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user scripts are not as fun
I could make one too
You are hard to please.
Have you seen rlemon's chat shortcuts script?
Too invasive.
I always thought that extra message was spammy too...
Sacred feces, VS has a HTML browser in the debugger!
> Estimated Time of Arrival: NaN:NaNpm - NaN:NaNpm
How can I make it so an interface guarantees the existance of a public member that is not a function? (that is is explicitly set)
I knew somebody would do that :\
You mean a property?
On second though, apparently interfaces cannot contain fields.
you mean abstract.
They can only do properties and methods.
I can try properties I suppose.
I guess it is about the same as it is a public member.
You probably shouldn't have public fields anyway.
And please don't call fields members.
@Pawnguy7 what do you need the interface for?
I call things in a class members of that class :D
It's discriminating against properties, methods and events.
just do this:
void FieldName();
void FieldNameVal5();

and then use reflection on the interface to look for methods, search for name, and then search for that methods associated val. 5 in this case.
Well, I call methods functions, and variables variables :D I don't use the term field or method.
I mean, since we are getting away from best practice, why not? right?
Anyway, this was with the RoomManager and Room interface.
I wanted to make each room have a transitioningInTime, and a corresponding transitioningOutTime.
@Pawnguy7 You should. If you don't use the official terms, you will get yourself confused.
Well, I am yet to use properties, so that is that. Or events, for the matter. And field->variable and method->function is pretty easy.
interface IRoom {
   DateTime InTime { get; }
   DateTime OutTime {get; }
Anyway. Should I just add a getXXX() method to the interface?
@Pawnguy7, sure if its Java
if its c#, use properties
@Pawnguy7 Why are you getting porn? O.o
why not?
I didn't expect that from the guy that doesn't even like sex.
in Lounge<D,,>, 9 mins ago, by Abyx
@Pawnguy7 xxx_progress
Because this.
And in the SFML docs, it said sfml-xxx, etc.
@KendallFrey I'm old
To stand for a particular value that needs not be stated.
Anyway. If I have a property...
Can I assign it at the same spot?
+1 @JohanLarsson .... Actually I used to be embarrassed talking about that stuff now I embrace the fact that I am a perv someone does not like it... well no one said you needed to talk to me xD
I'm listening to music that sounds like a very tortured fart O.o
@CodeMonkeyAlx lol i treat my xxx folder as first class citizen, no hiding, want it available. My ex had an issue with that so I had desktop shortcut for a while
matter of principle
Woah what?
think I passed the line of TMI with margin /xxx stuff :D
anyone with a porn folder on their desktop...
needs a better ISP
I hesitate to add properties, it seems... like more work.
I like the idea of being able to simply go like so:
@JohanLarsson I would as well but I do my best to keep that off my gaming / work rig. Laptop (Chromebook...) Full speed ahead though I do keep it on an external HDD I keep next to my bed so its not directly on the machine itself.
then use methods but its not standard c# conventions
@drch it could have been an empty one, matter of principle
@JohanLarsson you look like you're between the ages of 25 and 65
"I masturbate to an empty folder" uh huh...
int getFoo() { } and void setFoo(int i) { } are not how encapsulation of simple fields is done in C#
but it should work just fine
class SomeRoom : Room
    float transitioningInTime = 50;
    float transitioningOutTime = 50;
@drch Ahhh my eyes! MY EYES! ITS JAVA ALL OVER AGAIN!
oh god
I want something like that.
yeah thats bad
Really, you don't.
and an interface wouldnt specify that
You just think you do.
because thats implementation
I'm getting chicken tortilla soup made for me tonight <3
Yes, that is my issue :\
@KendallFrey Inception O.o
but still its just fundamentally incorrect and smelly
Can you explain in simple English what you need you class to expose?
I am shocked there is not an NSFW / Adult Media SE
class SomeRoom : Room
    public float transitioningInTime { get { return 50; }}
    public float transitioningOutTime { get { return 50; }}
No set for you!
@drch See my starred comment. You described it.
the empty folder you masturbate to?
I need to make the message filter apply to starred comments
@CodeMonkeyAlx Hmmm... >.>
class SomeRoom : Room
    public SomeRoom() {
        transitioningInTime = 50;
        transitioningOutTime = 50;

    public float transitioningInTime { get; set; }
    public float transitioningOutTime { get; set; }
Or that.
@TravisJ it was my fault
prepare your anus
I... I...
HAH! PAYBACK! For being a meany butt face head yesterday! @KendallFrey
and the interface for Room would prob be:
interface IRoom {
   float InTime {get;}
   float OutTime { get; }
optionally specify set too if that makes sense
@TravisJ focus on making it filter out @Pheonixblade9
My anus is permanently puckered...
@Johan - I could make it auto filter users. But I try not to make invasive features. What is nice about it is that it feels like part of the environment.
@Mysticial flags again?
@JohanLarsson yeah
6 of them on the "prepare your anus" comment
pb9 did for his comment above
Wonders How long it will take @ShotgunNinja to realize that Neko_Kun is me :3
really? flags on that?
Yep, flags on that.
@Mysticial what did you wote?
Yup, I got the blue (1).
@JohanLarsson I haven't voted. I usually stay out of things that are not in my room unless it's flagrant.
But I will come in to read the context.
ok sounds reasonable
In this case, the context is just as bad.
And you will stay for the good conversations? :)
We talk about porn, Travis.
yeah teach us something
in Functional Programming, 2 hours ago, by Johan Larsson
I'm teaching puppy about immutable objects, have placed a shoe on the kitchen floor and declared it immutable. He is barking at it.
You do. I have been filtering like crazy in the past few minutes.
@JohanLarsson Your logic lies in a different plane than that of mine.
I voted no on the flags, since they were old and clearly the product of cūlusium nocebit, or painful anus.
There's a name for gay sex?
@Chris much appreciated.
@TravisJ Sorry if I caused you any problems man. -- All in good fun... Maybe?
@KendallFrey I use the rock bottom
Stupid JSHint. Bitching about functions being used before they are declared..
Are properties somehow always public, or must they be declared as such?
@Pawnguy7 they're private unless you declare them public.
All members are private by default.
@Pawnguy7 must be declared, one really nice thing in C# is that you can have access modifiers on get /set
Except in interfaces, where all members are public.
@Pawnguy7: no but everything defined in an interface must be public in the implementation
public int Index {get;private set;}
Hm... so one could make it in a way that class members input into a property can be filtered just like from the public?
@CodeMonkeyAlx I'm not wondering, because I don't care.
@ShotgunNinja Oh... Alright xD
float transitioningInTime { get; }
float transitioningOutTime { get; }
In interface.
I now declare them as?
float transitioningInTime{get{return 2;}}?
Yes, plus public
Oh, yes.
Alright onto the chapter about debugging!!! :D
Cuz you know I ran into sooo many so far.
Accessing x_room_instance.transitioningInTime errors.
oh I thought you were talking about me entering
parseInt Y U NO WORK
@CodeMonkeyAlx what are you even talking about
Brendan Eich are you retarded?
@ShotgunNinja The post on the anime stack exchange about Ghost in the Shell xD
@KendallFrey pass a radix
@CodeMonkeyAlx barf
Oh. Never mind. It didn't error. Apparently this was VS again not getting rid of warning once they are fixed untill rebuild.
It's a very sad day when a languages weakly-typed features work better than the strongly-typed ones do.
I need to get used to that :\
it's build output
Eh.... Need a Towl for that @ShotgunNinja?
A mop, maybe.
Yeah, @CodeMonkeyAlx, you need to learn how to not use run-on sentences.
I am a horrible person
Also, it's "towel". The word you are looking for is towel.
Where's @Ellie when you need her?
FUCKing JS dates
@CodeMonkeyAlx I love Ghosyt in shell
@KendallFrey lolol
.... Grammar_Nazi_2013.exe I think I just found a new copy.
@KendallFrey I'm running into the same problem.
What problem?
@CodeMonkeyAlx Indeed.
tow-el. Towel. "T-O-W-E-L".
"Say it with me, class."
@AmmarAhmed Ghost in the Shell.
@AmmarAhmed So do I, kinda one of them anime that gets you thinking.
@ShotgunNinja ghst @ da shll
aw shiet
It is the only one I liked really.
Tried getting into others .. no luck. I wish it lasted more than 2 seasons
The dimension of time is confusing enough as it is. But when some ancient non-programmers decided they knew how to measure time, they fucked it up for all of us.
@Pawnguy7 F-U-C-K-E-D_A-G-A-I-N "Fucked Again!"
@drch Only on the internet will you find a stoned towel playing video games.
why removed?
It did not work the way I thought it was? Less I did not see something?
why remove the wrong ones?
@KendallFrey actually you can on TV as well
no .. it blows
GF suks
My GF does both ;D
With women, blow and suck mean the same thing.
@AmmarAhmed If you liked GITS check out Psycho-Pass. Its produced by the same company and has a similar kind of story. Also I dont know if you heard yet but they are making a new Ghost in the Shell. Not sure if its an OAV or a new Series but it looks promising.
same with vacuum cleaners?
Did someone say git?
@CodeMonkeyAlx will do
@CodeMonkeyAlx but I am REALLY picky
Well up to you, I just figured I would put it out there.
ya I will give it a go. Thanks. Didn't kn ow about new GITS
@CodeMonkeyAlx my body is ready
hmm github sites freshly changed to .io
can someone help me with class structure of JSON string ?
{"cpanelresult":{"apiversion":2,"event":{"result":1},"module":"Email","func":"a‌​ddpop","data":[{"result":0,"reason":"The account [email protected] already exists!"}],"error":"The account [email protected] already exists!"}}
What about it?
looks correct to me
well, i am getting that as response
i am havin probs with deserialization
What have you tried?
> I am not a mind reader…Please adjust your communication skills accordingly.
Haw haw
how do i de-serialize it to a object ?
in c# or js?
you have to have a class which matches that structure
and then deserialize into it using a json lib
such as json.net
i dont want to reference to json.net for only this single task
i need proper class structure
what framework are you using?
I found JavaScriptSerializer was simple, even though it's excessively verbose.
I like jss too :)
is it good idea to use log4net to insert in my mysql table, or I keep the manual way I did so far
@AppDeveloper Get over your fear for using libs.
It consists of Dictionary<string, object> and object[]
after that i think DataContractJsonSerializer should be able to de-serialize it
are you using mvc?
nope wpf
.net 3.5
enjoy your import
@RoelvanUden - what do u exactly meany by ? "Get over your fear for using libs."?
i dont want to reference to json.net for only this single task, really, who cares? Just use the best tool for the job.
You're assuming JSON.NET is the best tool.
step 2 is just a neural complex evolution of the formula
me <3 neural net
neural net </3 me
Make them learn to love you
I don't have time...
To do all the stuff I dream of, I'd have to quit my job.
Takes anyone a few thousand tries to love you. Just be patient.
Have you ever heard of tel: URLs?
@RyanJMcGowan Only took me a few tries to be loved.
I only found out about them a few days ago.
Pretty... interesting.
I find them fascinating too. But there seems to be a missing component to making them learn more like an animal does. Like an animal CAN learn once and NNs don't. If you put a screwdriver in a receptacle, that's something you'll only ever do once. But NNs might take 100 times before it gets it.
@c'c changed to io for security. They did not want to confuse official github downloads with users hosted downloads
Have you ever seen a kid learning that something hurts? He won't stop at one time.
unless it REALLY hurts
@AmmarAhmed for readability , oh yes security, fising..
Generally, the limitation of ANNs is size. There have been few projects that involves ANNs comparable to animal brains.
Even if a NN matures, it lacks the ability to learn once. I think there has to be to make NNs more aware of pain. To know "that's something I can never do again". Even very basic creatures have fears like that.
you define weight for some critical events maybe
like when you burn your finger
Yeah. On the input side.
I could see that working. There's a NN test where a car tries to drive down a tunnel, sensing only the distance to the walls. For a few hundred times the car slams into the wall. Maybe if the car sensed the severity of the impact it would know to slow down much sooner.
I've actually seen that.
it's one of the first listed under Neural Networks on YT.
blgughghughguh I want to go home
I kept looking at that one thinking if it should be able to learn much sooner.
Yeah, if we had a closer model of real NNs
it seems like such an obvious one to learn. As the lasers get shorter, try to turn. If they keep getting shorter, turn the other way.
The fact is, we don't know how to make it learn faster.
I think weighing the inputs are a good start
in proportion to severity
@RyanJMcGowan defining cost is the hardest part of ANNs/genetic algorithms
as it sounds like you're describing a neural network as described by genetic algorithms
Well, our inputs are analog in a way. A feather touches you and there's an sensory input. A hammer touches you and there's a lot MORE sensory input. NNs don't work that way. They just say "this time was a little better than the last"
And then, as they learn, they become less adaptable. They focus in on one task and do it well, but god forbid should they get an input they haven't had before because the learning is over and the network lost it's rigidity.
@KendallFrey I am confused how to make a timer in XNA. GameTime.TotalGameTime always returns 0...
Show me your code.
Is it more common to write "String.Empty" or "string.Empty" (first letter upper case)?
Do you mean which is better?
caps lock is cruise control to cool
I prefer ""
that is what I use too
@CSharper Are you an old school VB programmer or one of the cool C# kids?
@JasonBerkan I can write VB, but its long time ago. I write daily C# :)
I read somewhere why you should use String.Empty but I can't remember. I think it avoids an extra reference or something.
Maybe, but that's called micro-optimization.
@CSharper I use String.Empty, since System.String is the name of the .NET class.
I still use ""
I'm pretty sure the difference won't be measurable.
@JasonBerkan I use string, because it's a keyword
@KendallFrey It's not about the expression of "" or String.Empty. It's all about refrences to the string alias or String class.
Actually, I use String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace nowadays.
That's completely unrelated.
@CSharper Use the language keyword, definitely.
@KendallFrey ok. Do you think it is a programmers personal preference? e.g. coding style?
@JasonBerkan troll
@RyanJMcGowan Not a troll; that method is a lot cleaner and more concise.
@CSharper Yes, but I also think there's no reason to use the class name.
@RyanJMcGowan Not at all. If I have to check if a string is empty, I no longer use String.Empty.
You mean comparison?
You're talking about something unrelated.
That's a method returning a bool. We're not talking about checking of empty necessarily.
@KendallFrey startTimePoint = time.TotalGameTime;
Passing a value is not a method.
Besides, there is a difference between empty and null.
unless it returns your desired value
The question is not about string comparison, it's more about coding style..
@Pawnguy7 And where did you get time?
shrugs - It's partially related. It's half the reason to use String.Empty.
yeah, you're right for conditionals. That would be a good method for that.
@JasonBerkan IMO, string.Empty is dumb.
usually when i say that i get "OMG it is Elite RUN!!!!"
@KendallFrey That line occured within the Update loop. Technically, a few function calls within the loop, but the draw and update methods are continually being run.
@KendallFrey Why?
Because the literal is shorter and removes a dependency.
@Pawnguy7 Is it the time passed into the method? Or did you create it yourself?
@KendallFrey The GameTime?
@KendallFrey Am I confused about how C# and .NET works? If you have a string, you have a dependency on System.String, do you not?
@EliteGamer yaaawn sup dude.
@Pawnguy7 Yes.
@JasonBerkan Yeah, but not the field.
@ShotgunNinja so are you in to WPF?
are are you like asp
are you stuttering?
it has been a long day
so, maybe
@KendallFrey Since i have nothing to do as of right now. I was wanting to create custom controls in WPF, then allow people to download them. Do i just export them into a .dll and people download that? or do i have to give them like assemblies? I have never done this before, that is why i asked.
A DLL is an assembly, silly.
oh, well, ...
what else do i have to give them?
just the dll?
@KendallFrey constructed when object is created in init method. Does it need to be continually reconstructed or something?
@EliteGamer Yeah
And optionally a pdb and documentation
@Pawnguy7 It's passed into the method, no?
@all Does anyone need a custom control built. Or that would be nice to have? I have nothing to do, so.... give me your ideas!
If I have a code coverage for a class up to 100%, how meaningful is this related to the quality of code?
It's generally a good thing.
Not a proof of completeness though
Hi again
I'm a web guy with a graphics background. I design buttons in Illustrator. Is there a way to export from vector to WPF without converting to raster graphics?
Not an easy one.
@KendallFrey Ok. My goal is to have must classes covered at 100%, but's sometimes it's really hard to do that..
What format? SVG?
SVG I can save to from illustrator.
I think SVG and WPF have the same path data format
I haven't even touched WPF yet. I assume it's meant to replace Forms?
it's meant to replace god
@KendallFrey I am not using the normal draw method, no
Well you should be.
Can you have multiple classes in the same .cs file?
@AnkurSharma Yes, but its no recommanded, exception: nested classes.
@KendallFrey Should I use DateTime's instead?
I don't know. Probably not.
@AnkurSharma The problem is, if you have 5 classes in a file, its difficult to find it again, in a huge project.
@CSharper It's also a pain for multiple developers to work on, as you only have a single file to check out of source control.
@JasonBerkan This is also true.
@KendallFrey I need an idea of a control that i can build. I want to make something that a lot of people use in a lot of their projects.
but i want to make the control for simplicity on the programmer
that...would that be a control
I insist on having ALL classes in one file. Screw everyone else on the team.
the spinner?

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