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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

With Entity Framework, is there a way to map EF entities to business logic models automatically? I want to be able to pass my business logic model in the context without casting or calling a MapToEntity method.
@drch You work with EF, right?
hey - can someone help with a git problem?
So.... I'm accidently working off master branch - I have about 20 uncommited changes , I want to switch branches , then commit - I don't know if that is possible
I was thinking maybe push to master , create another branch , then revert the oush after the new branch but that seems knd of risky
@ScottSelby: you dont have to do that
just create a new branch which will have all your changes
I just did - it worked
then jump back to master
and reset --hard to the commit
It is just scary messing with master on the companies master copy
thanks though
now I'm getting this crazy dbml designer error that is really pissing me off
and there is nobody that can really help , dbml is specific to db
dbml shouldnt be checked in
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