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@LewsTherin if the video doesn't help, ping me. I can help.
Sure.. it's an hr long though
Ok, one question.. this guy is saying that if my app is using just one CPU the maximum usage is 12%.. on an 8 core machine.. wtf?
Why just 12%?
it's probably 100/8
Is the video about multithreading?
@redtuna Oh.. duh
to rephrase: "if you're using one CPU only in a 8-CPU machine, you're using 1/8th of your total available CPU power"
get 8 computers
@KendallFrey He is explaining multithreading before going to async and await
@redtuna Where did you get that quote from?
@drch Lol :D I wouldn't mind
If you have 8 African-Americans, and one is picking cotton, you're only using 12% of your available resources. (I couldn't think of a better analogy :D)
@LewsTherin From rephrasing what you said.
@KendallFrey LOL RACISM
@LewsTherin it's a rephrasing from what you said, I wasn't quoting anyone.
@Pheonixblade9 That's not racist! I said African-American!
@KendallFrey Oh, right... I totally misunderstood that comment
@KendallFrey my stepdad is South African...
@KendallFrey And you said picking cottons! Rofl
My tongue is racist, not my heart.
To further illustrate, here's what a "while(true) i++;" looks like:
Yep, the OS switches your thread among cores.
one of my cores is completely active at 100%, but the total CPU usage is 8%
@MikeF 12 cores.. is that your PC?
(I cheated and set processor affinity)
yes, 6 hyperthreaded cores
My PC has 4 cores, 8 threads.
I'm pretty sure that Lews got the "12%" remark by now, we don't have to keep on explaining it.
I wish I had that much cores
Cores + Ram = Fun
That was low.
Very low.
@redtuna Oh yeah.. I do. Basically for 50% usage I need to use 4 cores. I hate math though
"it's not about how many cores you have, it's about how to use them." As the famous saying goes.
I recently capped my SQL Server at 2GB... computer is running so much better
yeah seriously sqlserver wtf is your problem
So how do you decide when you want to spread your CPU usage across all cores?
im playing starcraft 2 and youre hoggin up the ramz
@LewsTherin But don't forget, 8 threads does not mean full usage if there's IO in there.
they just assume SQLServer will be the only thing running on the target machine I guess
@KendallFrey that's why monads are the bee's knees
@LewsTherin I'm sorry that simple division gives you feelings of hate. I hope you will be able to get over that handicap soon.
@redtuna Lol!
Who had message 8888888?
That's boring.
@KendallFrey Explain?
its in a secret love channel
For you me love
@LewsTherin Some of the CPUs are idling (leaning on the shovel, as it were), waiting for, say, web responses, or maybe a file from disk.
hah good one
@KendallFrey When the CPU is idling can't the app in question simply continue working? Until a context switch takes place
Well, no, it's waiting for that file.
@drch That just sounds like multithreading to me
@KendallFrey Oh I see.. a long running process then.
nah man you put shit in the asyncmicrowave
@LewsTherin No, multithreading would be two people, one doing the chicken, one doing the veggies.
continue on the stirfry
when the 'ding' goes off, you run your callback
single-threading async is when you have one cook, who puts the chicken in, then starts the veggies.
@KendallFrey Mmn, for some reason that makes sense.. but my brain refuses to accept it.
when you're done with your meal you dump your dishes in the kitchen sync
So multithreading is not about spreading tasks across all CPUs
Yes, it is.
But async is not.
@KendallFrey right!
:( I thought it was the other way round.. sigh
async may be done with multithreading.
But it doesn't have to be.
@KendallFrey Right Again!
a thread is a worker an async is a task
you may have multiple workers and multiple tasks
You don't need two cooks to cook a meal.
but it could just be one worker
It's easier for the cooks if there are several of them, but for the boss it's just too expensive.
yeah and you want the right balance of cooks, meals, and idle time
@KendallFrey So, the cooks will be analogous to threads?
i.e. threads have overhead (and race conditions) which means if you can avoid them, do.
@LewsTherin Yes sir.
so you set shit up as async and let the kitchin manager decide how many cooks you need at the time
@drch Or in node's case, you get one cook. Always.
yeah and he just checks every pan to see if theres something he can stir
I don't think C# actually uses threads for async even if it's busy
@drch Sort of. It's more like when the microwave timer beeps, he heads over there.
If he's not busy ATM.
So, instead of 2 cooks, 1 cook is selected. Will 1 cook be analogous to main thread?
How is that different from synchronous programming?
In synchronous programming, the cook would finish the chicken before he started the veggies.
Inefficient, right?
He should be making the veggies while the chicken is in the oven.
also sandwich
Get back in the kitchen, woman!
Racist, sexist, it's all the same.
Ok, so "the cook" to keep it unisex, should be making the veggies while the chicken is in the oven.
room topic changed to C#: Explaining programming concepts using discriminatory analogies. Since 1967. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
@LewsTherin Yeah.
Obviously, this scenario is not blocking.. but how does it work in programming (C#)?
@KendallFrey LOL
room topic changed to C#: Explaining programming concepts using discriminatory analogies. Since 1863. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
Say you want to open a file and crunch some numbers.
You can tell the disk to open the file, then crunch your numbers while you're waiting.
@drch Mmn, does calling cookChicken not make it pointless?
As long as we're being racist, I really hate it when people ask questions on SO that don't know how to speak english
Because a hard disk is much slower than a CPU.
@Pheonixblade9 No no. You did it wrong. It should be I hate people who...
don't hate the player, hate PHP
@drch You mean to pass the function (cookChicken) not the result (cookChicken())
i meant Task.Factory.StartNew(()=>cookChichen()); but you get the point
cookChicken might also have an async task preHeatOven()
could take 30 mins for that badboy to return
I have used.. TPL, but I just assumed that was starting a new thread
Usually it does.
(for the purposes of this discussion)
async methods, however, do not.
Have you ever used node? You should.
It makes it much more obvious what's going on.
I think what I don't get is how async methods that don't use threads work and yet do not block the next code
I have seen examples of node, but I have never tried it.
function writeToFile(filename, callBack)
   io.writeFile(..) ;
the key is that it's possible to run parallel code without actually using the standard C# Thread interface. Those things used to be exposed as blocking calls, but now they can be exposed as async stuff.
function calcBigNumbers(callBack)
They basically tell some other device to "Do your thing, and when you're done, tell me. I'll go back to what I was doing before. KTHXBAI"
writeToFile("blah.txt", function(){});
How the fuck does that not block?
An analogy could be made to event handlers.
would be interesting if KTHXBAI is the internal lock name or something
@KendallFrey Wait, so it is basically multithreading at hardware level?
When you assign an event handler, it does not block until the event is called.
@KendallFrey I don't understand the stuff, but can you really compare the 2?
@LewsTherin Sort of. If you consider the CPU one thread and the disk another.
@LewsTherin I just did.
interrupts sucka
The event handler fires when a certain thing happens and the OS notifies you.
Taking keydown for example
The callback in async programming is similar.
It fires when the disk is done reading the file.
@LewsTherin yes. Optionally - for some stuff it still uses the normal multithreading stuff. The point is that you don't see it, and you don't have to worry about how it's implemented.
@KendallFrey So does that mean, the task function returns immediately?
Well, as soon as it's done starting whatever task needs to be done.
@KendallFrey So, writeToFile, it starts the necessary process for file writing.. leaves the CPU to it.. and returns.
When CPU's finished.. it gets the callback fires.
when should i use volatile, what does it do..... it allows different threads to communicate with a variable/instance, but does adding this make it thead safe? should i still lock/interlock
@Steve Hey bud
@Steve Sort of.. it prevents thread caching.. I think, is this Java?
@LewsTherin Except the CPU doesn't do the writing. The disk is where the time is spent.
@LewsTherin hey man! long time no see
The CPU does other things while waiting.
@LewsTherin no , c#
@Steve Do you know what the CPU cache is?
@KendallFrey Oh yeah.. that's right.. I knew that was wrong. :P So, this uses a lot of signals and interrupts?
yeah, like the registers and shit
No, the cache.
@Steve this article explains "volatile" very well: igoro.com/archive/volatile-keyword-in-c-memory-model-explained
L1, L2, or whatever they are.
or l1 l2, whatever
L1, L2, L3.. on top the CPU
@LewsTherin It does, but theoretically it could use a polling loop too.
Of course this loop is inside the OS, not blocking your program.
Volatile doesn't ensure consistency or synchronization.. it just means the actual variable is always updated.
so i should still lock and unlock volatile variables?
@KendallFrey I think I'm beginning to get it now ;) Lower level was probably the way to go :P
Depends what you're doing.
if you're doing atomic reads/writes, volatile is sufficient.
okay gotcha
But if you're using a long in x86, you could still have a race condition.
Longs take 2 reads and writes right?
Actually, I think you could even with atomic reads/writes
Unless the read and update together were atomic.
@LewsTherin in x86 yes
yeah, i got you
Atomicity is a pain in the ass.
So is being gay.
lol random
Good come back lulz
@KendallFrey come on, dude...
calling somebody gay is saying "I'm not intelligent enough to come up with an actual insult"
No, I don't do that to dudes.
Who did I call gay?
@Pheonixblade9 not sure if thats a gay pun or not
anyway, i'm out of here
Aww :(
yeah i miss you lews!
totally in a homo way too
!Aww :(
I should probably have used async for my database stuff.
Ugh.. that would have made shiz faster
anything IO should go async
you betya
Back to the cook analogy
hey cook, go to the database and get me some membership providers
hows that?
Let's say the cook has finished preparing the veggies.. and the oven is ready.. but there is no more stuff left to do, so the cook is waiting for the oven to be ready.. how does one wait in C#?
he's sent home
put back in the thread/cook pool
Omg, I said cookie instead of cook :P
@LewsTherin one way to wait is: await
Oh.. so that's where the await comes from..
Where would I use await though?
await ???
Did Kendall get blocked?
One can only hope
you can also use task.Wait if you have tasks
Ha, did anyone throw flags?
@redtuna Oh I see.. omg, all this time I've been clueless.
the async/await keywords make it easier to use tasks, but you have to get used to them first because they don't mean what you (at first) would guess they do.
I'm learning that now
@LewsTherin I didn't flag anyone
I think they should add room owner privileges to seeing flags at least
I thought Kendall's pun was funny, myself. But it could have been misconstrued as an insult.
@LewsTherin agreed.
@redtuna eh, I'm not a super PC person, but there are a hell of a lot better jokes to make than "LOL GAY" IMO.
@Pheonixblade9 the joke was about what is a pain in the ass. I'm just saying I wouldn't kick someone out on the basis of that joke; I'm not going to argue whether it's "sufficiently funny".
ahh, yeah. I don't flag stuff unless it's blatant spam/trolling
I would definitely call someone out for them and make fun of them for their increative sense of humour, though :D
fair enough :)
apparently you can start a new httpapplication anywhere
there is a bee the size of a harrier jet in my room
brb, movign
brb, tornado

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