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Hello everyone
I'm trying to get the chat higher on the list
Hey everyone, have question. I have a few tables in an Entity Framework model: Stories and Tags. A story can have multiple tags. I want to preform a search of all stories that have all of the given tags. I have found lots of examples for "or" searching, but not "and".
Well, for the record, i might as well share my findings, for the all-of 20 people who visit this chat. I think I may have found a solution here: stackoverflow.com/a/1730376/1043380
3 hours later…
@gunr2171 Hello! how are you?
Hello everyone, i have a problem with an opml file, someone can help me please?
3 hours later…
Hello do any one have a good link where we can know how to integrate zong with asp.net
Q: How to integrate zong mobile payment service with a asp.net website

AnishI referred but I couldn't able to find a suitable answer on how to integrate the zong mobile payment with asp.net website. Can anyone give me a suitable link where we can know how to integrate zong with a website.

@Steve Impressive :)
hi guys what datatype is used to store file (PDF ,DOC) in sql server
you should blob ?
you can also use filestream feature
ok thank you
2 hours later…
I'm doing repeatingly some BitConverter of several ids (integers) , in your opinion just, (I will test it later) is it more performant to have a Dictionary<int, byte[]> and lookup that keys already encoded, each time?
Buffer.BlockCopy(mydict[userId], 0, buf, 5, 4);
Buffer.BlockCopy(BitConverter.GetBytes(userId), 0, buf, 5, 4);
GetBytes is extremely fast, I doubt a Dictionary is going to beat it.
But, you can benchmark it :)
hehe thanks
there's maybe a dict size crosover
or like you say from size=1 it's beaten
Got a Question
hi aal
i m suffering from a serious problem
public Stream ShowProductImageQuestion(int QuestionID)
string query = "";

query = "SELECT QuestionImageOne FROM QuestionMaster WHERE QuestionId = @ID";

SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OnlineTestWebsiteString"].ToString());
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, connection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", QuestionID);
object img = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
return new MemoryStream((byte[])img);
return null;
this code work perfectly but now it gives error of max pool size was reached.
what gives ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OnlineTestWebsiteString"].ToString()
Anyone here? that can clarify something for me about Linq and IEnumerable
@codingjoe I'll give it a go. Ask.
I'll never understand why that happens...
chat visitor 1: Hi, can anyone help me?
chat visitor 2: I'll try, what's your question?
chat visitor 1: FU IM OUTA HERE
why do you care hehe
I. am. soooo. bored
is there a way to display a form that loads a image website?
Am I missing something obvious, or is there nowhere readily accessible that tells you how to use clang?
There's TONS of stuff on how to build it
basically nothing on how to use it
What's a clang
C/C++/ObjC compiler that's meant to be like, but better than, gcc
Ah right
well, it looks like as usual there's no easy way to do anything
best guess I've had so far is using make, but I can't find anything that tells make which compiler to use, if that's even possible
csc is best compiler
I swear, I don't remember the last time I used an open-source project for which following the instructions did what it was meant to do
FOSS is only free if your time has no value
RTFM is totally devalued when TFM is always wrong
Yes nothing that's open source is ever any good
That's a rule of life
With one exception!
oh, k
MVC doesn't count, it's built on top of ASP.NET
and MS just lost their way, that can be forgiven :p
open-source haters..
They started it by sucking so much
I'd love it if it were actually good
The main problem I have with it is that it tends to be run by difficulty-fetishists
reminds of some of my colleagues that r linux haters
they must get off on things being complicated to use
Linux haters (ie. the ones that don't say "lol no Linux suxxxors") generally have very good reasons to "hate" linux
Constantly having to guess the author's intent in order to make things work
and so you hate git also?
Every error message might as well say "Fuck you, go away."
git's a pain in the ass, yes, and would probably be better if it were closed source and commercially supported & developed, yes - but hate it? Not at all
git is marvelous
but true it takes a bit of time to use it well
but that's the price
It's really not, I've used it for years and use it "well"; that doesn't make it good. It just supports distributed unconnected workflows which I need
For the most part (ie. in-office work) I'll use TFS over GIT
but if you're smart enough you can wrap it in a commercial stuff
ah don't know tfs, maybe that's what I mean
Well TFS solves a much bigger problem than GIT does, it's full ALM, not just VCS
So many acronyms
you = one , sry don't mean you personally
byte b = true ? 1 : 0;
doesn't compile although byte b = 1 ; does
Define doesn't work
compile :)
Works for me
I have no reason why you'd ever use that, but it works for me
bool b = true;
byte b = b? 1 : 0;
^ this sorry
"cannot implicitely convert int to byte"
let's cast, but the compiler sucks
Not very crowdy in here
@RudiVisser, do you use Dependency Injection in your applications?
I used DI before DI was cool
With DI framework do you use?
Two thumbs up!!
Yeah; I mean I had considered using one but fail to see the point in reality
How do you keep your composition root maintainable?
Hmmm.. too bad, but it was worth the shot. I'm interested in devs who work with Autofac or Unity.
That is a series of words I cannot understand right this minute
Autofac/Unity, not at all, I had played around with MEF and Ninject at one point, but like I say, failed to see much point
It's the place where you wire up all your dependencies together.\
Ah right, when you take DI that far - that's when I fail to see the point. It's becoming somewhat over-engineered imo
I liked (and mostly stick to) the form of DI before it was even known as DI and was known as simply a "plugin-style architecture"
It all depends on the type of applications you write, but I found using a DI container crucial for keeping my application testable, flexible and maintainable.
Yes I can agree with that
But I'm biased. I'm the developer behind the Simple Injector DI container.
@Steven Not many in this chat do I think, maybe drch he knows all things
Simple Injector DI container! Sounds simple - that's what I like
@RudiVisser :-)
One can do 'poor man's DI' - indeed, if your architecture is well-designed, nobody should notice what you use to wire-up
man why not just a simple API instead of all that
Yeah I guess my form of DI is "poor man's DI" - But like I said I fail to see any reason to take it more advanced than simply resolving to a dynamic assembly. It's not exactly a new concept
@xcx what do you call 'simple'?
no idea, but all the term above look complicated..
@JohanLarsson: I know, but it was worth the shot. I'm writing some documentation for Simple Injector and trying to find out why developers are doing things in a way that I don't understand. That's why I'm looking for especially Unity and Autofac users.
except DI
I left my previous job partly because of people who thought 'simple' meant 'not bothering with good design'
I know what you mean don't worry
The Dependency Injection pattern itself is very easy to understand. However, applying it correctly isn't (unfortunately). It took me a few years.
but simple as handy or whatever
not minimalist
@TomW: I completely agree. There is no alternative for applying SOLID design principles.
I must admit that I have conceptual trouble with it at times. It seems useful for managing cross-cutting concerns, and more trouble than it's worth otherwise
@TomW: As Always: it depends ;-)
But... anyone in here who uses a DI container?
@Steven Yeah I would like to read that discussion for sure!
well I prefer LIQUID sofwares
@xcx: LOL
and not be contrainted by some principles
@xcx: The SOLID principles are more like guidelines. They don't constrain you.
@drch you there?
Example: Suppose my application features an interactive diagram. I could represent bits of the diagram - which have common functionality, like being able to respond to right-click - as an IDiagramElement. Using a container to wire these up seems counterproductive - different implementers are different because they're different. The logic for selecting between them doesn't belong in a container implementation nowhere near the rest of the code for the feature
@Steven I know them a bit, but they are like common sense
@JohanLarsson whats up?
@xcx: I'm not sure about that. If they were common sense, I wouldn't have a job as independant contractor :p
@drch ust wanted to wake you up if you happened to have exp with di containers
yeah some
unity, structuremap, ninject mostly
ha, you really know all things! It was Steven who wanted discuss DI :)
@drch: you're my man!
@drch: do you let your container inject dependencies in the constructors of your classes?
@drch: Do you have classes that are auto-wired by the container and have multiple public constructors?\
I would like to point out that if I'm going to work on a solution that uses DI, I really want an IDE feature called something like 'find instantiations'. When nobody calls new, it's a pain to find where stuff is actually created
although most times the different construcors are just different apis to provide the same thing
Now it gets interesting. I'm trying to find out in which circumstances developers want to do that.
so i can tell the container which one to use
as opposed to using different constructors in different circumstances
@drch: when do you use multiple ctors? What are you achieving with that?
@drch: "just different apis to provide the same thing". What do you mean with that?
I don't believe in multiple constructors. Either your class needs something or it doesn't. If you give the developer a choice, one of those constructors is doing some instantiation of its own dependencies, that is to say, introduces tight coupling
@Steven: just similar to method overloads that provide a simpler interface
@Steven o man scary job for most devs :)
scary person I mean
public MyClass(obj a, int b) { }
public MyClass(obj a):this(a,someDefaultConstant) { }
@TomW My main motivation for multiple constructors is if part of a class is required for only part of a process, or if something can be wrapped up nicely in a constructor, or if there are defaults (although optional parameters fix that)
yea what @drch said
a concrete example i can think of was where we had a class that uploaded to amazon
public S3Uploader(IAmazonConfig cfg) { }
public S3Uploader(string username, string password, string s3bucket) { }
@drch: Okay, but are you auto-wiring that MyClass, or do you supply it using a delegate?
i think its common for containers to choose the greediest constructor by default
@drch: That S3Uploader, can that class work without an IAmazonConfig?
but they all provider ways to specify which constuctor to use
yes, IAmazonConfig would contain those same parameters
@drch: That's not exactly true. Only Unity and Autofac pick the greediest constructor.
hmm i thought ninject did as well
but icould be wrong
@drch: But when IAmazonConfig contains those parameters, why do you need the other constructor?
just for ease for the caller
@drch: Ninject's resolution is more complicated. It picks the greediest constructor of the list of constructors that only contains parameters that can be resolved.
@drch: Bu who is the caller besides your DI container?
@drch: Sorry for nagging about this :-), but I'm trying to understand why you're doing this. I'm very interested because I'm currently busy writing documentation about the use of multiple constructors and like to get some use cases for multiple ctor usage.
yeah im just trying to recall recent projects that apply to what youre asking
but if your question is why should class have more than one public constructor
you shouldnt have to go far to find examples
@drch: In the documentation I'm writing I like to give some examples of why devs want to use multiple ctors and explain in each case how to prevent having multiple ctors. But I'm so much based about having a single constructor that I'm having a hard time coming up with examples of multiple constructors.\
well usually, you have different constructors when one of the parameters is optional, or if you can derive or build your actual dependencies from the parameters
forexample, when youre using EF
i think theres 6 base constructors
for your data context
@drch: "optional". Bingo! That's what I was looking for.
It would be impossible to have different constructors where they weren't optional
@drch: And the data context is interesting as well.
System.Exception for example can take an optional 'innerexception'
@drch: In the data context case you are trying to auto-wire a type that is defined in an external framework.
in mine, i only have 1 constructor ;)
@drch: I hope you don't let your container auto-write Exception classes.
ha no it was just the first thing that popped into my head that had an optional parameter
@drch: Thank you for this conversation. It was very valuable to me.
no problem
@RudiVisser: Note that optional dependencies should be really rare. In most cases you should register and inject an empty implementation (Null Object pattern en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_Object_pattern) when some service is optional. This makes your application much simpler to test and easier to verify.
I meant in the context of optional parameters on multiple ctors
@Steven right, so in that case you might have something like

MyClass(IDatabase db, ILogger logger) {}
MyClass(IDatabase db):this(db, new NullLogger()) { }
arguably you wouldnt need the second constructor if youre using an IoC container but the code you write shouldn't necessarily be dependent on the existence of a container.
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… DbContext is a great example where it has a parameterless contstructor that just uses conventions, but provides overrides for you to explicitely provide its dependencies
2 hours later…
@drch The code shouldn't depend on the existence of a container, but the class can still state that it requires all depwndencies. Instead of havingtwo ctors, the class should have one and it is the responsibility of the code that calls the ctor to use a valid (not null) dependency.
@drch: the DbContext is different, since it's a framework type. A framework isn't created to be dependency friendly and you should not auto wire that fx type, because your code might break when a ctor gets added to that fx type. You have no control over this.
I don't agree that people should be writting 'DI' friendly code. They should be writing IoC friendly code. DI is just a tool.
thats why the DI framework should facilitate me specifying the constructor i want it to use
Is it right to say that DI is a way to avoid singletons?
@xcx you could say that in a way
any code that require a singleton generally doesnt actually know or care that its a singleton
that's what I said to a guy some months ago in an interview, but wasn't taken :)
a DI container can help you manage the lifecycle of an object to make sure that only one instance is ever created
@drch: DI is not a tool. DI is a pattern. An DI container is a tool
IoC is a pttern
@xcx: Dependency Injection is indeed a way to avoid the Singleton pattern. From a DI perspective the Singleton pattern is an anti-pattern.
yes, said him singletons wasn't good for testability, flexibility etc
@xcx: absolutely.
dependency inversion one of the SOLID principles, not dependency injection.
you can have dependency inversion / IoC without a dependency injection container
in any event, adding a container to code thats already written with IoC in mind, you shouldnt have to make any changes to your code (ie, removing 'extra' constructors)
anywho gotta jet
@drch: Dependency Inversion is a Principle, Dependency Injection is a pattern. I agree, you can do IoC without a container, but the same hold for Dependency Injection: you can do dependency injection without a framework.
A constructor is the definition of the dependencies a component requires. What does it mean when this type has multiple definitions of what it requires?
And you want your code to work without an IoC container in mind, but each container has a different constructor overload resolution. You make it much harder to wire everything up when adding a Di container when you have multiple ctors. When your types have only a single constructor, you will never have any ambiguity and have no problems with a container. You can even switch containers easily.
could agree with that, and your ctors can have opts, 'like list or hashtables) for variabke options
@xcx, I'm not sure I get that. Injecting lists or hashtables might indicate a leaky abstraction.
I see what you mean, but say it's a voluntary leak for letting other free imlplementation
say a contructor is (Handler_name, Port_number, []) where [] could be [{color:blue },{period:2000}]
i hope no one has ever said "hey we should write our code this way so that we can change containers in the future"
if you did need to change containers, you would expect to have to modify the config but thats it
@drch I don't follow
does simple injector support specifying a constructor?
Are you saying that changing the container implementation won't in practice change the code even if the code is poorly designed; so the concern is irrelevant?
I'm saying that changing the container is an unlikely event and should not modify the way you write code
additionally, any impact should be isolated to the initial config/setup of the container so it would be a minor issue anyways
"If you want to use our DI container, you must only have one constructor" would be a terrible selling point
I need to repeat some basic sql is there a good tutorial anywhere?
@gunr2171 Ok thanks but that was very basic.
that was what you asked for...
so what exactly do you need?
@gunr2171 W3Schools?!
@iroegbu yeah, what about it?
@TomW no he asked for basic not very basic!
anyway those ioc, DIC, ..., and other patterns would really be hard for me personally in my own code, Im destructuring everthing each 5 days
@drch: You might find it a terrible selling point, but that's exactly what Simple Injector promotes, and there are no complaints about this.
@gunr2171 Normalization, primary keys, composite/candidate keys, cardinality some general information about that.
@Sebastian well, that is a different definition of "basic"
@Sebastian I don't know SQL but Channel9 usually has gems, not all is good though
@drch: Changing the DI container is absolutely no unlinkely event. I've seen many developers switch from other containers to Simple Injector the last few years.
Stupid question but does every entity need a primary key or can you just have a foreign key
I think the point of that argument is that code that happens to be container-agnostic is just good code
@Sebastian is this pure sql or Entity Framework
I guess pure sql . Im working in sql server 2008.
@drch: But I agree, you should not have to change the way you write your code when changing from container, but I like to add, when applying the right principles and patterns.
I haven't followed the whole conversation; are we talking about a framework that requires a single constructor here? I happen to agree with that philosophy, but I can see why it'd be a deal-breaker for those who don't
@Sebastian if you are just doing sql, tables do not have to have a primary key. (if you were doing Entity Framework (c#), they you would need a PK).
Ok thanks! with primary keys that includes composite keys ?
@TomW: Simple Injector out-of-the-box only allows auto-wiring types that contain a single public constructor. It contains an extensibility point to change this default behavior, but I've only seen a handfull of cases where this is actually required and is better than removing duplicate constructors from types.
@Sebastian yes. also, not to be rude, but why not stop by an SQL chat room for help? This one is about c#.
or php
they like sql, and helped me a lot
doesn't look like there's one active
@xcx i think they like mysql more than ms sql
@gunr2171 The sql chat room was empty so i thought i ask here. I'll keep in mind not to post sql questions here. Thanks for the help
@Sebastian yeah, no problem. didn't know that the others were inactive.
In general my advice is: all your services/injectables should have exactly 1 public constructor. Types that you have no control over (for instance framework types such as DbContext) should not use auto-wiring, since that will easily break when framework builders add a constructor (out of your control). In that case you should simply register a delegate that creates that type (for instance: Register<DbContext>(() => new DbContext(...)).
@Steven I think that sounds like a good design for something that has simple in its name. What happens if a class has two ctors, exception?
The only exception I see is where code generators add extra constructors (for instance T4MVC adds a default constructor). In that case you change the behavior for your Controller types.
@JohanLarsson: Exactly. An exception is thrown.\
@Sebastian nah you can ofcourse, when they are precises
reminds me I lost 2 hours yesterday looking for a ConvertZeroDateTime=true in mysql con string
these are awesome monstersofgrok.com
yes, enough for a star
hi guys
anyone knows how to convert string to base2 ?
Convert.ToString('C', 2) doesn't support a string as first parameter
A: String to Binary in C#

Jaapjanpublic static byte[] ConvertToBinary(string str) { System.Text.ASCIIEncoding encoding = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); return encoding.GetBytes(str); }

did not try it
I saw this solution, it's not what i'm looking for because it returns a byte[]
I just posted my question on stackoverflow, because I found nothing on the internet, my question may interest other people.
link it here?
wow you need string in bit not bytes?
sorry, my question was non sense, I deleted it. I wanted to to convert for example "CC" in base 2, I just have to concat Convert.ToString('C', 2) two times
or for example for "FOO", I just have to concat Convert.ToString('F', 2) with Convert.ToString('O', 2) and Convert.ToString('O', 2)
what does Convert.ToString('C', 2) gives sorry?
the base 2 representation
for 'C'
ok, so, you can blockcopy each character one by one.. don't know any better
yeah exactely
"CC" would be 10000111000011
you could make a cool Linq query for that
like what for example?
but blockcopy is efficiency
@JohnSmith using .Concat, but I'm using the efficient way.. myself
what do you think of this
public static string ToBase2(this string @this)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var value in @this)
sb.Append(Convert.ToString(value, 2));
return sb.ToString();
does it perform better than using concat ?
Is it a long string or do you do it millions of times?
@JohnSmith click ctrl+k to format code as code in chat, or indent four spaces
oh sorry I thought Convert.ToString returned byte[] like BitEncoder.GetBytes, nvm, nonsense
ok @Johan I'll remember it
no, it won't perform millions of times, I'm just doing a kata for fun
@xcx np :)
use the StopWatch to time stuff, it has good resolution
@Johan but I'm curioos to know what would you do if it performs a million of times
@JohanLarsson yeah, will do that
if so I'd profile it and try to find the best way. If not I would not worry about using Linq for example
yeah ;)
@JohnSmith I use this extension for Stopwatch a lot.
wow, thats definitely an awsome extensions, thanks I'll use it
hehe ns, didn't know computers could do that
probably not, wrote it any way :D
but I think the Stopwatch can have very good resolution, think it depends on the hardware
I more brutaly repaet 10000 times it
also the throw new NotImplementedException("message");should be removed
@xcx yeah that is probably better only problem being if the compiler optimizes things
or run it once and if it takes extremely short time move on
optimize if > x, maybe x = 1 ms idk?

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