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damn, told by ELippert.
The question is "what does initially assigned struct variables mean?" Did you answer that question? — Eric Lippert 2 hours ago
I've always found it weird that his profile is in the third-person
copy paste error
anyone familiar with the Zimmerman telegram?
part of the reason we got into ww1 from a note supposedly sent from germany to mexico?
I need to know what made the US government believe it was real
Hah, they didn't have to believe it was real. At that point the US was looking for any reason to ratchet up pressure on Germany. This was one of them.
But is there any particular reason that the senate found it was real?
After the note I believe we started sending supplies to England. When one of our supply ships was sunk by a German sub, we entered the war.
Well, it had some pretty strong implications if it were real, and as a result had to be taken seriously.
Hmm, okay
thanks travis
@CCInc - This is highly quoted in the wiki page, and rated pretty highly. goodreads.com/book/show/834497.The_secret_war_in_Mexico It basically shows that Mexico at least took the Note into consideration. Although they officially denounced the suggestion later, that is a pretty good implication of why it was taken so seriously.
Ah, I see
7 hours later…
hey guys
@SteffenWinkler hello
@Neha Neha can u help me about .net winforms application
@SaimaMaheen ya say
I made database project and publish it but when i install it it start download i think it download .net 4 client profile
@Neha how i stop this and just install simple software i am new one about .net
@SaimaMaheen dats might be the prerequisuite of the project
so it will download this
otherwise won't be able to install ur app
how i change prerequisuite
@SaimaMaheen while creating setup
@SaimaMaheen if you are using the ClickOnce publish setup, go into your project's properties (right click the project in SolutionExplorer and click properties), go to 'Publish' and click on prerequisuites
@SteffenWinkler ok i tried boss thanx for help
@Neha thanx
@SteffenWinkler hey I got need a logical help with multilingual site
if you can
ask away I guess
actually there is a back button on a page
which moves from specification of a product to actual search result multiple output
but if on specification I change my culture
then how to get the sync result there on prev page
no clue, sorry.
anyway, I've a question, too and a stupid one for that
@SteffenWinkler steffen u work in .net winforms application
mostly, yes.
@SteffenWinkler say
@SteffenWinkler ok can u give ur emial id i have lots of problem in .net i am new one therefore i contact u please
I've a project, consisting out of multiple libraries (plug-in like). Now, one of those dll's provides my graphical user interface, another one is for database backend and so on
now, in the middle I've a 'core'
it's output is a WindowsApplication
it loads all add-in libraries and well...
ends immediately after that
because, of course, after loading everything the Load method is finished
and there is nothing 'above' that
@SteffenWinkler i want to make database project in which i use single database file not a sql server express edition
if it'd be a WindowsForms only application I'd do an Application.Start()
for message pumping
but it isn't (or not exclusively)
@SteffenWinkler i use service based database which is in template but it also must use sql express
@SteffenWinkler i want just install exe file and used database software
so...what do I do? I could put a while(true){Thread.Sleep(50);} but that just hogs the CPU
is there any...clean solution for that? Something that'll hold my program/core until the user exits the program
@Neha Hello neha
@SteffenWinkler is there something called Assembly.Load
which you can use
uhm, I use MEF for loading and managing my add-in assemblies
@Neha hello
@SteffenWinkler then I gues you can have Sleep, wait, Lock
only but dnt know if they are good to use or not
@SaimaMaheen ya
@Neha Neha i want to make a database software in which i dont need to install sqlserver i just install database application and use
@SteffenWinkler mutex you can use which won't allow anyhow to exit ur application till
@SaimaMaheen am not getting ur idea
@Neha Boss i want to make winform database application in visual studio but when i used Service Based database which is in Template of Visual studio. when i publish this and install it require to install sqlserver
@SaimaMaheen probably there is dependency in ur code
@Neha i want that i cannt use sqlserver
ok , catch you after a while
just so if anyone has that problem I had (preventing a program from ending/exiting), this seems to be the best way to do it: stackoverflow.com/a/9897211/937093
:D hi
late afternoon :D
Good morning! I making a dll and I used a class which have getter and setter. Is it possible to hide the set properties for the user of dll?
private set; ?
internal set
The internal keyword is an access modifier for types and type members. Internal types or members are accessible only within files in the same assembly
@RoelvanUden thank you that was exactly what I needed.. I ended-up to make every class as a function using private but now I can do again what I planned...
Hi Good evening! I need answers for some questions about abstract class and interface.
Why do we need for abstract class?
abstract class car {}
what kind of car? Sports car? Race car? sedan?
class Sedan : Car {}
you wouldn't make a generic car.
Bounty of 200 to anyone solving my issue:
Q: Nivo-Slider disappears while slide is being changed in IE ≤ 8

ShimmyI'm testing the slider and it works in Chrome and IE 9+ but doesn't work properly in earlier versions. The problem that occurs to me is that while the previous slide is rolled up, an error-like image is revealed (and the loading.gif is then visible) and remains for over two seconds, until the ne...

you can't build a car that is not some specific type of car.
just like you can't instantiate an abstract car.
@RyanJMcGowan: Fine. Next question. Is that really required atleast only one abstract method in abstract class?
No. You don't need any abstract methods in an abstract class. I'm sure you could make it empty if you wanted to.
@RyanJMcGowan: Fine. Next, We can have method declarations and definitions as well in abstract class. Can we have all the methods definitions inside anstract class with out a single method declaration? Is it possible?
Huh? How would you have a method definition without a declaration? I read that 5 times and I don't follow.
You can't define something you didn't name.
Hey guys, just a quick question. Should I use @ or ? in a MySqlCommand to work like a placeholder to be modified with Parameters.Add()?
@RyanJMcGowan: For example, We have two methods A and B in abstract class. Now A method is having its implementaton and B method is just declared only not defined. In this case method A is having its direct implementation know!
Method B is an abstract method.
Fine. Can we have definition of the both A and B in the same abstract class?
Sure. As many as you want. Can be all abstract, or all defined. Or a mashup.
    public abstract class AbstractClass
        public string MethodA()
            string stuff = "does stuff";
            return stuff;
        public abstract bool MethodB(); //not defined

    public class BottomClass : AbstractClass
        public override bool MethodB()
            bool isImplemented = true;
            return isImplemented;
Oh. Thank you so much for nice example. Next, Is that really required, Every methods need to be implemented in derived class?
This is a homework assignment, isn't it?
I faced these questions in my latest interview
If you don't know these and you're applying for work to do this stuff, you should probably be reading about them and not concern yourself with getting arbitrary questions right. It's for more important that you actually understand the answers you are giving.
Fine. My last qusetion, When do we go for Interface?
bcoz your example and explanation is too easy to understandable.
Do you know what the difference between an abstract class and an interface are?
Is there a interview in process?
feels that way. haha
@SuryaKavitha So tell me when you think an interface should be used and I'll tell you if you're right or wrong.
We can declare methods and properties in interface. And we can inherit multiple inheritance. When we need to define all those methods which all are declared in interface We can go for interface.
You don't inherit interfaces.
You implement them.
There is no link between a class and an interface it implements. It's only a contract promising that "I won't compile unless I implemented these members."
Interface containing only declarations and Need to implement all those methods in implementation class
Yes. Which is why you can do multiple implementations.
You can't inherit multiple abstract classes.
But We need to inherit the interface in implementation class know?
I have an annoying issue. I have a hash function over a colleciton that gives very good results. Even changing one element a tiny bit gives a completely different hash. But I don't know what to do about equality.
I mean, having to iterate over the entire collection seems like a terrible waste when it's astronomically unlikely the hash function is wrong. Especially considering other checks I make.
You inherit the same way you implement. But don't call it inheriting an interface, because it doesn't do the same thing. The call is the same, though.
public class Class : BaseClass, ISomeInterface, ISomeOtherInterface.
BaseClass is inherited. ISomeInterface and ISomeOtherInterface were implemented.
oh Great! Thank you so much!
@GregRos Is this a database or just an in-memory table?
The thing is though if someone supplies a bad hash code function
You're just checking to see if it exists before writing a new entry?
No, I'm implementing structural equality on a colleciton
how many records?
It's a collection.
But you're worried about iterating over the entire collection. How large can it get?
I don't know. How large can List get?
It's a general-purpose sequential collection
int32 max. So 2 billion.
I could implement parallel equality. I don't think that would mesh well with a multi-threaded environment though.
And there's nothing in the .Net Framework that does the check for you?
If something is in memory it should be pretty fast to blaze through a collection. SQL does stuff like that and it's being read off a disk.
That's totally different for many reasons. No, iterating over a collection can take a while.
There isn't a way around this. The operation has to be O(1) for unequal and O(n) for equal.
Assuming the user's hash function is good.
Nothing I can do protects from a badly implemented hash function.
The good thing I guess is that things will tend to be unequal more often
I would have to understand what exactly you're checking. You have two collections and you need to match them up and compare the hash values of each? One stored and one from a user?
I'm implementing structural (Contents-based) equality on a specific collection class. Two collections are equal if they have the same elements.
Before that I check if their hash codes are equal
And it passes only if all elements are equal? Like all or nothing?
That's how equality usually works.
You usually don't want a hash table for example to lookup a key that's "sort of equal"
So when you generate the collection, could you generate a hash for the collection itself and just compare that?
Yes. I do this, along with other checks. The problem is that my hash function is good, but the hash function of whatever object is in the collection might not be good at all.
Commonly hash functions are implemented by xoring a few fields, which gives many false positives.
Equality has a more direct implementation.
My hash function hashes the hashes of all the items in the collection. Then the hash is cached. The collection is immutable so it will never change.
men, does transaction (mysql) also improves performance (when multiple rows update)
And this isn't the sort of thing you need? msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb342073.aspx
@AlexDresko for when is the baby :p
I came on here to ask a question, immediately start helping someone else, go to type my question, and answer it myself before I even finished asking. Next time, I'm just going to load up notepad and save myself an hour.
@GregRos couldn't you binary serialize, compress and generate Hash512? Might be more unique than others
Good hash function (for ints in this case): Multiply each field by a large prime constant, modulus 2^32, shift by a number unique to each field, and xor them together.
Q: in ASP.MVC 4, if I need to add global JavaScript, should I add them to _layout.cshtml or _ViewStart.cshtml
@Darek _layout.cshtml
Or possibly BundleConfig depending on your needs.
Ahahahaha 'Windows 8.1 will return start button and make home screen optional'
Someone woke up @ microsoft.
So, Windows 8 is becoming Windows 7 again?
@AlexDresko you are making me lookup BundleConfig ... But thanks
@KendallFrey At least it won't feel like a pure downgrade going from W7->W8 then
Nice one! @AlexDresko This is cool
posted on April 16, 2013 by ScottGu

This morning we announced the general availability release of our Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) support for Windows Azure – including our new Virtual Machine and Virtual Network capabilities.  This release is now live in production, backed by an enterprise SLA, supported by Microsoft Support, and is ready to use for production apps.  If you don’t already have a Windows Azure acco

From the less than smart channel:
ALTER function [Global_Func].[datediff](@d2 datetime2,@d1 datetime2)
returns numeric(38,19) as begin
--(cast(24 as bigint)*60*60*1000*1000*1000) = 86400000000000
declare @hh_diff int = DATEDIFF(hh, @d1, @d2)
declare @hh_add_date datetime2 = dateadd(hh,@hh_diff,@d1)
declare @ms_diff int = DATEDIFF(ms, @hh_add_date, @d2)
declare @ns_diff int = DATEDIFF(ns, dateadd(ms,@ms_diff,@hh_add_date), @d2)
return cast(@hh_diff as numeric(38,19))/24 + cast(@ms_diff as numeric(38,19))/86400000
common, really?
Tune in if you can: xamarin.com/evolve
can I have multiple try catch blocks one after another ? I want the code to keep running even if exception is caught
Do I have to put code in the catch to tell it to keep going , or will the code just execute the catch then keep going ? I thought that you needed Finally block if you want code to keep running
Maybe you should read a book.
When a try block is executed, this is what happens if no exception is thrown:
If a finally block is found, it is executed. Executing resumes after the end of the block.
If an exception is thrown:
Find the first catch block that will handle that type of exception, and run it. Then run the finally if it exists. Execution resumes after the end of the block.
If no matching catch is found, run the finally if it exists, then bubble the exception up the callstack.
Trailing newline or no trailing newline? Go.
I meant , I don't want to use finally
I just want code to keep running after catch
7 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
Find the first catch block that will handle that type of exception, and run it. Then run the finally if it exists. Execution resumes after the end of the block.
You don't have to use finally.
It'll work , I just got confused this morning , because I never use finally , then I started thinking about finally , and maybe I should use it
> Execution resumes after the end of the block.
I put empty catch all the time , I don't know why I was confused this morning
too much going on
Empty catch... Eeuuugh
its better then angry users
yes it is
I'm not saying you shouldn't catch.
I'm saying you should handle
Users hate when something silently fails.
I'm saying - this is the order of worst to best , No try - catch , empty catch , handle ex properly
At the very least, a message would be nice.
I disagree. No catch is better than an empty catch.
If there is no catch, you plainly get told there was an error.
If there is an empty catch, it just doesn't work.
I'm sorry, but I've found plenty of reasons in the past for an empty catch block.
but the user seeing 404 or 500 error isn't good , and most exceptions we have are some weird global cache stuff , where the everything else can still work
There are reasons. Of course.
I typically go with no try/catch unless I need to handle a specific/known exception case.
Let everything bubble up to the global exception handler/logger for unknown/unexpected exceptions.
I disagree with that too.
yea , I don't like that one
that's where our generic 404 error comes in
Handle and log it as soon as you're done with the corrupted part.
If it's thrown for a specific item in a loop, you can continue the loop.
Is it easier to port to Java or Mono?
From C#? Mono of course.
To anyone who listening to my ramblings about Telerik and SignalR this week, you must not add the fake scripts directory to ScriptRegistra. Only use the plain old method:
<script src="~/signalr/hubs" type="text/javascript"></script>
Never tried porting to Mono and Java is a pain :). What i thought, thanks!
Mono should be mostly seamless.
Case closed
It's just another C# compiler/framework.
@ScottSelby empty catch is EVIL
Q: Cannot find the user '', because it does not exist or you do not have permission

user13814I am trying to add permissions to a Store procedure for a user using this query, USE [MyDatabaseName] GO GRANT EXEC ON [dbo].[StoreProcedureName] TO [UserName] GO I can give permissions to user throw User Interface but using this query I get this error, Cannot find the user 'UserName', be...

@Darek what?
whats so funny
Nothing at all, sorry.
Empty catch is the On Error Resume Next of C#.
@ScottSelby using exception handling as part of your code logic is lame
nooo , I'm talking about signalr thing
I was having issues with SignalR and Telerik
I am too
the problem turned out to be teh fake ~/signalr/hubs directory
it must not be added to Telerik ScriptRegistrar
exclude the built in jquery and jqueryvalidation
(optional) create a SignalR bundle
oh , I can't get my Javascript functions to work in the hub
and use standard <script/> for the fake
Like Clients.MyFunction
VB or C#
it underlines it in blue as an error in c#
then my signalr/huibs won't load since there was an error in the c#
paste some code
what gets underlined
ok, one second
A: Storing sex (gender) in database

PondlifeThere is already an ISO standard for this; no need to invent your own scheme: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_5218

Umm what?
No need to spam.
@Darek this is my hub
namespace testingSockets.MoveShapeDemo
    public class MoveShapeHub : Hub
        public void MoveShape(int x, int y)
            Clients.shapeMoved(Context.ConnectionId, x, y);

@StefanDenchev Not you.
that Clients.shapeMoved is bad , I thought Clients is supposed to be dynamic
that should connect to js here:
$(function () {
    var hub = $.conection.moveShape,
        $shape = $('#shape');

    $.extend(hub, {
        shapeMoved: function (cid, x, y) {
            if ($.connection.hib.id !== cid) {
                $shape.css({ left: x, top: y });
is that javascript?
second part is , the first part starting with namespace is c#
Just saw the code and it startled me :).
What gets underlined?
I think you should use Clients.All.shapeMoved
in your hub @ScottSelby
as All is dynamic
> We will shortly be performing routine maintenance on the chat sites for about 10 minutes; apologies for any disruption. We'll be back soon.
> that took a little longer than we planned.
Haha I was on lunch anyway, suckas
@ScottSelby did it work?
@Derek , that helped that , but I still get #<Object> has no method 'moveShape' from the js
 $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
            drag: function () {
                hub.moveShape(this.offsetLeft, this.offsetTop || 0);
and this is c#
namespace testingSockets.MoveShapeDemo
    public class MoveShapeHub : Hub
        public void MoveShape(int x, int y)
            Clients.All.shapeMoved(Context.ConnectionId, x, y);

hub.server.moveShape() @ScottSelby ?
I have this var hub = $.connection.moveShape,
but from JS you have to ref server
I think
Q: Is this a good build cache key function?
private string BuildCacheKey(Arguments arguments)
            string key = String.Concat(this.prefix, String.Join("¦", arguments.Select(a => a != null ? a.ToString() : String.Empty)));
            return BitConverter.ToString(this.sha.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(key))).Replace("-", string.Empty);
where does $shape get defined?
I got the errors fixed with adding server , its not working for some reaso
There are no errors, the square is draggable in both browsers , but it is not moving the box in the other browser
this is c#
    public class MoveShapeHub : Hub
        public void MoveShape(int x, int y)
            Clients.All.shapeMoved(Context.ConnectionId, x, y);

and js:
$(function () {
    var hub = $.connection.moveShape,
        $shape = $('#shape');
    $.extend(hub, {
        shapeMoved: function (cid, x, y) {
            if ($.connection.hub.id !== cid) {
                $shape.css({ left: x, top: y });
    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
            drag: function () {
                hub.server.moveShape(this.offsetLeft, this.offsetTop || 0);
not sue why would you need .extend
just use hub.client.shapeMoved( ...
maybe that's teh problem
in your $extend
Panda bear: Don't you call me racist! I'm black, and I'm white, and I'm Asian!
insted of hub
use hub.client
than the shapeMoved will be added to the client, and not the hub
use hub.client for client callbacks, use hub.server to call server methods
ok, I'll try
What @Darek said
what's been happening while I was gone?
@Derek , sorry man , I'm lost with this stupid example
$(function () {
    var hub = $.connection.moveShape,
        $shape = $('#shape');
    hub.client.shapeMoved(function (cid, x, y) {
            if ($.connection.hub.id !== cid) {
                $shape.css({ left: x, top: y });
    $.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
            drag: function () {
                hub.server.moveShape(this.offsetLeft, this.offsetTop || 0);
It says Object has no method "shapeMoved"
hub.client is where you specify the function
it should be something like
hub.client.shapeMoved = function(cid, x, y) { ...
hub.client holds all callback functions. hub.server allows you to call hub server methods
stupid but which is more efficient:
string s="..";
s = s + "vrtt";
string s="..";
string s2 = s + "vrtt";
what do you mean by more efficient?
the second requires the allocation of an additional variable
@DigitalD - that did it , thanks ,
The tutorial I was follwoing was for signalr like v 0.3 and now they are on 1.1
so thee were a lot of litttle changes
Sorry @ScottSelby I BSOD in the mifddle of my reply
@ScottSelby Yeah. I learned a bit about it too. Started blogging about it if you're interested: willwebforfood.wordpress.com/2013/04/15/…
I'll check it out , i need a facebook/ stackoverflow type of notificatioin system
about version
SignalR broke for me when I upgrade jQuery to 1.9.1
that could be it too
shit , In this sample I am using jquery 1.9 , but our actualy production is an older version
@ScottSelby check out github.com/CodeSeven/toastr
SignalR should work with 1.6 and newer jQuery... I think.
it does
in a clean install it will put 1.6.4
I have an example app that works great with 1.9.1: github.com/dunlapm/ksigdo
OpenXML really annoys me
gnome style messages??
Huh? codeseven.github.io/toastr is the "live" example
oh yea , I see , the descriptiong was weirf
no shid
Beer makes men happier, smarter: Studies news.msn.com/science-technology/…
@Pheonixblade9 that's a joke post, right?
@DigitalD ...no
Happier? Of course. Smarter? The Ballmer peak.
lol wut?
@Pheonixblade9 ahh, just got to the afterword
Why can't I use enumVar ?? 0 but I can enumVar == null ? 0 : enumVar ?
Hey ya'll
anyone have a good solution for implementing software licensing, not 3rd party
@AndréSilva The error message answers your question.
Excelent description.
Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Connector.Core.ExtracaoComposicaoTipoObj.ltoCodigo' and 'Connector.Core.ExtracaoComposicaoTipoObj.ltoCodigo'
no one?
what us the type of ltoCodigo? @AndréSilva
@klut not not 3rd party
hello everyone
@Darek It is an enum. But don't need to answer. I think I got it already.
is anyone that had been worked with Auto Diagrammer plugin in reflector?
i don't want this plugin not work in reflector
my reflector version is 8.---
and even i can't load assembly in alone version of this software
please help me
@AndréSilva I guess it might have something to do with the variable not being nullable.
In which case, WTF is that code for?
please help me to use this plugin
you should get a warning for enumVar == null
expression is always false
@programmer1 OK. google.com
in google i could not find any solution
@KendallFrey i know that to looking for solution to my problem i have to searching with search engine but sometimes we can't find good solution to answer our question, so we needed to use forum and chat room and etc to find the solution!. :)
@DigitalD so #1? for me if the string size is different, I would have guessed the runtime would prefer a new allocation

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