If you have 8 African-Americans, and one is picking cotton, you're only using 12% of your available resources. (I couldn't think of a better analogy :D)
the key is that it's possible to run parallel code without actually using the standard C# Thread interface. Those things used to be exposed as blocking calls, but now they can be exposed as async stuff.
@LewsTherin yes. Optionally - for some stuff it still uses the normal multithreading stuff. The point is that you don't see it, and you don't have to worry about how it's implemented.
when should i use volatile, what does it do..... it allows different threads to communicate with a variable/instance, but does adding this make it thead safe? should i still lock/interlock
Let's say the cook has finished preparing the veggies.. and the oven is ready.. but there is no more stuff left to do, so the cook is waiting for the oven to be ready.. how does one wait in C#?
the async/await keywords make it easier to use tasks, but you have to get used to them first because they don't mean what you (at first) would guess they do.
@Pheonixblade9 the joke was about what is a pain in the ass. I'm just saying I wouldn't kick someone out on the basis of that joke; I'm not going to argue whether it's "sufficiently funny".