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Is your web service hosted?
Yeah sorry it is
You need the ip address of the other computer
localhost refers to the working computer
@LewsTherin hey buddy, long time no see. Hows things going?

So im assuming i need to open a command prompt, and type in "ipconfig"? Which of the listed things is the ip address?
Hey ;) Yup, right indeed
Use the ipv4 address
169.XXX.XXX.XXX that one?
so the code becomes

new Uri("http://169.XXX.XXX.XXX"), .....
I believe so
i'll give it a shot when i get back to the flat
PITA not having net there atm. Thanks for the help bro
No problem.. let me know how it goes ;)
will do. Im sure i will be back in this coffee shop on Monday with more little issues.
Hows ur wknd going btw?
Hey guys :) I was wondering, I'm writing a plain C#application (in VS 2010), would I be able to get that into the windows 8 store?
@HansRudel Studying, so not the best :( You ?
what u studying?
Trying to figure out how to make a distributed computing solution
Web dev with Java.. horrible stuff
@HansRudel Ah, I see.. that must be interesting.
@Yenthe What exactly do you mean?Give us a example of the type of application you are trying to create
@LewsTherin yeah its something new so hopefully it doesnt take too long to get to grips with.
@Bryan: well its a schoolassignment, but its beginning to turn out fancy so I'd like to put it in the store (for free), its a C# based application to manage your finances. Its all build in Windows forms, in VS 2010 with C#
is that enough info?
@TomW I never understood bacon nor ponies
@HansRudel Hopefully, I will get to test that theory someday
@LewsTherin hopefully i can give u some pointers/source code in the not too distant future
@Yenthe not exactly sure if you could I haven't messed with windows 8 or apps for it... at the least you could start a new app and use the classes from your old one
@HansRudel That will be awesome dude :)
yeah I didn't mess with it either, but yeah to subscribe to the store you need to pay 50€ @Ben
so thats kinda risky if it doesn't work lol
@Bryan, woops wrong tag.
:p your best bet is to find someone with windows 8 and test?
well, the thing is
I'm quite sure it'll work on windows 8, since its an install
and its basicly the same as for win 7
but I don't know if win8 accepts the same options and formats as win7 behind it (or the store to upload it)
they probably have some sort of other SDK..
ahh I'm gonna have a look at that, will totally help thanks!
And lmao to this:
"Download the tools and SDK
You must first install Windows 8."
@Yenthe I'm not the best at advice but you could always keep all your functions in a different class and use that class for other projects
@Yenthe do you get what I'm saying? by doing that you could use your code for just about every device and deploy with mono
Actually, I'm not completely following you there :o
what exactly do you mean by the different class? @Bryan
how to check if a bool is initialized or not
if (myBool== null) - this does not work
@Yenthe do you know what a class is and how to use them?
@AnkurSharma explain a little further?
I know the basics of them yeah :) @Bryan
and Ankur, why not if(myBool == true) or false? @AnkurSharma
@AnkurSharma bool?
oh nvm, I didn't read properly.
The result of this expression is always false since bool is never equal to null
this is the warning compiler gives me
if (mybool != null){}
You can't compare a bool that way
bool? isTrue = null
Use a Nullable<Bool>
lol nvm
ok so "Nullable<Bool>" is same thing as "bool?" ?
ok thanks
and should i use nullable<int> as well or should i just check if int==0
maybe var would be better for your situation?
well folks
I'm about to fail my C# course.
Because my professor doesn't take late submissions.
@ShotgunNinja Same for mine
@ShotgunNinja I do all my shiz early
@ShotgunNinja sounds like she is a cunt.
@Bryan She, actually.
Is she hot?
@LewsTherin No.
I always ask that for some reason
If she was hot, I'd be passing.
@ShotgunNinja Bum, I can't forgive her then
8am courses senior year with no late acceptance policy are not my friend.
There's hope yet.
What were you supposed to do?
@ShotgunNinja time to start scouring the institution's regulations
still, you deserve it
@LewsTherin lol I always ask that too. Especially when gf tells something about someone at work for example.
@LewsTherin Submit my working source code at midnight last night.
Problem: One of the libraries I was using was a bad port, and didn't work properly.
@ShotgunNinja What was your assignment about, that it took so late?
@JohanLarsson Great minds think alike :)
haha, I'm a slow thinker :D
@LewsTherin Wumpus World implementation, using a propositional logic knowledge base combined with A* pathfinding.
@JohanLarsson Then so am I
@ShotgunNinja Ow.. and you left that last minute?
I chose the assignment o.o
@LewsTherin no you are young
@JohanLarsson Meh, age is irrelevant ;)
@LewsTherin I had to port an entire library from a different language.
When I finally got to running tests, one of the minor features which my old code used didn't work.
I figured I could just port an old project of significant size from Java to C#.
In the process, I learned a hell of a lot about how big the original project really was.
So what are you going to do now?
If I ace the presentation and the final, I pass with a D.
I'm gonna finish the code, get it working, and write the best damn presentation you've ever seen.
Does she not reduce the marks by 10% or something.. there is always that option
> Sorry…but there are never extensions in my classes.
Wow.. mean biatch
It's already listed on Blackboard as a zero, and I doubt she's going to change that.
How much is it worth?
yep, look at the college regulations
She's a new professor. She hasn't gotten the talk from the higher-ups about "pass percentages".
@LewsTherin The combined category of "source code + long presentation" is worth 25% of the final grade.
So I'm guessing it was 12.5% of the grade.
So why will you get a D? You can easily get a C, even B
70% is an F at my school.
Most of my homework submissions have been late.
What school do you go to?
Because homework is only 10%, we've had 13 assignments, and they're all about 4-5 hours of work each.
@LewsTherin Milwaukee School of Engineering.
#4 on the "Worst Professors in America" list.
And 70 is a fail? SERIOUSLY?
@LewsTherin Yep.
the marking criteria must be idiotic
lol at my place a full working project is 12/20 -> 60/100 :p
Oh fuck wow
Well, someone has a significant lack of understanding somewhere
i.e. the person who decided on that markscheme
why mark in percent if 70 of them are basically useless?
thats to get only the top people through Tom
thats what they do at my place too
what is the term for finalizing a value of a var - is it const or is it fixed
@ShotgunNinja, how many people drop out there?
@Yenthe About half.
they should give you points for actually completing your work even if its later :/ most people that goto college make no real effort
not too bad, where at 68% atm @ShotgunNinja :p
@Bryan thats not correct, you shouldn't be graded for something thats past due the deadline
thats just not allowed
to late = 0
@Yenthe Most of the students drop out of their majors, and go into Management Information Systems.
So the numbers are a bit off.
to be fair, what incentive does the institution have to minimise dropouts?
woha, I hear you. So thats pretty bad :p
probably none. Just take their money for 1 or 2 years then let them fail
I ment that from a teachers standpoint...the teacher shouldn't be completely anal
@Bryan, don't you find it fair that when you make an assignment to late you get a zero?
@TomW The institution has a "Pass percentage" system, where each professor has a quota for ensuring that enough students pass or fail.
you have to have extenuating circumstances
@ShotgunNinja that's not an incentive to the institution, but to the staff members
@Yenthe I get the late policy, but having no exceptions to that rule is what I'm a bit concerned about.
e.g. you were sick on submission day, or your house burned down
@TomW Well, the incentive to the institution resulted in that being established.
there are exceptions, such as illness or family troubles. But lazyness should not be allowed ;) @ShotgunNinja
yeah those things are exceptions ofcourse.
shotgun said he wasn't lazy there was a porting issue or something...
that stupid markscheme makes it unnecessarily difficult to devise exercises that are appropriately difficult
@Bryan It's partially that I was lazy, but mostly that I was struck by a big bug after completing the project.
I'm also in senior design, and we're running way late in that as well, so I've been focused on finishing that up.
the lazy part, well thats your fault ;) but the part about a big bug, well thats just bad luck, you shouldn't be graded worse for that..
@ShotgunNinja firstly acknowledge that software always ships with bugs, and explicitly define your own requirements such that it's not a criterion for failure ;)
@Yenthe Yeah. The code compiles and starts to run, then crashes when one of the features in the underlying library breaks.
or are you actually talking about softwarebugs?
lol yeah if we get a bug and it doesn't work we get a zero too
bit harsh :p
so I feel your pain there @ShotgunNinja
"You get a zero because there's a bug"
"That's not a bug - look, outline requirements section says 'intermittent failures shall be tolerated'"
@TomW But it doesn't say that.
Too bad - who defined the project again?
oh wait, I think it was you.
@TomW No one. We were told to choose a project.
I've gotta run guys!
see you around :)
and @ShotgunNinja: good luck
Thanks, man.
I am writing a string to a text file
Unfortunately, '\n' do not put linebreaks in the text file
what am i doing wrong
       FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, FileMode.Create);
        string content = emailID + "\n" + password + "\n" + host + "\n" + port.ToString() + "\n" + SSLRequired.ToString();
        byte[] b = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(content);
        fs.Write(b, 0, b.Length);
@AnkurSharma line break on windows is \r\n
for portability, use Environment.NewLine
ok let me try \r\n, wait
isn't there a writeline for the stream?
in FileStream, not sure
you can wrap it with a TextWriter, I think the class is
@TomW thanks mate Environment.NewLine works great
no prob
I want to split a string wherever there is a linebreak
s.Split() requires a char
nevermind, found it here: stackoverflow.com/questions/1547476/…
Hi Guys, how can i change the fond size of the dropdown list during selection?
@AnkurSharma for "do not put linebreaks" do you mean you cannot find them, or that you cannot see them, because it could be an editor problem
@oleg - chess?
who's who?
thats fine :)
Hi Guys, how can i remove the color from the below snippet?
System.Drawing.Color animalColor = new System.Drawing.Color();
            switch (e.Index)
                case 0:
                    size = 20;
                   animalColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
                    family = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif;
                case 1:
                    size = 20;
                    animalColor = System.Drawing.Color.OrangeRed;
                    family = FontFamily.GenericSansSerif;
What do you mean, remove it?
//e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(animalColor), rectangle);
@TravisJ you sir should focus on the game
@KendallFrey when i use the above code, it add the color at first then the text. So i want to remove the color option and put the text at first.
@linguini I don't understand.
I want to remove those colors.
So stop drawing the rectangles.
@KendallFrey So, can i use the color as a optional or remove it completely?
@KendallFrey i guess not.
@KendallFrey thanks for the clue :)
good game @oleg ;)
Nice one!
nice, was this the first game? 3:1 now?
it is 1:4 now
@Oleg - if you want to play again later let me know
okay fine
now its 1:4
I have ~140 heartbeats per minute
Sure, whats up?
I saw that discussion. What I tend to do is keep the file name, location, other details, in a database, and the actual file on the filesystem. The upload process makes the db entry then stores the file. The download/view process is just an abstraction over the file location, but it could be converted to a byte stream to completely remove access to the file system folder
Speaking of obfuscated JS...
Try deobfuscating that.
@Oleg - Check this question out:
Q: How can I obfuscate JavaScript?

TeifionI want to make a JavaScript application that's not open source, and thus have two questions: What's the best way to obfuscate the code? What's the best way to obfuscate the strings themselves within the application (assuming that the answer to #1 does not handle this)?

Basically the gist is this. It is good to minimize your scripts for the live environment. It is best to not have them minimized for your development environment. Obfuscating the code helps in neither place. It only makes it hard to read. Anyone worth their salt will be able to de-obfuscate it. If you are worried about your js code then license it or move it server side.
Are you worth your salt?
I am not wasting my time going through that string builder
Who put that out anyway? It has a large anon graphic in it
Me, of course.
You made the graphic?
You just decorated it
What do you mean by 'anon'?
how is that anonymous?
"We are anonymous" the hacking group. The face in the middle of the obfuscated code.
That's a trollface.
Not really a fan of silverlight
I haven't used webgl
hello there everyone
my first time here, if anyone cares
Welcome :)
read the wiki :p
@oleg - yup
is it safe?
I'm working with code first, I am curious on how to setup entities for a relationship where they have many-many.

Ie if I have a list of recipes and a list of ingredients, more then one recipe can use eggs, so without having duplicates in the ingredients table, how do i map them up using codefirst? Is a mapping class with one of each object necessary?
@OlegOrlov did you check out the chess stackexchange thing?
Also Travis was our undefeated champ until you came along so not very likely you'll find opponents here after what happened :D
> This son of bitch, all night he, "Check. Check. Check." He trap me! —Teddy KGB
@OlegOrlov ok I have never visited it, I played some chess 20 years ago, you don't want to play me :D
Looking for feedback on this: http://snipt.org/zjggj2
It's seemingly working fine in my WPF App updating the UI while keeping it responsive but does anyone have any ideas on how it could be written better? Thanks.
I don't love doing so much in code like this: this.StartServerButton.IsEnabled = true;
I would prefer binding and INotifyPropertyChanged
Also maybe factor out stuff that is not strictly gui to another class
But if it is not more code than that it is no biggie
You can check out Commands for handling enabled and clicks on buttons
and no try catch messagebox.show
It is written in winforms style
Thank you! Would you mind looking at the cancellation mechanism? When I hit the cancel button, it does not revert the state of everything so that I can hit start again.
That while/if inside InitializeListener has me worried
and instead of threadstart doing dispatcher.invoke, just directly do dispatcher.invoke, or begininvoke
Is the delegate implementation an older style?
there is no need to spawn a new thread just to invoke using the dispatcher
Gotcha. But there is a need on line 51-52 right? Before I added that, the UI locked up.
Originally, I just called InitializeListener synchronously
there are no line numbers on that web page as far as I can see
Oh apologies, it's the last two lines of the StartServerButton_Click(..., ...)
yes, you need a thread, or task in this case for the listener to prevent locking the main thread
Hi Guys, need some help. The below snippet is not working. I'm trying to compare the stamp from datetimepicker over collection of photos.
 foreach (photo photos1 in photos)
                    if ((photos1.stamp != from) )
                        DateTime d = new DateTime();
                        photoExists = true;
                if (photoExists != true)
                    var verifiydatePhotos = d_Language.SelectedItem.ToString() == "FRENCH" ? "Il y a pas des photos." : "No Photos exists.";
Kk, cool. Lol, got that one right. Do you see any better way of implementing the Cancel button such that the entire state goes back to how it was prior to the first start?
@linguini: what is not working?
@LarsTruijens In my button function, i got 2 date pickers, when i select the date and look the time stamp in the collection of Photos to check. But its not working.
:9231584   public class photo
            public string name;
            public int size;
            public DateTime stamp;
        photo[] photos;
@tjm6f4: the only strange thing I see is calling cts.Cancel() when it cts is just cancelled. Try debugging
@tjm6f4: and same goes for you too :) What is not working?
@linguini: try debugging
@LarsTruijens doing it.
telling me it's not working again does not answer my question what you mean by not working
How can i compare the date of the datetimepicker value over the collection of photos?
depends on what you want
but I guess you only want the date and not include the time
Am I right?
because DateTime always includes the time
@LarsTruijens yes.
so your real question is: how do I compare only the dates in a DateTime?
@LarsTruijens yes, sorry i couldn't explain properly.
did you find your answer?
@LarsTruijens nope.
Would you like me to find it for you?
@LarsTruijens no, i checking with google. I should get the date from date picker and compare with collection of photos date, is that correcT?
datepickers or photos don't matter, it's about DateTime
if you google the question like I suggested you will find several stackoverflow posts with the answer
Q: How to compare only Date without Time in DateTime types in C#?

SrulyIs there a way to compare 2 DateTime variables in Linq2Sql but to disregard the Time part. The app stores items in the DB and adds a published date. I want to keep the exact time but still be able to pull by the date itself. I want to compare 12/3/89 12:43:34 and 12/3/89 11:22:12 and have it di...

don't mind the linqtosql stuff there
bool photoExists = false;
                foreach (photo photos1 in photos)
                    if ((photos1.stamp.Date != radDateTimePicker1.Value.Date) )
                        DateTime d = new DateTime();
                        photoExists = true;
posting code doesnt mean anything unless you explain what it should do
that code there will set photoExists to true of any of the photos have a date different than your datepicker.
or maybe it means your problem is solved?
@drch so, i should do the reverse job?
i dont know what you are trying to do. perhaps you should write it down in english and then look at your code again.
@linguini check out linq Any(p=> condition) and All(p=> condition )
reads pretty clean
@JohanLarsson if (photos.Any(per => (photos1.stamp >= from) && (photos1.stamp <= to))) // From & to are datePickers
@linguini that won't do anything. read the documentation
think you want per.stamp >= from and per.stamp <= to but what drch said
I often play around some in unit tests when trying out things, for me it is a fast way to have something to debug etc
@JohanLarsson yeap. go tit.
good man, the linq stuff introduces a little syntactic complexity with lambdas but it is definitely worth learning
With LINQ what was loops all over the place will read like English
@JohanLarsson you are correct. As i'm new to C#, i'm learning day by day!
do you write unit tests?
@JohanLarsson yes, for each class(some times).
ok then you will always have a test project open where you can create a throw away test method to start playing around really fast, for me it was really good in the beginning
@JohanLarsson cent percent correct. It's a good way of learning programming.
@JohanLarsson I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks once again!
Hi friends.
It's been a long time since I've talked to you.

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