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night kids
why would this possibly give back compiler error (CS0171) pastebin.com/ZwNUX8BV
1 hour later…
@TrevorRudolph no more code to show?
any human here?
nope, just us bots
Hi every body
Hi, how do I write 0b0001 (compare with 0x01) in C#?
Q: C# binary literals

toxvaerdIs there a way to write binary literals in C#, like prefixing hexadecimal with 0x? 0b doesn't work. If not, what is an easy way to do it? Some kind of string conversion?

hey, it's @Roel!
@dav_i hmm ok thanks!
Hi @ActionHank
sup :)
Today, JavaScript all day!
I'm still on some bulk copy method
SqlBulkCopy is both a blessing and a curse
More of a curse.
It is if you're using EF at the same time :P
My dislike for EF is almost equivalent of my dislike for Java.
How can you dislike EF?!
Do you hate ORMs in general, or just this one?
Just EF :-)
Of course.. I'm testing my latest code in IE and everything goes screwy. Thanks, IE
IE? do people still use that?
I think us developers are the ones fixing code for IE, but nobody ever uses it anymore.
every grandchild or nephew of every grandma or aunt ever will at one point advice against IE
'no grandma... you really should use Chrome! It's way better!' 'well I don't like to have to polish my computer all day long Jimmy!'
Hahaha win.
aaargh how is 60s timeout for an SqlBulkCopy NOT ENOUGH?!
it's the equivalent of a dump truck right
Depends on how large your bulk is :-)
'here have some rows' tips dump bed
Well it's 5 million rows
I have no idea why IE is buggering up..
Is there any way to to LINQ GROUP BY with an OR statement? So like group by name or age?
So if I want to run a task every Saturday on 4am (in a Windows Service) how would I build that?
Awkward; code runs fine in IE7 and IE8, but not in IE9 and IE10..
Hey guys! I want to extend a class I found on the web without changing the class itself... Which do you think is better - making it a partial or inheriting from it?
No copyright infidgement intended - I have permission.
Or wrapping.
Partials are fugly
Thanks my thoughts exactly :)...
1 hour later…
A: Is c# supports getting currenttime in seconds based on unix timestamp?

Matt DearingTimeSpan t = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)); Console.WriteLine((int)t.TotalSeconds);

man! total suck that's there is no native way
there should be DateTime.Now.GetTimestamp()
why are they using Ticks
useful for far away dates though
But Ticks (100ns interval) can be converted to seconds.
>>How can you dislike EF?!
@spoulson how?
@DavidDV I just came around from that remark...
with TimeSpan you mean?
@DavidDV EF?
as I found out there are both ObjectContexts and DbContexts
hey everyone have there thing that they like
/me hates acronyms
you got ppl that like fucking sheep, or justin bieber
liking EF is just the same :p
@c'c EntityFramework
I'm very openminded
Framework: noun. A big Amount of Crap
If you like EF you should watch ->
Does any body knw How to access hidden control value in controller
@DavidDV Simple made Easy... right
just stfu and watch :p
its about the difference between things being simple and easy
@c'c, did you figure it out yet?
Hello Any one here have knowledge of SQl
i have one doubt in SQL
SQL cannot be doubted
But go ahead. :)
i have one table with 4 columns, in that i want to groupby based on 2 columns
but i want to retrive all 4 columns if i do like that sql is giving error
ex: select * from emp group by sal,name
think i have columns like id,name,sal,location
Why are you grouping?
i have lot duplicate data i want to retrive only the grouped data
grouped in what way? Show distinct values?
select distinct name, sal from table
Hi for All , Is it possible to call trigger after the executing stored Procedure?
any one can help me
@unique, I'm thinking no. Not sure why you'd want to design things that way and not modify the proc directly.
I know for tables it is possible but for Store Procedures is it possible?
but i want other two columns also
Or make a new proc that does the call to the original proc plus your trigger logic.\
which i no need to group
@ratty, right... just want to make sure I'm getting the right idea.
@ratty, But if you want to show the rest of the columns, then your request no longer makes sense.
@spoulson Okay....
I know
There are about 50 sps on our db I need to track when any sp is called store that on another table @spoulson
@ratty, if I had a table with duplicate keys and I only want to see the distinct key values, then the non-key fields are unimportant.
@ratty, You can't group by or distinct the values if you want to see them all.
but in this case i want here
then any other way to do it
@unique, Sounds like a job for SQL Profiler.
or i have to go for some loop
@ratty, I'm saying your request doesn't make sense.
@spoulson can we do this with sql profiler... ??
it will make sense i want to retrive some data when this columns are same
@unique, SQL Profiler can see anything at all executing on your server. You'll need full admin rights to the SQL instance, though. Then, you can filter it down to show you just proc executions as they happen. It'd be useful for logging.
@spoulson thanks.. Is there any way to access profiler Programmically?
@unique, I don't think so. Not easily, anyway.
@spoulson thank you I will try way to do that
@spoulson @unique you can create a trace which is what the profiler does. You just have to set alot manually. See [msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/…. I dont know about viewing the trace programmatically though, but im sure you can do that
hey All
I have q query with linq
if my linq looks like
var querySize = objJFEntities.TLKP_PatternMaster.Where(i => i.PatternName.Contains(url.Pattern)).Select(i => new { PatternName = i.PatternName, Description = i.Description }).Distinct();
how could I place this in a label with multiple rows
1 2
3 4
anyone there to help?
@Neha: What does a "label with multiple rows" mean?
the output given by linq is not a single row data, so all that data in multiple rows visible as a single string
What kind of label? Is this a MVC label kind of thing? An ASP.NET Web Forms label? Win Forms label? What kind of line breaks can you handle? Can this be \n\r or should this be <br /> ?
asp.net web form
I can do <br/>
Okay, so it should be a string. Why does your query return the anonymous type { PatternName, Description } instead of a collection of strings?
Or let me ask this in an other way: what information should be in that label and how should it be formatted?
PatternName1 Description1
PatternName2 Description2
like this it should come in label
they are finally starting to do some documentation -> https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db
The best .Net orm :)
@Neha: Try this:
string.Join("<br />", querySize.Select(i => i.PatternName + " " + i.Description));
@Steven Done Thanks
I tried this kind but make it complex using format
howdy folks
sup @ShotgunNinja
@RoelvanUden Hey buddy, can you fill in this survey for me please? Much appreciated :) docs.google.com/forms/d/…
also anyone else that wants to fill it in, please do its for my dissertation :)
^ Whoa, PhD dissertation, or Master's?
@StuartBlackler what does the framework do (at work, cant look too closely atm)
@ShotgunNinja normal dissertation for a BSc Computing :) im not clever enough for masters or PhD :D
@drch it basically allows you to process complex units of works from a queue on multiple computers (so comp a takes the first item from the queue, comp b takes the second etc etc) The queue is distributed through all the computers as well
at least thats the plan, its not 100% complete because i have to write 10,000 on the framework :/
is it meant to be a real project or just a school thing
real project eventually, there is just so much that needs doing though
depends if there are people that want to use it
hello :D
I have a question about class design..
Let's hear it.
Okay. I have a little proxy factory, that can intercept any kind of methods.
And, the programmer that uses the factory, must define which method he wants to intercept
now, the way how he write it is like this:

proxyConfig.InterceptMethod<MyClass,string>(new MyClass().MyMethod, MyClass2.Juhu);
MyClass => the class to intercept
string => the argument of the "MyMethod"
MyClass2.Juhu => the interceptor
Anybody in the Dallas, TX area?
Any suggestion to improve the way to define which method must to be intercepted?
@CSharper, Does this work, currently?
The code is fully working, its only the design of the usage in code, that is for me not the best..
The proxy factory, uses the config to build up the proxies.. and this works trought Reflection.Emit
you have to create the object first before you register interceptions?
Yes, this is the issue, becaus you can't access the instance method?
ie, you are intercepting on a per-object level rather than a per-class level
no. its per class, not per object.
it would probably be nice to have an overload that didn't require you to have an instance of the object
Yes. and this is my question..
One solution is this:

proxyConfig.InterceptMethod<MyClass>("MyMethod", MyClass2.Juhu);
but works with string, so its not really type safe. But to config, will throw an exception if the method does not exists.. The exception is thrown really early
Okay, how is the parameter defined? Expression<action>?
I believe so
ah no, it's InterceptMethod<TIntercepted>(Expression<Func<TIntercepted, Action>
I'm lagg of focus ^^
proxyConfig.InterceptMethod<TOriginal,TIntercept>(o=> o.Foo, i=>i.Bar)
@drch yes. The second method, the interceptor, cannot be an instance method. it's static only. This is a little limitation, but its ok
@CSharper you should take a look at this project: code.google.com/p/impromptu-interface for some ideas
@drch thanks
Is it safe to ask a question about HAP here?
whats HAP?
Html Agility Pack: htmlagilitypack.codeplex.com
I've got this crazy run time issue, where I insertBefore a node and then remove a different node near it. Then I try to select some nodes, finding that many nodes are missing from my collection. Any leads?
@drch Do you know how I get the method info of the "Action" from the expression "Expression<Func<TIntercepted, Action>>"
@CSharper: here's an example where the guy is getting property info stackoverflow.com/a/672212/955881
@drch This is know problem, it's cast to the memeberExpression. I know this. but this expression îs also a member expression?
It's not
It is a UnaryExpression
UnaryExpression.Method ?
hey guys. iam using the following code to determine how long it has been since a user interacted with a machine
var info = new LASTINPUTINFO();
info.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(info);
if (GetLastInputInfo(ref info))
inactiveTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Environment.TickCount - info.dwTime);
problem is Environment.TickCount is an int and this stops working properly after 24.9 days
24.9 days of the machine not being rebooted, i should say
You can't get more detailed data from Environment.TickCount... at some point, you have to switch to using a timestamp-based method.
where do i retrieve the last startup time if not from there?
The question you should be asking is: Do I really need millisecond precision?
no i do not
Then use DateTime or something.
Stop using Environment.TickCount immediately.
right. so how do iretrieve the last startup time
i still need that data
Store that in persistent storage or something
or pipe to a simple parsable log file.
sorry i am still not understanding. i know what a datetime is. what i need it the time of the last system startup in datetime format
how do i get the last system startup time if im not using environment.tickcount
when i search for examples on detecting last user activity, they all use my pasted methods
If you mean the time the current instance was started, then just store a global reference to DateTime.Now, which is fetched at program startup.
no. the machine
not my app
@Julien mixing ticks and milliseconds? wtf?
that is what Environment.TIckCount is
Environment.TickCount isn't milliseconds, btw
TickCount is miliseconds since computer started
No, ticks
10000 ticks per ms
actually, we're wrong
"Gets the number of miliseconds elapsed since the system started"
Fuck you, MS
> TickCount is different from the Ticks property, which is the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 1/1/0001, 12:00am.
@ShotgunNinja why on earth it's named TicksCount..
yes ticks are dumb
@CSharper That's what I'd like to know.
so is a timer variable that stops working after 24 days
Ticks never used to be milliseconds.
Ticks are indeed dumb. They give you Lyme.
@Julien So is a user that doesn't reboot at least biweekly.
sitting here on my dev machine with working code and my customers machine reporting -17 hours of inactivity
What you should do is make a hybrid timer, that uses tickcount in conjunction with startup time, so that you accumulate a specific number of ticks into a time offset, and have a range check every so often to ensure you handle overflow properly.
So apparently some TFS build workflow custom shit I added is being executed even if unit tests failed in the earlier phases.
Damn it's so hard to program with rectangles.
but that only works if my app is running since startup
@MikeF Try hexahedrons.
@Julien Not if you take DateTime.Now and Environment.TickCount right after one another... that only leads to a very minor one-time offset.
hm. interesting
Just use Now. Why would you need more than second precision?
Heck, use WMI, or whatever windows API exposes this info.
@MikeF This needs a really good spatial thinking..
@KendallFrey He needs to know about machine startup time.
Not just program startup.
Wait. Why? I thought you're measuring inactivity.
Oh, you are using the API
The two major problems here are the overflow itself and accumulation of subsequent time after the overflow.
I wouldn't worry about the time overflow.
The latter can be solved by accumulating with lower precision into a TimeSpan, and the former can be solved by a range check.
Oh, and the whole "time before program started", which you already seem to have a handle on.
What about:
// define a select query
SelectQuery query =
new SelectQuery(@"SELECT LastBootUpTime FROM Win32_OperatingSystem
WHERE Primary='true'");

// create a new management object searcher and pass it
// the select query
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher(query);

// get the datetime value and set the local boot
// time variable to contain that value
foreach(ManagementObject mo in searcher.Get())
dtBootTime =
@CSharper Please, use pastebin or something...
Is this a solution?
The links are a lot cleaner than raw code in chat.
whats "pastebin" ?
It's a small code ..
It still fills up my tiny browser window.
and it trails the post.
@ShotgunNinja thanks
No problem; I know some other chatrooms have a rather strict rule on posting raw code.
now, back to the topic. Would WMI call an acceptable solution?
pastebin is meh. fixed font is a must.
i suppose i could wmi. was really hoping i wouldnt have to. hehe
will try
thanks much for help
Can you specify a different Start URL for different configs in VS2012?
The Configuration drop down is greyed out though :(
Hey guys, just wondering if there is a good book on C# 2010, I have a 2007 book but it seems a bit out dated
Just wondering why you're looking for C# 2010. That was 3 years ago.
Where am I
You want .NET 4.5 and C# 5.
Ah, I was looking through MS Visual Studios, and it offered 2010, I assumed it was the most recent since it was at the front
VS 2012
Then is there any good books for 2012 that you might recommend?
You already know how to program (I assume). Are you looking for a book like C# in Depth?
Nah, I know Javascript, Node.js, and HTML5 (Mostly experienced in web programming) Just wanted to take a swing at C#, looks interesting to me
So a book that teaches C#, not programming.
C# was what I really learned with, so I read a 'beginner' book.
Which book might that have been, or is it outdated now
It was a Wrox book.
Beginning Visual C# 2007
Ah, I was looking at O'Reilys 2007
They have updated copies for newer versions
O'Reilys or Wrox?
So do you have a book to recommend for a beginner book?
Beginning Visual C# 2012 or something?
My team lead thought string was a value type, and String was a reference type. O.O
I am worried.
makes sense
string is dark blue
String is light blue
Uh, no.
string is a keyword, String is a type name.
but surely they must be different!
string is an alias for System.String
@KendallFrey That's like reading a dictionary? I'm pretty sure most books have a C# Glossary.
Ahh, I"ve successfully completed the Diversity and Employment Equity in Canada course...
so much for the "hire more babes" policy
I'm too redneck sometimes :(
did you have to take that as punishment?
no, everyone has to take it.
aw. i was hoping for a backstory
I agree in equality... whoever is best for the job should take it. Everyone is able to try to become the best
"whoever is best for the job should take it." Best is subjective. Your point is null.
string vs. String...
hoo boy
string without a doubt
Don't they know string is an alias for String, like int is an alias for Int32?
Guess not.
That's what I said!
Learned something new about TFS today.
It makes it very easy to 'blame'
easier than git or svn?
@KendallFrey Well yeah, there's no "I" in team, but there's a "me" in blame.

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