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The most misleading example input I've seen in months
Q: Completing an rectangular matrix in order to produce several square invertible matrices

gustavorecheIf I have a matrix C=[1 0] and I want to produce an square invertible matrix T=[C;R], how can I find R? An important point here is that the matrix T should be well conditioned (condition number close to 1). I wrote a code that solves this problem in a very inneficient way: clear all C=[1 0];...

OP wants an operation using an arbitrary matrix as inputs. How does he choose the matrix? As a vector of zeros and ones!
The chosen examples were "just for simplification", he says
I'd like to downvote twice
No, ten times
I gave up on it after a few comments from OP:P
I had a great answer for the original problem as inferred by the examples
I suspected that binaries are oversimplification
Yes, I got that part
for the vector input case I could do wonders with qr or gram-schmidt
But vector -> matrix??
Come on
"Just for simplification"
@AndrasDeak Exactly. The problem was completely different with a vector
Oh well
Time to go to bed. I guess you too?
Goog night!
I should, yeah:)
good night, @Luis!
And sorry about the rant :-)
@LuisMendo don't be ridiculous:)
I perfectly agree
and even if I didn't: everybody in the world is slowly going crazy, so a little rant here or there is nothing
7 hours later…
@AndrasDeak :-D
1 hour later…
OP deleted the question to get rid of the downvotes, and posted it as a new one, this time hopefully with a clearer specification (I didn't care to look)
8 hours later…
@Everyone: What kind of (discrete) filter could you use for filtered backprojection (of a radon transform). (I'm planning to do a PPCG challenge on that.)
@AnderBiguri ^
Also I'd love to discuss some practical details
1 hour later…
@flawr the easiest one is probably the classic ramp filter
@AnderBiguri What would that look like in the discrete case?
I think I remembered someone convolving with [-1,2,-1] (-> 2nd derivative I guess?)
mmm If I am not worng, you need to make it bigger for the radon transform
The ramp filter intuitively makes sense. So in order to find the convolution kernel in the "space" domain, I could just ifft the ramp?
sorry problems with internets
htats the common filters, ramp being the one that comes from maths, the other just variations
yes, you ifft the ramp!
in there, there is a fucntion, "filtering.m" that does the filtering for FDK (cone shaped)
but the code structure should be the same
Actually, I think it is the same filtering for cone beam and FBP
I'm just looking for a way to filter that is easy to explain.
Ramp works ok and I think that for PPCG it can be better
produced by x=1:128;y=abs(x-65);plot(x,ifft(y))
Ah no I think there was some shift stuff =/
@AnderBiguri ^ is this the correct way?
Sorry Im having problems with the internet and the chat is bein specifically terrible
check that
RAM-LAK is the ramp, if I remembermy code rigth
(its not even my code, techniclly)
ooooh the tigre toolbox=)
ah, it is the ramp_flat
I guess
Thank you very much!
@AnderBiguri I don't want to bother you too much, I just found a small thing that might be an error:
function [h, nn] = ramp_flat(n)
nn = [-(n/2):(n/2-1)]';
h = zeros(size(nn),'single');
h(n/2+1) = 1 / 4;
odd = mod(nn,2) == 1;
h(odd) = -1 ./ (pi * nn(odd)).^2;
I assume that this should produce the ramp kernel (in h) and the ramp itself ( in nn), but it seems they are not matching perfectly via fft/ifft
(I don't mean the scaling, but e.g. the ratio of the highest to it's neighbour peaks.)
@flawr I did not write that code actually
the whole software is suppoed to encourage people not to use FBP, so I just found an FBP code somewhere, ask the author and pasted it in my tool
so you may be rigth, but its 2 years sice I looked at that code, and it waas not written by me.....
so I have no idea hehe
Ok, well then:)
Some day I need to read a real dsp book...
@AnderBiguri again thank you very much for your help
2 hours later…
@Luis can you tell me why this is not on meta PPCG?
I tried playing with Flack Overstow, two out of two flacks contained eval:D
in The Ministry of Silly Hats, 3 mins ago, by Andras Deak
> If this is correct, one should almost never use eval. This is bad. Very bad. So the usual solution to eval problems exactly: >>> import sympy as sym x = sym.Symbol('x') a = sym.Matrix([1, 1, 1]) dot = sym.Function('dot') f = sym.Piecewise((x*(x+3),x<3), (x*(-2*x+2),True)) >>> sym.integrate(f,(x,0,6)) -153/2
in The Ministry of Silly Hats, 2 mins ago, by Andras Deak
> You should consider using an ndarray data, and you can tell it can be solved in a nice, safe, fast and idiomatic way. The only constraint is that field names have to be valid variable names, so the first character of the fields of a single data struct is: is = []; for v = 1:N % nope eval nope?

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