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02:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

goodday anyone can help me here?
Q: Connecting a Control of Tools to another Form (void)

Elegiaci already worked on connecting a tool control to another1 using this code: --- Form1.cs public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { For...

hello! is there anyone?
Someone can help me with filling a dataTable please?
great now i cant ask questions :/
@NaourassDerouichi Hi first Connect to your Server using Data Connection, eg: Dataconnection conn = new DataConnection(ConnectionString); then excecute the select Command Query Using Data Command eg.DataCommand cmd = ne DataCommand (Select Query,Conn); then Use the Data Command with DataAdapter eg: Dataadapter da = new Dataadapter(cmd); then descripe your datatable eg: Datatable dt= ne Datatable(); then fill the Data Table using Dataadapter eg: da.fill(dt);
i need a +1 to be able to ask again hahaha
@Rajesh I'm using Ado .Net entity data model
Anyone know about webRTC in ASP.NET
I am facing a problem
in voice call in webRTC
I am trying to use streamReader for reading textfile that has 350 pages but it couldnot buffer alll the text,is there any limitation over using streamreader ?
I am trying to use streamReader for reading textfile that has 350 pages but it couldnot buffer alll the text,is there any limitation over using streamreader ?
Might be something
@HjalmarZ is streamreader has limitation?
not at 350 pages atleast
what's the size of the file?
ok, lets check it
928 k
@HjalmarZ 928k
include 947543 character
That should not be a problem
@HjalmarZ Lets try again and aware you. thank you
urlencoder can't encode ----> "(" ???
i need a +1 hahaha
i cant ask questions :/ dmn
give me +1 hahaha
i cant ask : Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more. lol they give me -3 :( from +2 down to-3
Pretty sure you never had +2 since that question makes no sense
Also, a +1 won't fix it
@DevProve You can "URL Encode" it, but it's not required so any default encoder won't/shouldn't do it
Hey rudi, do you know how to allign cell text in a pdf?
I'm using itextsharp
cell.HorizontalAlignment = iText.Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; doesnt work
@RudiVisser thanks for your reply
but.... what you meant? i just cant understand it... sorry for my poor english.
@HjalmarZ Never used itextsharp, sorry
@DevProve ( isn't a reserved character, it doesn't need to be encoded to be placed into a URL
@RudiVisser Okay, no problem. I'll figure it out eventually.
@RudiVisser oh i see. Thanks ya. :D
runs away
can any body help on the issue of boostrap?
can any body have an idea of boostrap?.
We can, yes
1 hour later…
hi all ..
has anyone used linq2sql in an asp.net application?
'fraid not
any idea guys?
@karthi Any idea what? Ask your question
i already did @RudiVisser-
has anyone used linq2sql in an asp.net application?
Ok, then "Yes"
@RudiVisser Am really confused at the architecture it should have ..Normally we design web application with 3 tier architecture...Can you please help
I'd suggest looking into using the Entity Framework over Linq2Sql
But that seems to a bit more difficult and this is a small application which will have only 5 to 6 pages something like an inventory control application thats the reason i looked in to linq2SQL
Well, it's easier in a way; you won't be using all of the features that's for sure
you mean Entity framework or linqtosql..Can you refer me to some articles which you think will be helpfull for a beginner
Well Linq2Sql is great but it's just... old, and somewhat superceded by EF, which provides the same simplicity, just more features
Is EF needed for a small website?am gonna take a look at it again
@RudiVisser in case of linqtosql how many layers can the web application have
Linq2Sql is just a data access layer, it really shouldn't affect the design of your application
Thanks @RudiVisser
@karthi You can always use an alternative data access layer, such as dapper, massive, BLToolKit, and so forth. EF manages the entire design, which from the sounds of it, isn't what you want.
@RoelvanUden I was particularly looking for linq2sql not other alternatives.Just wanted to know if an 3 tire architecture would be efficient with it.thanks for replying
What is the c# equivalent to javascript object?
In javascript I could do this to create a new object var obj = {objItem1:"value1", objItem2:"value2"};
and then I could access it like this - obj.objItem1
Anonymous types or dynamic objects
how would I do this in c#, and not using classes
Without classes? Not.
I mean not creating a class as the object and adding properties to the class. I do not want to do that.
Anonymous types and dynamic objects.
var x = new { objItem1 = "value1", objItem2: "value2" };
`dynamic x = new ExpandoObject();`
`x.objItem1 = "value1";`
`x.objItem2 = "value2"`
and can I loop through the values using a foreach?
ok thanks.
can dictionary do the job as well?
i have never used dictionary before, just wondering if it might be a better option.
Ok another question - how do you create your own types in c#?
I want to create a type that has only these possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, W
i do not want to use a string or a int or a char.
You can't then.
Except an enum.
But that's an int too.
(or byte/char/etc if you specify it :P)
Also, an ExpandoObject is a dictionary internally.
How can I declare a variable using a string?
For e.g- how would I declare a variable with the name of the key in this code -
        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> factor in Factors)
            double factor.Key = factor.value; //something like this
parse value to double?
u know we declare a variable like this - double myDouble = 0.9;
What does factor.value return?
@AnkurSharma Variable variables aren't supported in C#
factor.Key is a string
Use a dictionary
Factors is a dictionary.
That's great, but you're saying it like you're wanting to define a variable named dynamically; You can't do that
Yes thats what I mean. So I cant do that dynamically. Ok.
@AnkurSharma: check out clay
here's a hanselman blog on it: hanselman.com/blog/…
might help with what youre trying to achieve
as for only allowing certain values, consider an enum
@drch thanks.
posted on May 20, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Happy Eliza Doolittle day all; today seems like an appropriate day for careful elocution of technical jargon. So today, yet another question about "scope". As one of the more over-used jargon terms in programming languages, I get a lot of questions about … Continue reading →

Anyone here ?
just connected
but looks no one is here
lots of people are here they just dont respond to 'anyone here?'
although they respond to questions they know the answers to from time to time
Oh yeah sorry I forget that being polite is wrong here.
Is there a way on Ext.NET to send additional values on X.Msg.Confirm().Show() ?
@AndréSilva I'm sure he did not mean it in a grumpy way
But it sounded like ;)
yeah I understand that but drch is maybe the nicest guy on the internet!
is grumpy
I know, he always help me out.
But this room makes people evil :(
hmm I don't agree, not many grumpy regs here ime
Well, usually when I come here I get bashed because of something I asked or said..
@AndréSilva didn't mean it grumpy and it was for that AnnArbor guy who came and left in 2 seconds :P
I'm just grumpy because the developer that wrote 90% of the code at this company and is worshiped as the epitome of a great developer has no understanding of SOLID or DRY and so reading his code is like....wading through a sea of crap to find lumps of coal, which, if compressed long enough, might be able to be made into tiny crap-covered diamonds.
Dude, don't complain about the main developer at your company
I'm doing maintenance on a project that has comments like
//TODO: No idea what to do here
//TODO: Someone fix this shit
//It is left join or inner join or join of a join. Ahhh someone fix this
throw new Exception("Not implemented");
the worst part is, I ask him to show me what he did so that I don't have to spend 3 weeks taking it apart to understand it, and he is trying to show me how to use the debugger, as if he doesn't even know what he did
And the web project has Ext.NET :(
so your dev is at least admitting he doesn't know what he's doing
this guy talks down to me when I ask him to show me what he did in this 1200 line method
I think your guy is an evangelic developer
An evangelic developer prays a lot before hitting F5. "Please make it work!"
I don't know the stereotypes and it's probably best that way 'cause I'm a dick
actually praying a lot before deploying code seems to be the standard around here
gotta love it when 'cross fingers' is a build step
someone can help me please ?
I am having a problems declaring an enum
   enum RunResult { 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, W};
It gives error- "Identifier Expected"
But this does not give any error -
enum RunResult { One, Two, Three, Four, Six, W};
I think it has got something to do with the integers.
1 isnt a valid identifier
you cant name a variable '1' either
var 1 = 2; // error
you could do _1 if you wnat
I want to create a type that has only these possible values - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, W
do those numbers actually mean something?
And enum was one of the suggested solutions
you could use a char as a backing field
yes, the possible number of runs you could score of one ball in cricket (the sport)
well there's a couple of solutions
you could use a nullable int as well where null == W
is there a problem with enum RunResult { One, Two, Three, Four, Six, W}; though?
in case i need to convert from Enum to integer i can't do Convert.ToInt32(Enum.One);
Ok I will use 5 as the symbol of W. Thanks for the idea.
an enum IS an int
@drch you ditched me ?
you could do something like this if you want:
public enum RunResult
    One = '1',
    Two = '2',
    Three = '3',
    Four = '4',
    Six = '6',
    W = 'W'
    public enum RunResult
        One = 1,
        Two = 2,
        Three = 3,
        Four = 4,
        Six = 6,
        W = -1
ok, the second one looks like a much better solution.
Also, @user13814 you should just ask your question.
how can I control the way files are uploading in asp.net
and sharepoint
control? define "control"
i have a list of numbers
i want to reduce or increase them proportionately so that they add up to 1.
can somebody write a function that will do it?
Please, I beg you.
The level of vague in that statement is kind of high. I will do that if you can design an UI for me which will parallax diagonally.
i have a list of doubles e.g. {0.56, 0.546, 0.129 ..} , now they dont add up to 1. I want to scale them up or down so that they add up to 1.
multiply them all by 1/(sum) i think
(sum) * x = 1
x = 1/sum
but I am unable to write a function that will work on all types, including Lists and Arrays.
var factor = 1.0 / myList.Sum();
var scaledList = myList.Select(num=> factor * num);
should work where mylist is any IEnumerable<double>
ok thanks.
in the method arguements, I cant say private ProportionateIt(IEnumerable<double> list) because I want it to work on ints too.
and when i use generics i get errors.
never mind, it works now, i was being stupid while using generics.
@AnkurSharma doubles are floating point numbers. they might not add up to 1, even if they do on paper.
i believe you need to use decimals to make that happen.
Just catching up on those links about Clay
why is it that everybody who works with JavaScript is trying their damnedest to not write JavaScript (Coffee, TypeScript, etcetc) whereas everyone else is trying to make their fscking language INTO JavaScript?
Sorry to bother again, but I have one more question -
double d= 10;

List<double> list = new List<double>();
if i do list[0]++;
does it modify the original d?
I want to modify the original d, how would I do that?
@TomW - I like plain old javascript
Although, I think I am an island of only me sometimes.
Ankur, I think so
@TravisJ do you like jQuery?
you can define 'like' to mean whatever you want
It saves time, but there are aspects of it that bother me. For example, why does the animate feature suck so much ass
@AnkurSharma why don't you write a test for it?
Oh Ankur, I misunderstood your question
no it wouldn't
double is a value type, so when you add it to your list
I had to write my own feature for timer control because jquery didn't properly implement it. It is not desirable to create one timeout per animation. In fact, it is downright bad practice.
you are just adding a copy of it
the original d will not change
Q: List passed by ref - help me explain this behaviour

NgmTake a look at the following program: class Test { List<int> myList = new List<int>(); public void TestMethod() { myList.Add(100); myList.Add(50); myList.Add(10); ChangeList(myList); foreach (int i in myList) { Console.Wri...

is it possible then to add double to List by ref?
Not exactly... no
Why would you want to do that?
I think your design process is off somewhere else
wouldn't that be better for IObservable or something?
quick question, is there a better term than "repository" to more clearly define different storage methods? e.g. logging to a webservice or storing to a temporary queue in a file until the webservice comes back up
it seems like I'd end up with 2 repositories behind a factory, but one is really a queue, and the other could qualify as a repository (though I think a thesaurus is needed here)
those sound like two very different features
I agree
What I mean is, they're different because they're different, rather than being different because it's not straightforward to think of a suitable name to cover both of them
lol depository is a synonym for repository
I plan to treat them different but my interfaces are getting named the same which is my issue
thus the language is the issue here
ah, I see
IMHO your way of thinking here sounds like a leaky abstraction
I'm thinking incorrectly?
Let me explain, it may take quite a few words
If you're giving the consumer an I[WordWhichDescribesBothImplementers] - the consumer might know too much about those implementers.
I'd prefer to give the consumer an I[ThingWhichDoesWhatIWant]
What does the web service do?
right, so one is IQueue and one is IRepository
the webservice just kicks the message to a DB
Bzzt. Leaky abstraction
What does the consumer use the web service to do?
store it's log entries
or IReliableSink<Log>
if you're a source of log messages, where they go is a sink
you put it there and forget about it; it's up to the implementer to do something sensible with it from that point
so that's what the higher level object is the reliable sink hits the IQueue but what is the webservice then? ILogSink? it could kick back up a failure
Hmm, does one wrap the other or do you switch between pointing at either of two instances depending on whether or not the service is responsive?
or something else
The IReliableLogSink will call the Webservice, and if the webservice fails fall back to temp storage in the IQueue
the thing that makes that choice has a right to know the difference between a queue and a repository, it's relevant to its function - so having it take an IQueue and an IRepository is appropriate
so you'd call the webservice a repository
does it support CRUD?
that's what the 'Repository Pattern' describes
just create atm
never delete
never update
maybe read someday
@TomW - But you might need an IQueue test in order to make sure the function worked.
ILogQueue is technically clearer
so what is the webservice called if it's an incomplete repository? Writer?
Repository: "a place, room, or container where something is deposited or stored"
I'd like to avoid repository as that usually refers to a DB
calling a webservice a repository seems counter-intuitive
It refers to storage. Are you storing anything there?
yes of course
Then I don't see an issue with calling it a repository. I also don't see an issue with the name you suggested earlier, "depository" as that also accurately describes the functionality.
depository seems reasonable
I did read a comment on SO the other day from some guy basically saying that they'd implemented a certain feature as IProducer and IConsumer and then that pattern rapidly proliferated through everything
I see his point. Object-orientation is all about passing messages, and you either send a message or receive it. It's a nice level of abstraction that covers most cases
Whoever invented the visitor pattern should be damned to programming in Objective-C for the rest of their days.
I mean, just look at this "simplified" image describing the pattern:
yup, my head just exploded
What is sad is that pattern is actually employed by a lot by major companies such as Oracle and Microsoft.
JavaScriptSerializer and MySqlConnector.Net both implement a visitor pattern for example.
It does seem to be one of those ones that uses abstraction to stop objects from doing their job
2 hours later…
Hi everyone
I have a repo here github.com/qcom/Exporter
I'm trying to remove a lot of duplicated code in Valid.cs
but I'm not thinking of a good solution
any thoughts would be appreciated
the methods in Valid.cs each return a Tuple<bool, string> (bool for success/fail and string for error message if fail)
they each test user input from the command prompt
do you have a specific problem?
design ugliness and redundancy lol
@Zach firstly, if youre re-using a tuple over and over you might as well use a class so one can see that it is actually the same thing
wouldn't a struct be better than a class here?
or not
@drch - Couldn't you just use a using definition?
i suppose, but but two tuples aren't necessarily representing the same thing
a tuple by any other name does not necessarily smell as sweet
and all of these checks could probably be converted into a Func<bool,string>()
and all the else's are redundant
@drch thanks for the comments :)
1 sec
you might want to check out something like FluentValidator
aw, but then I don't get all of this helpful practice
I would probably start by making a class like this:
    public class StringChecker
        private Func<string, bool> _check;
        private string _errorMessage { get; set; }
        public StringChecker(Func<string,bool> check, string errormessage)
            _check = check;
            _errorMessage = errormessage;

        Tuple<bool, string> Check(string checkString)
            return new Tuple<bool, string>(_check(checkString), _errorMessage);
ie, new StringChecker(s => s == "", "Please select at least one of the amazon departments");
but i would change the tuple to a real class
I agree that class is nicer than tuple
I don't like using Tuples in parameters. I would only use them inside of methods. And you have anonymous types now, so I see no reason to use them ever
@drch I haven't really looked into lambdas/delegates yet but this is pretty digestible
            private static List<StringChecker> _queryCheckers = new List<StringChecker>()
                    new StringChecker(s => s == "","Please enter a query"),
                    new StringChecker(s => s.Contains("select"),"Please do not issue a query with a select clause"),
                    new StringChecker(s=>s.Contains("from"), "Please do not issue a query with a from clause")
            public static CheckResult Query(string queryString)
    public class CheckResult
        public bool Valid { get; set; }
        public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }

    public class StringChecker
        private Func<string, bool> _check;
        private string _errorMessage { get; set; }
        public StringChecker(Func<string,bool> check, string errormessage)
            _check = check;
            _errorMessage = errormessage;

        public CheckResult Check(string checkString)
            return new CheckResult() {ErrorMessage = _errorMessage, Valid = _check(checkString)};
just an idea ;)
chat needs syntax highlighting
@drch thanks a lot!
dont use tuples anymore ;)
oh but they were so convenient haha
yeah what I published was pretty nasty
oh and lambdas are your friend, especially when using linq extensions
what's up with your assignments in the braces after instantiating a new CheckResult?
@drch gist.github.com problem solved.
@rightfold yes good point
@TravisJ visitor pattern is absolutely useless in C# because we have dynamic which defers overload resolution to runtime.
@Zach: thats an object initializer. you can use that syntax to set properties
Visitor pattern is for bad languages that lack dynamic binding and metaprogramming, such as Java.
^ Indeed.
@drch cool, that's handy
@Zach You can similarly do collection initializers: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/bb384062.aspx
@MikeF thanks, had just opened that a second ago :)
I decided that I want to move out of the Netherlands.
@rightfold - Don't use dynamic.
dynamic is fine in various cases.
Just don't abuse it.
Like goto.
It should be avoided, and represents a departure from best practice in code. Anywhere dynamic is used, there is most likely a failed implementation.
Anonymous functions and type inference by using generics, delegates, and reflection should be used instead.
If you use reflection you are basically using dynamic but 200% more verbose.
Did you just make that number up?
78% of all statistics are made up.
i think its higher than that
i wrote a bunch of code using dynamic that manipulated strongly typed json objects
Reflection is powerful, and allows for preventative error handling. It is better than the shot in the dark that dynamic is.
i went back to the code the next day and couldnt understand it
so i put comments every couple of lines
came back 2 days later, couldnt understand it again
so i just tucked it away into a util class. dont have to worry about it anymore!
one of the beasts
works wonderfully though
once you start having to use a Type instead of a generic typed method, things get smelly
Reflection makes it impossible for ReSharper to help you find usages of something though.
Which is fine if you're using reflection for extremely meta operations.
Unlike a project I was on where there were 20 similar manager classes in a part of code, and the decision on which manager to invoke was dictated by a string passed from the UI.
im on a project where there's 3 web applications and 29 projects
@MikeF F4U12
the different web applications implement common service interfaces differently
I always told new interns that that particular area of code was like Ravenholm; we don't go there anymore.
and the bulk of the code was written by a team in india who don't know the difference between a service and a repository
so theres a DAL class, a repository, and a service but sometimes you use the service and sometimes you use the repository depending on where they decided to put the implementation
code reviews people
jesus christ
hmm need a simple query to remve an object from a list<MyObj>, where obj.ticket == t, list.Remove(obj), or list.IndexOf(obj) fails because the object was modified
If you need to remove, iterate backwards
list.RemoveAll(x => x.Property == thingToRemoveBy);
@TravisJ gonna wore do list = list.Where(o => o.ticket != t).ToList() ?
:9520802o indeed
List.RemoveAll edits "in-place" and prevents allocating a new list.
ah better,n thanks, I should have watched doc
(But there are some scenarios where a Where-ToList are what you want for exactly that reason; e.g. to prevent modifying an argument.)
Finally, I've defeated the evil SmartScreen Filter in Windows 8! Hoorah!
works like a charm
02:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

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