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I was asked to do an insanely cool project today, unfortunately it is secret but the level of cool is like building a moon base imo
I'm going to start judging projects on a scale from 1 to moon base
@drch - Is that the Gingrich scale?
has anybody played aroud with signalR
@TravisJ hahahaha
eh, at work
for another hour
then I get to go home and drink myself to sleep like a real man
I am not going to drink at all in june
@steve I've used signalr
@drch did you watch that video they released, with that bad ass game the made developers made
Nah I didnt realise they made anything besides jabbr with it
@TravisJ starring that to keep you honest
@Jeff - check to see if the .GetType() starts with System.
they made like one of those space shooters with it, multiplayer online
@JohanLarsson i agree, that should be pinned
@Johan - Hah, it is all part of my investment.
@Johan - I have to prep for this: chesstour.com/wo13.htm
I'm going to drink double on June
Gotta keep that equilibrium in place
I'm going to do both.
I have to take a week off from work, pay for a flight, hotel, and the entry fee. So I don't want to jeopardize any of that
i quit smoking one week ago to the day, i started working out, stopped drinking
@drch - Nice, way to pick up the slack :D
for 3 months
at least
Hell I'll throw in May as well just in case
@TravisJ suggestion: eat only veggies and switch over to raw meat two days before playing Oleg
Lol @Johan - I play bad chess when hungover for sure. I have found that taking omega-3s help my chess cognition
i loooove chess, i haven't played in a long time though
I love chess + My friends hate chess == I don't play chess
@KendallFrey play travis?
I would get my ass kicked so hard I would have anal prolapse through my nostrils.
i'd suggest playing me but you don't like me
I would if I had access to in internet connection outside of work.
wow. that website sucks.
What does? My dad's RV rental site? I agree.
It's all ready to be deployed, but I don't have the password, and he doesn't have the files, so the online copy is perpetually under-construction.
no, the chess website
The chess website? You mean there's only one?
this website is pretty bad too atomica.co.uk/shelters/main.htm
although the former is a promotion for an event that they want people to go to
the latter is just a data dump, probably by some hobbyist, so it's not so inexcusable
This one's really ugly: wonder-tonic.com/geocitiesizer/…
Steve make a signalr chess game for the C# room
A chess plugin that displays the board on the sidebar.
and moves are made by sending the move in a message
that was fun
@drch thats actually a great idea
i was looking for a fun project to make with it
You want fun? Make a multiplayer RPG/hack n slash
Ohhhh, you want achievable. Never mind then.
yeah lol
random thought just occurred to me
does "Coders Without Borders" exist?
in the vein of Medicins Sans Frontiers
it does...but it looks kind of lame
Which one of you is that jerk that thinks P=NP?
you know, helping people in conflict regions access technology...bypassing censorship in oppressive regimes, etc etc
we could all be pawns and Travis king and Kendall queen?
Hacking Chinese internet censorship? I'm in!
@JohanLarsson lolWUT
even 'this ambulance won't start because its engine is too new and Computer Say Fuck You'
@KendallFrey in the C# room chess game
I've always wanted to climb into an ambulance and hear 'fuck you'
@steve make multiplayer asteroids. Simple game but multiplayer synchronisation makes it a cool challenge
@KendallFrey are any of us as badass as Medicins Sans Frontiers?
I'm not, that's for sure.
I have no idea what that is, besides francais.
I love the idea, but I'm just not 1337 or world-wise enough to be able to handle actually going to places and helping
@drch i think thats what the signalR team did
@KendallFrey msf.org.uk
Ah boo urns
go to this movie
click on around the 13:05 MARK
"I have to log in? Fuck this website."
one of the ideas I had for signalr was to make one of those infinite drawing canvases that's updated real time
oh that'd be cool
I made one.
It's not multiplayer.
But everything you said is true.
Hah, I got my page load time from 10seconds to 0.5seconds
BAM, architected!
what I did:
@Pheonixblade9 just making the content load async doesn't count.
@TomW ahh, it was loading async already, silly.
Added an index ?
I made the query go grab the list of IDs that I want according to the filter/ordering, then I query out those IDs specifically.
@drch I already had added an index.
Adding an index is always the solution to performance problems.
Too many indexes bogging it down? Add an index!
woo, empty beer can bowling
No. Sometimes it's adding 2
drop any object in the wrong place; cans everywhere.
@RyanTernier needs to be here!
I'm going to Canada tomorrow(ish)
Just got a chance to upgrade from my dad's old phone to my dad's old phone.
@phoenix where in Canada?
@drch Squamish
wtf for
Sounds Indian aboriginal Native American.
And WTF is bouldering?
@KendallFrey rock climbing sans rope
Squamish is nice this time of year
you hear the sound of one hand clapping
@drch yeah our CEO just sent out an email saying we should all leave at 3pm 'cause it's 80 degrees out
How do I never get those emails?
Yeah shjt it's supposed to break 30 this weekend
@phoenix where do you live ?
@Steve that signalR demo fucking rules
@drch I live in Seattle
@KendallFrey it's because I'm better than you ;)
@TomW i know right!
he's practiced that demo
ah nice I worked in Seattle for a bit at StarbucksHQ
Are you still having an affair with Johan's mom?
@drch yeah, Seattle is awesome :D
that other speaker is terrible
They have parking meters made out of metal there
Felt like I was in the 1800s
@drch yeah, the parking meters take credit cards here. It's like we're in the future.
Push your cash into this metal pigeon hole
We are in the future. At least, we will be when you read this.
It's in the past
Temporal fail
I feel like I'm going to cry. I took code from MSDN forums and made a dreadful 'workaround' with it. But it works, so all's good.
Don't go to the msdn forums
It was the first result on google...
It's like going to yahoo answers for advice
ok, I'm going to regret asking this...
what should I spend £30 of amazon gift credit on?
@TomW Buy me a Raspberry Pi.
then how on earth would I enjoy the satisfaction of me having one and you not?
You wouldn't >:)
I do have one. I reserved one when it first came into pre-release
Sell it to someone for £29 and buy beet
Or beer
Sorry for unleashing my inner Dwight
mm, beet.
amazon actually sells beet beer.
you've got me doing it, you ass.
FLAG! You said ass!
Your Mom said ass. I obliged.
@TravisJ Huh, didn't think about that... more elegant than the other check perhaps. But I'd want to check type.FullName, eh?
Your mom said yes. Not once, not twice, but hundreds of times. In the span of 12 seconds.
@Jeff - Yes, it would be type.GetType().Name I believe
@KendallFrey you were done in 12 seconds. Lol.
@TomW hahaha
@Jeff - Sorry, I think this might actually work better: typeof(T).ToString() where T is the type
Oh, there were about 30 more in the preceding 2 minutes.
2 minutes and 12 seconds then?
Yeah with the previous guy
There was plenty of activity before then.
everybody is so witty today, i like it!
Just not much vocalized.
She's a quiet one, your mom is.
Buy 2 packages of ladybugs... breed them, make more ladybugs, sell those ladybugs on Amazon. ???? PROFIT!
Wow. I'd never have contemplated buying bugs.
@TomW - Just selling them? :P
Classic ladybug pyramid scheme
I'd buy all the bugs, then 'fix' them. No more bugs, happy customers.
On a daily basis, to a number of employers, yes.
@drch Pigeon King.
@drch I did work at Amway for a year, so I'm sensitive about those words :(
actually, the last one I could believe
The things to watch out for are Aztec pyramid schemes. Apparently they make a killing at the top.
Lol that was punny
There is no such thing as a good pun.
that was an amazing pun
Mike for president
Two bytes are walking to a bar after work. One byte says to the other "hey are you all right? you look kind of ill." The other responds: "I'm all right, I'm just feeling a bit off after our shift"
A friend noticed how cheap the houses were in parts of France, including 4-5 bedroom farmhouses in beautiful countryside with attached vineyards, endless sunshine, etc etc...He suggested relocating and doing freelance coding
I said
"There already seems to be a lot of web development there. Mostly legacy"
I take it all back
these houses looked quite tired
Yay for free smiles at work while working on horrible code :)
Sadly it's an iceberg class I wrote... more about iceberg classes: artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=125574
@JeffBridgman implement ALL the functionality!
A friend of mine was once showing me his kayak and how his paddle could detatch in the middle for easy transportation. I noted that made it an "oar disjunction".
@JohanLarsson you there?
Two strings walk into a bar. The first one says, "I'll have a beer.ÐÏࡱáë‹È+ËMüÿMð‹ØuÍÆ’}ô" The second one says, "Please excuse my friend. He's not null-terminated."
Almost every msft library is an iceberg. Tons of internal methods floating around in there due to the ill begotten design pattern known as "visitor".
Public is the api. Make a million private methods if you want
@KendallFrey an Irishman walks into a bar. His alchoholism is destroying his family and his career.
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks, "Why the long face?" The horse replies, "My wife has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer."
Why did the boy drop his ice cream?
Because he was hit by a bus.
How do you confuse a blond?

Paint yourself green and throw forks at her.
What's big and blue and eats rocks?
A big blue rock eater.
AKA @KendallFrey's mother
Non sequitur much
@StuartBlackler Hey hey
@LewsTherin join that room : )
@KendallFrey Yo yo
@KendallFrey Where? Where?
@StuartBlackler :)
@KendallFrey How're you doing that?
It's not hard to figure out.
I'm tired I will do so later
Evening.. night!
Math.Round(2.5,1) returns 2?
@c'c C# uses banker's rounding.
apparently floating-point rounding is to blame. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/75ks3aby.aspx
I hate floating point
// The example displays the following output:
//       2.125 --> 2.12
//       2.135 --> 2.13
//       2.145 --> 2.14
//       3.125 --> 3.12
//       3.135 --> 3.14
//       3.145 --> 3.14
I understand it fairly deeply. Which is why I hate it.
2.135 becomes 2.13, but 3.135 becomes 3.14
because pi is more attractive
Guys I got a question. Who do you talk to if you believe somebody downvoted 13 of your questions what you believe is just out of spite?
It should revert itself
find some random guy, stalk him, and downvote 13 of his questions.
@StuartBlackler yes but having a party with actual persons :(
@Ramhound make a post on Meta
@Ramhound It will definitely revert itself.
But in case the user in question attempts at separate times, it might be best to report it on Meta
I will just wait, its not the first time I make a comment in a question then magically have a negative vote for a 2 year old question :$
Incase it happens again I will screen capture it and archive the picture
ask a question that is so amazing that the upvotes counteract your nemesis
alternatively, dont worry about fake internet points
@drch Not really
@drch It's hard not to :( But fake is right.. Like I have nearly 7k and I'm still clueless
 3.14 3.15
Elapsed: 00:00:00.0284707
In milliseconds: 28
In timer ticks: 85997
Elapsed: 00:00:00.0311851
In milliseconds: 31
In timer ticks: 94196
not much slower
I don't normally ask questions to be honest. I normally wouldn't care but it took me down below 2k
@LewsTherin the worst programmer i know has like 10k because he has to ask a question on every little fuckin thing he does
for (int i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) { b = System.Math.Round(x, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero); }
having a brain fart moment, what the tool that captures a screenshot of the desktop?
@drch Lol, I've noticed a few as well :P
@Ramhound PrtSc
lol, this gives you the ability to capture whats within a window
What else do you want? :S
@Ramhound how old are you?
@c'c Is that deterministic?
not knowing ptrsreen
I was born when Regan was just getting into office
Its called Snipping Tool
old as fuck
Besides why does my age having to do with anything
@LewsTherin I don't know, was comparing it to for (int i = 1; i < 1000000; i++) { a = System.Math.Round(x, 2); }
@LewsTherin do you meani checking if the result is always the same?
well I hope
I hope Math is
or else I quit dotnet fastly
What does Math have to do with that? :O
At least, I don't think it should
Is there a way to merge .exe.config into a .exe file?
The architect was giving me flak for having too many loose files around the .exe
.config is not lloose

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