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Numpy is awesome - nuff said
blagh - I'm getting confused at this matlab project
oop, nevermind! Got it :)
3 hours later…
@OneRaynyDay you sure?
@rayryeng yeah haha, I made a tiny mistake in the partial derivatives
actually I just came back from santa monica beach!
LOL, was sitting on the beach and writing down my partial derivatives and practicing matrix multiplication
haha don't stay around and do ML stuff. enjoy the weather and the environment before school starts
haha, no worries.
I've read scientific papers on the beach.
don't worry
sounds super relaxing haha
haha not really.
When I was in Cuba, I spent the entire afternoon one day figuring out how SIFT works
this was a few years ago
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
In layman's terms, it's a very popular technique for finding interest points in an image.
if you remember what we talked about last week, I use interest point detectors to detect what are interesting points and I rotate one camera so that it points in the same direction as another.
I don't use SIFT though because it's patented.
Blah, sorry for the late response, I'm at a hotel that gives terrible wifi x_X
Right I remember! High contrast points are where you want to focus the cameras to
Oh. Patented? by whom?
Patented by UBC Lol
your favourite university (jokes)
Hotel? You're not on campus yet?
Nope! Haha, my mom doesn't want me to go yet(official move in date is tomorrow anyways)
Oh - my cousin actually goes to UBC as a premed haha
I learned a valuable lesson from his life and that is - don't do a job for the money
or else you'll regret it more and more each day :(
That's what many people tell me too
my prof said the same thing.
yeah - I'm sure you love what you do though haha
My cousin was the family star - he went to UBC and studied medicine
ahh yeah :) it has its ups and downs. I was actually considering leaving at one point.
suffice it to say the management was pissing me off
it was recently that they made some changes to management which is why I stayed
but I was actually looking for another job at one point
we were all really proud of him, and he eventually cracked and his goals of becoming a specialist became -> become a lowly family doctor
and ahh, but it's not the subject that you hate
lowly family doctor is still a noble profession.
it's the way the company organized it right?
True true, but we were all expecting him to be the 400k salary/yr radiologist or something
he's definitely smart enough, but he just cracked
it happens.
it's a large commitment to be a doctor. I'm sure you know that.
yeah suffice it to say the way the management treated us "peeps on the floor" sucked.
Huge disconnect. A lot of them have no idea of the work I do.
Ahh.. Project managers suck?
but I'm staying because my direct boss is now the CEO, and I'm fine with that
Yeah lol.
We have two project managers at our company, and none of them know how what we do works.
gotcha. Yep, I know how shitty some PM's are
The R & D department is basically where the image stitching stuff happens... that's basically... myself and a buddy of mine lol.
However the PMs are getting better
Ahh, dang one man army much haha
One of them unofficially renamed our department the PFM department
Pure F*cking Magic.
haha it used to be for a while... then I needed the help
I convinced a buddy of mine who I did my PhD with to come work for our company.
I'm glad he came because if he didn't, it would have sucked
I couldn't do it all.
ahh, I see :)
It's still amazing to be such an integral part of a company though!
Did the chat just post my message twice wat
oh nevermind
lol np
I feel like if I grow up to work at a company where I do a super tiny fraction of the job, I'd feel a bit claustrophobic and insignificant
yeah I was officially Employee #1
I was the first employee they hired.
The company only started up late 2013. Officially.
yeah working for a startup has its ups and downs
you definitely get your hands dirty and get to be part of very important decisions.
wow - why weren't you promoted to like CTO or something?
I didn't want to be. I want to be part of the product development
However, working for startups can be unstable. You have no idea what will happen in the next day... or the next week
However, the risk is worth its own reward. If it pays off, it's awesome.
If you went to work for a corporation or large company, there's surely stability... but the structure is rigid.
and you definitely feel like you're only contributing a small part of things.
Ahh I see
That can't be said about all companies... like sure, I'd love to work for Google or Apple lol
I got interviewed by Google twice. The first time I tried I bombed. The second time I tried, I got past the phone interview but bombed the on-site interview lol.
I definitely learned a lot more of myself throughout the whole process.
Ahh, I see :) don't worry - you'll get it the third time!
I've just realized the last few lines I was talking to myself:
Yeah, to be honest right now while I'm young I want to be doing something risky and working for a startup :)
When people grow old there's this tendency to become satisfied
haha not gonna bother. Maybe at a later time.
yeah I would say work for a startup
You're forced to learn things a lot quicker.
That's the one thing I would recommend for sure.
Right - my stepdad works for apple.
He kind of gave up on learning once he got there... I don't know if that's a good thing or not
scratch that - it's a terrible thing LOL
always keep learning. it's another thing I recommend.
I learned more java SE 7 and 8's than him and he's a senior software developer... I'm honestly a little disappointed at the loss of people's curiosity once they're complacent
Yep! Totally
I kind of understand though - if the industry is expanding and changing so quickly
and what you've learned and put a ton of effort in becomes deprecated
then some of those people will be like.. "ah.. I don't want to learn more - what I use is already good enough"
and that's when they'll never catch up ever again :/
hmm.. doing the regularization version of logistic regression and it doesn't seem to be working :/
ahh yeah totally.
I learned more about coding on my own than school could ever teach me... just like you!
but yeah, you just gotta keep learning... even if what you're learning eventually becomes deprecated. It's how you evolve and that's how you maintain a job.
Regularization should be the same regardless if it's linear or logistic regression
it's just adding up the squares of each parameter except for the bias theta0... for the cost function.
right - I seem to be doing that but it's giving me a strange error:
Warning: Error updating Legend.

 Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
what's the full code?
I'm searching it up right now - and yeah I agree :) As long as there's something interesting going on in cs I'll proabbly never stop learning
oh - here you go!
this is the BFGS I think: % Optimize
[theta, J, exit_flag] = ...
	fminunc(@(t)(costFunctionReg(t, X, y, lambda)), initial_theta, options);
cost = (-((1-y).*(log(1-sigmoid(X*theta))) + (y).*(log(sigmoid(X*theta)))));
regularization = (theta.^2);
J = 1/m * sum(cost) + sum(regularization)*(lambda/(2*m));

grad(1) = (sum((y-sigmoid(X*theta)).*X(:,1)))./m ;
for i = 2:length(theta)
    grad(i) = (sum((y-sigmoid(X*theta)).*X(:,i))+lambda*theta(i))./m ;
^That is the costFunctionReg
function [J, grad] = costFunctionReg(theta, X, y, lambda)
You don't include theta0
it should be regularization = theta(2:end).^2;
Oh right - I didn't include it in grad, but I forgot to exclude it in J
@rayryeng hmmm... it still seems like there is a problem x_x
the error is occuring and I'm troubleshooting and it turns out my theta's all became 0 after the gradient descent
sorry about that. Was answering a question.
Your gradient term - are you dividing the first summation by m?
Oh uhm the first summation you mean the cost function?
I believe I did: here's the code
cost = (-((1-y).*(log(1-sigmoid(X*theta))) + (y).*(log(sigmoid(X*theta)))));
regularization = (theta(2:end).^2);
J = 1/m * sum(cost) + sum(regularization)*(lambda/(2*m))
for the cost function
It's a bit ugly to read though... Sorry about that :/
I divided the sum of regularization by 2m
no not the sum. That's fine
The really really weird thing is though - when I plug in a perfectly working non-regularized version
it still does not work in this sample...
I'm not sure where the error is occuring :/
No here
for i = 2:length(theta)
    grad(i) = (sum((y-sigmoid(X*theta)).*X(:,i))+lambda*theta(i))./m ;
You forgot to divide the first term by m
never mind
I missed reading a bracket
ohh yeah the brackets are really confusing in this
This shows that it works for a linear version - but I think
for the regularized one it's a polynomial. I'm looking into why it doesn't support polynomials
let me have a look at your code
Sure! Which parts would you like or just all of it?
Ehh, I'll just send you all of it - easier to replicate the problem
Here you go!
OH, you switched the terms
oh? I did?
grad(1) = (sum((y-sigmoid(X*theta)).*X(:,1)))./m ;
for i = 2:length(theta)
    grad(i) = (sum((sigmoid(X*theta)-y).*X(:,i))+lambda*theta(i))./m ;
it should be h(x) - y, not y - h(x)
this will give you the gradient going in the opposite direction.
wait... ohmy god I did not know that the
~m file is not the same as the m file
~m is an autosave file.
that was my previous problem... I fixed it and copied the code from my ~m where i still had the problem
LOL... FML - Thanks for the catch ray xD
haha no worries
did it work?
Haha yup!
sweet, sweet decision boundaries :')
You saved my butt there haha
that is very nice :)
thank you! I'm actually jumping in joy that it worked
This looks super awesome
haha oh god this is the one without the regularization
yup... that's overfitting
you see the first one has regularization, so the decision boundary is more natural
@AnderBiguri - Another image processing problem solved. Template matching via the FFT
Q: Matlab Template Matching Using FFT

Chris ParryI am struggling with template matching in the Fourier domain in Matlab. Here are my images (the artist is RamalamaCreatures on DeviantArt): My aim is to place a bounding box around the ear of the possum, like this example (where I performed template matching using normxcorr2): Here is t...

I suggested using Phase Correlation.
oh gosh my internet
Hotel wifi leaves much to be desired :) that's why I tether.
Oh gosh, my messages... they're gone.
After 20 minutes of desperate attempts to connect to wifi
ahh can you copy and paste?
Nope! They all just disappeared
ah frig
oh no... I think my internet is going to die again...
bah that's ok dude. we can connect another time.
you fixed the code! that's what matters
yeah haha, I'm glad you helped me point out that error
Especially in that huge mess of random parentheses xD
anyways, before my internet completely dies - I'll call it a night!
You should sleep too, right? It's 3 AM?
no worries.
yup yup, just reading up some stuff.
it's the weekend so I can stay up a bit
Ahh okay, no problem :) Have fun then!
3 hours later…
I can't believe that every day there are questions along the lines of "Why won't sizeof tell me the size of my matrix?". Pisses me off that people don't even f'ing try to find out what a function does, just assume some shit they think is straightforward.
3 hours later…
@rayryeng Didnt know about template matching using FFT! nice!
Q: How can I save my result to workspace in matlab?

Xupeng TongHere is my dummy code to create M and V. function [M,V] = likelihood(xTrain, yTrain) M = zeros(5, 5) V = zeros(5, 5) rows = size(xTrain, 1) classCount = zeros(5, 1) for i = 1 : 5 for j = 1 : rows class = yTrain(j) M(class, i) = M(class, i) + x...

this a troll?
@Adriaan why? do you talk about the comment ?
because he calls his function without specifying the output variables as [M,V], which is about the most basic thing you can learn in MATLAB
he just does likelihood(xTrain, yTrain) and wonders why his variable name is always ans and is overwritten
@Adriaan the variables are returned to [M,V]
No, they are not, he call the function like I said, without output specified
which means that when you do that in your command window it will just parse them in ans
@Adriaan it soundslike an array of two arrays
it does not matter what the output is. If you call sum(x) for instance, MATLAB will save it to ans, exactly like he does. When, on the other hand, you call a=sum(x) it saves it to a, which is what he wants. There is nothing wrong with his function, just with his way of calling it. This is so very basic that he either has copied some code and doesn't understand MATLAB at all, or he is a troll.
I will not elaborate on this furter, since it is dead basic programming.
Hi guys!
Have you seen this one?
I think it's a great challenge that would be fun in MATLAB! =)
I have made a few quick attempts, but I haven't had the time to really sit down and finish it...
looks difficult. Im not even sure I understand their meaning
Hej @AndrasDeak ! How's your weekend shaping up?
@Adriaan Yo. Not bad, thanks, finally getting some rest:)
How's your PDE? And the complex analysis?;)
PDE's good, but CA is a pain in the butt :( Very difficult to make exercises, whilst during the lecture I thought everything was pretty clear
Really? I'm sorry to hear that. Let me know if you have some specific problems, I used to like that too (though I might not remember a lot of necessary things)
Book's Applied Complex Variables by Yue Kuen Kwok ;)
Ive got a bit of trouble doing the preliminary exercises in which you prove all kinds of equalities using moduli and arguments
I found a second edition.
but they're not that important, because I just have to be able to use them in later exercises
yea, second is current
want a link?:)
book was €65 at home, but got is for 10 quid (GBP) from England :D
That sounds better, but still too much for my taste:P
Though I don't know what it's like in the West:D
@AndrasDeak ohh, almost flagging offence, linking to contraband goods ;)
Nono, I would never dare to post it here:D
you start reading chapter 2; I'm going to watch hockey in the mean time ;)
"gimme the solutionz"
that's what SO's for isnt it?
What have you tried so far? Why and how didn't it work?
"Welcome to SO. Please provide a [mcve] detailing your code. Explain why it does not work for you and what the expected results are."
Oooh, analytic functions are the coolest
Ive got that under ctrl-V when reviewing :P
wow, that was fast
I tried editing a question, asked less than a minute ago, and when I hit "save edits", the post was already deleted
I've had that several times, only with giving an answer...
By the time I typed up 2 paragraphs, the question was gone.
or someone else has thought up the exact same solution. Happened to me twice today
3 hours later…
@AnderBiguri - Yup! Phase Correlation my friend :)
phase palm
@Divakar am I ready for the next step in bsxfun sensei? :)
Well your bsxfun assignments are still due ;) @Adriaan
got to find them back in that case
doing 2 studies simultateously, having a job and still additional homework :(
life sucks I know :D
but with bsxfun it at least goes fast :D
Before getting into permute, you can play around with a combo of reshape and bsxfun.
suggestions? Im very uncreative in the sense of think of 'new' things, though Im an adept puzzle solver if I know where I'm going
@Divakar - Hello!
Hey Rey!
A = reshape([1:20],4,5). Now create a 3D array from it, with just one column(singleton dim) there. @Adriaan
@Divakar - I need some practice with permute as well. It's hard to visualize unless I do trial and error lol
Q: How to correct Matlab function for bouncing ball travel distance calculation

Andrey RadikIt is formula that I use to find distance traveled by bouncing ball: where: h(n) - total distance traveled by bouncing ball H - a ball drop height n - number of bounces e - coefficient of restitution I created Matlab function to do that calculation: function distance = totalDistance(H, n,...

something in me died when reading this question
the OP overwrote i, e ànd sum
@Adriaan e is not a thing...is it?
and i can be reintroduced as 1i, and sum with builtin
and can't you call it for the actual exponential function as well?
well yea, you could call your variables "camel" "rhinoceros" and "horse" for all I care
but just do not overwrite builtins
@Adriaan how is 1e2 conflicting with a variable named e?
I guess it's not, not sure though, but it's still using a letter combination you also use as a built-in
@Adriaan I think e is totally fine. I'd call exp(1) e if I felt like it. And i should not be a problem if you're not even close to complexes. And you should avoid j as well, then:P
Of course sum is completely different, that is really bad.
What threw me off in that post is that OP is called Andrey but has a picture of a chick.
I always call my loop variables ii, jj, kk etc
@rayryeng havent you done couple of questions with background-removal?
Q: Detect heihht of the man

Sushil ChaskarI have a binary (black n white) video of a man walking. How can I determine the height of the guy in video in matlab ? I used basic background subtraction to get the binary video. below is the code. Please suggest other efficient ways for background subtraction and changes, if any, in the code b...

So @Adriaan, I looked over the theory part of Chapter 2:P
I wont do any more work till monday though. I refuse to work on sundays
I'm not telling you to. Just that whenever you do and need some help, I'll be interested in the problem:)
I'll have my own work for the weekend as well. And rewriting some of my postprocessing matlab scripts to python:)
@AndrasDeak did you see my first bsxfun answer? I was damn proud of myself :P
@Adriaan - Yeah. This question is different.
The OP wants to measure the real height of someone in an image. There's no easy way to do that. I did mark a duplicate though.
@Adriaan - Yeah it's a cardinal sin to overshadow functions with variable names
It's one of those MATLAB DON'Ts that you're not supposed to do
Also using i and j as variables is blasphemy... but not illegal lol
but using sum as a variable kills me.
They really should make an error when you try to use a function as a variable name.
You used bsxfun. I have just shed a tear. +1. — rayryeng 1 min ago
All SO swag from the 10M event still have the old logo
Q: Do t-shirts and other SO swag still have the old logo?

Fernando MatsumotoAs a part of the 10 million questions milestone, SO is sending swag (t-shirts, mugs, ...) to some of its users. Has the logo on this swag been updated or is it still the old one? Since we reached the milestone before the logo was updated, I'm guessing the swag will come with the old logo, but I ...

hehe, thanks! I was damn proud of myself @rayryeng
haha nice :)
now I'm trying to figure out how to do that without bsxfun or repmat. That's a challenge.
I still have to do the homework @Divakar assigned me though
which homework?
well, you can use a for loop :P
Divakar would kill me
because he said he would kill loops
my bsxfun homework of course
if I used loops, he'd kill me.
OH I didn't see any homework
Loops don't kill people, Divakar does. Wait...this isn't right.
@Adriaan, congratulations. Are you sure though that woohoo is part of the solution?:P
I'll have to make a Divakar Facts page soon
@AndrasDeak - yes it should be!
The comments on Adriaan's answer look like the proud parents after the school's talent show:D
Outsiders probably have absolutely no idea what's going on.
but *they grow up so fast*
@AndrasDeak as it should be! We're quite the incrowd, us MATLAB answerers
@Adriaan - Figured out another way
A: Replicating a vector while summing an increasing value

rayryengSince repmat and bsxfun are already taken, another approach is to create a temporary array where [7 8 9 7 8 9] is the first row, followed by a matrix completely full of 10s. You'd then apply cumsum along the rows: n = 10; %// Number of rows base = [7 8 9 7 8 9]; A = [base; 10*ones(n, numel(base...

I used cumsum.
BTW it's a really good application of bsxfun, good job. I personally don't think that everything should be solved with that (omg, Divakar is going to kill me first), but this is really suitable:)
@rayryeng cheers. I do think my answer will be the fastest though
@Adriaan - I never said it would be faster :)
I answered mainly for myself. There's more than one way to skin a cat, but the better way is always bsxfun.
@AndrasDeak - You are correct. I don't use bsxfun all the time, but when I do, it's for a problem well suited for it.
"but the better way is always bsxfun." yeeeeah right:P
It's a toss between bsxfun and a loop. It depends on the problem.
The only way you can really find out is with timeit.
loop? serious?
But the best applications are these, when it's not at all contorted.
@Adriaan - Yup
A: arrayfun can be significantly slower than an explicit loop in matlab. Why?

angainorYou can get the idea by running other versions of your code. Consider explicitly writing out the computations, instead of using a function in your loop tic Soln3 = ones(T, N); for t = 1:T for n = 1:N Soln3(t, n) = 3*x(t, n)^2 + 2*x(t, n) - 1; end end toc Time to compute on my c...

That's well known. arrayfun has computational overhead.
I asked a question on how to find a 3D matrix of outer products in the past. permute / bsxfun had almost the same time as a for loop
Q: Efficiently compute a 3D matrix of outer products - MATLAB

rayryengSuppose I have a matrix of elements like so: A = reshape(1:25, 5, 5) A = 1 6 11 16 21 2 7 12 17 22 3 8 13 18 23 4 9 14 19 24 5 10 15 20 25 I would like to efficiently compute a 3D matrix of outer products, such that the ith...

@rayryeng sure, but there's a good discussion on the whys and the times, including a looping solution
> You see that the arrayfun is still bad, but at least not three orders of magnitude worse than the vectorized solution. On the other hand, a single loop with column-wise computations is as fast as the fully vectorized version... That was all done on a single CPU.
Which is why I said... it depends on what the problem is.
And the only way to figure that out is with timing.
I'm trying to explain to Adriaan that loops are not the devil's baseborn children:)
I thought that was to me lol.
Loops aren't as bad as they used to be... especially in recent advancements in later versions of MATLAB.
back then circa MATLAB 7.0, I would agree 100% that loops sucked
Yeah, sorry, the extended link ate the "@Adriaan" part, although you can still see the tiny reply arrow above it...
oh :)
@rayryeng you should revisit this with the new-and-improved matlab engine:)
I certainly should!
I am rather interested in the R2015b engine
so am I
I haven't installed it yet because of laziness.
but Amro and Luis have talked about how much faster it is
Have they actually tried it?
I haven't tried it. Not yet
I'll leave that for a holiday, when I have time to perform maintenance on my computer.
@Adriaan - But the question I linked is a good mental exercise.
It uses permute and bsxfun in one solution
yes, I saw that
permute is a very nice way to transpose each slice in a 3D matrix independently, as using ' or .' isn't supported for 3D matrices.
so you'd do that, do an element wise multiplication with the original matrix, and that's the outer product per slice.
what's actually interesting is that there's more than one way to use bsxfun/permute. Depending on which order you permute the directions, you get different timing.
@Adriaan - Hmm... you still need to add [7 8 9 7 8 9] to the first row
the answer starts off at [17 18 19 17 18 19]
Just replace the beginning interval from 10 to 0 in b and it'll work
so b = 0:10:(10+10*n);
yea, did that
no problem. The other answer didn't do that either lol
Hello folks
Didn't realize StackOverflow has chat rooms
@pragmatist1 - Hi!
I forgot to send you an invite. Welcome!
A: Replicating a vector while summing an increasing value

AdriaanWhooho! My first bsxfun solution. a = [ 7 8 9 7 8 9]; b = 0:10:(10+10*n); c = bsxfun(@plus,a,b.') c = 7 8 9 7 8 9 17 18 19 17 18 19 27 28 29 27 28 29 37 38 39 37 38 39 47 48 49 47 48 49 57...

Thanks! Nice to know that this place exists.
@rayryeng I tried to make that table with timings in a formatted way, e.g. the colon on the same spot. Do you know how to do that?
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