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posted on May 02, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

I've been looking for ways to save money running my (now 12) websites in the cloud lately. Getting insights from logs has been helpful, but I really want more details as to what my app is doing so that I might do less of it. Remember the secret of scaling an application. Have your app do as little as possible. If you do nothing, you can scale infinitely. I like to use tools like Glimpse t

3 hours later…
3 hours later…
Is there any way to handle regions better in c#? Like if I have a region called Events, could I somehow get VS to add my windowevents in that region automatically?
can anyone pls here me here? stackoverflow.com/questions/16331408/…
1 hour later…
Has anyone here worked with Dataset? Is there a possibility to seach like in sql? Example: Dataset from Xml: <z:row Name='Peter' Age='30' Gender='Male'/>
<z:row Name='Anna' Age='21' Gender='Female'/>. Where Gender == Male AND Age < 30
Edit: Got it... it was my fault i used '=' instead of 'LIKE'
1 hour later…
Q: How can I access asp.net button's "Text" in a code behind method?

user13814In reference to the question of mine at deleting record when it shouldn't How can I access asp.net button's "Text" in a code behind method? Here's how button looks like: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="true"> <ContentTemplate> ...

1 hour later…
anyone here used MEF before?
Hey anyone can help me with some reference link for indexing database feature used in EF
Q: Importing MEF plugins into DI/IOC container

Stuart BlacklerI am trying to use MEF to load plugins into a DI framework. There are multiple types such as: ISocket IBroadcastSocket INodeTask Currently I have setup my code this way: [Import] INodeTask NodeTaskPlugin { get; set; } And trying to import the plugin like so: Injector.Instance.Bind<typeof(I...

@Pheonixblade9 I didn't meant o be rude. Sorry for not replying earlier. Kansas isn't that cheap actually. You could probably find something for the same price in Metuchen or Metropark, NJ (within an hour's train ride to Manhattan, NY )
*mean to
@StuartBlackler: Something like this? stackoverflow.com/questions/16337295/…
@Steven thanks, its a custom container not an existing framework (long story) so I've done that :)
@StuartBlackler: In that case you can add that non-generic overload yourself :-)
lol at people who say brutal force instead of bruteforce.
1 message moved to AS3
how is everyone today?
Great. I did 3 hours of work in half an hour.
I'm doing bad. For some reason, an automated e-mail system that I'm using is generating really weird content. Instead of pulling the correct page and writing the HTML directly into the e-mail, it writes a 301 Moved Permanently page with a link to the correct page.
No matter what I try, I can't figure it out on my own. Time to do some research.
that sounds fun
im having fun with async/await at the moment...
I'm guessing it's yet another issue with HTTP vs. HTTPS. I may have tracked it down, deploying to test server now.
Also, has anyone noticed:

Smart Developers' Lab

Try to stick to English, Post your Query elaborate as best as ...
^ this chatroom is almost entirely Indian?
I don't subscribe to those lame rooms.
smrt developers
There's another room just like it

Maharashtrian Code Warriors

Purpose of room is to understand the technology in native mara...
Both have a heavy Indian presence, both are general purpose, and both are discussing primarily mobile app dev.
OH, but of course, it's been clarified.
in Smart Developers' Lab, 1 min ago, by Naresh Sharma
Difference is they use most of the time Marathi Language to communicate with each other and we use Hindi here which is our mother tongue.
I'm calling bullcrap.
@KendallFrey dafuq
derp, wrong room
sup yall
yo Action<Hank>
stu! sup
last minute coding before a deadline ;) Hows things with you
I'm on a roll! We use Scrum and since we started I'm hitting deadlines even better than I'm hitting on girls
which is to say: I finally managed to hit something!
How long?
haha, i have never scrum'ed tbh
In this organisation, it rocks
IMO, scrum is fun for a month, but then routine kicks in again.
Scrum has to be pervasive, or it won't work well. It's better than extreme or full agile, where if it's not pervasive, it won't work at all, but still.
@Pheonixblade9 Didn't see you all the way up here: speedtest.net/result/2683271086.png
yeah it's nice to have tasks that are 4hrs tops
or at least, rated like that :P
Do you size them by hours?
Yeah, but you need a unit of size.
its a gut feeling
What is?
we used to say a 3 was a new db table and a new page
the team determines what its baseline is usually over a little bit of time
So, not hours.
We still do.
We want to go with some 'scrum' unit, but 'hours' is more workable with the non-technical people of the team :P
but that's just a small thing... important thing is the bosses no longer say 'I want a website, go build it', but 'I want a website that does this and this and this, can you plan a sprint for this?'
How much do the major software development methodologies take some kind of learning curve into account, if any?
What kind of learning curve? For new hires? Changing code maintainers?
Where either a new hire or new code maintainer has to learn about the technology being used on a particular implementation.
Note to all SO users: When you ask a question, don't just leave and check it the next day.
definition of derivative?
I think Mathnet.Numerics handles symbol math
@OlegOrlov always chose Finland imo
@NinjaEcho Should I create a one-line simple fix, or make a more robust error trap?
Create a one-line simple fix.
Nah, that probably won't work anyway.
Oh my gawd.
Good afternoon ;)
bool done = false;
for (int i = 0; i < length && !done; i++)
	if (something(i))
		done = true;
I must have been tired.
done = _.any(_.map([0...length], something))
anybody have experience with datagridviews and dataviews?
int i = Enumerable.Range(0, length).First(something);
var done = Enumerable.Range(0, length - 1).Any(something);
been trying to figure out how to filter this datagridview
@MattWiner I know what a DataGridView is, but not a DataView.
@rightfold If you're trying to fix my code, you're not helping. doing it wrong.
This is the same as your code.
You set a Boolean based on a condition.
The answer to my WTF is break. Not LINQ.
if (…) { done = true; } looks like setting a Boolean based on a condition to me.
@KendallFrey I have a datagridview that I bind to the datasource. but I can't figure out how to cast it to a dataview so I can filter it
LINQ > for loops if you don't perform side-effects.
I'm tired, can anyone see any problems in this:
            var crms = _di.Resolve<ISerialiser<ClientResultMessage, byte[]>>();
            var cms = _di.Resolve<ISerialiser<ClientMessage, byte[]>>();

            var fetchMsg = new ClientMessage
                    Data = null,
                    MessageType = ClientMessageType.FetchResult,
                    Tag = uid.ToString()

            var stream = _client.GetStream();

            var source = cms.Serialise(fetchMsg);
            var sourceWithLength = BitConverter.GetBytes(source.Length).Merge(source);
@rightfold Not in this case.
Oh, you sneaky.
i keep getting: End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed
Multiple packets?
> It looks like you're reading beyond the end of the stream.
No fucking way.
This room needs more Clippy.
who is Clippy? A small pony?
The Office Assistant was an Intelligent User Interface for Microsoft Office that assisted users by way of an interactive animated character, which interfaced with the Office help content. It used technology initially from Microsoft Bob and later Microsoft Agent, offering advice based on Bayesian algorithms. In Microsoft Office for Windows, it was included in versions 97 to 2003 and in Microsoft Publisher, it was included in versions 98 to 2003. In Microsoft Office for Mac, it was included in versions 98 to 2004. The default assistant in the English Windows version was named Clippy, after a...
@JohanLarsson Noob.
forgot about him
Finger itching for clicking a star, pony not so much
You star everything, don't you?
how do I pull data from a DataGridView into a DataView so I can sort it?
What's a DataView?
I have two starred items in the current starboard
@KendallFrey A DataView represents a databindable, customized view of a DataTable for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation. The DataView does not store data, but instead represents a connected view of its corresponding DataTable. Changes to the DataView’s data will affect the DataTable. Changes to the DataTable’s data will affect all DataViews associated with it.
it's a customized view of a dataTable so you can sort it
Random data in unit & integration tests: Y/N?
My coworker keeps thinking nondeterministic test failures is a good idea.
Tests should not return random results.
@zneak Illegal even!
You could pregenerate random data and then re-use it every time.
Or use a constant PRNG seed.
that wouldn't be very random
or use random data and Assert.Success()
@zneak It would be reproducibly random.
while(exception != null) ... try-catch
I'll be doing QA on the xbox platform team this summer, I'm totally gonna do that
JS room being as relevant as usual
posted on May 02, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Last time in this series I presented an algorithm for generating a random number, and the time before I presented an algorithm that turns such a number into a permutation, so we can put them together to make an algorithm … Continue reading →

Hey guys
anyone familar with wcf?
@HansRudel What's up?
@KevinBrill im having some issues getting my head around how to actually use it. All the vids ive seen are just a single pc which is both the host and client. What im trying to figure out is how to execute a program on another pc(s) with it. The pc's will most likely be on a LAN so no authentication needs to be considered atm
I've used WCF in a web service scenario. The host is running in IIS, and just listening for connections from the client.
The client has a service reference to the host and makes calls via this reference
@HansRudel maybe you find something useful here
I've used wcf a little, there is some debug tool for it that was really useful, let one view trace files or what they are called
@JohanLarsson i had already stumbled over than channel9 site, but couldnt find what i was looking for. Should prob have another look
cheers for the link
@MikeF If you have pure functions you want to test, and you know the laws they should adhere to, then testing them on a large set of random inputs isn't too bad of an idea. See QuickCheck (Haskell library, but shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite for C#).
the tag search on channel9 is pretty good
@HansRudel IIRC, everywhere where the single-machine examples say "net-pipe:", change to a TCP address, whatever that looks like.
@HansRudel dunno if this is good
@MikeF @KevinBrill so is it possible to have a program on my home pc. I enter in a total of 3 pairs of numbers. 1,2 - 2,3 - 5,6. I click a button and it splits the work load (3 items) across the 2 servers i have access to. Sends the data to each server and calls a specific method. The serves multiply the 1st number by 2nd, and then return the result in a txt file.
Ahh you've got to love the case of the disappearing object :/
hmm, multiple endpoints could be tricky
added an ip address into a dictionary, only adding or checking the contents of the dictionary and it magically disappears :/
any ideas?
@HansRudel Yeah, you can use WCF for that. But that sounds more like a distributed computing problem. WCF in that case would really more just be a transport.
@HansRudel I'm sure it's possible to send to different servers, but you might want to have the multiple servers ask the central server for work for simpler configurations
@StuartBlackler you're almost necessarily doing more than just that
@MikeF +1
@MikeF @KevinBrill yeah i was just about to ask if i was going about this the wrong way.
like reassigning the dictionary
It's easier to have N machines all polling 1 central server than to have 1 server send messages to N machines.
@HansRudel I wonder if a job scheduling and execution system might be a better fit?
@MikeF @KevinBrill so... does this require sockets in order for the servers to communicate?
@zneak am i being blind ^^^
@HansRudel Something like quartznet.sourceforge.net
@HansRudel And any situation where you've got two different machines talking to one another will need sockets, no question.
anyone have any free time that they could convert this to c# for me? github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c/blob/master/librabbitmq/amqp_url.c
@KevinBrill id had a look into it when i first started trying to learn c# and i couldnt make heads or tails of it
@scottm Sure, $500.
ha right.
Oh, free time. Nevermind then.
I don't want to come out rude, but I find this slightly offensive. Why would we be bothered to do that if you can't?
If you have any problem with anything specific, we will (probably) gladly help
Writing parsers in C# feels like heaven.
@KevinBrill @MikeF im assuming there would be no issue with the central server hosting a DB, and the other servers retrieving all the necessary data?
@zneak because i've spent the last 4 years 3 months on stackoverflow helping all kinds of people. I enjoyed it and thought someone might be willing
don't be offended, it was a simple question
@HansRudel That smells like a fine worker architecture
it just felt like you value your time more than ours/mine, and that's the kind of request normally only new people ask
??? so good or bad? @MikeF
just make sure things are properly synchronized; i.e. that workers don't both accidentally get the same work if they poll at the same time
@StuartBlackler, I don't see anything with just that, but make sure you're not trying to use it across multiple threads
nothing like drinking a full pint of water before realizing theres something gross at the bottom
that wasn't it all all, it's just simple parser that could take a seasoned C++ developer a few minutes to convert, but it will probably take me at least a couple of hours to familiarize myself with the code and then do the conversion
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Ø.Parse {
    public delegate Tuple<T, IEnumerable<char>> Parser<T>(IEnumerable<char> cs);

    public Parser<char> Item() {
        return cs => cs.Count() == 0 ? null : Tuple.Create(cs.First(), cs.Skip(1));

// src/Parse.cs(7,11): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `Parser', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
Am I being drunk?
nice namespace
@MikeF ok cool. Yeah i know how to lock around properties etc for multi threaded apps but ive never had to deal with multiple pc's / LAN so im hoping the general concepts are the same
yes, you're being drunk
you're doing that at the namespace level
Oh wait. Dammit you C# why do you require class for everything.
Worst limitation ever.
@MikeF im assuming uve done some work with sockets before?
The main huge app I used WCF on was all local net pipes.
Sockets are fun.
But IIRC it's mainly just a config thing to get WCF to talk over sockets.
alternative approach idea: The central server could be a web server that has a web API that simply serves JSON stuff to workers. Then the workers would simply make HttpRequests.
No WCF, and could be useful if you have firewalls to deal with.
The answer is always: "it depends"
lol yeah
the number of stored procedures in this project is too damn high!
@drch Let me guess. There should be 9 stored procedures?
@drch sps_GetAllOrdersForOrderNumber12568454?
My last big project had on the order of like 2000 stored procedures
I have an irrational hatred for databases
I have an irrational hatred for dbas that think they know everything.
@zneak What do you think of when someone tells you that a database is more than a key value store?
nobody ever told me that, but I guess it's kind of true
I probably hate SQL more than databases in fact
I think the point of a good database is that multiple applications can use the same database.
Sorry if I sounded like captain obvious
persistent storage with a way of getting filtered values
@MikeF @kevinbrill , i havent used JSON before. Ive got a basic understanding of c# and how to do multi threaded apps, and T-sql for databases. Got no experience with asp.net or any web/network stuff. The data in the database is downloaded from the web and then
@mikeF @KevinBrill i wrote a program to check it and upload into my db. The data im processing is quite large, so ideally id like to send a couple gigs to each server and have it store it in its ram while it runs the calcs. Hopefully thats enough info. Which route would be the most appropriate/painless.
@kush: I think that in general, only a single application should use a single database. The database is an implementation detail of that application and opening up that model to other applications disallows you from making any changes to the datamodel of that application.
@Steven how do you keep multiple databases in sync? messages?
@kush: Note that for me "one application" can consist of multiple services, web sites and clients, such as WCF service, MVC web app and Windows Phone app. All are part of the same application. The same landscape that is in control of the same development team. In that way all those components can use the same database and there is no need in syncing databases. You simply don't want other development teams write applications that are outside your control that directly query your database.
In that case you will have to use messaging, or provide an abstraction (WCF service for instance) that's in between your data layer and the external consumer.
Can I overload an operator on a delegate?
Say, SomeDelegate || SomeOtherDelegate.
you can create extension methods though
unrealistic pings are unrealistic
huh, maybe I spoke too fast for operator overloading
I don't think you can
@Steven I see what you mean. 1. Never use a shared database server for development work.
> src/Parse.cs(42,33): error CS0715: Ø.Parse.operator |(Parser<T>, Parser<T>): Static classes cannot contain user-defined operators
@kush: I see this happening all the time with my clients. They painted themselves in a corner, because they allowed 3rd parties access their database and because of that they're unable to make any changes to their database, because this could possibly break the 3rd parties.
Ah good ol' coalescing operator.
@rightfold: Why do you want to do that in the first place? Other developers who read that code will never expect that you have overridden that and this will lead to misinterpreting code.
Parser EDSL.
@Steven but look at how much flack Google got for not releasing enough API's soon enough while they continued to plead that they were trying to do it right the first time.
What would you call a virtual shampooing of non existent hair? Nested illusion?
@kush: But think about how screwed Google would be if they allowed direct (read) access to their databases? They wouldn't ever be able to change their systems.
@Steven I see what you're saying. Google would never do that. Haha
But we're talking about people you see at the water cooler every day not some third party devs who beg to be allowed into the Google plus hangouts
@kush: Of course it all depends on the situation. If the environment is small enough, it's probably OK to let others access your database. But once they start writing their own application on top of that database, you will again be screwed. What happens is that they hire someone to develop that application. A year later (long after that application was done, payed, and the external guy is gone), you want to start changing your data model.
But you can't, since the organization now depends on an application that is not actively maintained and there are is no budget for hiring that guy again. So the organization tells you to NOT change the database.
And in that case, you're screwed.
What if I am that external guy?
In fact, in the past..... I WAS that external guy :-D
And I did great things for my customer by directly querying the database of that external application. I had to because the organization was incompetent. They didn't understand the risk for them when external parties accessed that database, and didn't keep track of parties like me (the external guy). And therefore didn't hide that database after an abstraction.
And now that organization has a system that can't be changed anymore. My client (one of the organization's departments) heavily depends on that application, and will go to the board of directors when that application stops working. IT therefore can't change that database anymore.
Awesome. My code works.
var parser = Parse.SepBy(Parse.Many(Parse.Satisfy(c => c != ':')), Parse.Char(':'));
var result = parser("hello:nice:world");
// returns IEnumerable of "hello", "nice" and "world"
what is wrong with string split?
This is just an example lol.
I wrote a parser in JS the other day. It worked fine until I decided it needed backtracking. :P
I can use this with LINQ.
@rightfold Show an example of parsing nested parentheses.
@KendallFrey Gimme a minute.
* Kendall Frey gives rightfold a minute
Is it an ms minute?
4 mins ago, by rightfold
@KendallFrey Gimme a minute.
dum de dum de dum dum dum
public class Unit {}

public static Parser<Unit> Parens() {
        from _   in Parse.Char('(')
        from __  in Parse.Many(Parens())
        from ___ in Parse.Char(')')
        select new Unit();
I need Unit because you cannot have a void generic argument.
Usage example:
var parser = Parens();
var result = parser("((())((())))");
if (result == null) {
    Console.WriteLine("Parse failed.");
@KendallFrey :)
What about ()()?
@KendallFrey Many(p) parses zero or more ps.
Many1(p) parses one or more ps.
Ok, but you surround that with ()
So I see (()()) working, but not ()()
Many(p) and Many1(p) return IEnumerable<T> for pParser<T>.
@KendallFrey Oh, then you need var parser = Parse.Many(Parens());. You get the idea.
uh, ok
Now, write a regex to match that.
In Perl you can.
In C# you can too.
I never used regexen in C#.
dafuq dude
And I don't like to use regexen for parsing anything beyond very simple stuff.
Monadic parser combinators FTW.
So you write your own parser. Good one.
I'm done with the basic combinators already. gist.github.com/rightfold/2a049d0dd68857b6e44f
I'm going to parse Ø with this.
What's that?
Besides the empty set, that is.
Ø is a language. The empty set is ∅, not Ø.
Like, WTF
Aren't they both phi?
Ø is a letter. Ask @JohanLarsson.
phi is an oval
with the line
Yes, and rightfold is high
Phi is Φ.
Φ, ∅ and Ø are all distinct.
in Swedish it is Ö in Norway they write it pony-style
pony style. Is that anything like doggy style?
don't think so
The empty set can also be denoted {} if you want to avoid the confusion with Ø.
@rightfold That Lily's face is the face I am making right now.
@rightfold what do you use for diameter?
@JohanLarsson ⌀
⌀, ∅ and Ø are all distinct.
@rightfold That's an object literal XD
hmm not sure I agree on the small one, gonna have a look what ISO says for use in drawings.
К and K are different as well.
Or maybe not, no standard here at home
@KendallFrey If you want to avoid confusion between ∅, an object literal and Ø, use { x | x ∈ R ∧ 1 ≠ 1 }.
And if I don't?
Then just go ahead and use ∅.
Or {} if you're lazy to find ∅ to copy and paste.
alt + 0216?
Ø nope
I use that on drawings, probably wrong
Did you know this woman is Canadian?
Tara Lyn Strong (née Charendoff, February 12, 1973) is a Canadian actress, voice actress, and singer, who has done voice work in animated films and television series. She provided the voices for Dil Pickles from Rugrats, Bubbles from The Powerpuff Girls, Timmy Turner from The Fairly Odd Parents, Raven from Teen Titans, Ben Tennyson from Ben 10, and Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Early life and career Tara Lyn Charendoff was born on February 12, 1973 to Jewish-Canadian parents Lucy (1936–2004) and Syd Charendoff who ran a convenience/toy/candy store called The ...
@kush I didn't know of her existence. So no, I didn't.
I didn't either.
lol random then
I blame it on the Knowledge graph. You start clicking on the thing that shows up next and you end up on the moon.
is there a website that allows you to querry an SQL database say, on a a server if you have the user name and password?
I would never ever trust that.
@rightfold me either unless it was from a respectable company
so you want like Management Studio on the web is what you're saying
just curious
@Steve yeah
A file system is good at storing files.
It's usually recommended to keep files on the file system.
Especially if you're going to serve them; you don't want to put much load on the database for that.
microsoft wrote a paper a few years ago about that, they said if the file is like less than 250k or something its best to do it via db, if its betwen like 250k and a meg, it doesn't matter, and if its bigger than a meg do it on the file system, all of those numbers are made up as I can't remember the specifics, but you can google it
chess time?
@JohanLarsson Im good at chess
I think that is a good point Steve. If the file is very small then as a blob would work
but don't have time
2 mins ago, by rightfold
A file system is good at storing files.
bye all!
@Johan - Nah :( maybe in 5 hours
Why would we otherwise use file systems, after all?
Databases are good at comparing and matching data. You're very rarely (i.e. never) going to compare blobs.
@JABFreeware I'm not, challenge Oleg?
think he left
i found the white paper in case you're interested: research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/default.aspx?id=64525

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