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@TomF I have O'Reilly C# 4.0 in a nutshell. It's pretty thorough and well written. Probably best for someone that knows programming and just needs to know C#.
In the shower no less...
Yeah. And she likes younger men. I'm 3 years younger and she gets hit on by students so there's that...
@ActionHank In the shower "no less"?
At least it wasn't while she was in the shower.
@RyanJMcGowan how old is she? I'm hot for cougars
gets 'fastest block' record
@RyanJMcGowan Perhaps she suspects. Quick! Delete all your chat logs.
@NinjaEcho introduce @Nitin
@Nitin Welcome to C#! Please read the FAQ.
@KendallFrey Ah, sorry. I should take that discussion to an off-topic forum.
haha this is the off-topic forum
Why do programming books' covers always look so weird and bland? :\
@ActionHank 36. @KendallFrey And she just got out of the shower right now. I hope that was Herbal Essence she was moaning over, but I'm not liking that she named the showerhead "Ken."
@NinjaEcho $n good morning
Anyone running Windows 8?
from, maybe
@LewsTherin yes
@Darek I had Windows 8 running on a VM to try developing apps
I made a fucking awesome app back in the dev preview.
@Nitin any issues with this weeks updates?
@Darek I figured it wasn't worth it for hobbyist development because of the complexity involved in deploying an app.
My downloads are stalling
@Darek I haven't really been applying updates, so I can't help you there. What issues have you been experiencing?
gets to 50% and sits there
no Ethernet traffic
@Darek Do you mean the Windows Update stalls? You could try downloading those updates and installing them manually
I resorted to doing one by one and some are loading
others do not
I might have to do that
Frigging Microsoft
You don't need a domain to use WSUS. They tell you that you do, but you can edit the registry.
@Darek If you have mutliple computers, you could consider setting up a WSUS server (I'm assuming that's the right acronym they use)
@drch Hey.. for some reason it wasn't finding signalr/hubs.. but I fixed that. Now it isn't finding addMessage in blog.addMessage but I think I have to use jquery.extend
Seriously, this tutorial sucks balls
I am thinking about reformatting my ThinkStation to run Win2012 core, Hyper-V only, and than have a bunch of hosts
good or bad idea?
Bed.GoTo (MyBed, out me);
I have 24GB of RAM and two Xeon quad-cores
the quick start there is up to date
Love SignalR!
@RyanJMcGowan I hope I never use an API developed by you.
@Darek whats that
@KendallFrey BTW, I have a survey for my dissertation that I was hoping to get some responses on. Would it be okay for me to post a link to it here?
they changed the js api too ;)
what's what, @MuhammadRaja ?
It's a private method, I assure you.
@LewsTherin: blog.client.addMessage = function() { }
@Nitin Sure, as long as it's not about porn or something.
@Darek sorry I meant, the server you got with 24gb and two Xeon quad cores, what do you use it for
@drch Are you effing kidding me? :(
@Darek 24GB RAM? I'll bet it's to power virtual machines. After Vista, Microsoft has been limiting its footprint, so memory requirements haven't increased all that much.
I am a software architect
I'm performing research on adoption of software and would appreciate it if you can spare some time to fill in my survey: bit.ly/oss-survey
it is not uncommon I have to run 3 VS 2012 to debug a distributed scenario
@LewsTherin: your tutorial is probably from 0.5.x release
It doesn't have the version, but I reckon you are right
@KendallFrey Porn? If that was my research topic, I'd have research subjects paying to participate in the study
@Nitin I ran SQL 2008, occasionally 2012, Ubuntu, TFS
need all that RAM
also using 4GB as RAM Disk for temp files
reduces compile time
@Nitin Indeed.
@Darek The time needed to start up an ASP.NET app or to reload it after a change drove me to PHP.
@Nitin do you pre-compile?
@Darek I mean from within Visual Studio when using Cassini, not when using IIS
Ah, well, I kind of agree
but I do prefer MVC4 over PHP any day, for more complex scenarios
@Darek No, I don't usually pre-compile
@Darek No, I don't usually pre-compile
@drch Another problem :P $.connection.blogHub I assume blogHub should be the name tagged on the Hub class?
@Darek Did you try FuelPHP? It's not as well known, but it's rather nice. There are some large projects based on it too.
@Darek .NET is my platform of choice for building Windows Services and desktop app for Windows.
@drch Nevermind, :( My bad. Too much camelcasing
it defaults to the class name but you can override that with the [HubName()] attribute
@Nitin Done.
@drch Thanks :P
@KendallFrey Thank you!
@LewsTherin PHP has all of its in-built functions in lower-case with underscores. The new PSR suggests that developers use CamelCase. That's bound to cause quite a bit of confusion.
I like CamelCase
especially with ReSharper
I never noticed it before ... On Windows Update Panel, it indicates which updates have been already download ... nice
@Nitin ? :S
Anyone with Adaptec 6805E adapter around?
Another reboot
This refuses to work for me
My PCs are possesed
Thankfully there is Help 2012 Downloader
YAY Got SignalR working :D :D
Sweet! @LewsTherin
@Darek are you a SharePoint architect
how much did you paid for development server, if you don't mind telling us
SharePoint does not require architects, it is a content management system, closed for most part
My DEV box was gradually upgraded over time
Got it from CDW first
than some parts from NewEgg
o m f g
just saw a 17 line replacement for string.replace in this code
still trying to make my 4TB SAS permamanent ( *for now I have to switch it off during reboot * )
Did not really care how much I spent on it
I needed it so I bought it
It is good to run your own business
does DailyWTF give $ for submissions?
i think i could retire
@drch fire the idiot who wrote it
@Darek SharePoint isn't just CMS
Yes it is
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise @MuhammadRaja
That's just marketing
I.e. BI is NOT part of SharePoint
If its just a CMS then how can people develop custom solutions using it
This link, points t BI. BI is part of SQL Server Analysis Services, not SharePoint
@Darek ASP MVC 3
SharePoint just provides an ugly UI to access it
ooopss, people are using a CMS for there public websites too

If you want real BI, go with Cognos, Business Objects or Tablau
in the second case, it is still content, with occasional web page embedded in SP wrapper
End user doesn't care about real or fake, if they can see there business processes in SharePoint portal, thats it
SP is CMS and CMS alone
it has workflows
it has connectors
but it is still just a CMS
hey guys, could anybody help me with this please?
Really stuck lolz
What platform is that?
@Yenthe are you allowed to change blFinancien.getFinancienByInkomsten() ?
. SharePoint can be used to provide intranet portals, document & file management, collaboration, social networks, extranets, websites, enterprise search, and business intelligence.


@Darek SP is not just a CMS
You are missing the point, @MuhammadRaja
SPM is just CMS, the other features are provided by other technologies
@Darek, nope I'm not allowed to change the blmethod, its a method coming from a DAL function (C# in combination with Access as db)
You claimed the otehr day that you are SP developer. How can you develop for a system that you don;t understand?
@Darek definitely, thats because SP is combination different technologies anyway !
@Yenthe, do you know LINQ?
so we agree that SP is just CMS?
euhm nope :/
is it liked coding the SQL right into the form?
@Yenthe what type does blFinancien.getFinancienByInkomsten() return?
you are just saying its not, come back with references and facts @Darek
@MuhammadRaja you are hopeless
get a decent book on SP
read it past chapter 2
than we can talk
public DBManager.FinancienDataTable getAlleFinancien()
return adapter.GetAlleFinancien();

it returns multiple rows from a table (multiple fields)
DataRows ?
and this is the sql behind it:
SELECT * from financien
yep, you can get rows etc
No, that is not what I meant, @Yenthe
does it return DataSet full of DataRows?
with specific Grid mapping?
its a dataset filled with datarows if I'm not mistaking yes
heres some more of the code:
DBManager.FinancienDataTable financien;

public DBManager.FinancienDataTable Financien
get { return financien; }
set { financien = value; }
@MuhammadRaja, go ahead and develop a website in SP without IIS backing it, or a Business Scorecard without a database or cube. Than report back. It might take you a while.
@Yenthe what does FinancienDataTable derive from?
I've got a DAL file containing all the SQL tables and the queries, then I forward them to BLL files, where I work with adapters and put them into accessable functions (such as .getAlleFinancien) and then I call them in my form by name, such as:
blFinancien.GetAlleFinancien, hope that answers it?
so it is a custom type that?
created in BLL?
@Darek @Darek what you on about ?
Do you even know what a Scorecard is, read this post out

Check out this image, it explains the logic ;)
its just an example so you can see the logic behind it
@Yenthe, you could use a three part formatting string
what were the values for 1 and 0 ?
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[6].Format = "ValueForPositive;;ValueForZero"
if the field inkomstOfUitgave from the table financien is zero than it should show "Inkomsten, if it is 1 it should say "Uitgaven" in my datagrid
@MuhammadRaja I am done with you, for today. Learn something. Than come back.
@Yenthe the string formatting is not really just for 1 and zero
for all positive number it will display the first text, for all negative an empty, and for zero the last part (second text)
@Yenthe would that suffice?
wow amazing man o_O
I'm only getting one error,
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn' does not contain a definition for 'Format' and no extension method 'Format' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

And yep, if that works you saved my day :)
He's just not accepting the .Format
you need to use DataGridTextBoxColumn style
I don't really understand what you mean mate, sorry, I'm a rather nubby programmer I'm afraid :p
no wonder this is so difficult
yeah its the first time I'm working with datagrids
and its giving me quite some troubles lol
but what exactly do you mean by you need to use DataGridTextboxColumn style?
Sample from Microsoft Help
private void AddColumn()
     DataTable myTable= new DataTable();

     // Add a new DataColumn to the DataTable.
     DataColumn myColumn = new DataColumn("myTextBoxColumn");
     myColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
     myColumn.DefaultValue="default string";
     // Get the CurrencyManager for the DataTable.
     CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[myTable];
     // Use the CurrencyManager to get the PropertyDescriptor for the new column.
Still not entirely following, let me give it a try :p
I'm feeling nobody today, to be honest. Nothing beats normal pictureboxes etc..
What is the best option to implement a chat application in c# .net?
using handler?
using ajax?
What do you mean 'option'?
or user control?
Use SignalR @MehmetInce
There are a gazillion ways to do it.
sorry Darek, but I still don't get how to use
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[6].Format = "Uitgave;;Inkomst";

Could you help me a bit more ahead please?
@Yenthe oh, you're Dutch!
SignalR looks good
@ActionHank: yep I am!
but how can I integrate this into my app
Aren't there any tutorials?
...and there's the other Dutchie, @Roel!
Dutchies united front!
Ok ok I need glasses :) There is a documentation link
So about your problem @Yenthe, the 'are you missing a using directive?' is a bit off putting... ARE you missing a using directive? :P
@Yenthe, sorry bud, did not work
let me try something
@Darek: okay! thanks man, I'm really stuck on this one.
@ActionHank: I've got no idea..
@Roel or its shorthand 'DUF' (for non Dutch speakers: that means 'boring')
Well, this is terrible. University is organizing a mandatory 'company day' and you have to meet with representatives of at least 3 of the available companies. The goal is to familiarize yourself with these companies for possible future employment. The problem is, I don't care about any of these companies. >_<
So basically this is an Actor's Bootcamp
Pretty much. Pretend to care.
pretending to care is a valuable skill
useful in interviews
Also in debugging.
Another question I have; In which conditions I must use Generic Handler and In which conditions I must use Web Service? (for example ajax request)
Hahaha good points.
So I mean, what is the exact difference between them and which one is more efficient?
@Yenthe got it!
wow seriously? :D
@Yenthe Yes
I got it to work with DatGridView
is that OK?
yeah sure thing, as long as it displays it correct its fine!
            // column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
            this.column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "Column1";
            dataGridViewCellStyle1.Format = "One;\'\';Zero";
            dataGridViewCellStyle1.NullValue = null;
            this.column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle1;
            this.column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Column1";
            this.column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Name = "column1DataGridViewTextBoxColumn";
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle();
you will have to modify your format string
dataGridViewCellStyle1.Format = "One;\'\';Zero"
is what text I want it to display in place of the 0 / 1, right?
it is like in Excel
semicolns, not commas
Alright, I've rewritten it to my names / values

System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle1 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle();
this.inkomstOfUitgaveDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DataPropertyName = "inkomstOfUitgave";
dataGridViewCellStyle1.Format = "Inkomst;\'\';Uitgave";
dataGridViewCellStyle1.NullValue = null;
this.inkomstOfUitgaveDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle1;
this.inkomstOfUitgaveDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Inkomst / uitgave";
but it still shows 0 / 1 in the fields? :o
the title of the field is changed as a fact
I've posted a question here: math.stackexchange.com/questions/358240/… but it isn't getting much attention. Its c#/SQL/math related, maybe I should have reworded it in favour of programming
are you getting numbers or text for that column?
It's about a deadlock, two values depending on each other
numbers, its still showing the 0 / 1 as it is in my database
dude, I just tried
it works
I will send teh app using YouSendIt
this is what I'm getting :o
it might be because you are using dynamic columns ? @Yenthe
no, you are not
I wonder what teh diff is
try my sample
let me know if it works
yep gonna check it out right now!
And the colums ARE dynamic, since they come from a db
Than you will have to augment your code to apply style AFTER the data set has been refreshed
Otherwise styles get overwritten
Basically, I have this database that is filled with crowdsourced values. I calculate the "reliability" of each user by comparing the average of values submitted by that user to the global average. The thing is, when two users end up with 100% reliability, they have a complete monopoly and no values submitted by other users can make them budge.
I can post SQL if anyone would like to help
This should do it, shouldn't it? I say everything after its loaded, as its loaded on the top comment lines

dataGridViewInkomsten.DataSource = blFinancien.getAlleFinancien();

//kolommen niet tonen waarin enkel id's worden getoond
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[0].Visible = false;
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[1].Visible = false;
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[2].Visible = false;
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[8].Visible = false;

//dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Inkomst/uitgave";
yes, but where is the display style?
right after
dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[6].HeaderText = "Inkomst/uitgave";
knows someone how to reflection.emit a return statement?
@Darek should I add something of code for that too then?
and it sucks to see it working at your side, but not mine lol
one sec, I am reading your code
did you get the sample?
try getting the column
by index
than apply the style
yeah I downloaded the sample, and it indeed works on your programme :o
@Yenthe dataGridViewInkomsten.Columns[6].DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle1
wow amazing that fixed it! :D
@NinjaEcho Rejoice!
how can I ever thank you man? :)
bitcoin donation
How can I get the returned object of the call "methodIl.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo, Type.EmptyTypes);"

ILGenerator methodIl = methodBuilder.GetILGenerator();

methodIl.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, interceptorInfo.Interceptor, Type.EmptyTypes);
methodIl.EmitCall(OpCodes.Call, methodInfo, Type.EmptyTypes);

Buy be a pint next time you are in Chicago
I'm afraid that is amazingly far from me lol, Belgium you see
Never say never
Anyways, I'm so thankful man! You should post the answer on my thread, so that I can set it to the correct answer & getting you some credit ;)
wow god I'm still happy about this
will be happy to
Hopefully this helps other people in the future too :)
@Yenthe done
got 15 points!
Thanks man!
No problem, this was a though one and you really helped me a lot!
So thats the least I could do :)
Huh, color me surprised; in the before mentioned list of boring companies there is one that is actually interesting. Weird, something related to Uni being interesting.
Aight I've got to run, hope to catch you another time around @Darek and have a nice day ^^
no one?
@RoelvanUden: to be fair, I wonder what these companies feel about having to talk to a bunch of boring uni students
@drch Unfortunately they are volunteering in order to suck up some of these boring Uni students into their companies.
U2 @Yenthe
@C one sec
@C @this.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); ?
where @this is of ILGenerator type
@CSharper ?
@CSharper I guess I did not understand the questiion
@CSharper anyhow, this subject is well explained in Metaprogramming in .Net by Kavin Hazzard and Jason Bock
@CSharper ISBN: 9781617290268
hmm, anyone?
kinda stumped, been at it since yesterday at 3 AM
@Darek I solved it.
@Darek thanks anyway. But.. how can I archive this, when I have a classA that uses another classB but directly after that classB is set in classA, classB becomes inmutable, like a config...
Should I do a deep copy?
or is the design lacking?
you understand? or should I explain it again? :)
I have not read that chapter yet, @CSharper sorry
sounds intriguing thou
@CSharper what is the opcode for throw?
Morning C#
Morning @CodeMonkeyAlx
@CodeMonkeyAlx Evening
Aye, I ended up staying up late last night talking to a Girl I met at a party. He is having some guy issues so me playing the role of guardian angel all the time decided to have a two hour talk with her.... I think I might have acquired one of them Rare "Girl Friend" people (If not now maybe down the line)
Q: Does anyone know if it is possible to clean up Help Viewer 2.0 Download cache?
mine is corrupt
@CodeMonkeyAlx sounsd more like entrance to the friendzone
Lol maybe @drch However in some ways it beats no female contact. o.O
hello everyone :) .. i need a lil suggestion
anyone up?
@drch As being me and being lonely most of my life. At the Ripe age of 22 and having little to no physical social life then it would make sense that even the friend zone is a welcomed escape.
@Zeeshan: This is the C# hotline. How can we assist you?
@CodeMonkeyAlx: whatever floats your boat mate

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