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08:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Hi folk!
@rayryeng I need youuuuuuuu
Hi Ander
Hi there!
How is it going @Bill
Monday struggles with windows command though ^^
Monday struggles with any command
cd /my_files/toolbox/

> error, its Monday
Have you ever compiled MATLAB programs that request user inputs in command window?
How does that work? Does it open a command window?
Nah you launch it from the command window and it writes there all the 'disp' in your program along with the user input's demands
Problem with the user inputs is that the user has to press ENTER before entering his input, making it not really user friendly
yeah.... input is not a function that I really like actually
if its internal use thats ok, but do not release code with input
So I'm trying to simulate the pressing of ENTER key from MATLAB so that the user only has to press his input
it evaluates ANYWHITNG
including sudo -rm rf
give a windows command to it, something like create new file
it will create it
Yeah I know, cons of being short on time ^^
haha yeah, just letting you know
Does it needs to be interactive? Cant you make a small file where user writes in the options before running the code/
I have 2 programs
One works like you say, calculations are made from input files and results are saved in a mat file
The second one is a postprocessing program
That requests user to load a saved file and asks which graphic outputs to display
I see I see
If I had more time I would've done a GUI but the program was already due for the day before when they asked me to do it hehe
haha, damn
well good luck!
Is there some English word/phrase, suitable for an academic paper, which means "cause something to no longer make sense"?
what's the context?
Not even sure, just the first thing that poped out in my mind.
@excaza I have some algorithm (specifically - curve fit) that accepts certain data. Now if I preprocess the data (specifically - an operation that adds some bias to it), the algorithm is no longer applicable to the data as-is, and the results would no longer make sense (GIGO)
"deprive of efficacy" ?
sounds too weird
efficacy - the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
It does sound quite right to me...
Oh, no, I did not meant its wrong
It is the right meaning. Just feels weird to me in a paper. However, again, Im not native, and I suck at languages
It feels like its obscuring a bit the "punchline", the meaning
"...the transformation that X applies to Y (equation (21)) introduces a bias that breaks Y's power-law dependence on Z, and deprives F(Y,Z) of efficacy"
Yeah, its better than expected actually
cool, tnx :)
Writting a paper @Dev-iL? On what?
If you dont mind me asking
"Quantitative Image Fusion in Infrared Radiometry" been writing the same paper for 6 months now :(
Thats actually quite interesting
you triying to fuse images from different camera types?
different integration times
integration times==exposure ?
exposure duration
"exposure" is usually Intensity*Time
So, you grab less photons/\Delta t and increase t?
If that makes sense
The problem is how to measure the "radiation intensity" that is coming from the object of interest, as accurately as possible, while discarding various effects related e.g. to the optics.
one way is to take images at different exposure durations and fusing them
So you reduce intensity of long exposure durations?
Or keep the same?
You play around with the dynamic range of your sensor to get good resolution (technically, tone fidelity) throughout the measurement range
I see I see. Yeah, I was going to mention that. Seems like HDR imaging of some sorts
HDR is a type of image fusion
The problem with HDR is that the motivation for it is creating "nice-looking" photos, not necessarily accurate measurements
Yes yes, I see
Do you use some fancy techniques for that? wavelets or so?
not really, just nonlinear WLS optimization
Is this a bit like HDR photography?
oops, you've already talked about this:D
ignore me
West London Synagogue LEL
Least squares
I see
@AndrasDeak I discuss the similarities in the paper.. Because most people know about HDR, even if not exactly what it does
Note to self: learn more math about optimization techniques, e.g. nonlinear WLS
"introduces a bias that breaks Y's power-law dependence on Z, rendering F(Y,Z) ..."? (rendering meaningless, rendering useless...?)
@AndrasDeak "meaningless" is what I had originally, but it doesn't carry quite the desired meaning
I like rendering meaningless
@AnderBiguri one of the citations in my paper is of this article, you might find it interesting: "Medical image fusion: A survey of the state of the art"
inadequate? (rendering inadequate, that is)
I did read some papers in image fusion for a while
Found out that most of the information out there is crap, but for a couple of nice gems. Also, wavelets are there a lot
See, alot of AI and Fuzzy logic
Yeah, I do none of that... :)
Fuzzy logic: "Im dont want to learn maths, so im gonna try to find heuristics and hope they work"
I feel like I could answer a lot more SO questions if I did cooler stuff
@excaza Wanna come to my uni for a semester or so?
@Dev-iL yeah, I assumed :P WLS doesnt fit in any of those
@Dev-iL sure! Do I still get paid :p
@excaza Yeah, of course
... fortunately for you, I happen to be doing my PhD in the local aerospace faculty...
Unrelated: this may be relevant to some of us here (comic)
I'm sure work would be thrilled with me jetting off to work for Israeli Aerospace research :p
@excaza That's some invaluable knowledge right there :)
Anyway, I was under the impression that you were (mainly?) a student
@AnderBiguri my main stage of math is "who the fuck thought of this"
@Dev-iL only in the "perpetual student" mindset, unfortunately
I finished my Masters in 2012
@Ander My stage is "Wake up sheeple! You've been doing it wrong all along!"
@excaza ...and what comes after MSc? :)
a post-Masters
@AnderBiguri that's right!
haha, engineering doctorates don't earn you much more in the field generally
at least not commiserate with the amount of effort
I do have some thesis ideas kicking around but I'd need work to pay for it
Yeah, better do it for the love of science actually
@excaza That's for sure... But then again, you might come across something interesting that could turn into your own company
and be ok with me taking a lot of time out of the office
and still paying me
Also, tehre are now EngD s that are quite related to industry and do actually give you a good job afterwards
@excaza what was your thesis about?
I didn't have to do one :p
Was that an M.E. degree?
my school has a 5th year master's program where you just do straight coursework for a year
yeah, my undergrad is Aerospace and my grad is Mechanical
M.E = Master of Engineering (a thesis-less degree), as opposed to M.Sc = Master of Science.
oh, yes
actually no
it's BS/MS
I think
I'll look at my fancy piece of paper tonight
Hmm that's very strange
definitely, it's pretty bullshit TBH
but I'm not going to argue
I myself am from Mech. Eng. and even if/when I get a degree from aerospace, I'll keep telling people that I'm from ME
I'm the opposite
AE sounds cooler haha
I am quite convinced that AE shouldn't exist on its own
Im an Elec Eng, doing a thesis that is a third Comp Science, third Maths and third Medical phisics
I have absolutely no idea what I am
@AnderBiguri your research sounds to me like biomedical engineering
But biomedical engineers do things related to Biology
And the last thing I learnt about biology was when I was 16
but medicine is all about imaging!
posted on January 23, 2017 by Steve Eddins

With the R2015a release a couple of years ago, the Image Processing Toolbox added the function imgaussfilt. This function performs 2-D Gaussian filtering on images. It features a heuristic that automatically switches between a spatial-domain implementation and a frequency-domain implementation.... read more >>

@excaza well, not when you have a cold :P
This is a nice and ingenious piece of code, even if it uses eval
(bsz in the title's hashtag refers to the "introduction to CS" course)
@AndrasDeak :-) I only followed after Im f. Is it implied that the stranger is called "f"?
no, f for female, I think
What's the theorem "dim Im f + ker f = n"
I thought it was fundamental theorem of homomorphisms
But I can't find it by that name
dunno, I'm not sure it was named when it was taught to me
"Steve", its named Steve
No idea sorry
It's a combination of the first isomorphism theorem for groups and the fact that $\dim (U \oplus V) = \dim U + \dim V$. So I guess you should seek the meaning of the first isomorphism theorem in group theory. There the proof is pretty conceptual: you draw two short exact sequences and proceed to construct an isomorphism between them. — Alexei Averchenko Oct 6 '12 at 21:43
*golf clap*
Man, I need to learn more maths
This one I knew, but still Wikipedia pages about maths terrorize me
I remember when I was first teaching myself GMRES and found the original paper by Schultz and Saad far better than the Wikipedia page.
google to the rescue
Actually wikipedia pages about maths are a bit scary
wikipedia doesn't really cut it for academic purposes
Note to self: add GMRES to TIGRE toolbox
then again, scholarpedia is very sporadic
@TroyHaskin its a krylov susbpace method right? I dont need to actually have the A matrix in explicit form
@AnderBiguri Indeed. You merely need a function that returns a matrix-vector product with A.
I really like to have more Krylov methods in TIGRE, but everything Ive seen is done by mathematicians, meaning they do not care how fast/useful it is, just that "it is right"
So no idea how good/bad the results are
@TroyHaskin yeah! This is a key factor in tomography, at least
@AnderBiguri what are these "results" you speak of?
The quality of the images
e.g. I've seen mathematicians talk about MLEM for X-ray tomography, doing fancy maths
I was trying to be sarcastic:P
fact is, on my tests at least, MLEM is the algorithm that most underperforms comparing to anythign else, but computationally and in the quality of the end images
I need to explain this too often, unfortunatedly
My wife is a mathematician; I know more than enough about how they relate to reality and applications.
I sympathize:D
thanks, Im not alone then.
She should listen to Cedric Villiani, he says applications are very important
@TroyHaskin exactly:D
Subtracting infinity from infinity can be a well-defined operation if the operators, objects, and processes are properly defined. But screw that, we have intuition.
just midly related
I got jaded with smbc like a year ago, and reading the backlog sounds more and more daunting as time passes:D
@AnderBiguri 0.99999... isn't exactly equal to 1. But it's distance from 1 approaches 0 if the number of 9s in the decimal expansion representation continues to increase without bound.
But of course, that only makes sense if you believe in the Real numbers.
And unceasing processes.
At some point in my life I always go and spend 2h triying to understand this things. Often I do end up understanding them and then I forget about them the next day
same same
although with math I generally don't even make it to 2 hours
@TroyHaskin in most reasonable frameworks 0.9999999... means lim(1-10^(-n))==1, so how is it not 1?
maybe I don't believe in unceasing processes
those might just be codeword for math goblins anyway
@AndrasDeak Because expressing equality between an infinitely repeating decimal and another number without the limiting process explicitly given is misleading at best (i.e., clickbait) and outright lying at worst.
Math clickbait XD
interesting concept
oh god, 0.999999... == 1 is total bait for mathematicians
@TroyHaskin okay:P
51 minutes, there goes my productivity for today
part I D:
I'm not saying the expression is entirely wrong. But such statements can be very misleading is such underlying processes are precluded from the description and simply replaced with =.
@TroyHaskin I hate that I understand this one
My brain is telling me "NOOOO" and "Yeah that makes sense" at the same time
Its very conflictive
And the fact that some part of modern science uses that equation. Damn
Riemann's zeta takes care of most of the rationalization you need
One of the things on my todo list of maths: What is the Riemann's zeta used for?. I know it relates complex analysis with prime numbers, but nothing more
@TroyHaskin I remember watching that an if I recall correctly, they never utter the phrase "absolute convergent" which is supicious:P
But the Riemann Zeta result is an analytic continuation at -1. An extremely deep and rich concept that requires care and understanding of use.
But screw all that nuance! == FTW!
@AnderBiguri it's "just a function", but its values are typically infinite sums, and those are convergent at a lot of places. For anything else, you just do an analytical continuation, and BAM -- magic.
I want to comment "wat" but I'm too lazy to pad with whitespace
I didn't know about self-increment ops either (not a good idea in my opinion)
@Suever why is that not a meta question? That's a free-points type of question -.- I can ask that for any odd language
@Adriaan What do you mean?
such questions are traditionally on PPCG main
I find it odd too
Oh yea golfing tips appear on the main page
Nov 26 '16 at 23:31, by Andras Deak
@Luis can you tell me why this is not on meta PPCG?
Nov 27 '16 at 1:08, by Luis Mendo
@AndrasDeak I don't know why, but tips questions always are on the main site, not on meta
what I mean is that I can farm points for asking "Tips for golfing in language X", and do that for a lot of languages
10 upvotes per Q (not unreasonable due to PPCGs lenient voting culture) and you get lots of rep for free
I have a question
I don't think PPCG people give much crap about rep
Yea rep suffers from serious inflation on PPCG
Hence people offering up 500 in bounties
I have a question too
the suspense is killing me
let's say that I have a matrix of 5*10 and I want to plot the first three rows from 1 to 3 How can I do that in matlab? what I know that plot(matrix(1,:)) will just plot the first row but now I want to plot all rows from 1 to 3 at the same time without having to write plot cammando three times
plot(matrix(1:3,:)) or plot(matrix(1:3,:).')
I can never remember the order
^^ haha yea me neither
God bless you all :)
I usually find it easier to try both before reading help plot :P
If Y is a vector, then the x-axis scale ranges from 1 to length(Y).
If Y is a matrix, then the plot function plots the columns of Y versus their row number. The x-axis scale ranges from 1 to the number of rows in Y.
If Y is complex, then the plot function plots the imaginary part of Y versus the real part of Y, such that plot(Y) is equivalent to plot(real(Y),imag(Y)).
plot(matrix(1:3,:).') works
I wonder when my rep graph is ever going to look more normal.
in 2.5ish years
@Suever you know you can leave chatrooms right? Or are you still discussing with all those people
What people? lol
I really suck at this chat thing...
Dider, Naveh, Rachel
two of the three have already frozen :P
yes, those rooms :P
stalky stalky
@Suever Do you have kids? Having kids might help you with that problem. :)
't wasn't long ago when Suever said: "OH! Yo ucan leave rooms? Never knew about that"
@gnovice Haha clearly I don't have kids
Well, approval request submitted for Julia
I should be able to install it...next year\
@Adriaan Yea I guess I didn't realize that all of those comments-turned-chat lingered
@excaza I know that feeling all too well
@Suever Aren't you supposed to consult a physician if it keeps rising for more than six months?
The other day compliance told us that Python was no longer approved because "We have R and Hadoop, so just use those"
Q: How to stop my husband from answering your questions?

Marry Possible Duplicate: How can I keep from getting addicted to Stack Overflow? It is time for him to take care of our life problems.

You've earned the Still Alive badge for Honey, can you fix the lights in the living room?. See your profile.Frédéric Hamidi Sep 4 '11 at 17:23
Try running him under valgrind — Paul R Sep 4 '11 at 13:48
Welcome Mrs Skeet! :) — Tomas Nov 27 '13 at 0:36
People in meta are hilarious
at least the ones whose heart you don't want to carve out with a spoon
Please voteup if it was helpful. — Laleh yesterday
Your reply has not solved the problem. — SKM yesterday
I wish bountied questions weren't such a pit of despair
@excaza of for fucks sake. That idiot again
Q: Transport or Extract Neural Network for Another Platform

acsAssume that you have a large data set includes inputs (2) and outputs (3) values. You trained this data set using an artifical neural network (ann) and it is successfully learned. Then you have a ready to use ann regression/classification product. The ann created with MATLAB or Python in your com...

he does it over and over
I already contacted a mod about SKM, he said that there's naught they can do. It's his rep to bounty away on shit like that
@excaza flagged that answer as VLQ with comment added :P
easy rep for someone who knows unix
Q: 'sh: /dev/null: Permission denied' when using PAGER('/dev/null') on OS X

Chris SnowI'm trying to suppress some of the output from octave as per this post: http://stackoverflow.com/a/8303754/1033422: oldpager = PAGER('/dev/null'); oldpso = page_screen_output(1); oldpoi = page_output_immediately(1); ... do some stuff PAGER(oldpager); page_screen_output(oldpso); page_output_imm...

@excaza Is it though? I feel like for some reason PAGER must be trying to read from /dev/null
@Suever I would imagine "fix your permissions" would be straightforward
Oh hmmm, yea I guess /dev/null should be 666
@ballBreaker sure. I'll give it a spin. Was going through the discovery of If these trees could talk
I just used dir's recursive searching abilities for a project. It was glorious
@Adriaan Yeah I've been checking them out!
Those guys are great
The first song on that album is a bit thrashy, but the rest of the album is phenomenal
@Suever I've been using my own for so long I've forgotten that MATLAB added it
^^ Yea me too, but this was for a client and I didn't feel like introducing yet another file into the project
@ballBreaker Don't like thrash?
I'm not sure if thrash is really the right word.. I do at times
Sometimes the drumming is a bit too hectic for me though
bit too quick with the time between snare hits and bass drums, just sounds a little too chaotic
@Suever It was about time they added that capability. I guess no one will be needing my alternative much anymore, unless they're using an older version of MATLAB.
Man, that Youtube ad revenue is really adding up...
Also I really like that because of it they had to add a folder field to the returned struct
so you can just do files = fullfile(results.folder, results.name)
That's about the most verbose recursive directory search code I've ever seen
Also pretty sure the . and .. logic is flawed
recursion is for suckers
I love to break people's dir listing code with my +package folders
bites people who do files = dir(); files(1:2) = [];
@excaza Like contractive maps?
I actually have a mex file that does my directory listing for me
What's the flaw with the dot testing? So I can fix it
I think it fails for a folder named myfolder.
I didn't actually check it, it just looks like it
It should really just be ismember({Files.name}, {'..', '.'})
can you even have a trailing period in a folder name?
in Python, Jan 20 at 13:09, by Andras Deak
Helping the wife navigate a file system tree their group has put together. An actual pair of subdirectories 2 levels deep: /direct+theory/##not_needed##/
don't be that guy:P
@Suever You might have a whole dollar by the end of the year!
The ismember approach is better because you know that it's explicitly going to be . or ..
@AndrasDeak Thanks for the tip. Edited now
no worries:)
I think I was just super hot on regex and never bothered to look at it again :p
Hahah I definitely know how that goes
@TroyHaskin Thanks!
@TroyHaskin fwrite takes the array explicitly so quotes aren't going to help
@excaza You're right.
I thought it was a filename,
A: Writing 3D Array into the Exel in MATLAB

Ashutosh SinglaI found out a solution for the above question. The code should look like this: filename_1 = 'Nod_TS.xlsx'; A = Nod_TS(: , : , i) ; xlswrite(filename_1, A , ['ID_',int2str(i)] ); Where, A should be the 2D array.

so...exactly what I said
@Suever Heh. You should see my PPCG graph
A: How to convert CSV files in mat files

Malcolm McLeanIf you go onto my website you'll find a CSV file reader (in C) and a portable MatFile writer, also in C. Glue them together with a simple little program (in C) and you'll have your answer (in C). http://www.malcolmmclean.site11.com/www/

@excaza that's your evil twin
@LuisMendo That's what happens when you create your own language that rivals the best ones out there.
Someone at my work was talking about Code Golf
I was like "Aye I know a guy who made the MATL language" lets just say the guy was super impressed @Luis (with you, not me)
@ballBreaker Haha, really? Blushes
:3 you're a star!
@Suever My aim was to make it so it could compete with CJam and Pyth, and I more or less succeded with that :-) On the other hand, Jelly is so hard to beat!
@ballBreaker Time for a Youtube channel :-P
posted on January 23, 2017 by Cleve Moler

"ULP" stands for "unit in the last place." An ulps plot samples a fundamental math function such as $\sin{x}$, or a more esoteric function like a Bessel function. The samples are compared with more accurate values obtained from a higher precision computation. A plot of the accuracy, measured in ulps, reveals valuable information about the underlying algorithms.... read more >>

@LuisMendo =D
2 hours later…
the last post in the Julia chatroom was 995 days ago
I didn't even know SE had chat that long!
it was frozen 981 days ago
@Suever you know nothing, Jon Suever
^^ So true.
@AndrasDeak So, have you used that one before, or have you been waiting for just the right opportunity? :)
08:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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