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who wants to help with a regex?
Pheonix, do you know how would use a Fisher-Yates shuffle for a list?
@user1580598 is that homework?
the loop is like 2 lines
@user1580598 uhhh.... I have no idea what that is
yo - I have a linq question
Q: linq to stored procedures multiple select

Scott SelbyMSDN docs say that I can write a stored procedure like this CREATE PROCEDURE MultipleResultTypesSequentially AS select * from products select * from customers then read it from LINQ like this IMultipleResults sprocResults = db.MultipleResultTypesSequentially(); // First read products. f...

@ScottSelby when I did that, I just used a SqlDataReader
way easier
@Pheonixblade9 - I used to do this with sqldatareader all the time , it was easy , this project is all linqtosql , thought I'd try to stay with the convention
they must have 10 different repositories all making multiple calls to db to get a profile page to display , it seems stupid , im going to make a profile repository with one stored procedure that loads everything needed to display profile page
Q: Linq-to-SQL - multiple tables

Full Time SkeletonReally basic LINQ question but can someone enlighten me as to how it handles data when it's taken from multiple database tables. For example if you have a Products tables then using the DBML you get a nice Product object which you can query, update, create etc. (Product.Name, Product.Price etc.)...

i think you will have to create the model and then edit the dbml by hand
or yeah anonymous class would work too :P
don't want to hear that
Q: Linq-to-SQL - results from multiple tables after group?

user1208908I think the answer should be easy, but I'm just struggling: Would like to have data from 2 tables in a LINQ query similar to: from f in Faults join af in AvailabilityFaults on f.FaultID equals af.FaultID join a in Availabilities on new { af.CalendarDay, af.CircuitNumber} equals new...

@Pheonixblade9 - thanks man , I know how to do both of the examples in those questions , I'm wondering if I can write something like
foreach (Customer cust in sprocResults.GetResult<Object>())
@ScottSelby you could maybe do something like...
or is sprocResult<>() only looking for the type that is mapped to what you just called
Collection<Customer> cust = sprocResults.Where(c => typeof(c) == typeof(Customer)).Select(new Customer(c));
no idea if that will work
cant you create a class that models what your result is?
see , the purpose is I want 5 or 6 select statements all in a stored procedure , then read them all in a row
I'll try to create a class , I'm just weary of linq being able to return results directly into my class
@drch - you still here?
I got a questioin
so , I have been accessing db only from a seperate project
using dependecncy injection
now , like I said , I want to make all db calls for page load in one stored procedure
but I don't see how I can put that in seperate dataaccess project
is it bad design for MVC app to call stored procedure fright from controller and fill the model for the view right there?
its not terrible, but you usually have a separation
what context do you need from the web app that you can't pass to the data access?
I guess I can
Its just a bunch of generic lists all of different types
I'll have to make an object that defines all the lists and objects in there and pass that back
that sounds like a better idea
yeah that sounds good to me
I've been fixing bugs and adding little enhancements for the past few months , now the other developers that wrote this shit are gone and its my turn to start actually adding large amounts of code , so I want to do it right
usually you have controller -> service -> dataaccess -> db
yea - same thing
sometimes its just controller -> dataaccess -> db
and sometimes its jsut controller -> db
controller - helper (both in web app ) - dataaccess - db
but whatever you go with, it should be consistent throughout the project
its not always consistant , some times like UserHelper and repository are huge but other ones may not need a helper
yeah same
and some have an extra layer of DTO models
i usually start with a controller -> repository -> db
anyone here live in/around Vancouver?
thats what I like
but if i need something thats a bit smarter in between, i add a service
but then i always use that service across the board for that entity or whatever
yea, you cant access the session in repo so sometimes the helper is nice
@Pheonixblade9 - do you might right this second?
i'm from vancouver
I live in Chicago
@drch a friend of mine's bike was stolen and I found an exact match on Craigslist. I am looking for someone willing to see if the number matches
to possibly recover the bike
ah no sorry
I'm in the UK :P
it's a lot to ask lol
bit of a commute for a bike
yeah... I'm in Seattle, so it's not too far
Good Morning :)
we're gonna fuck you guys u in the playoffs if we get a chance
which guys?
they got swept
thats what im talkin about
we almost swept minn. tomorrow
aight I'm out guys
chicago was our playoff nemesis for a few years
nite @Pheonixblade9
redwings were ours
still are not this year , but their tough
@ScottSelby I'm from Michigan. Suck it ;)
i like the chicago goal song
do da da do da da dooooooo
In PostgreSQL I have two tables—projects and task_lists. I would like these lists to be stored (stored, not just selected) in a certain order but the order can be set by the user. Should I create an integral column on task_lists and then adjust that for every task list when the user changes the order?
@drch - just ran into another huge problem , I can't do it like I wanted to , all of my object types that are used in profile model are defined in the web app project , I can't reference them in the dataaccess project
@ScottSelby move them to a common third project
or to the dataacess project
whichever makes more sense
I just dragged the whole models folder into my dataaccess project , :p , fuck it
everything from web app can access dataaccess project - so..... seems ok to me
@rightfold: sure. thats fairly common to have an 'order' column
damn - time to discard all changes - love source control

Social.com Core - .Net System Developer at salesforce.com

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@drch Would that be an integer? It does mean that when I change the order I'll have to update all records, right?
@rightfold yes and yes
Thank you.
how to unmute a user in this chat? I accidentally hide the post of 1 user here >:o
Let's see if I can get it to work. :)
does postgres have clustered indexes ?
I don't know.
No it's not homework, I was just doing research on randomly picking an item from a list but I didn't want to item to be picked again
@GeneralDunblade: their icon is shown smaller in the top right. you can click on it and 'show posts'
but I'm a little confused because I'm using a button to select the item from the list as opposed to the other examples with arrays
so it's something like this: private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Random Rand = new Random();
int Index = Rand.Next(0, Games.Count);
NameOut.Text = Games[Index].getName();
DevOut.Text = Games[Index].getdeveloper();
PubOut.Text = Games[Index].getpublisher();
RelOut.Text = Games[Index].getreleaseDate();
PlatOut.Text = Games[Index].getplatform();
GenOut.Text = Games[Index].getgenre();
numOut.Text = Games[Index].getnumPlayers();
DesOut.Text = Games[Index].getdescription();
@user1580598 you could use a queue
Queue<Game> = new Queue<Game>(Games.OrderBy(g=>random.Next());
then just pop them off one at a time
and then adding those games to the queue? I am using Games.Add(Game1);
or rather populating the queue
no, you remove them from the queue
you initialize the queue so theyre all in there in a random order
and then it knocks it out one at a time, I see
then you just do
private void button1_click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Game game = queue.Dequeue();
NameOut.Text = game.getName()
Hey guys
I am working on a class library which another third-party developer is referencing from their own class library. When both of our libraries are loaded into Unity 3D all works as expected. However, if a different version of my class library is present, his one doesn't load with the error "undException: Could not load file or assembly...".
Their reference to my class library has "Specific Version" = False, but this doesn't seem to be making any difference whatsoever.
Any ideas?
I'm getting a lot of errors on that first line drch :x
about 5 invalid tokens
@drch I mean
Q: SplitView Folding [Indention]

Elegiacim working on code-editor (winforms) and i just wanna ask how to make splitview in c# . something like this1: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/42490/Using-AvalonEdit-WPF-Text-Editor (the line that compress code starts with "{" and ends with "}") even though dont have indention but have ...

pls help :/
and this^^
Q: Calling A Tool From Another Form to Another?

Elegiacim working on a code-editor(winforms) and Im just wondering if its possible to call a specific box from a form to another? sample for this set of codes: int line = 1 + richTextBox1.GetLineFromCharIndex(richTextBox1.GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine()); int column = 1 + richTextBox1.SelectionStart ...

so many question unanswered :/ i should die haha
@drch got it! thanks :)
2 hours later…
Would it be good or bad practice for my "Game Engine" to be one class (with sub classes) and what not...or should i split everything up...
need a help pls:
Q: Replacing for Intellisense

Elegiacim working on a code-editor (winforms) and i found a bug for replacing . replacing was text from richtextbox will be replaced by text from listbox . like in actual code-editor (richtextbox = codeeditor & listbox = contexthint) . further more here's my code: public partial class MainForm : For...

sorry for ive got tons of question . :/
1 hour later…
Does anybody here know how to convert sql to linq to entities
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Everytime I flush the toilet,
I remember you :D
Q: Maintaining Previous data with New data while update query fired?

ITBeginnerI think it is an odd question but I have to implement this kind of functionality so I have to research about it that how can I do it. So here is the question. I want that when any form is updated, only changed field value should be managed in log; not the whole row. I am using ASP.NET MVC3 C# an...

can anybody help me in AS3
any pls?
@ITBeginner You can manage an additional field on your page to record if the data in any filed is changed at your application level,. Now at the time of updating on server you can read that flag and add the data in history table as you want.
can anybody help me in AS3
anyone pls?
Q: Replacing for Intellisense

ElegiacI'm working on a code-editor (winforms) and i found a bug for replacing . Replacing was text from Richtextbox will be replaced by text from listbox . like in actual code-editor (richtextbox = texteditor & listbox = intellisense) . Further more here's my code: public partial class MainForm : F...

really need help
user online was @RoelvanUden @MRS1367 and @user2364220
@Elegiac remove the rtbInput.SelectedText = lbIntelli.SelectedItem.ToString(); line and debug. you're possibly selecting the entire text
Hi Guys.
im traditionally a web php developer. how easy would it be to learn c# for me considering my background?
have you used mvc frameworks in php?
if so, you should be able to jump into .net mvc no problem and learn c# along the way =]
@RyanMurphy Just remember the biggest difference, whereas PHP resets on each request, ASP.NET does not. If you place something in a static variable, it'll be there next request just the same.
hey @RoelvanUden
if someone is a permanent resident in the EU, but not a citizen, do you know if they have the right to work elsewhere in the EU?
ah nvm looks like its a per country thing
@drch I don't know actually, I always assumed that you could, but depending on country you can work anyway.
If you can get an European identity you should be fine
ahh interesting
(In the Netherlands is hilariously easy to get one btw :P)
i got contacted about a gig with Salesforce. i said i could only consider it if sponsorship was an option and they said it is...
but permanent residence in the uk takes 5 years
and i dont really want to be tied to one company for that long
I can fast track permanent residence in germany in 2 years though.
this shit is hard to figure out (and decide :S)
You really want to move to EU?
maybe not forever, but having that option would be sweet
basically i want to freelance in London while the £ is good but my visa runs out in January
but yeah i think i want to stay out here for the next 5 years or so
One point of interest, London is extremely expensive, so consider the living costs according to the payment because it may seem like a royal salary, but it might not be.
oh shit i know
i pay £860/mo for a tiny room
Haha indeed
Well, EU citizenship is granted to any nationality participating in EU..
So you'd have to become one of those :P
There are a few countries that basically give them if you have employment IIRC
(If memory serves me, Switzerland)
yeah, i was going to go to germany on a working holiday visa and then try to get a sponsor via the new EU blue card program
with that, you can get perm residence in 2 years
but its a brand new program and not a lot of people seem to know about it
Have heard of it, but I don't think it's mandatory and optional for each country.
yeah thats true. but its through that program that i can get perm residence really fast in germany
@drch sorry for the late response . then what should i replace with that line sir?
@Elegiac: just debug it and see whats going on.
i think that line triggers the replacing
verify what is being selected before the replace
@drch ok sir i will sec
guys, could you please help me with advice on how to solve this self-assigned homework-kind of task:

I want to implement a thread-safe class the will return paths to the files on request. The files are being retrieved from the internet and I have a Dictionary with urls. So the workflow would be: a client invokes tsClassInstance.Random() and should retrieve a local path to next random file. In case if it's not downloaded yet - tsClassInstance should download it asynchronously
so the question is - propose me a pattern to organize a queue that is not affected to race conditions
does the question make sense?
@drch sir after i remove that and i press any key it have no change the label just gone
@Elegiac check the values of CurrentTagStart and rtbInput.SelectionStart at that point to see what would be replaced
currentagstart =0;
so youre selecting from the beginning
which is probably not what you want to do
what should i do sir?
sorry newbie here :/
sir @drch?
debug it, figure out what its doing, figure out what you want it to do, and resolve the gap in between
i cant write your code from here
ok sir @drch thanks ...
it looks like what you are passing to Select() isn't right
yes sir ... but till now i still cant configure the logic for that ... :/
does CurrentTagStart get modified anywhere else?
no sir ...
it shouldnt be if they've entered text...
also i think keydown event fires before the text is actually added to the input
i think so sir :/ ... its like i need to make it till a "space" only to replace . but it shouldnt be also coz all space after might all deleted^^
:/ deym im dead
i also added this code sir:
if (token == "letterA" || token.StartsWith("at") || token.StartsWith("At") || token.StartsWith("AT"))
int length = line.Length - (index - start);
string commentText = rtb.Text.Substring(index, length);
rtb.SelectionStart = index;
rtb.SelectionLength = length;
lb.Visible = true;
int i = commentText.IndexOf(token);

KeyWord_At newCode = new KeyWord_At();

var A = from theCode in newCode.GetList()
orderby theCode.currentCode
select theCode;

foreach (var code in A.ToList())
like if i type "At" in rtb all "At" will show
all list started with at will show in intellisense
@Elegiac why does that code need moderator attention?
@Gordon sorry sir im just confuse if its ok to postcodes here so i wish to delete this script :/
really sorry :/
@Elegiac mouse over the left side of the message. a grey bar appears. click it. pick delete. but note that you can only delete for a limited amount of time.
Hello Friends,
Anyone have any idea about this error
"No Action header was found with namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing' for the given message."
i am getting this error in soap webservice consuming in ios app
Please check this question
Q: "No Action header was found" error message while using SOAP webservice

prasadGetting following error while consuming SOAP webservice in iOS App "No Action header was found with namespace 'http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing' for the given message." The same webservice working fine in SOAP UI Tool. Following is the request format NSString *data = @"<soap:Envelope xm...

@Gordon yes sir i know :/ sorry bout that
timer passed
Hi guys ... i have a question regarding Delegates
if for example 'sortOrder' is a delegate instance which accepts two parameters of string type. And
we want to take sortOrder as a parameter in a method.. say Array.Sort(). Do we write: Array.Sort(
[Array of parameters],sortOrder); ??
@Sadiq: did you try?
No i actually didn't but i know tht is valid
i m actually confused
is sortOrder getting these parameters like sortOrder (string,string) in the method .. Or not ??
Do you have any idea?
what do you mean?
.Sort does a quicksort and it needs to know how to compare two items to determine which one comes first
'sortOrder' needs to be a Comparison<T> msdn.microsoft.com/en-GB/library/tfakywbh.aspx
I just consider sort as an example.. as it accepts its second parameter as delegate
because i have seen sortOrder(parameter1,parameter2) to invoke delegate
how is Array.Sort(
[Array of parameters],sortOrder); possible ?? Is Sort internally doing sortOrder(parameter1,parameter2)??
Are you sure ??
it calls it a bunch of times as it compares the items in the array
oh hang on
yes it does .. but internally the way i guessed?
i dont completely understand..
ok fine
if you pass in a delegate, yes sort will call that method
like this: sortOrder(parameter1,parameter2) ? internally?
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Comparison<string> sortOrder = (a, b) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Comparing {0} with {1}", a, b);
                    return string.Compare(a, b);

            string[] strings = new[] {"hello", "there", "world"};
Hi everyone, I am trying to learn C#, can anyone suggest a learning Path?
Books etc?
I suggest you write A LOT of code and spend a lot of time on SO
Do you know basic programming and OOP? @user1234566
@user2345661 Channel9 is nice
I know basic programming and able to write functions and classes in C#
I need suggestions so i can strengthen the basics and move my way up.
I suggest you to strengthen your OOP concept side by side.. C# in Depth is a good to start by john skeets. there are a few things you would find difficult try oogling them ... and if not understood or confused or not sure about that ask your queries on the forums or chat ... Thats how i learned ..
And always write code yourself
Daily practice is quite necessary .. just reading and not practising is useless
Can you suggest Topics List or something which i can follow?
Thus anyone in this knew how to use COM Inter-op in the windows 8 store apps
At the moment i am just jumping around between framework and language and pretty confused
C# in depth has discussed topics in a channelized way ... I think you should try that sequence
ebook is easily available
Thanks Sadiq. Salam
W Salam
Q: how can i display the http fields?

mais irreemhow are you as i see you answer many questions about the http packet and if you can help me please i will be very thankful for you i am new in the programing in c# language i have a pcap file , i open it in wiresharh program. i nead to read this pcap file (which it is saved on my pc in a speci...

I wan to implement the digital signature in web app . googled a lot but now proper way found .
anyone have implemented there ??
what do you mean by digital signature?
actually i wan to to sign a pdf and upload it to server .. in an online project
A: Digitally sign PDF files

Darin DimitrovThe open source iTextSharp library will allow you to do this. Here's a post explaining how to digitally sign a pdf file. If you don't want to use a third party library then you can implement it yourself but it could be a tough task -> you can start by reading the pdf specification (8.6MB)

yes, already seen this
Is there something that will let me get C:/random.text from file:///C:/foo.text?
You want to convert a file URL into a path, and then change the filename to something random?
No, sorry
Rename a file?
C:/foo.text from file:///C:/foo.text
string p = "file:///E:/urban.jpg";
p = new Uri(p).LocalPath;
or that :p
LocalPath Thank you
I totally did not just rip that off from a MSDN Forums answer.
you could also do replace
but it could be ftp: http: who knows what users do...
but wait
string p = "file:///E:/urban.jpg"
p = p.replace("file:///","");
ok, I'm stupid.
@Bryan Less robust.
But StreamReader txtFile = new StreamReader(file); isn't so robust in the first place
Is there a way to simulate the way the LoginStatus does with LogoutAction as RedirectToLoginPage ?
What? You want to do a redirect?
Well, that too.
But I want to see how it works with the authentication.
Grandma will be so proud.
Do you think it simply uses the FormsAuthentication + Response.Redirect ?
No flippin clue
Excellent :D
thers some massive long method name i think
like FormsAuthentication.RedirecToLoginPage
FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile is my favorite method in .net
the guy who usually comes up with the method names was sick that day
ThisIsAMethodNameThatWorksForASpecificPurpose.ThisIsAPropertyThatHasNothingToDoWithWhatYouActuallyNeed(object ThisIsAParameterOfObjectTypeThatYouHaveNoIdeaItExisted);
Some people are creative.
I think that is why there isn't many twitter accounts that gives help for .net developers..
anyone have experience with Lantronix ethernet modules? haha
how about, does anyone know what telnet mode is--NOT TELNET, TELNET MODE--in a router?
maybe it enables telnet on the router?
Here's a puzzle. Find and fix the bug in (hour - 1) % 12 + 1
what is it for?
That's the first half of the puzzle.
It shouldn't be too hard.
I don't know.
Hint: look at the variable names.
I did :D wait, why"names"? There is only one.
Because 'many' as in 'one-to-many'
No particular reason
I still don't know.
Hint: hour is an int variable
I don't know what that changes.
Hm :D
That's basically as much as I can tell you.
midnight is 0
What do you mean by that?
assuming that the code is meant to convert 24h time to 12hr time.
when hour == 0, the output is 0
Are you saying that's the bug?
i guess so :P
if valid hours are 0-23, then 0 will be 0 not 12
Correct. Now fix it.
if valid hours are 1-24 then its ok
2 points for finding the bug, 2 points for fixing it, 1 point for equaling my solution in simplicity.
You're currently at 2/5
i dont know if i could equal you in simplicity
(i + 11) % 12 + 1 i think
5/5 for you :)

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