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Yeah. Make a spinner.
If I want to organize a load of .cs files into folders, does that mean I have to change the namespaces to match the directory, or do I have to use them like this - using myFolder.myNameSpace.myClass
@edc placeholder sounds good
or does it not make any difference to organize in folders
@KendallFrey but could i not just upload a animated gif?
You can organize the file structure however you want. It has nothing to do with namespaces.
Folders are independent of namespaces. But for ease of use, keep them the same
@EliteGamer but then it's an animated gif, not a control
@EliteGamer Ummm
@AnkurSharma You don't, but be aware that VS will use the directory in the namespace when you create a new class.
@NinjaEcho $g spinner widget
@JasonBerkan Yes and no.
@edc Placeholder....do you mean in like a textbox?
does the program automatically detect the cs files even it is hidden deep into a directory?
@EliteGamer something that generates... a div maybe? lol
@EliteGamer we have something that generates a span, why not a div
a WPF control
@AnkurSharma What program?
the bot should allow you to just type @N or something.
there must be something similar
@AnkurSharma It is often usefull to use the folder structure for Namespace hierarchy. But its not a must.
not web
@RyanJMcGowan Not this again.
Someone else said that?
a less crappy data grid maybe?
something that rivals slick grid
So get on it!
it's unanimous
@edc and @KendallFrey are you talking about web or WPF? I was saying WPF control
@EliteGamer WPF, of course
why did he say generate a div?
it's just a grand idea. it doesn't matter what technology
He is probably on weed.
If I simply say using myClass, even if the cs file containing that class is hidden in a directory, will it work?
@AnkurSharma Perhaps you should learn C#.
@edc But a good WPF software. A Email Form genorator :)
@KendallFrey Yes it is my first day. :)
You seem to misunderstand how programs are built.
@EliteGamer you want to make a control, or a software? :P
@AnkurSharma Yes. The folder is only a help to organize your files, the compiler (C#) is not interested in it.
@edc well, WPF, but i just said that would be a neat software to make
@KendallFrey What am I thinking wrong?
I don't know.
using has nothing to do with files on disk
@CSharper Ok thanks.
@KendallFrey that is exactly what I wanted to know. thanks.
@KendallFrey What do you propose I used?
I don't care.
@KendallFrey why can i not just click create WPF Control in the VS New Project window?
Because there's no template for it.
@EliteGamer It's not implemented?
Feel free to make one.
so i have make a project, set the output as a class library, then get the dll out of it?
@EliteGamer yes.
Is it better to test in an unittest the positiv assertion (that what I expect) or the negativ assertion?
@CSharper both
@Pheonixblade9 ok. So, a method that checks an int is even or odd, should unittested on e.g. 12 and 19..
Ugh, the spelling...
Q: audio play one after another until completed array of all audios in unity

user2267683here i'm writing code but waitforsecond is used to wait completion of audio in this purpose use yield return new waitforsecond() ..this is is in one method and cal from this method is oNGUI() but enters method but not executed yield stmt plz help me....the below code.... using UnityEngine; using...

@CSharper yes.
How can I unit-test the performance of a method? I can't assume that a method goes every time exactly 2 minutes?
I think Stopwatch worked.
Q: How can I unit test performance optimisations in C#?

Dylan BeattieI'm using an optimised version of Levenshtein's algorithm in some search code I'm building. I have functional unit tests to verify that the algorithm is returning the correct results, but in this context the performance of the algorithm is also hugely important. I'm looking to add some test cove...

Though depending on what you are writing, performance may not be a viable thing to test via unit tests (cf web sites).
Another easy question, can you say using within the class
What about within the function?
I mean the using keyword.
how can I unit test unit tests
LOL - because 100% of 100% means my code must be perfect.
each time I want to use Python, I'm disappointed by something different.
@AnkurSharma The "using" statement on top of the file, is to "import" a namespace, so you don't have to write the full qualified name. The "using" statement within a method is used to dispose the object (only it's implements IDisposable) after the using scope..
last time I wanted to launch a process and control its standard input and output, that brought me into a journey through popen, popen2, popen3, popen4, subprocess and command
@JasonBerkan thanks for this. But the unit test itself is not "isolated" in a way that the CPU usage is not used for something else..?
the other time I tried to parse XML and was disappointed by the built-in packages to do it
and this time it's urllib taking forever to download a page that chrome downloads in the blink of an eye
Could it be a proxy issue? That's why my c# was slow
@CSharper ok, thanks.
how could python be slow and chrome be fast if that was a proxy issue?
Cuz chrome skips proxy detection or something
I had times of 10+ seconds just because of some proxying setting
I don't think python respects any proxy settings that you don't explicitly set
I didn't set the C# one either.
That's why it was slow
@CSharper Personally, I'm really unsure if performance is something that can be successfully unit tested. You'd have to work hard to make certain the tests were being run each time under the same circumstances.
@JasonBerkan My question was also about, to look, if someone has more experience about this topic..
also, it's connecting to my local machine
mvc4 has so many references that it's scary to look at at the beginning
sleep well to all...
@CSharper bye mate. just wondering, why did u invite me to a chat room
@AnkurSharma because you have alote of question, but thats minutes ago..
how do i use my custom control? I added this: xmlns:local="clr-namespace:PlaceholderTextBox;assembly=PlaceholderTextBox" but that did not work
and added this into my grid in my window
did not work, eh?
@CSharper NP. now i have understood the structure of the language.
well, i have the code right
it just says it can not find it
obviusly not right
namespace PlaceHolderTextBox
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml
    /// </summary>
    [Description("Represents a custom TextBox, with the ability of a placeholder.")]
    public partial class PlaceholderTextBox : TextBox
@AnkurSharma hope so. look on the web, there are great sources...
that is part of the placeholder (usercontrol) code
and i referenced those in my code above
I am using this one atm - csharp-station.com/tutorial.aspx along with msdn tutorials
And I will also watch theNewBoston youtube tutorials soon (they are more about Windows Forms)
loving c# so far, so much nicer than c++
not to mention, the Visual Express 2012 looks sick. Its so amazing design.
@AnkurSharma Well, .NET is a million billion times better than MFC was.
Are you sure your assembly is correct @EliteGamer
And I still shudder to think about the C++ project I was involved in that had 4 completely separate string classes.
bye people, have a great one.
@Darek well, i have not made it into a dll
i am just trying to test it
in my Window.xaml
@AnkurSharma Pluralsight is a great resource for learning C#.
@KendallFrey why would i need an assembly?
i want to test it before i make it into a dll
@Darek said that. Not Kendall.
Whenever you compile, you make a DLL. lol
@KendallFrey, know anything about how XNA handles blend/transparency? I cannot find it (in drawing text), but the alpha value does nothing. Color.Transparent is invisible, but for all else, the alpha is not taken into account.
@KendallFrey i know. I will not compile!
You can't test without compiling.
You can't run before you compile.
@Pawnguy7 2D or 3D
and before the start
@KendallFrey 2D
i get error when building...so i am supposed to compile it to a dll, then test?
I don't know much about it, but I would guess that alpha isn't used for blending by default
@EliteGamer You don't understand the build process do you?
no, not fully
compile, debug/run
If it works, deploy it.
@EliteGamer, you can't do anything until you fix errors. Try to write your code so that you fix errors as you make them. Every time you finish a codeblock, there should be no errors.
ok, let me redo the project
How many errors do you have?
well, one error does not make sense
it says i have to include closing tags....i already have
and some other things
double click it and see where it goes
Betcha haven't.
Error 1 'PlaceholderTextBox': member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type C:\Users\Hunter\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\WpfApplication3\WpfApplication3\UserControl1.xaml 10 50 WpfApplica‌​tion3
Q: Is there an alpha value that makes white go invisible?

Sebastian GrayIf I use the following for(int i = 255; i > 0; i--) { Color transparentBlack = new Color(0, 0, 0, i); } I have the effect of the object using this color to draw with going from black to a light grey and then invisible when the alpha value goes to zero. However if I start with a white value...

IT seems you might be on to something.
But the DrawString call shas no blendmode option.
"member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type" = you have a property or field that is the name of your class.
what about a name of a control?
Call it something different. Using the same name is reserved for constructors.
the errors seem to never go away
Sometimes one little error can give you 10.
Error 2 Partial declarations of 'PlaceHolderTextBox.PlaceholderTextBox' must not specify different base classes C:\Users\Hunter\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\PlaceHolderTextBox\PlaceHolderTextBox\PlaceholderTextBox.xaml.cs 2‌​4 26 PlaceHolderTextBox
Like not closing properly...
Error 1 The name "PlaceholderTextBox" does not exist in the namespace "clr-namespace:PlaceHolderTextBox". C:\Users\Hunter\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\PlaceHolderTextBox\PlaceHolderTextBox\MainWindow.xaml 7 9 PlaceHol‌​derTextBox
and it does exist
post your code
`<Window x:Class="PlaceHolderTextBox.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<UserControl x:Class="PlaceHolderTextBox.PlaceholderTextBox"
             d:DesignHeight="23" d:DesignWidth="120">
        <TextBox Name="PlaceholderBox" GotFocus="PlaceholderTextBox_GotFocus" LostFocus="PlaceholderTextBox_LostFocus"></TextBox>
local is not closed
what do you mean?
I see it
begining of my xaml.cs
namespace PlaceHolderTextBox
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for UserControl1.xaml
    /// </summary>
    [Description("Represents a custom TextBox, with the ability of a placeholder.")]
    public partial class PlaceholderTextBox : TextBox
        public PlaceholderTextBox()
I didn't realize you're talking about xaml. I thought you were in C#
keep going
are you getting errors in the cs file?
` PlaceholderTextBox : TextBox` sould be ` PlaceholderTextBox : UserControl`
@KendallFrey my control is acting wierd
for some reson, in the viewer, the controls are all aligned properly, but when i run it, my control is off to the left
Don't use the WPF designer. Duh.
why not?
billdr gon be pissed
Bitcoin is now 50 percent off its intraday high of $266
I'm pissed
in ASP.NET MVC, 13 mins ago, by CC Inc
My ****ing bitcoins lost all of their ****ing value
dutch tulips sucka
could i get some help on creating a custom Control in WPF
@CCInc bitcons aren't worth much in the first place!
how do I check with equality to this mysql timestamp value 0000-00-00 00:00:00
well today I made $2 in the stock market. #canthandlemyswag
I just bought 800 shares in JCP.
They're going places. I'm telling ya.
do I smell like fish
I was wondering who it was...
@c'c yeah
I didn't know you were a girl.
@RyanJMcGowan I'm not a girl
And you don't smell like fish.
@Pheonixblade9 - Speculative (as in only with money allotted to speculative investment and not meant for long term) vvus target: 16 by August. Target entry date: 4/19 @ end of market
@RyanJMcGowan lol
@TravisJ interesting
I really wanna buy AMD, but I'm not allowed to buy stocks under $3/share yet.
AMD processors?
buy ARM
they're gonna eat all
@c'c ARM is expensive, and I don't see it going up considerably.
all the speculation on ARM is already done. It's a growth stock, now
(in my opinion)
@Pheonixblade9 Stockmarket is no good
but right at this price there's no risk
@c'c I'm doing this for fun. It's speculation.
I'd rather buy Intel
My cousins really into forex. Seems more predictable and just as lucrative, plus you can use programming skills to make buy sells for you using Metatrader.
actually in forex there's no buy/sell. It's more like transfering.
@RyanJMcGowan forex is no more predictable than stocks, lol
well, in the sense that a stock is highly dependent on people's decisions, whereas forex is an accumulation of an entire economy.
no one person can fuck up an entire currency. Unless you're trading NK currency. haha
forex tracks index funds... why not just invest in the index funds?
Can you make money in index funds that are declining?
You can do that in forex.
yes, usually there is one which trades inverse to the fund
how does that work?
@RyanJMcGowan you can short it.
If forex is anything like the forex game I played, I could have a billion dollars right now.
shorting is a little different than trading it's opposing currency.
a lot different, really.
Short selling is the selling of a stock that the seller doesn't own. More specifically, a short sale is the sale of a security that isn't owned by the seller, but that is promised to be delivered.
here is one I was really fund fond of when the market was doing bad google.com/finance?q=NYSEARCA:SH
right. You can short sell in forex too. You can probably short sell in any sort of market..
@TravisJ the prospectus for VVUS shows losses for the past 8 quarters... what makes you think it's worth buying?
Do you know some stuff about forex and NN?
@Pheonixblade9 do you know how i can make a custom property in wpf?
NN would be perfect for forex.
screw forex, BITCOIN!
The thing with forex is if the value is trending up, you put your money on that currency. If it goes down, you don't cash out. You just swap currencies and keep making money.
@Pheonixblade9 - recent investment, they are going to start marketting their drug, and they should get a deal to license it soon. These 3 aspects will generate positive news which will drive demand for the stock which is seen at a discount price. However, it is not a good long term investment and should only be used to make a short term gain.
@TravisJ interesting. more info?
@Pheonixblade9 - the bitcoin market crashed today
also, what if the drug doesn't get licensed?
oh wow
@KendallFrey are you always here?
"The digital currency spikes at $266 before plunging to $105 on Wednesday in wild ride possibly linked to Reddit user"
@Darek yes.
Well that's reassuring.
@Darek A lot, anyway.
I do recognize that
@Pheonixblade9 - There is no deadline for the drug to get licensed so it wont ever hit some sort of kill switch for the investors. However, the belief that it could be licensed soon is enough to push the stock higher. If it were to get fully set to take their drug Qnexa to market it would mean that the stock would be worth around $45.

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