
A few months ago there was a debugging question with zero code, and only a vague description of the error message, no Traceback. I commented "I think you have a syntax error on line 17". My comment got a couple of upvotes before the question was deleted. :) But I wouldn't be game to do that these days.
Oh that's cheeky, I like it : D
I used to make that joke, but I stopped because I dreaded the day some OP would reply with "I've looked at line 17 over and over and I don't see the problem :-("
ahh the good old you have to look at or above the line of error :P
My theory is that alien abductors get signaled when low-rep users post unclear question to SO. That's why most of them never respond. You know it makes sense. :)
I suspect a large number of one rep users are children of tiger parents, and don't actually want to be programmers, but must be seen to make a cursory effort in order to avoid a lengthy scolding
It also signals other low rep users to throw answers at a wall to see what sticks
@excaza I hear that's also how you test spaghetti code.
I thought helicopter parents would rather their child be a doctor or lawyer or some sort of high paying 6 figure job, not a dev :\
the STEM industry is a good choice for tiger parents that don't want their precious child to interact with sick people or criminals
Never mind that not all doctors work with infectious patients, and not all lawyers specialize in criminal defense. Tiger parents are immune to logic.
I'm not sure working in tech is as good a way to avoid sick people and criminals as that suggests.
Tuesday cabbage for all!
cbg DSM, hope you had a great long weekend
Except for the heat. Autumn, hurry!
Tiger parents are scary, one of my neighbor is a tiger mom. My golly you can't sleep in, and can confirm logic doesn't work :\
Please contribute to my GoFundMe to get DSM an air conditioning unit
For just twenty five cents a day...
[in the arms of an angel plays in the background]
Oh, rep notifications are coming back as we speak, yay
True story: long before McLachlan became famous I saw her at the college theatre in the town I grew up in. #notahipster
We still need 1 more delete vote on this, and it's now got 3 reopen votes.
25 cent a day that's 1.75 a week, basically a cup of coffee. do able since I don't drink coffee anyways. where's the GoFundMe page! lol
Make a check out to "CASH" and tie it to a high altitude weather balloon. It will get where it needs to go.
Thanks for the delete vote!
Counter solution, I save the ice cubes and snow during the winter, and float it in an air balloon in the summer to cool the air so AC won't be needed.
Isn’t that already what the world is doing in the poles?
I don't mean to collection ice and snow from our already shrinking polar caps. :\ I don't think I can live with the guilt of directly causing global warming.
I like the concept of "directly causing" global warming, as distinct from indirectly causing it. Using hair spray with CFCs is fine, but don't go stabbing glaciers with an ice pick
I make the distinction as
Directly: adding heat
Indirectly: changing composition of atmosphere to facilitate the greenhouse effect
Ice pick to glaciers would qualify as adding heat. But only the energy required to jab the pick and the conversion of potential energy to kinetic energy of the glacier.
:D i think hair spray with CFC's is using a razor to barely scrap the surface of the ice, while an ice pick can be equivalent to a million/billion hair sprays being used.
sure, but using hair spray with CFCs is more like hiring someone to constantly use a razor to barely scrape the surface repeatedly for a long time, which builds up
But then picking away the ice may surface methane hydrate that leads to a runaway greenhouse effect :-I
time to invest in coal, clearly
I heard nuclear is good since it has clear in it's name, and clearly that means it's good.
(Nuclear is good, until we find better)
wind power would be good if those big windmills didn't slow down the wind and heat things up
Nuclear power was the best option in Sim City 2000, especially if you disabled disasters
to be real, I don't mind nuclear power, I'm just scared of the waste it produces.
I'm cautiously optimistic that we'll figure out a fix for that before we run out of salt mines to bury it all in
We'll just sit it out with fission until we figure out fusion. It will work "within the next few decades" (for the past few decades :P)
Nobody needs to point out the irony of "Because it has long-lasting ecological effects, we should replace this power source with this other power source that has long-lasting ecological effects"
I vaguely recall that there are also (fourth-generation? fast-breeding?) reactors that can improve the waste situation
@Kevin ah, but fission doesn't harm the planet, only certain wildlife
such as humans
Life thrives in Pripyat
I'd always opt for "maybe kills humans much later" rather than "probably kills all life later"
(imagine a few weasel words around "all life")
Those little things that cling to the side of underwater sulphur vents are probably indifferent to our choices
this week I learned that there's a place called Sand Mountain in Nevada that is just a 600-foot-tall pile of sand, and there's a species of butterfly that lives only there
there's enough space in nevada to dump a lot of things without too many people noticing
Kind of an odd question, but is there a reason, apart from laziness and readability, I see so many from tkinter import *, when wildcard imports are generally to be discouraged?
I suspect there are a lot of tutorials out there that use it, and the readers don't know better
Most examples are completely Tcl based, and there, you use the Tk widget names directly. So I guess that’s just the natural translation you do
Including the official tutorial :/
Well, it is also used in the documentation
For example, An Introduction To Tkinter has a lot of Google juice, and it uses import *
For one, I believe tkinter tends to use an absurd amount of named imports
`from tkinter import Tk, Frame, Button, Label, Entry, Canvas, ScrollBar, MenuBar, TextBox, AfricanSwallow, UnladenSwallow, AirSpeedVelocityOfASwallowCarryingACoconut`
Secondly, the typical usage of tkinter is in my eyes a beginners framework for learning gui programming, and therefore not really concerning of the hazards of wildcard imports and performance
I thought the beginners framework was pyqt5
\o cbg
has anyone ever here tried doing some kind of JIT transpiling from python into C++?
I have the codegen ready, but I'm trying to find a portable solution to compile the transpiled code. The user may use clang or g++, with different include paths, with different c++ versions supported(newer clang/g++ has all c++17 features, etc)
this just seems like a huge headache..
when using pip install does the --U flag install for all users (away from the roaming profle - on windows)
You probably mean --user and if I had to guess I'd say no
Today's progress meeting:
Me: I fixed the data intake problem, but the existing records in the database will still be ill-formed.
Boss: what do you mean? I'm looking at them and they're fine. Nice work.
Me: ... But I didn't push anything to production yet.
[unsolved mysteries theme song plays]
More like twilight zone
if I exclude the --user flag then it will install for all users? (I don't want it in the roaming profile folder)
I use linux :P I'll spare you my guesswork. Coffee time!
:) ok
I think all installs and uninstalls are separate from each other.
So if you have it installed globally and locally, then to uninstall it completely, you need to uninstall it twice
has anybody used omni db ? I am looking for a db crud that can render html stored inside the column
(omni db uses python)
stackoverflow.com/questions/51731208/… – “typo”, solved in comments
> The problem with this community is that by the time all the details are compiled by a fairly intelligent human, a solution can be deduced.
....isn't that the point?
Actually, the whole comment is just wtf:
Sergio, I trust git's word more than mine as well. I found the solution. The problem with this community is that by the time all the details are compiled by a fairly intelligent human, a solution can be deduced. It appears that stack overflow's reward system is bringing out some personality traits that are unwelcoming and toxic. Such is the nature of anything that is gameified. — Firephp 10 mins ago
I need to stay calm. I need to stay calm. I need to stay calm.
"The problem with you, is that by the time you understand your own question, you realize you know the answer."
where is all this going on ?
my ranting? nowhere. I used this chat as a relaxation device.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier that sounds like a less than ideal way to state a truism about most questions
I'm quite good at inflamatory, snarky, vaguely useful truism, indeed
Meaning that I agree that that statement is true for most people and not just you. AND that it is a typical way for fellow geeks to voice frustration by projecting the problem on others.
who wrote tis to you ?
"The problem with you, is that by the time you understand your own question, you realize you know the answer."
The Welcoming Wagon: people who felt unwelcome are still feeling unwelcome, but SO alienated some of the contributors and "janitors" in the process
The problem with you is that you listened to me.
oh, I see we're being confused here. That "quote" was a projected answer by me.
chat is hard
lol yeah
Hah! Too funny. So I'm making fun of you while I'm thinking I'm defending you?
what @vaultah said
@piRSquared lol yeah ;)
i dont know what people mean when they talk about toxicity on SO. most of my questions have been answered fairly nicely
Well I stand by my statements. We're all guilty of something
I live very well with the current situation; no offense was taken
@harveyslash the thing this is all about is rare but intense for those involved. Also deleted fast.
> These questions are really stupid. How on earth do you think C#.NET accomplishes it? Oh wait! What's that? It's a bell ringing and there's a note that says "C#.NET relies on Win32 API internally". Oh wow, what a surprise! If you had have done your own homework then you'd have never needed to waste everyone's time down-voting and flagging your post.
Actual comment, and this even seems civil ^
and then there's a lot of really egregious stuff that has little visibility to other than the addressee
("A lot", but only because SO is huge. Small fraction.)
@AndrasDeak wow, I've never seen anything that bad
Yeah, as I said, mostly the addressee sees it. These usually get deleted fast.
@AndrasDeak and by "seems civil" I mean that it lacks expletives and slurs, it's just the entire tone that's off
However much effort the OP puts into their question, that's how much effort I put in to being civil
But you can tell them to buzz off without insulting their person
any of you guys use scikit-learn or eli5?
I need to stop asking questions on Stack Exchange of the form "what was the author's/developer's/designer's intent when he wrote/coded/specified XYZ?" since the only replies I ever get are "we don't know, but in my opinion XYZ is good for reasons A, B, and C"
And then I can't give out an accept because that answer is just as valid as the other two answers, who give opinions DEF and GHI respectively
We usually close those as opinionated for this very reason...
Well it's more like I asked "why does XYZ exist?" and it just so happens that only the original author knows for sure
One of my most popular answers ever was "here's what X means, and here's a quote from the two Big Names involved".
If my question got a quote from the Big Name involved I would hit that accept so hard that I'd karate chop my desk in half
@Kevin SMASH that like button and click to subscribe
[Nut meme, except with "accept" on the button]
That doesn't change it all that much from its original meaning :-)
"nut meme" was the risky click of the afternoon
the COC has landed
Do I have to read it, or can I just keep using "don't be evil"
it's short enough to read in a minute
all pretty common sense stuff tbh
i have a python question anyone willing to answer
nice display pic
We are prepared to receive your question, fire when ready
We are wiming to answer
one sec
Ask the user to enter one or more words. Pass the user input to a function that does the following:
how do you pass user input to a function?
“This is called input(). If you Google it, you’ll find tutorials that can explain it much better than we can in an answer here.”
ok thanks
like i mean i know about inputs
but passing it?
what does that mean
“This is called function arguments. If you Google it, you’ll find tutorials that can explain it much better than we can in an answer here.”
I like this
def foo(a,b):
    return a+b

In the above code, 23 and 42 are being passed to foo.
OneRaynyDay are you being COC-blocked
“I’m having trouble understanding your question. I think you’re asking whether I'm following the code of conduct. Is that correct?”
Bonus points for smart quotes
gosh you sound like siri
good idea, we should make a chatbot that recites these but with the appropriate context
Nice try, but they put that "in good faith" in there so they can target the badwrongthink of malicious compliance
malicious compliance is the best kind of malicious and the best kind of compliance
malicious compliance :D
"be mad, this is what you asked for"
@OneRaynyDay And give it an avatar that looks like a paperclip.
@PM2Ring now that's just cruel
"how to pass arguments to a function" was not the humdinger of a question I expected from one "Sphinx the riddle master"
Now now, Be Nice
@wim it's because it wasn't a question, it was a riddle
Their profile doesn't seem very programmery
I for one am having a lot of trouble solving it
anyone using iPython?
Not I
erotavlas indirectly but there are pure ipython users here
@wim what's the situation over there for $TSLA
I use IPython enough to know how to capitalize it. ;-) What's up?
I'm trying to display an html generated by eli5
Only Musk can tweet "420" and liquidate $800 million of shorts
all I get is this
In [6]: eli5.show_weights(crf, top=30)
Out[6]: <IPython.core.display.HTML object>
I'm having to look eli5 up, but what exactly is surprising you?
how do I display the output?
It doesn't look like the kind of thing you'd want to build up in an interactive console
Update from the boss: "remember when I said all the broken data was magically fixed? That's still true, but now this other data has spontaneously broken"
its supposed to look like this
If you're using the console, it doesn't have an automatic HTML renderer. It should work in the notebook.
What is the notebook?
The IPython ecosystem is now called Jupyter. There's the traditional IPython console it sounds like you're using, there's a QT console (which, being graphical, allows embedding matplotlib output, e.g.) and then there's a notebook which runs in your browser, and so automatically comes with HTML support.
The “be nice” works in both directions, right? Then I’m going to flag this one now…
Have you tried the instructions yourself?When I click login it just redirects to the homepage. — w0051977 13 mins ago
well I already have the console...(just installed using pip)...but which of the last two do you recommend
for visualizing thing like plots and data
Depends on what you want. If want to inspect objects which have nice HTML reprs built-in, then the notebook. I'd go through the Jupyter docs to see how it all hangs together.
@OneRaynyDay no comment
that is still technically a comment
Qt console sounds interesting, I'll check it out
@DSM thanks I got it working (jupyter notebook)
Glad to hear.
Does this answer seem shifty to you guys? stackoverflow.com/a/51733872/2336654
Oops. I just posted an answer on Physics that I'd been slowly working on (off & on) for the last few hours. When I submitted it I noticed that the question had been put on hold a few hours ago. I guess the software there is a little more generous than it is on SO. physics.stackexchange.com/questions/421318/…
just shifty enough
Physics SE understands better than any other site that time is relative
@PM2Ring I've done that a few times. SO seems to let me post even after marked a dup if I was in the middle of editing.
@piRSquared You only get a few minutes grace on SO, so I was amazed to get a couple of hours on SE.Physics.
Hmm, I think I've seen it glitch before. I hit the back button on the browser even after the grace period and was able to post. I did that on accident once. Then again on purpose to test, with a subsequent deletion.
A sand powered generator sounds like a dumb idea, and I guess it is mostly an engineering question. But I got curious about how much potential energy there is in a sand dune, and IMHO, that is a pure physics question. So I don't feel bad about answering it.
But I'll have to try the back button trick next time I get stuck on SO. :)
did you get all crazy with the angle of whatever that determines how steep it can be based on the local gravity and whatnot?
I used 34°, which is the maximum angle of repose of dry sand, but I assumed that the dunes are perfect isoceles triangular prisms.
@PM2Ring you missed the point of having to move that kit around :P
Sand dunes are not fixed, so the way the sand is blowing is a minor problem compared to the fact that the entire stack of sand will move
But there's a degree of thinking out of the box there. I've never known grass fires in my area until this year. inb4 someone makes a portable boiler that can follow grass fires around? It's one step before harvesting energy from a desolate wasteland.
@roganjosh Fair point. I touched on it briefly "it takes some energy to move the box horizontally to the release point". Mostly, I counted that as one of the losses of the system. I guess you could get the wind to propel the whole machine down the dune. :) As for the whole stack of sand moving, I addressed that by saying that the wind-blown sand will have a tendency to bury your machine.
UmmMmmm I think I need to work less. I just realized I had dreamt a few days ago that I had refactored a file that, in fact, I have not.
The worst part is I was totally convinced until just now that I had done the work, and only now realized it was a dream
@PM2Ring granted, but the reality would you'd invest in energy to not get the machine buried
Sure. But the point of my post is that even if you could magic all of those issues away the amount of available energy is still too small compared to a conventional wind generator that it's not worth the bother.
@PM2Ring I wanna make my sarcasm clear here :)
We're venturing into the realm of World Building :P
While writing that answer I couldn't help but think of Ozymandias.
Hey, I am using a Python wrapper around a Java framework (PyLucene for Lucene) and I am getting a NameError since the wrapper seems to use unicode instead of str (I am running Python 3.6). Has anybody an idea how to fix this?
This is the error message:
JavaError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-b75f96be02ba> in <module>()
----> 1 retriever.__init__("classifier")

/mount/arbeitsdaten31/studenten1/mchardrt/satire/classifier/retriever.py in __init__(base_dir)
44 directory = FSDirectory.open(Paths.get(os.path.join(base_dir, INDEX_DIR)))
45 #read = DirectoryReader.open(directory)
---> 46 search = IndexSearcher(DirectoryReader.open(directory))
47 analyze = GermanAnalyzer()
48 return search, analyze
I thought I could globally override calls to unicode to str, but this doesn't seem to be possible (or I messed it up).
idk exactly how to solve your problem but here's something that might be of interest to you -- github.com/rudimeier/pylucene
@RobertMcHardy Sounds like they messed up the Python 3 compatibility. :) But MoxieBall's GitHub link looks promising.
I'll take a look, thanks!
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