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@Lews - How would SQL know what was in the list to see if the value examined is in there?
The memory in your app is not shared by the database
If you are using linq to objects then the memory is shared, so it is accessible.
if its an array, sql will convert .Contains into an IN clause
@TravisJ I see
And accept the whole array of data? Not from what I have seen
Not from questions I have asked here either.
nah the array has to be primitives
even as ints I don't think it works. also, isn't datetime primative? that is a type the db knows about
i dont know if you can use a datetime in an in
if you have something like:
var userIds = new[] { 1,2,3 };
it will be converted to select from users where id in(1,2,3)
And if it was an array of objects? e.g:
new []{ new {10,"Blah"}, new {3,"Blah"}}
Can it parse it?
nope cause it doesnt know how to convert that into a sql statement
@drch - And if the array is very large?
then your db die
What about an array of strings
think so
well fu, now I have to test
actually maybe not strings
can you do an IN() on varchar?
I believe so
if you can, then linq to sql would probably be ok with it
Including an extremely large number of values (many thousands) in an IN clause can consume resources and return errors 8623 or 8632. To work around this problem, store the items in the IN list in a table.
So a subquery?
Still in arrange
@lews, nah temp table
I will let you know when I get to act. And then we can assert :P
Q: Where IN clause in LINQ

priyanka.sarkarHow to make a where in clause similar to one in SQL Server? I made one by myself but can anyone please improve this? public List<State> Wherein(string listofcountrycodes) { string[] countrycode = null; countrycode = listofcountrycodes.Split(','); List<State> stat...

A: Where IN clause in LINQ

Daniel BrücknerThis expression should do what you want to achieve. dataSource.StateList.Where(s => countryCodes.Contains(s.CountryCode))

@drch Yeah.. but IN clause will wrap around the temp table? I'm probably thinking about it wrong
that doesn't count^^ note that s refers to the database item
nah it does soemthing like
oh I see, countryCodes is the passed in array
still constructing a live test
declare @p1 1;
declare @p2 2;
declare @p3 3;

select * from foo where id in (@p1, @p2, @p3)
@drch Where is the temp table in there?
there isnt one
the message was from sql server documentation saying if youre passing many thousands you can get an error from the db and that the work around in that case is to use a temp table
.Contains does work, I need more slep
Yeah, so store the shiz in temp table TEMPTABLE, and what I said earlier :P
I even have it in my code
@ScottSelby - Sorry, that answer is correct. I was mistaken.
either way , I'm not doing the contains
you should though, 1 query is desirable
I have this in my code:
List<int> WorkIds
filter: wrk => WorkIds.Contains(wrk.WorkId)
works great
linq is weird though, I'm pretty sure , can't tell untill I try it in sql profiler , but I think linq will make that foreach loop one query
so it worked with list too?
i thought i had problems with that before... maybe it was ienumerable
sometimes linq is really smart , some times you want to punch it in the balls
@ScottSelby: in the Dinq
Apparently I fail today, I should avoid answering any questions.
Welcome to the failure club, Travis. I'm constantly screwing my own code up.
Sometimes you gotta break it to fix it :P
Hm, at this point I am trying to write code that wraps code so I can run code on an asynchronous basis, based on the queued code. Yep, makes no sense to me either anymore.
I can see why
So you create a background thread which checks a queue and in that queue you place delegates to be run when the thread is active?
im trying to make signalr give me a strongly typed interface for js calls instead of dynamic
hey travis - you use redis?
Not that I am aware of
I'm about to use Redis.
I don't know too much about it though.
Nope, don't use it.
I am all about 5nf
I'm about to use it , same boat
Fifth normal form (5NF), also known as project-join normal form (PJ/NF) is a level of database normalization designed to reduce redundancy in relational databases recording multi-valued facts by isolating semantically related multiple relationships. A table is said to be in the 5NF if and only if every join dependency in it is implied by the candidate keys. A join dependency *{A, B, … Z} on R is implied by the candidate key(s) of R if and only if each of A, B, …, Z is a superkey for R. Example Consider the following example: {| class="wikitable" |+ Traveling Salesman Product Availabilit...
that and signalr
@TravisJ Something similar, I have synchronous code in JavaScript that needs to be wrapped and mapped to a state which can be invoked at some point in the future to make the synchronous code run asynchronously. So I'm making delegates, queues, stacks and swapping mechanisms to get a metadata mechanism. No fun.,
Oh this is for javascript?
Going to be in javascript? Or going to be in c#?
All JavaScript.
It really is started to confuse the hell out of me. But it is a necessary evil.
So you need a javascript function which manages functions in a queue based on an interval?
I wrote one of those for the js library I am building.
I'll give some context. This is part of a visual novel engine I am writing. Visual novel is a game with characters being animated, backgrounds animated, and text being rendered onto the screen. Decide your own adventure book, pretty much. Now, a writer can write the script in what appears to him/her as synchronous code.
i dont understand the 5th normal form :/
However, JavaScript is not synchronous at all. If text is being animated, the 'script' the writer wrote needs to be 'paused' until a user interaction or completion of an action. Thus, I need to map synchronous code to asynchronous code. :-)
oh theres an example
function AddEvent(event, frequency, total)
//This is the mechanism for inserting events into the interval
//event is the function that is passed in (like a callback)
//frequency is how often in iterations the event should run (1 == 25ms,optional, default is 4)
//total is the total amount of times the event should run (optional)
@TravisJ A more concrete example, the writer writes this code:
s.show 'normal', 'dissolve'
t 'She was a wonderful person.'
s.show indicates a character that is being animated into the scene.
That looks like Ruby.
can you use something like a jQuery promise?
Thus, it needs to wait until the animation is done. Then, text (t) appears. Animated.
It needs to wait again, until the next line. :-)
I already have most of the mapping going but you can see why this is confusing as hell.
And no, nothing complex like async/await or promises. The script should be written by writer, not a programmer :-)
is that going to run through a parser to create javascript from?
That code is coffee-script which results in something like:
s.show('normal', 'dissolve');
t('She was a wonderful person.');
Character = function(){
 this.show = function(speed,decoration,callback)

Is that real code? Please don't tell me it is. :(
One-space indentation is even worse than tabs.
That is just psuedo
Good. :P
can't really tab very well in chat
I do tab in my actual code though
Although not in my minified code (obviously).
// But. Our teacher told us pseudocode had several syntactic rules and it had to look like this!
FUNCTION Character()
    this.show = FUNCTION(speed, decoration, callback)
        // ...
There is no clear-and-cut solution other than building your own mapping of synchronous instructions to instructions you can run at some point in the future. This problem is very similar to the callback hell problem that is inheritent to JS, I'm just trying to solve that for my scenario :-)
By the way, @TravisJ, that 'dissolve' animation is the one you wrote :P
nice :D
I like how C# has async/await. It's great.
Hey, is StackOverflow an acceptable place to ask pathfinding questions?
Almost as awesome as green threads.
@RoelvanUden: doesn't .promise help with the callback hell?
async/defer is the ICS/JS variant that I have come to love.
since you can just chain em
Oh, @roel, I noticed an issue in the conversion of one part of that script that you made.
var step = duration / 50;
var gradient = 0.02;//you had this as 1/step which will actually cause infinite looping. the 0.02 is related to the 50. If anything, 50 could be pulled out and then it would be 1/variable holding 50.
@TravisJ The timing in your transition was off, too.
In which part?
The total duration. One sec, I'll just pull the entire code I have.
The interval/step calculation didn't reach the actual duration you specified.
I fixed it somehow, can't remember what precisely.
That is because of the step calculation
step = 1 / (duration / 33);
it should be 1 / 33
The code I just posted is the fixed code.
Well, when you break the duration into 33 parts, then there needs to be 33 steps to recreate it, thus 1 / 33 durations per timeout.
You actually do this though
Because you hard coded 33ms as the timeout
That is necessary to run at a certain FPS. :-)
Otherwise you can use a larger duration and get a chumpy transition.
This was the version I ended up with: gist.github.com/travisjj/5431228/raw/…
I did not take fps into account though. Obviously in a game you are going to want to hard code some of those measures in :)
I liked your opacity method, it works in ie 8 which was sweet
Yeah, exactly, perhaps I screwed the code up somewhere in the modifications. It is possible. :-)
Q: How can I calculate all nodes within X?

Raven DreamerI am trying to implement a pathfinding algorithm, but I think I'm running into terminology issues, in that I'm not quite sure how to explain what I need the algorithm to do. I have a regular grid of nodes, and I am trying to find all nodes within a certain "Manhattan Distance". Finding the no...

+1 for pwetty pictures.
so back to
s.show('normal', 'dissolve');
t('She was a wonderful person.');
do you already have the function show defined? which part was hard with that
can t be a reference to s.showEnd
Since you are interested, I'll go ahead and show you this particular script: renpy.org/wiki/renpy/doc/tutorials/TheQuestionScript
is that coffeescript?
This is Python for the Ren'Py visual novel engine. This a good example of what writers understand, you place lines with actions and they will follow each other sequentially.
So if you change scenes with a different background, the script 'pauses' and once the transition is done, the script moves on. This is just regular Python behaviour and it is nothing really special in that aspect.
Now, moving to the browser and having expectations of a similar language (CoffeeScript) to behave in a similar way (synchronous) is a huge issue. JavaScript doesn't wait on a per-line basis, it uses callbacks to be called at some point in the future.
The ease-of-writing with the expectations of the writer compared with JS architecture are a no-go, hence a conversion has to be done to allow the writer to write synchronous and simple code, while the JS engine execution operates on a much more complex system. That is what I am writing, that particular mapping. Which is hard and frustrating.
As reference, this is the CoffeeScript script for the same game -- pastebin.com/3zC5z9CJ
Completely synchronous expectations :-)
With monads it would be a breeze.
With anything BUT JavaScript it wouldn't pose an issue :-)
Fay. :^)
sigh, shift backspace breaks jsfiddle
If you don't mind the fact that code generated by Fay is usually slow as a dog.
Well is it not an issue that needs solving; I pretty much did that already, it just becomes frustrating to tie everything together and make it work completely as intended. The core of the system is already up and running :-)
@RoelvanUden - like this jsbin.com/ejuyaz/1/edit ?
@TravisJ I did solve the issue, so if you are writing this for me, please don't spend your valuable time on it. If you find the problem interesting, then this implementation is quite naive and won't work in an actual game scenario :-)
Back in a bit.
I know a Van Uden from Oss.
Could be family.
Could even be me.
Are you a girl who likes Japan? :v
I love Japan. Not a girl though.
Then it's not you. :P
man jsfiddle is a bit sketchy these days
@RoelvanUden: jsfiddle.net/VzQCc
That is pretty cool.
so its just building a chain of resolvable deferred/promises
you could resolve them after user input etc
Yeah I see, that is pretty cool.
Interesting technique. I won't be using it in this case, but it is definitely something I can use for different projects. Thanks for showing me :)
yeah $.Deferred is pretty handy. api.jquery.com/category/deferred-object

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