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public class WcfService
private static DataObject Data;
private static object locker;
public WcfService()
if (Data == null)
if (Data == null)
//fill data object
or a Lazy<T>
So if im using EF to retrieve the data, are u suggesting i call the ef code in the "//fill data object"
your first call to the service will be slow as it gathers the data, but you could just add that call in as a post-deployment step if you really want
that said, I don't think this is what you really want
you said you wanted it, but I don't think you're being honest with yourself
howd u mean?
you are retrieving the data from a database which implies 2 things
1. a massive quantity of data (way too much to keep in your RAM all the time)
im open to possible alternatives
2. Data that changes regularly
if your DB gets updates, this static property will not reflect that
1 = correct. 2 = not correct
so what happens when you run out of data to hand the clients?
oh, and 3. too much data to be passing over the wire
im running time series analysis on a large block of data but it takes too long to run on a single pc so i wanted to use several pcs to speed things up
it sounds like your EF calls are not clean
howd u mean not clean??
yeah, definitely sounds like your ef calls are not clean
you should be only grabbing the piece of data from the db that you intend to pass to the client, not all of it every time
yeah i looked into that
the issue is, the server would need to keep track of what data had been passed to each client, or pass new data for each workpack. So atm i decided to pass it all to each server then i dont need to keep track of who has what + if there are a large number of work packs, it should be quicker
so how do they identify what piece of data to work on?
they all work on the same data?
no each one gets its own copy of the data
then the server only needs to pass them the dates
what methods are available to the clients from the service?
GetWorkpack(), ReturnResults()... im still in the process of trying to get everything mapped out in my head
that's gonna be your issue
yeah i know
thanks for the heads up about the statics though
+ the nonclean ef calls
ill keep it in mind for possible improvements
/ if i change how workpacks are allocated
GetAllData() is an expected long-running call
then GetNextDateToCheck() would be your quick calls
@KendallFrey BROTHER
then ReturnResults(dateChecked)
that should be quick as well
then if GetAllData() is expected to take a while, it shouldn't be a big deal to pull it from the db
after all, this program should be reusable for the next data set without having to redeploy the service
make sense?
bites her lip
^ japanese anima
@deltree yeah
hows it going?
thanks very very much bro :)
good luck with the service @HansRudel
@deltree probably be back tmrw with my tails between my legs again.
yay programming
@Steve I'm cruising along heading +t at a velocity of c
omg why soooo slow
*notes that now Steve should say "omg slow down!"
I once heard a really interesting explanation of time dilation.
shakes his cane in the air
You're always traveling though spacetime at exactly c. Normally this is mostly in the direction of time, but if you start going a slightly different direction, you slow down in time as described by the Pythagorean theorem.
@KendallFrey Oh, that's actually really cool.
I'm always traveling at exactly deltree speed
That makes a lot more sense than the other ways I've seen it described.
Rolling around at the speed of.... light?
I don't travel through spacetime at the speed of "c", i travel through it at the speed of "awesome", sometimes with an error margin of "immature"
If you hit someone going backwards in time, you'll hit pretty hard.
No, you'll just recoil into them.
the only time (well, maybe not the ONLy time) i wish i used linux is when windows wants to restart when i have 20 windows open that i don't feel like double checking to make sure i'm not going to lose anything
stupid restarts
I just hit Restart Later
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but you never leave your computer
so you don't run the risk of having it do it while you're away (jk, i never leave mine either lmao)
Invention of the day: Ctrl+Z
Gents, and Ladybugs
in WCF, if class has DataContractAttribute, must each property have [DataMember] or are there any exceptions?
If there are exceptions, use a try/catch
it seems to me that sometime I can skip over
i dont think many people in here are fans of WCF, but i could be mistaken
is it because I later use those virtual properties in a KnownType ?
yes, thats why
You are not just kidding @Steve ?
is that a question or a statement
i have no idea what you're even talking about, i know what WCF stands for and thats about it
so I thought
Windows really should have made drive letters like :D instead of D:
that would have been great
:B :C :D :P etc.
do you see these darn kids these days that do reverse smileys? like (: instead of :)
it drives me crazy
^ russian
omg guys, a girl just came in the room, act cool
breathe. breathe. breathe.
in. out. in. out.
I feel compelled to reverse smiley ;)
@KendallFrey OK, that was a little far.
My apologies
Speaking of which...
@kleinkie I wasn't talking to you :P
Q: Visual Studio's JavaScript code formatting in for loops

Kendall FreyThe default code formatting for JavaScript in Visual Studio 2012 does this with for loops: for (var a = b; a < c; a++) { } for (var a = b() ; a < c; a++) { } for (var a = b; a < c() ; a++) { } for (var a = (b) ; a < (c) ; a++) { } Notice the spaces after b(), c(), (b), and (c). Where is the o...

Backwards frowning winky faces FTW
thinking about ordering another laptop today, i got my refund from my last one, but i think i'm spending outside of my comfort zone
@Darek On my last big project, we had a unit test that checked all the model classes to make sure they were WCF-friendly; each property had to have a [DataMember] or some sort of "ignore" attribute.
Hmm, I wonder mine still work without it
when i was young and didn't know how to program well, i had all sorts of ideas for websites. now that i'm older and feel like I can make any type of website that I want... i have zilch for ideas.... funny how life works
We also had a test that performed a DataContractSerializer attempt on each model class, which detected "KnownType" goofups.
lol so true @steve
@Steve ditto, for video games.
i think a first person Age of Empires would be sweet
ninject isn't doing singletons correctly in web api
where you could like send your soldiers through forests and stuff, and stuff lol
@Steve and stuff?
@Steve Make a poker game.
I want to, but don't have time.
@ShotgunNinja think of like a mix between mine craft and age of empies
@Steve and stuff.
all of the new games are all the same, new graphics, maybe one or two new features, but the general idea is the same and it gets boring
@KendallFrey starred
I'd share with you what I think the secret of a successful game is, but I might want to capitalize on it.
meh think i might just drop webapi
never found this stuff all that difficult to build with pure mvc
kendall, i refuse to make a poker game because i'm too lazy, its highly doubtful i'm going to have enough motivation to capitalize on your idea lmao
Right now, it's in the design stages (has been for a few months)
@drch i looked at the syntax for webapi and it looked almost identical to mvc, i didn't realize it was that much different other than not returning views
sometimes i wish i would have went to digipen
the only thing thats really nice is the automatic request/response serialization depending on accept and content-type headers
other than that. nothing special except that ninject doesnt work with it out of the box :P
@Steve Likewise. One of my friends from middle school goes there, and her sister works for Riot Games.
i dont like having to cut and paste blog code into my project
@drch Ghost Unicode characters!
@ShotgunNinja have you looked at their courses? they look bad ass
@ShotgunNinja que?
@drch Copying code from blog posts (or anything on the web for that matter)... Ghost unicode whitespace characters!
@Steve They are. I've gotten some materials from my friend, with respect to their programming stuff. They're really cool.
my lunch was too big, now i don't feel like working for the rest of the day
Is there a way to tell a .Net app not to consume more than X of RAM? PageFile would still be acceptable.
ssms 2012 keeps locking up my machine and it says "if this continues report it to microsoft" but doesn't provide a link
@Steve Wish I had that problem.
@KendallFrey weird, i wish i didn't
@NinjaEcho Introduce @kleinkie
@kleinkie Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
Evening guys
hey hey
i seem to have run into something silly with XElement that should be easy but i can't see it. I'm trying to achieve <div>&nbsp;</div> but..
new XElement("div", " ") was my first choice, new XElement("div", "&nbsp;") was second new XElement("div", "&amp;nbsp;") third -- all failed!
and hey steve :) been a while!
any idea where to go tell them it's broken?
A: How to put in text when using XElement

bobince I couldn't find a way to just shove the raw text through without it getting escaped. Just put the Unicode character in that &nbsp; refers to (U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE) directly in a text node, then let the serializer worry about whether it needs escaping to &#160; or not. (Probably not: if you ...

Maybe that?
exactly!! thank you
should have searched >.< but i was feeling lazy :P
ok .. sadly that works for his case but not for an empty tag
i end up with an empty space and it gets collapsed to empty tag >.<
hmm there appears to be an uglier solution in the same question
but seems to have potential
Is there a way to tell a .Net app not to consume more than X of RAM? PageFile would still be acceptable.
Q: Limiting process memory with MaxWorkingSet

AndreyMSDN: public IntPtr MaxWorkingSet { get; set; } Gets or sets the maximum allowable working set size for the associated process. Property Value: The maximum working set size that is allowed in memory for the process, in bytes. So, as far as I understand, I can limit amount of memory...

Nice find @Bobson ... time to test ...
it works
Would anybody like to help me with something?
@Bobson unfortunatelly my test app ran out of RAM, I only wnted it to limit amount of RAM
System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.Add(T item)
   at ConsoleApplication4.Program.Main(String[] args) in t:\ConsoleApplication4\ConsoleApplication4\Program.cs:line 27
134217728 Press any key to continue . . .
    class Program

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetProcessWorkingSetSize(IntPtr handle, IntPtr min, IntPtr max);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List<long> longs = new List<long>();
            SetProcessWorkingSetSize(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle, new IntPtr(1000000), new IntPtr(2000000) );

                while (true)
Ah, yeah. Lowering the memory limit will just mean you run out of RAM faster.
And you can't catch OutOfMemoryExceptions
Why are you trying to create a list of every long from 0 up?
Actually I divided both pointers by 100 and still ran out of RAM at 134217728
this was just a test to gradually consume RAM
to see when it break
it seems that SetProcessWorkingSize has no effect
So I'm hacking around in our Users table to create a new Administrator user. There's a Check field, and I didn't know what to set that to, so I copied it from another database. When I logged in as another user and went to the Admin settings, it told me the user had been tampered with and that it fixed the checksum so the error would not appear again.
and what I really wanted to do is to let the app use as much of page file as it wants, but only consume 100MB of RAM
@KendallFrey well thats helpful
@KendallFrey: incorrect password, but I'm sure you just forgot... Logging you in...
Oh, you weren't clear. I don't think you can control that directly. Page files are handled at a much lower level. Better to go back and ask why you want to limit the memory.
Interestingly in ProcExpl it shows 1.6G Private bytes and 2.5G virtual size
Well, I have a Windows Service, that someone screwed up, and now it consumes 1.6GB out of 4GB of RAM on a machine that is also hosting IIS. Now a bunch of WCF services on that IIS refuse to start because there is less than 5% RAM available.
I want to limit the Service to say 200MB
and the rest should PF
I don't think you can do that, or if you can it won't help. Chunks of memory are moved to the page file when they're not being used. If the service is written badly enough to need that much memory, then it's probably going to keep telling the OS that it's using it all.
Memory management on that level is a function of the kernel, I believe.
Right @Bobson
I was hoping for bandaid but surgery is inevitable, just like Mr.Smith
Pretty much.
Some things are beyond bandaid-level repair.
"Expected Bug" is an oxymoron. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be "Expected Behaviour".
Or "Known Bug"
It comes right after "Observed Bug"
known bugs are the ones still in the tracker
"Expected Bugs" are the ones that are supposed to be in the system after the bug has been fixed.
one mans expected bug is another mans undocumented feature
we leveraged those all day when I was on a custom integrations team that built crazy adsorbs to our 'enterprise' platform
adsorbs??? Wtf iPhone
@KendallFrey i tried googling "bug under log" to show you an expected bug, but i failed to find a good picture
Cool! President Obama's Prom Photos from 1979 http://swampland.time.com/2013/05/23/time-exclusive-obamas-1979-prom-photos/
oh no not politics
OK... that and Java
Ahh damn I no longer have any comments "Starred" on the side... Quickly FIX IT!
@codemonkey say something useful
Lol thanks
Can someone help me understand what is going on here?
Q: iPhone Programming--Changing Screen on Button Click

Clayton SheetsI am developing a simple iPhone application that has 3 layers of screens. The second layer has a problem connecting up to the third--you'll see code below, mostly pulled from a tutorial. The "TouchUpInside" is highlighted in red as an error in Xamarin Studio. Please let me know if you can help...

It seems straightforward enough, but the compiler is not matching up the return signature of the lambda expression with the event hook.
My guess is TouchUpInside is the method, but the event handler is OnTouchUpInside or somethign like that.
That's all it is?
The event handler is in the lambda expression.
Lol Xamarin... Lemme look at it. (I am learning Droid Dev with Xamarin)
I don't know the iOS stuff at all.
I already suggested that he write a separate event handler, rather than try and lambda it. But the fact that it should work, and doesn't, bugs me. Maybe it needs a cast?
Not today Lee Harvey -- @RobertHarvey are you sure that TouchUpInside is even a legit call / method?
Yeah, ignore me. Just looked into it a bit more.
@CodeMonkeyAlx I'm assuming it is. Wouldn't that give you a different error? "Method or property doesn't exist" or something like that?
True true, I am just used to things showing up in red as being not there. I also know the Xamarin android references don't show you how to do everything. Just how to get done the thing you are trying to do so if you need to make a second code file to get it to work they assume you are smart enough to know what to do. I call it incomplete however I also think of it as a compliment that they don't feel they need to hold your hand through every little step.
-- Which is why I was wondering about the second method.
@RobertHarvey Not to sound like I am full of myself. I am still lost in translation for the most part. -- Suffice to say I am likely of VERY little help at this point.
Random musings can be useful sometimes. ;)
I'd laugh if mine was.
useful comment kendall
did you try turning it off and on again?
3 times?
Did you keep it unplugged for 10 seconds?
I don't know about XS, but I know VS sometimes needs to be restarted.
yo that
i had a weird error where i couldnt add a new controller in VS2010 today. some internal error
restart = win!
OK, I did get it working in a Winforms application, but I wrapped the lambda expression in new System.EventHandler() to do it.
I had a weird error where I couldn't add a new controller in VS2010. Turns out VS doesn't support voodoo.
@KendallFrey I got it... but I did not know if you meant Witchcraft voodoo or some cray ass programmer shit.... Yo.
does mono support anonymous lambdas ?
No, not the crayass programmer shit
or do you have do delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { }
@drch Does English support non-anonymous lambdas?
perhaps not
whats the real word for that then?
10.9 MB/s copying over a LAN? Slooow.
@drch Method maybe?
yeah but to distinguish between delegate as an anonymous
lambda action?
You can make lambdas, anonymous delegates or methods.
My test code is this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler((object sender, EventArgs e) => checkbox1.Checked = true);
lambda lambda lambda and omega mu?
Is this the real life.... Or is this just fantasy. Caught in a landslide no escape from reality... Open your eyes, looks up the sky's and see.... I'm just a coder... I get no sympathy.
WTF that's insane
@drch Revenge of the Nerdz
You should be a poet.
@KendallFrey I write poems from time to time.
Some of us are old enough to remember Queen.
@RobertHarvey I am 22
That's all, folks.
Said the Linux powered automatic sniper rifle to its operators computer through TTS
Contrary to popular belief, not all 90's kids grew up with rap music and violence... I myself was not allowed to listen to Eminem till I was 13. - When I did I was like "Meh, I dont see the big deal... He is talking with background music about being pissed off at the government... K nothing new here... back to listening to Nena"
when someone says 90s kid
they mean someone who was born in the 80s
and grew up in the 90s
I was born and grew up in the 90's
Eminem is a wordsmith, and a devoted father. His music doesn't do him justice; in fact, he doesn't let his own kids listen to it.
that makes you a 2000s kid
nobody cares what you were doing when you were 5
@drch Care level: 0 :3
1981 here and I'm no 80s kid ;)
man my latest work pet peeve is people who pick http response codes based on how they sound
"This request did not meet my expections, so ill return a ExpectationsFailed header"
404 all the things!
he's also returned a preconditions not met header
and the default is 500
I don't care what god damn generation I was born in all I know is most people of my generation are so wrapped up in media that I am waiting to walk into one of their houses and see their brains dripping from their nose.
7 weeks left
Takes a moment to regain his composure Ahem... Right... Sorry about that..
does it say tumblr in the address bar for anyone else?
or just @CodeMonkeyAlx
Give myself ALL the permissions!
Aw, sh*t
hey how come IAmATeapot is not in the HttpStatusCode enum
Gotta do that checksum thing again
this is BS
@drch Guess they forgot
@drch Lol yeah... I totally had a vision impairment for a moment that created an augmented reality field over my eyes that replaced all SO logo's with tumblr logo's Cuz when I am done hacking my brain I will hack ALL THE THINGS!
Aaand we're in.
This security system is utter BS
something something like this as IMyInterface as a parameter... what is that doing?
As a parameter?
You mean as an argument?
@NinjaEcho $g as keyword c#
i guess my question is, what gets passed, all functions/fields/properties etc., or just the functions that are declared in IMyInterface?
the IMyInterface only defines maybe 10 functions, but this has 20 functions.
ah nevermind, i found it. the interface functions are defined in this as IMyInterface.FuncN()
@KendallFrey Is what my my visual functions ceased for about 2 seconds earlier?
Who here uses chrome?
@N00B.NET the whole object gets passed
but the callee can only know at compile time about the methods defined in the interface
thanks @drch
also, as returns null if the object cannot be cast to the type
@N00B.NET It passes the same object, but typed as the interface
If you are on version 27 (The latest version) you can access the new voice search which is actually rather nifty... For certain things like "What is the weather like here" if will give you TTS output of the current weather.

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