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Congratulations, Internet. You've set a new low. ask.com/answers/50037081/…
not sure if good thing...
@KendallFrey what's the test link?
click it
If you can't find it, you don't deserve to be told.
you failed nerd test step 1. google
@TravisJ whats step 2?
> You are a loser baby, there are only a few who out-lose you!
Yes, indeed
the zombia sruvival test says I will make it for a year
@KendallFrey how do i test my control without creating a dll first?
i keep getting told different things
close your eyes and imagine.
that is a good idea
dll is what makes your code run
ok, how do i make a WPF control
from scratch
no clue. Ask me how to make one in MVC
WPF :)
Currently, there are 2,696,400 germs living on your cell phone
That's the equivalent of 539 toilet seats!
719,040. 144 toilet seats.
@RyanJMcGowan I never clean my phone so...
dips phone in acid bath
@EliteGamer You can't.
@RyanJMcGowan that works the best! yay
When you compile it, you make a DLL.
You have to compile it to test it.
could you give me a step by step (not detailed) way to make one
Make a DLL?
Elite Ninjabot $g and whatnot.
for some reason my control i make, in the designer, it is aligned perfectly
but when i run it, it moves to the left some
no, how to make a control
@NinjaEcho $g custom wpf control
Utter and absolute rubbish.
I took an IQ test once. Did you know you there's a pass/fail grade?
There isn't.
They said I could try again in 6 months.
@RyanJMcGowan so you didnt pass lol
IQ test don't mean anything BTW
You can't fail an IQ test.
I think Kendall just failed it too.
TcpClient client = new TcpClient();
IPEndPoint serverEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5555);
try {
	stream = client.GetStream();
} catch (Exception e) {}
All an IQ test measures is how closely you think like the people who made the test.
how can I know when the server that it connects to has stopped, because it obviously close this client socket?
not really your intelligence level at all
@EliteGamer lol
i am Elite at being stupid
There's something psychologists called EQ that is a better measure of how successful you'll be. It's basically just a test of how much you let emotions cloud judgement.
like the t-shirt: "I'm right 97% of the time. Who cares about the other 4%?"
@JABFreeware The T what?
@KendallFrey how do i name my control?
would that be the name of the DLL?
@KendallFrey lol I meant SHIRT
i could always change it
@JABFreeware :)
what did u flag?
@EliteGamer It would be the name of the class.
coffee sh*t
crap sh*t
that one is off
bye all
VS update
taking 4 ever
that's why I never upgraded past v. 4.
Hey, if anyone is in college and wants an internship, ping me
we're looking for another intern or two for summer
i am not in college
@KendallFrey I'd put you up for it (if you promise not to be a smartass/have attitude)
intership = internship with benefits.
and i am 98% stupid :)
although we're mostly looking for people above sophomore status in college
Hey Kendall, guess what?
@Pheonixblade9 I was kidding, of course.
I'm not in college, and I already have a full-time job.
@KendallFrey so was I ಠ_ಠ
@Pawnguy7 You're getting married?
@KendallFrey Nice try, but no. I figured out (well, one of the lounge guys figured out) why it was running so disastrously slow.
For every single line or text drawn, I Begin() and End()-ed the batch.
@EliteGamer have you seen this test: nerdtests.com/mq/uttake.php?id=2845
that sounds cool
No shit, huh.
Congratulations!!! You are the best of the best when it comes to games!
time to go home
night kids
@KendallFrey can i get privaleges in the C# room?
How does one define good at minecraft?
@EliteGamer You do have privileges. You can talk, star things, etc.
I don't even play Minecraft. lulz.
i mean like delete and things
@EliteGamer no you can't. Sorry.
is it because i am 98% stupid?
well, your rep has to be above 532. What's yours? 531? Aww, damn... just missed it
ha ha
are you serous
@EliteGamer You can delete your own messages.
it has to be above that?
You can flag others' messages
@KendallFrey touche
let me go answer a question real quick
yeah, it's fun to flag messages. A bunch of 10K rep people come in and yell at you.
oops, gotta leave
@Pheonixblade9 that wasn't very nice
@PieterGeerkens I've been thinking about it since a few days ago. Is there something I'm not seeing here?
I don't entirely understand what you mean when you say it's insufficient reason (for what? I have implemented a tree of subtypes).
@KendallFrey i have a question
instead of having this
<UserControl x:Class="WpfApplication6.CountrySelector"
             mc:Ignorable="d" Height="22" Width="120">

    <ComboBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top" />

could i just change <UserControl> to <ComboBox>
You could, but you'd have to change other things.
for some reason, the combo box is getting cut off
@NinjaEcho $news is still alive
@NinjaEcho $news
\r\n New line? <br /> @NinjaEcho $news good morning is still alive
@CCInc do you know how to summon @NinjaEcho in other rooms?
He has to be in that room.
Only @KendallFrey can do that
Hai CCinc :D
Guess what?
You know how I saw saying the XNA game seemed to have input lag?
1 hour ago, by Pawnguy7
For every single line or text drawn, I Begin() and End()-ed the batch.
Yup :D
Did I mention I don't like XNA? Anywho.
Got ~60 FPS now, so all is good and well.
And, as it turns out, my transitions did, in fact, work quite fine.
Today I learned of a language called Piet.
It seems extremely interesting to me.
it looks cool
In a... "wow, you can make something like that" sense.
Kind of reminds me of that GIF of opening a .BMP file from paint and it was code or something.
Or maybe that was fake... I forget.
I love LOLCode
Is it Invisible or visible?
I forget what they do exactly :\
I thought I heard of one such language - this might have been a joke - where if it didn't have enough "PLS WORK", or something, it actually wouldn't. And it was random :D
The Infamous Hello World Program.

Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.
Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.
Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.
Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S.

Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery.

Scene I: The insulting of Romeo.

[Enter Hamlet and Romeo]

You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half-witted coward!
You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave
hero and thyself! Speak your mind!
Ah. I have read about that language.
// Note that the views expressed in this source code do not necessarily coincide with those of the author :o)

Gr34t l33tN3$$?
iT 41n't s0 7rIckY.

l33t sP33k is U8er keWl 4nD eA5y wehn u 7hink 1t tHr0uGh.
1f u w4nn4be UB3R-l33t u d3f1n1t3lY w4nt in 0n a b4d4sS h4xX0r1ng s1tE!!! ;p
w4r3Z c0ll3cT10n2 r 7eh l3Et3r!

Qu4k3 cL4nS r 7eh bE5t tH1ng 1n teh 3nTIr3 w0rlD!!!
g4m3s wh3r3 u g3t to 5h00t ppl r 70tAl1_y w1cK1d!!
I'M teh fr4GM4stEr aN I'lL t0t41_1Ly wIpE teh phr34k1ng fL00r ***j3d1 5tYlE*** wItH y0uR h1dE!!!! L0L0L0L!
Piet reminded me of the Paint one.
I feel like you are reading the same blog of ten I was earlier.
I wonder what other such languages could be made.
Actually sounds fun... but then I don't know how to parse text in such a fashion, assuming the source input is text.
groove back yet?
Perhaps Piet can serve as an appetizers :D
/// <summary>
/// An interface that defines the object is tracking property changes and if it is Dirty
/// </summary>
public interface ICanBeDirty
bool IsDirty();
bool IsPropertyDirty(string propName);
void ResetDirtyProperties();
It's an interfafce, most likely in the C# language
What don't you get?
It's from Ibraco. What is dirty properties?
anyone understand this error? pastebin.com/ukaum2Bd
anyone here good with US history?
@TrevorRudolph It means that somewhere in your MySql something, you have a bad port #
what impact did oil have on railroads and shipping?
Oil became a mass market product in high demand all over the nation, therefore it needed to be shiped to vast places, requiring an extensive railroad system
Well, the railroads gained much business from shipping oil, especially when train shipping died down, it then kept it alive, albiet briefly, in the era of Rockefeller and Vanderbilt.
Let's not forget trains now run on it
Used to be on coal
Cool. Here's an interesting one: What effect did it have on schools & universitites?
Well, we aren't talking about now, we are talking about then :D
Hm... well... ehm... hm.
I am not really sure actually.
I couldn't think of anything either
anyone? I have no idea
Is ther any way i can get the flags of countries in C#?
i know i can get the Counties name, but does Microsoft have something where i can get the flags for each?
Like, i18n?
@CCInc i do not want a control
i am making a control....i need to get the flags for each country
Download the images for the flags.
A: Country Flags API

fvuA couple of services that may interest you: http://www.geognos.com/geo/en/world-countries-API.html http://www.geonames.org/countries/ ( flag available via http://www.geonames.org/flags/x/xx.gif where xx is 2 letter ISO country code) http://www.webservicex.net/country.asmx?wsdl a SOAP service o...

Wow. Neat API idea.
A: A dirty property is one that has been altered but not saved.
Never go in the Regex forum. I don't know what they're saying, but it must be vulgar because everything comes out with cartoon censoring.
@NinjaEcho should i take my lunch now?
@NinjaEcho $news
@NinjaEcho Introduce @NinjaEcho
Ninja echo is dead xD
@NinjaEcho Should I be or not to be?
@NinjaEcho Are you there?
he's busy xD
2 hours later…
Has anyone used Lucene? And can I use it to index strings in a list for example?
or is it more for files an such stuff?
Hello geeks
can you maybe help in a small problem i have with my asp.net application?
mmmm, there is no Application.StartUpPath in WPF
im new to WPF
i've tried this System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory and it worked
WPF is a little bit confusing
and also complicated
Wanted to get some thoughts on this...
How can i clear all controls inside a panel? textboxs and dropdowns
Long story short, I've got an array of custom objects
Im using a Panel as a "pop up"
The array always (seemingly) has the same length, but it is slowly getting... slower to sort
problem is when i doa page refresh it dissapears
@DarkLight if you run into problems with WPF you can always go to the WPF room :)
I am using this: solutions = solutions.OrderBy(o=>o.fitness).ToList();
solutions at first starts getting rapidly larger, but stops "growing" when it reaches 2000 items
what happens is it gets somewhere around 1000 items added to it
then those 1000 items are removed
(genetic algorithm, death, reproduction)
Before removing them, I sort the list
and remove the ones that are least fit, until the population becomes less than the max population
but according to the algorithm, I should be adding the same amount of new items every time
I'll add a debug to double check this...
well that shouldn't be happening...
well that makes more sense, sorry, seems to be a problem with my own algorithm, nothing mystical
I officially hate myself
I purposefully programmed it to do what it's doing
and subsequently forgot
2 hours later…
Ok, soo I know this isn't C, but is there a way to store a reference to a object in a string/int and then get the object back from that string/int?
@Sisyphe do you think that you could help me?
@Markus You want to do this in.. C#.. or C?
In php thats accomplished through serialization
I'm thinking something like UIntPtr ptr = ref myLabel; or something
yes you can do something like that
at least I did some stuff like that in C++/CLI
not sure about C#
Invalid expression term 'ref'
@Markus No, you cannot use memory addresses without going unsafe.
And unsafe is bad.
nono unsafe is the best! living on the edge!
how do I go unsafe?
unsafe {}
maybe not that good afterall for my application...
what are you actually wanting to do? you have ref and out keywords that you can leverage
Ok, so then I have an other problem... or it's the same but... I'm trying to use Lucene to index a search through my visualtree (ok it might sound strange, but bare with me) So I want to index in the text in a TextBlock for example, but then I need a reference in my index to the TextBlock it self... any ideas?
the thing is that in Lucene you can only store strings and int's and some other standard formats, but not objects...
nor UIElements
so my thought was to save a reference to the object as a string and then create a object reference from that string (common c/c++ programming), but that didn't work without unsafe and maybe that's not so good in my case
i think you can add fields to index
and then use that to look up what you need
but a field only takes very basic objects
index in the text in a TextBlock > Do you mean 'the index of text in a TextBlock'?
At least the Lucene Fields I am using
ok so make it a guid/string/id that you can then use to lookup in another component in your application
a database also only allows relatively simple types but you use it to store/lookup complex objects
hmm some kind of lookup table?
sure. you could have a Dictionary<guid,UIElement> to lookup your components
and use the same guid in the index
mm I'll have a go at that...
Isn't the same logic uses in compression of texts?
Does c# support directx?
What is the best way to create 3d games in c#? directx or something else like xna?
@AnkurSharma XNA is discontinued, but you can use it.
@AnkurSharma You can also use something like SharpDx
is there an interface to generalize either a network stream or a io stream
(for the Write method)
because both have Write
How to get selected cell value on DataGrid SelectedCellsChanged in wpf?Please Help Me
hello guys and gals
I need some help on this
Q: Excel plugin debugging fails due to error in VS2010

DiodeI am trying to understand a project which is a Excel plugin. Normally, It has to start the debugging in by loading the Excel plugin to the MS Excel application. Here, The project is built correctly but when I run the project, It gives an error as shown below. System can not find the file specifi...

I am struck in this problem for too long and I question was piled under without an answer
@AnkurSharma can you help me on this
@AlexDresko can you help me on this please
@Diode I am sry i have no ide. I am still new to c#
Yeah me too :(
Did you compile as x86, x64 or Any?
well I tried to change the platforms in the configuration
I think I have done it uisng any
Yes it is any
I have formally installed 32 bit office in my computer and I unstalled it and instlled 64
But VS is still searching for old paths
@Diode plugins are always bit specific
you can;t mix and match
I'd try to compile as 64 and redeploy
Debug deploy is working in my 64 bit excel
I tried to change the platform of the solution

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