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I was thinking that it would be trippy if deja-vu was actually different dimensions of yourself converging
Different choices leading up to the same result
That's inevitable if you consider the butterfly effect.
no no no... then both of your selves would be experiencing the event for the first time, so there is no previous experience of it
clearly the time dimension is curled in on itself so that an individual time thread can loop back and pass near a point that it already passed
as your time thread passes the junction, you remember passing near the future thread in your past
Seems plausible
But then again, after you have become a couch, anything seems plausible
would that be a chesterfield sofa?
a velvet paisley-covered Chesterfield sofa?
hey guys - at the airport right now
But I'm looking over the ML wiki and got confused...
@beaker It was one of those weird... woolen, scratchy fabric couches actually
I'm writing some comments to help myself understand how this matrix operation works but it's not really working
% X = [12 5; 5 8; 1 2; 22 5;] 4 x 2 matrix
% theta = [theta1; theta2] 2 x 1 matrix
% Y = [9, 3, 2, 5] 4 x 1 matrix
Someone sat on me, and it was weird.
this is a correct premise right?
The beauty of mind altering hallucinogens lmao
@Dustiny never needed them
That's what you think
@OneRaynyDay the dimensions are correct...
Mmm okay.. so here's the rest of the comments
Wouldn't X be a 2x4 matrix
Or am I just rusty as hell with MATLAB
% Y = [(12*theta1 + 5*theta2) = 9, (5*theta1 + 8*theta2) = 3 ...]
% X*theta = Y OR theta'*X = Y
% (4x2) * (2x1) = 4x1 || (1x2) * (4x2)
that last part breaks down: (1x2) * (4x2)
Nahh it's a 4 row 2 column matrix right?
Ah yes
I see in the wiki this statement θTx(i)
so transposing theta with a row of x I'm guessing
what does x superscript i mean? But either way if it's a row or a column it'd be: (1x2) * (1x2) or (4x1)
x^(i) means the ith training example
which break down anyways - I do the X*theta version. the other ray talked about it with me yesterday about how A'B = BA if one of them is a vector so i wrote down some comments to let myself understand
it's convention. It's not to be confused with a power operation.
In fact, Andrew tells you this in one of his beginning videos.
ah yeah I know that - if there were imaginary exponents I'd give up by now LOL
Nothing like imaginary exponents
to fuel your hatred for math
imaginary exponents are perfectly fine :) Use Euler's formula.
But yeah, ith training example is the row then(which is what I thought at first)
Euler's formula?
pronounced oiler's
fun fact.
e^(ix) = cos(x) + i*sin(x).
you mean Yn+1 = Yn + f'(Yn, Xn)*dX
Ohh no that's Euler's method -and yeah Dustin I remember haha
my teacher would get irritated when someone said YOU-ler
Fail of the day:
but yeha, either way the matrix doesn't work in multiplication q_q I think I'm missing something
How you going to cheat on your exam when the tattoo is on your back lolololzlzlosol
there's too many math tattoos in the front so he had to settle :/
flexible head I'm guessing?? LOL
That's Euler's Method, not formula.
Thanks @rayryeng! I didn't receive it yet either. Maybe they are limiting this whole thing to North Amer.?
1 x 2 does not multiply with 4 x 2
The number of columns of the first matrix must match the rows with the second matrix
so 1 x 2 and 2 x 4 will work
Use bsxfun, it multiplies everything to everything :)
1 x 2 * 2 x 4
   ^------^ %--> Must match
yeah! So I'm super confused because the convention on the coursera wiki says: θTx(i) works
But when I gave an example like above, θTx(i) does not work
what are the dimensions of theta and x?
where θ'Xi is a probably better notation
% cost function: 1/m * sum(cost(theta))
% X = [12 5; 5 8; 1 2; 22 5;] 4 x 2 matrix
% theta = [theta1; theta2] 2 x 1 matrix
% Y = [9, 3, 2, 5] 4 x 1 matrix
% Y = [(12*theta1 + 5*theta2) = 9, (5*theta1 + 8*theta2) = 3 ...]
% X*theta = Y OR theta'*X = Y
% (4x2) * (2x1) = 4x1 || () * (4x2)
theta is 2 x 1, so x needs to be 1 x 2
therefore, in your case you would do theta * x'.
that's for a SINGLE point
X*theta will work
however, if you want do it the opposite way, you must do it as theta' * X'
dimensions need to match
@Divakar - Hi Divakar!
Ah yeah, but it said to transpose theta?
You're dealing with a data matrix now.
That situation only applies to one point.
Hay Ray!
Ohh okay I see I see
Right - it was in a summation statement
Also, remember that X is arranged in rows.
so it's not a vectorized version
the theta^T * x or x^T * theta assume they are both columns
in a data matrix, the points are now row vectors, not column vectors.
so, if you want this summation to work, you need to make sure that one of the things is a column vector and the other is a row vector for the dot product / summation to work
Ahhh yeah, so the transpose totally depends on whether I represent the theta vector as a column or a row
so X*theta will work because X have the points arranged in rows and theta is a column vector
if you want it to go the other way, theta can be a row vector... so theta'
however, every sample in X must be column vectors
basically: l2vectorbro
that's why you transpose X to make each point a column vector
that's why X*theta = theta'*X'
However, take note that X*theta is a column vector
Right - got that click in my head
theta'*X' is a row vector.
This also leads us to a very important linear algebra property
(A*B)^T = B^T*A^T
Almost as important as 0 = 0
Therefore, (X*theta)^T = (theta^T * X^T)
Ohhh I see
Yeah I understand now :) thanks! I actually read over the rules yesterday, but I guess I have a hard time visualizing
yeah it's good with an example!
My first year linear algebra class was probably 95% theory, and it was terrible lol
@Divakar - Yes I think north america first.
@Dustiny - Yeah you gotta see examples lol
@OneRaynyDay - OK, so does that make more sense?
Well it was probably more like 70%, so I was learning
but spending 3 lectures on proving that a zero vector is zero
@rayryeng totally does, thanks dude :)
Is infuriating
I feel like I need to do like
500 matrix problems like the bootcamp style do-or-fail slave labor chinese method
to actually get the matrix multiplication stuff to be easily visualized
What's the word for racist, but instead of race, its place? @rayryeng
if that's spelled correctly
Its place?
@Divakar "Chauvinism, in its original meaning, is an exaggerated patriotism and a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory."
in racist, if I want to replace race with place/geographic location?
yes Chauvinism is definitely the word.
A close relative could be a xenophobe.
Xenophobia is the dislike of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange. Xenophobia can manifest itself in many ways involving the relations and perceptions of an ingroup towards an outgroup, including a fear of losing identity, suspicion of its activities, aggression, and desire to eliminate its presence to secure a presumed purity. Xenophobia can also be exhibited in the form of an "uncritical exaltation of another culture" in which a culture is ascribed "an unreal, stereotyped and exotic quality". == DefinitionsEdit == Dictionary definitions of xenophobia include: "deep-rooted, hatred...
That picture is hilarious
but hating just the place, yeah I guess xenophobe does it.
Alrighty, I gotta go board the plane now!
Thanks for the help guys tips fedora I'll see you guys at LA!
not much of rains there though
haha sweet. later!
So you're prejudice against a place or country, right?
Xenophobe is the closest thing I can think of. Let me look for other synonyms
against all places except NA ;)
oh :)
sounds close to provincialism ;)
I can't think of a single word... but perhaps... bias towards your own country?
@Divakar - This is something you could possibly ask on English StackExchange
they're really good for that.
Seriously Chauvinist lol
Or "Normal person"
yeah that sounds close too beaker!
pick one
ah I would miss out my SO mug or notebook!
or maybe after I get one of these, I will post.
@Divakar - @Dustiny was correct
Q: What do you call a person who is regionally biased?

vr3690What do you call a person who is regionally biased and has an unreasonable hatred/dislike for people from other regions of the country/world? Something like a racist, but the point of discrimination here is the geographical region and not race.

There are other very good synonyms, but chauvinist is the top answer.
That's the question/answer you're looking for :)
Xenophobe is the second highest :D
@beaker - Jingoist is there too!
those skeet jokes! lovely!
They're so funny lol
was reading those last night, had good laugh.
When @Divakar searches on Google for an answer, Google replies "would you like a side of bsxfun with that?"
haaha good one!
@Divakar's holy bible consists of bsxfun and variations thereof.
I have bsxfun as autocorrect whenever I try to answer on SO ;)
:D lol
but seriously on numpy, I am loving searchsorted and einsum, those are super fast!
I need to learn einsum. I still don't get the notation.
search sorted is very nice.
just like permute, keep track of your dims
Look at this -
A: Python: converted matrix from an image is 3D instead of 2D

fjarriRed, green and blue channels, naturally.

simple as hell
haha IP!
it's not tagged image processing lol
I need to include all of those tags in my search so I don't miss them
not its not!
but easily taggable to IP
5 upvotes for such a simple answer.
Seriously, how the hell does that happen?
yeah world just got flat on you :P
seriously... wtf lol
this kind of crap is hindering my DIP badge.
lol let them get some IP votes ;)
shakes fist
you were not sleeping when it was posted I guess
so keeping "image" tag in check would be great for you
yes I'll do that.
I notice I miss out on a lot of questions because of that.
Just added
Ray's fishnet just got bigger! :)
Here's one more with image and easy stuff -
A: OpenCV - altering the filter2D function

askewchanYou don't have to "alter" the image, you can just slice it. Either before or after, which may have subtly different effects at the edge: output = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, kernel)[1:-1, 1:-1] or output = cv2.filter2D(image[1:-1, 1:-1], -1, kernel)

wtf lol
I keep missing this stuff!
@Divakar - I managed to answer a question in R. Very proud of myself lol.
A: How to normalize a convolved image? Should I?

rayryengYour visualization is perfectly normal. What's happening is that you are remapping pixel values so that the lowest intensity gets set to 0 and the highest intensity gets set to 1. All of the other values get linearly remapped to conform within the [0,1] range. The reason why you may see just b...

It was a very simple question image processing wise. I also only had to modify his code slightly.
Auto suspended on Java chat ugghh
Longest 30 minutes of my liiffee
what the hell did you do? LOL
I swore! haha unintentionally or whatever
Last time I was flagged over 16 times in a minute apparently, but people just read what I said way out of context
@rayryeng xenophobia isnt patriotism
@Agawa001 I never said it was
Girl: "You just find things funny because your dumb"
Guy: "I guess I must be pretty dumb then"
Me: "Your so dumb it's hilarious"
You seem to be misreading my messages lately
And I was the one to get flagged 16 times there, pfft lolo
I also knew about how matrix multiplication as not being commutative.
2 hours ago, by Dustiny
@Divakar "Chauvinism, in its original meaning, is an exaggerated patriotism and a belligerent belief in national superiority and glory."
well, not you :p
That's Dustiny, not me
im mixin up
Yeah clearly LOL
@Dustiny - no worries man.
Chauvinism by it's original definition is indeed exagerrated patriotism lol
@Dustiny ^^ Yes.
check ur privilege bro
but you said something alike
2 hours ago, by rayryeng
A close relative could be a xenophobe.
I said COULD
I never said it WAS. :)
@Agawa001 We were not trying to define patriotism :)
We are trying to define one's bias towards their own country
So we were coming up with possible words.
And the word for that is chauvinism.
@Dustiny in reply to your deleted post, thats called misogynism
I know haha
@beaker so what are we doing
I've heard people say chauvinism instead of misogynism lately
@Dustiny yeah they're confusing the terms.
Mostly just uber-liberal PC people saying that though
@Agawa001 - nothing really. Just talking.
@Dustiny i dont have latest terminology update lol
That's a good thing lol
I could do without hearing a word from those people for my lifetime
yup lol
@Agawa001 We were attempting to answer Divakar's question, "What's the word for racist, but instead of race, its place?"
regionalism ?
tribalism ?
The answer is chauvinism
Q: What do you call a person who is regionally biased?

vr3690What do you call a person who is regionally biased and has an unreasonable hatred/dislike for people from other regions of the country/world? Something like a racist, but the point of discrimination here is the geographical region and not race.

of course that doesnt have anything to do with race
or ethnicity
Yeah exactly!
I hate mexico but I love mexicans!
I guess the opposite is just racist?
What if your racist towards a continent?
Is that still racist?
no that's just normal behaviour lol
Isn't the grouping of people to define a race technically speaking a generalization
Therefore kind of defeating the purpose of calling someone racist
Hahaha cool
I like having arguments like this with people who care way too much
Watching them squirm
yeah there's a word for that too: ballbreaker
hating a country ? like hating weather or climate ?
You got booted because of a "dumb" comment? wow lol
Lmao yup, although I might have said retarded
I think someone flagged it, then it was shown to other people out of context
next thing you know I'm flagged 16 times in under 60 seconds
ahhh yeah
yeah that's just stupid
@Dustiny lol me too
you would be surprised how much i m flagged in 2nd monitor
2nd monitor?
Yeah I've seen that chat before but what is it for?
main room of codereview
like hating every place except NA(North Amer.). The context is SO is NA based, so they might not send the 10million questions goodies to other places, not sure though.
@rayryeng not bad ray! But loops!? :P
@Dustiny if you ever log in this place, then remarking something like at the margin, its meant to be
@Divakar - I didn't write that code lol
I only modified what he wrote
ahhh I see!
Does R support broadcasting? Like what do they have for bsxfun, if you know?
@Agawa001 Ahhh
@Divakar - Yes it does
They would probably like me then, since I'm a white male
A lot of the vectorization questions/answers are in R lol
it's on the bucket list
@Dustiny not about race, its about region (chauvinists) hahaha
I know some syntax, but not enough to answer a proper question
lots of IP question go to R?
@Agawa001 OH! Well I'm Canadian so I'm probably okay too then!
can't get used to IP not meaning TCP/IP ;)
Yeah me too
lot of peaople i saw here are canadians??? wonder whats the big secret
@Divakar - only sometimes
I've been extremely confused this entire time until I realized it means image processing
in my entire time here, I only answered two question in IP in R
@Agawa001 - Not all of us
Divakar is from India.
Is it just me, ray, and ray?
is this website hosted in canada ?
gets there 1 u-sec faster prolly.
Ray #2 is in the US.
Were you born in Canada anyways?
@Agawa001 - No. The US.
SO is faster in Canada?
I would say North America in general @Divakar
@Dustiny - yup. TO.
@rayryeng He said he was born in BC though
@Dustiny Yeah but he moved to Silicon Valley
bastard. j/k
bastard, not j/k
lol j/k about not j/k
you're j/k about the not j/k j/k
while (1) {
    int just_kidding = floor(rand());
    if (just_kidding == 1)
Note that this will never break ;) rand()'s dynamic range is [0,1) 1 exclusive.
that break isn't kidding, is he?
my cousin moved to canada for studies, i emailed my consulate but had a negative response since im not sponsored by any university
@Agawa001 - Yeah I get the sponsorship thing.
Actually, a lot of people emailed me from various IIT schools in India when I was teaching courses.
a lot of them wanted to come to do an internship
I took the time to email them individually, but the emails became so rampant that I just ignored all of them.
to the point where I had to filter any iit based emails to trash. It was terrible.
Ray I did too, too bad you had no open positions for me ;)
@rayryeng you could just program a mail bot
Did you? I seriously don't remember.
@Agawa001 haha yes. Didn't have the time.
haha nah I wouldn't dare do that Ray :)
@rayryeng thats the point, bots spare you time
auto-response: "NO"
@Divakar - I would have remembered you. Besides which, didn't you do your Master's at Georgia tech?
Of course lol. That school is great.
yeah had to decide between UCLA and this one.
ahhh.. hard choice.

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