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@TomW: Nobody should entitled to insult other professionals. My post clearly showing what the debugging that I have done. And all the details are available in the post. And also I am happy to give the details if any specific question has been asked on top of it about debugging instead of making insulting personnel comments that you are not programmer. Actually he is initiating nuisance and hassling other users. I am requesting him be polite and be respectful to others.
If he doesn't respect, I don't see any reason to respect him
1 hour later…
good morning
Hi all
do u know regex?
very basic
this pattern is match with
hhsss_1 = filE ofchaR
no cant help
too complicated
and i m in basic stage
so, this shouldn't match with this text
btw, tnx :)
Hi @JohanLarsson
do U read my problem in regex?
I know some regex, think I might be able to help
recent problem
ah see it now
36 mins ago, by MRS1367
what is the string you want to match?
hhsss_1 = filE of chaR
hhsss_1 = filE
and you want to capture left and right?
and something like 'em
I know that the problem is for
the last part of mentioned line
^\w+ = \w+$
@MRS1367 hmm I have trouble reading that, what do you want it to do?
Try if this works for you: ^(\w+) = (\w+)$
[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]* = IDentifier name
\s*\=\s* = ' = '
@MRS1367 think you can replace thet with \w
(?i)file = FILE|file|...
I got to drive gf to the stable now, back in less than an hour
I check ur solution
@MRS1367 ok I'm back, did it work for you?
hmm, where did it break?
its not break
it's not what I want.
and doesn't work fine
ok I did not understand what you want then
hhsss_1 = filE of chaR
hhsss_1 = an identifier = [A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*
this wroks fine
= : \s*\=\s*
this works fine too
= : \s*\=\s*
^(\w+) = ([\w,\s]+)$
^(\w+) = (.+)$
file (case-insensitive) = specific keyword
of (case-insensitive) = specific keyword
char (case-insensitive) = specific keyword
I like a regex for
something like hhsss_1 = filE of chaR and hhsss_1 = filE
you want to capture every word separately?
\w is only for alphanumeric characters
looks like the last one does '.' matches anything in regex
I need _ (underscore) character too
not anything
\w matches alphanumeric and underscore
yeah I think so
> Matches any word character (alphanumeric & underscore). —from here
u're right
i think you can use '.' for the right part (just match the rest)
it's better than [A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]*
very good
unless you have more spec
a name of the variable must be like this
@MRS1367 it's the same but perhaps cleaner
the name a variable can't start with number or _
ah ok, looks right then
but the problem not this thing
i want
the first is for something like hhsss_1 = filE
the 2nd is for something like hhsss_1 = filE Of Char
I want a regex expression for both
I write
and the problem is in last part of
I think you want your or like this^
also there is a switch to ignore case I think
my expression works fine for all
but it shouldn't match with
hhsss_1 = filE OfChar
but it matchs with it
sry if I can't explain my problem very well
perhaps like this:
^(\w+) = ((?i)file$)| (?i)file of (char|boolean|real)$
(a bit sloppy)
hi Tom
it works for
hhsss_1 = filE OfChar
but doesn't work for hhsss_1 = filE now
hmm, it does in Sweden :)
good morning
oh bloody hell, it's 8am? I could have slept in
morning @TomW
I thought i HAD slept in
I think I must write this in two regex expression instead of one expression
that might be cleaner
One for
imo regexes gets pretty hairy and ugly when doing more than just really trivial stuff
and the other for
this solution works fine ;)
nice man
what's the meaning of "imo"
in my opinion
this is abbreviation of what?
and 'ime' is similar 'in my experience'
imi = in my idea ;)
imt = in my thought
imn = in my notion
imc = in my concept
and ....
what is the favorite food in Sweden?
for me it is gf's meat and veggies all sorts, like this for example
gf's meat!!! funny...
oh, no pun intended, the meat she cooks, she is a great cook
and your favorite food?
so the best food in Sweden...
Hard to pick one really would not like a big piece of meat every day
A nice variation is maybe the most important
My favorite food is Kebab
Ghormeh Sabzi
Sabzi = vaggies
you probably have better kebab where you live in Sweden kebab is gross
includes meat, vaggies, beans and peas
never heard of it, but it looks nice
googled it, looks nice
well, not sure about 'looks' - but as described, has tasty stuff in it. Isn't going to win any beauty contests though
but I don't buy kebabs for their looks either
looks nice :) I see your point though
Ghormeh Sabzi, Gheymeh and Kebab are the best foods that foreign persons love it
when come to Iran
Gheymeh includes
The herbs and spices used in the middle east are amazing
until europeans started beating people up and taking their stuff, our food sucked in comparison
hi Lews, mr sleep-at-night all the sudden?
Tomatoes, Meats, Potatoes, cotyledons and
dried lemons
heh, cotyledons? did you by any chance machine translate that?
split beans
i think...
I don't know all of 'em in english
and used from Google Translate
@TomW what does it mean?
That's a scientific word, I understood what you meant, I think, but most people wouldn't
leafy vegetables, i think
a monocotyledonous plant is one that emerges from the seed with one leaf, a dicotyledon has two
leafy vegetables no
@MRS1367 pic?
A cotyledon (; "seed leaf" from Greek: κοτυληδών kotylēdōn, gen.: κοτυληδόνος kotylēdonos, from κοτύλη kotýlē "cup, bowl") is a significant part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. Upon germination, the cotyledon may become the embryonic first leaves of a seedling. The number of cotyledons present is one characteristic used by botanists to classify the flowering plants (angiosperms). Species with one cotyledon are called monocotyledonous ("monocots"). Plants with two embryonic leaves are termed dicotyledonous ("dicots") and placed in the class Magnoliopsida. In the case of dico...
ignore the picture
they're not peanuts
those look like either lentils or chickpeas
lentils are
I think they look like macadamia nuts (I like them)
I think I have the exact same picture en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split_pea
split peas
split peas
guys, MVC question
is there a nice, idiomatic way to render a link in a view to another view that's associated with a different controller?
i.e. in Views/Home/Index, link to Views/Customers/Index in a strongly-typed way
ok n/m, ActionLink will do it
I suck at MVC but what does 'idiomatic way' mean?
'in the style associated with the framework'
sounds like a travis or lews q
I think I've got it, I hadn't anticipated that the ActionLink helper would go anywhere if you name the right controller class
is it work or hobby stuff?
although the hobby stuff is prompted by work right at this moment
i don't have to be doing this, but i want to prove to myself that it's easy to build something better than the pile of crap we have to work with
that is close to ideal ime, happy coding man!
for me work stuff have always been more fun because there is progress. Hobby stuff tends to brick wall
This sort of thing is what happens when companies refuse to throw terrible legacy stuff in the bin
re-writes are usually a bad idea, but you can rewrite a bit at a time to make that part not so terrible
looks very much like it's been maintained and expanded by people who don't really understand it
I have so much work, I'm very tired.
I've worked all year, even on holidays.
just sleep man, the work wont go anywhere
But I must work a lot of time on the software to be marketed on time.
most of days, I remain in the workplace
and work on my tasks
even nights
days is ok, nights is not :D
and now
I'm very tired and want to rest for a month
But I can't now
it's a sad story
I think if you continue like this for a while you wont be able to produce anything useful
-> depresion
I know
I can rest alot
but I don't want it for now
first, I want to offer the software as soon as possible
and next I'll rest for a long time (about a month or more)
you live your life like a bear :)
hi Roel
first counterintuive programming error of the day:
changing an MVC4 strongly typed view to reference a different class breaks routing
not surprising, but...I wouldn't have expected it to try and do something sensible but different, then fail at that, in the way it does
and since so much of MVCx is voodoo, I don't know what I have to change to fix it
are the sources available?
of mvc?
yeah, it's open source
the trouble with conventions-based stuff is that you can't search the templated project for the bit of code that does stuff - because by definition, there isn't any
you write code to change the default behaviour, but it's often not clear where that has to go
ok both good and bad I guess
good when you know it perhaps
painful when beginning
when you follow the convention, it's incredibly easy. Building a CRUD interface for some arbitrary record type is pretty much one line of code per property
the rest you can have automatically constructed for you
if you work in a not very tech savvy business that just needs a way to manipulate some simple data and doesn't care about complex use cases, it's so quick you'd almost not believe the dev wasn't cheating
Hi Johan
can I use Multi-Threading technology in web apps?
@MRS1367 yes.
you pretty much have to, otherwise you can only serve one client at once
so, it's possible in Adobe Flash/Flash Builder's web projects
I don't know anything about flash
I know it about C#
tnx @TomW :)
hi,.. Do you have any idea about Icallback event handler in C#?
no.. I am calling an icallback from javascript. But after that call can I stop that call?
oh, no idea at all
I think in webservice calls from javascript, we gets an id and if that is not null we can simply stop that and create a neww call..
But it is not happening with Icall back :(
why aren't there somebody in AS3 scripting language?
this is the C# room.
I know
We do C#. We might do other languages, but don't bet on it
I create a room for this scripting language
@MRS1367 maybe not many who use it
also the room is not very active so not high on the list of rooms making fewer find it perhaps
I agree with u.
ActionScript is similar to Silverlight.
This is a pretty severe case of "didnt read lol" bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-22408279
nightclub: "We were assured when we moved in that we would not be affected by the redevelopment and Network Rail have simply changed their minds."
rail operator: "Our plans for the station have been in the public domain for several years"
but I don't see many ppls in stackoverflow.com that work with 'em.
Ahh async-wait and wpf. Learning is fun.
Anyone familiar with async programming?
Not now
@tjm6f4 Together or separately?
Either. I'm learning for a project here at school. Didn't even know it existed until I started looking into how to keep the UI responsive despite long background tasks.
Hold on..
@JohanLarsson Do you have the link to Stuart's room?
no lost it
@ZMRBINU what do you need to know?
2 hours later…
Answering on SO is really getting depressing.. :(
why link?
what do you guys get when you run ideone.com/ubbErB locally
Elapsed: 00:00:00.3108686
In milliseconds: 310
In timer ticks: 938978
Elapsed: 00:00:00.5192918
In milliseconds: 519
In timer ticks: 1568520
I wonder why the function call is slower, normally with a good language functions stacks are aligned
A: How to return true if one of 4 bools is true

Lews Therinprivate bool oneOfThem() { return a || b|| c || d; } && shortcuits on a false value.. || will continue evaluation and shortcuits on a true value

:9228238      Elapsed: 00:00:01.2779166
    In milliseconds: 1277
    In timer ticks: 12779166
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.2962791
    In milliseconds: 1296
    In timer ticks: 12962791
on the web it's not meaningful
Same for you? Lol
Ugh.. too lazy to open VS
@c'c Why do you think it should be slower?
I think it should be the same
on other languages you get the same
@c'c I use this extension method a lot for timing stuff
@c'c Or it could be luck
Try it on a different machine
Computers are really fast nowadays to probably not see the difference.. but there is an extra overhead..
Or it could be that the other compilers (languages) optimizes the extra function call so that you are measuring the same thing..
I ve tried inverting call order, etc.. always the same results, the thing is the code run are excrtly the same
Check the compiled output.. it is probably optimized under the hood
If not, it is very baffling indeed
What other languages are you using?
erlang, and javascript
Erlang.. nice
sup dudes, rookie question.
class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
    using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
      new Uri[]{
        new Uri("http://localhost:8000"),
        new Uri("net.pipe://localhost")

i tried to connect to another pc via a LAN but im not sure what i need to do to the http address.
Im assuming its got something to do with IP addresses?

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