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I have an int array that and im trying to search for matches . Should i use index of or something like this snipt.org/ziaw2
I am looking at the output window.. and a lot of exceptions occur behind the scenes
Should I be worried?
Is that to me or Sebastian?
@Sebastian Why are you writing your own Contains method?
@LewsTherin Hi, its part of my assignment. I know school stuff is not appreciated here but any help would be great.
You can use either, I think IndexOf is slightly faster
Or you can have both methods
Did NinjaEcho "steal" Kendall's image? :P
@LewsTherin I get error : unreachable code when using return true; and return false inside the loop. And that not all paths returns a value
Your comparison is wrong
@LewsTherin Ok
If the first item doesn't match it exits
    bool isInArray = false;
     for (int i=0; i< Items.Length;i++)
                    if (Items[i] == item)
                        isInArray = true;

return isInArray;
I suck at naming stuff "isAnArray" can be any name you want.. obv
@LewsTherin =) thanks
cc> Enumerable.Range(1, Int32.MaxValue).ToArray();
cc> Consoler.WriteLine("hello world");
Consoler? :P
@LewsTherin: Hehehe.. @NinjaEcho doesn't respond :'(
Oh it is Kendall's bot.. ?
That I don't know.
@LewsTherin: you can rewrite your previous code snippet to:
isInArray = Items.Any(i => item);
@Steven Or Contains()?.. but I think he has to do it manually
@LewsTherin I get an error : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. in the for loop
Does Items point to an object?
here's link to the code snipt.org/ziay5
i've updated the link
Items.Count instead of Items.Count<int>()
I dunno.. make sure Bag creates an Items object
public void add(int item)

Items = new int[] {item};

So you only have a 1 d array every time? :P
yes !
ask my professor
Wtf.. when you add an item to Items.. why will you discard the other items ? :S
Weird requirement
@LewsTherin If i add a second item to my array wont it create a new array with the 2 elements?
Not with your code
You are replacing the initial reference with a new array instance.. so every time you get an array with one 1 element
I just realized I phrased my statement wrongly ha
So you only have an array with 1 element every time? :P
@LewsTherin i see well thats not what i want =)
That's why you are also getting an exception
You must call add() before calling contains()
If you really want to lazy load Items maybe:
@LewsTherin Alright
public int[] Items{
   if(items == null)
      items = new int[size];
   return items ;
@LewsTherin Thanks
@LewsTherin Dont know what im doing wrong now getting errors do you mind sending your code in a snipt.
It'd be easier if you told me what the error is I think.. I am in the middle of an assignment myself :(
@LewsTherin ok sorry
What's the error?
You probably didn't declare items
I need a get set accessor
Oh yeah :P
Resharper damn you for spoiling me
public int[] Items{
      if(items == null)
         items = new int[size];
    return items ;
  set { items = value;}
@LewsTherin Thannks again Lews. The name 'size' does not exist in the current content.
I don't know what you want to put for that.. private const int size = 10?
Hey guys, can you give me some help? I'm answering an exercise where I need to create a program that returns to the user the difference between two hours entered by the user. So I'd like to know if I should create an array to store each hour, minute and second of each hour or if I should create a variable for each value (that would result in 6 variables). So in which way should I go? I also can't use specific classes to solve it.
@Zignd the last sentence; why?
@TomW Because the course is at the beginning and the teacher didn't teached that yet.
That's infuriating but understandable.
I already created it in both ways, but which one is more recommended?
I would expect that the requirements of the course would want you to demonstrate that you can write an algorithm to solve some problem
now both of those are technically an algorithm, but I think the latter makes it more obvious that you realise you must do some calculations
by the way...
you seem concerned that the latter method requires creating six variables...how many does the former create?
An array - I think
> So I'd like to know if I should create an array to store each hour, minute and second of each hour or if I should create a variable for each value (that would result in 6 variables)
@LewsTherin containing...?
to store each hour, minute and second of each hour
I am deliberately misusing the term 'variable'
the array would have 6 indexes.
The size should change dynamically
@Sebastian why?
@Zignd ok, you've lost me. Why?
Oh man. I think I see.
times[h1,m1,s1, h2,m2,s2];?
@TomW YES!
definitely don't do that.
Why not?
Confusing as fuck for one lol
well, for a start it'd contain ~ 7 billion elements
so I should use the 6 integer variables?
@TomW Uh?
The hours are given... right?
the user would type each one separately (h1, m1, s1, h2, m2, s2)
Are you finding the difference between two times/time spans? Can't you just convert it all to seconds, take one from the other, then convert it back?
Just have 3 variables to get h,m,s and another DateTime variables
That would be cool.
Get your inputs and DateTime.Parse(h,m,s)
@Zignd this conversation can be taken as evidence that the 6D array method is definitely not the way to go - in that nobody appears to understand what you're trying to do
oh yeah, another point
DateTime isn't a class ;)
@TomW 6D array? It's a 1D array
@LewsTherin, I thought he couldn't use any classes?
It is a struct
@LewsTherin that wasn't what he said
Technically, but still.
Lol, technically it is not a class ha
@TomW Where did he say it was a 6D?
how do you blockquote?
I can make the conversion mathematically.
@TomW Use ctrl + k I think
the array would have 6 indexes.
Or ">"
So I don't need to use DateTime
> the array would have 6 indexes.
@TomW I took that to mean 6 elements
it's quite clear what an index is
@LewsTherin is right, it's 6 elements in a one-dimensional array
I wouldn't think an index was a dimension as well
The arraysize shouldnt be predefined. I thought that if you add an element to an existing array it will copy the previous values + the new value into a new array.
array[index1, index2, indexn,...]
@TomW Yeah.. that's a 1d array
no it isn't.
What is it?
I'm getting confused now
Me too :P
matrix[i,j] = -1; <-- how many dimensions is the array matrix?
2 dimensions [row,col] or [x,y]
var array = ['a','b','c'] Is a 1D array with 3 indexs/elements.
var array = ['a']['b']['c'] Is a 3D array with 3*1 indexs/elements.
Indexes are used to access elements.. there is a distinction
I should use:

1. 6 variables
2. An array with 6 spaces
3. Convert time to seconds, make the difference and then convert it back

which one?
Can you use structs?
I don't think so.
6 variables.. more clearer
1 vote to option 1
and you @TomW and @BrokenPixels and @Sebastian
@BrokenPixels neither of those are legal C#
The 3rd would be the most mathematically elegant solution, and the most algorithmic. Is this related to something in class / is there an emphasis on using an array or variables in a certain way?
@TomW I know, I wasn't trying to be language-specific.
"arrays or variables"
@CCInc As a starter i am buying 'China' made Toys/Rechargable Goods from Ppl who are importing them actually. Since i have few buyers for me I am just make 10% profit from selling those products to wholesale buyers. They buy 5K -10K Pieces in one shot. It goes on that way..Later Once i make a good money i ll register a firm and import them myself. Now i dont need a IEC too.
So you are a middleman?
@zingd - Why not just make two timespans from that data?
He can't use classes or structs apparently
So no timespan?
was he doing subtraction?
what if there is a negative result
Why does
'double d = 0;
double d2 = 780;
d = d - d2'
returning 780?
addition? division?!
@LuziusL - fyi, the `` doesn't work for multi line, you can use the "fixed font" button or CTRL+K when focused on the textarea
Why does
'double d = 0;
double d2 = 780;
d = d - d2
returning 780?
That assertion seems strange, I will look at it in linqpad
I cannot reproduce that. I got -780
How can that be?
@TravisJ I have no idea.
Apparently a requirement or something
well it is trivial, just going to be custom instead of standard
Here I posted my problem again
Q: Substracting doubles returns positive result

Luzius LI have following fields: private double _totalKcal1, _totalKcal2, _totalKcal3 = 0; from an API, I parse following double in a method double kcal = Convert.ToDouble(item.Element("diaryactivity").Element("activity").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //kcal in this case is 780.0 and when I...

Here I posted my results
@LuziusL Looks from SO proper that the problem is solved. Am I right with that?
If I copy and paste my project to another computer.. the IIS port being used to host the MVC app shouldn't change right?
no, but the firewall settings will have changed
It's set it .csproj file but I wonder if it could be overwritten
and the port forwarding on your router or theirs wont be copied either
So it is likely to be overwritten
Won't VS choose the next available port if it is blocked or something
IIS, app pool, deploy mvc, convert to app in iis if not, expose port 80 from control panel, forward ip of computer out past router, win.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking; wouldn't it always be port 80?
No, the lecturer will have to look at the code and probably try to build it in VS
VS doesn't use port 80 by default..
You said IIS
localhost will run it no problems
@TomW IIS in VS
iis is not in vs
It's sorta
^ what he said. I wasn't aware there was such a thing
Or VS uses IIS
VS has a dependency on IIS to create the localhost instance
but that is all
ASP.NET development server is a completely different application, isn't it?
it leverages IIS, you cannot run the asp.net dev server without iis present
or I would go around running dev servers from flash drives all day long
Oh I see what happened
I set it to use local IIS server.. I don't remember when :S
@TravisJ I have some documentation which appears to contradict that
Let me read it more thoroughly and verify that's really what it's saying
can I see it?
Not saying it is wrong, I just am not 100% on the localhost instance but was fairly certain because when you install vs, you have to have iis
Ok I set it to use Visual Studio web server on a specific port.. so that should be fine right?
@TravisJ No, I don't think so.
about which part?
In that case you will have to enable IIS in "Turn Windows Features on and off"
@TravisJ you have to have iis
I only enabled IIS when I wanted to deploy... it was working fine before then
Ah, you are correct
You do not need IIS enabled
vs as far as i know has iis express
Yeah you have an option to use IIS.. which I enabled.. but I don't remember when lol
I disabled it now though.. so the port should remain consistent I hope
That article said that the port isn't guaranteed
why do you need a consistent port anyway? it is just on localhost
you should not count on localhost doing anything but mocking an environment
I don't the about the web server.. it's the web service I am worried about.
If the web service port changes.. the server is screwed.
Visual Web Developer cannot guarantee that the port you specify will be available when you run your file-system Web site. For details, see How to: Specify a Port for the ASP.NET Development Server.
It's slightly different from ASP MVC 3 but that's pretty much how I did it.
Hopefully it should be fine..
I must have the longest read me ever
@LewsTherin Hey!
Setting up databases, web services, web server.. fml
What I did for that type of scenario when I was in college was I fully deployed the site and service at my home computer. Exposed everything. And then handed in the code on a flash drive and was like, eat your heart out.
@Code-Guru Hey dude!
@LewsTherin How's it going?
That way they could see it in a production environment, or view the code on their own. But there was no risk of it failing while they ran it.
@TravisJ Lol, was your PC constantly running?
@Code-Guru About to get temporary relief from this damn project.. :D
And then come the assignments.. fun!
@Lews - What are you making anyway
@LewsTherin What project are you working on lately?
@TravisJ Mmn, mine isn't. I did deploy it to a production environment. But I don't trust my lecs.
I expect flying saucers and light sabers.
Top secret web app :D
@TravisJ It could be ;)
@LewsTherin pft
Okay, well, what type of app is it?
Don't pft me! I am Lews Therin
Just give me a genre
@LewsTherin It can't be too difficult if you are doing it...
@Code-Guru Ohhhhh... :'(
That hurts so bad
Do you need someone to wipe those tears? =p
Well well I am thinking of a come back..
Can't think of any.. fk
Seriously, I suck at slagging
Thinking of insults
you and your strange Irish words...
You guys must sit around all day trying to figure out new words to confuse us americans.
Finally! An irish slang website
It means something in the US as well :O
ok back on topic
y u no tell us what ur makyn
y u no maek sense?
If I could print money I would make cents.
I'm trying to grok that one..
What genre is the app you are working on? Planning? Social?
ok geez that was all I wanted
Mostly everything is social nowadays ugh
Note this: when you turn that in as an assignment, the school has rights to it.
I hope not..
I am not kidding btw
If you make $$ they can sue you for their share of it
Wtf? This must be an American thing?
I know some students who have gone on to make start ups.. I don't think my college gets a share.
That is an Intellectual Property thing. All they have to do is publish your code and claim rights to it. It is common practice by universities.
American schools will try to take their share if you make something while in school whether or not you turn it in as an assignment. They might actually have some legal grounds if you use their resources (e.g. network , lab machines, etc.) to do any of it.
Are you serious? Fucking hell
I would suggest placing copyright in your code stating that it is not to be published nor reproduced without your consent and watermark your ui
Really? Wow. Some people are greedy.
I don't know of any specific cases, but I know my school had some wording to that extent in their code of conduct and/or IT use agreements.
If you intend to make money on anything you turn in
Well, if a company picks up the project... (hehe).. I am going to get the money and leave the country
They can try to find me ;)
Is anybody here legible of SQL?
> Use of university computers must comply with Idaho law and University policies. Therefore, university computers may not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes, for political purposes, or for personal benefit where such use incurs a cost to the university and is not academically related. State law prohibits unauthorized access to computer systems.
I didn't think anyone actually read this stuff.
I'm not sure if this applies to using the network itself...say you have your computer plugged in to the net in your dorm room or use the wifi on campus to work on something you want to sell.
Greedy bastards.. well played.
13 mins ago, by Pawnguy7
Is anybody here legible of SQL?
Soembody stumbled into the lounge with a question.
You can probably guess how that went.
Anyway, I am trying to help, but... well, it is difficult when you don't know SQL :\
What are you talking about? :P
heyho guys ;)
any suggestions how to implement the //TODO:? ;)
@LewsTherin think you can take a peak?
@Pawnguy7 what's your problem?
@qd0r I don't know of others.. but I ain't no psychic
My problem is I am trying to help somebody with an SQL problem, but I don't know SQL.
blind man leading the blind?
yes. but WHAT'S the sql problem? :D
Well, it was about a table with fields for author, coauthord, and... number of publications both ways, I think. You can find us discussing it here chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/26341/pawnguy7s-room
HE had an SO quesiton, but it was deleted. I can get the code tohugh.
why the question was deleted? :|
it got downvote-bombed by the lounge, I guess.
Is the other SO user, you?
In the room?
@LewsTherin tragically, yes.
Oh, what insight!
does anyone here know whether the network-bandwith between two EC2 instances is bigger than from each instance to the general internet ?
The bandwidth will not be different, however, the data transmission will be faster because it has less nodes to travel through.
@TravisJ ok. Interesting. Wouldn't have expected that
hi all, can any one help me to get all event list(eg:print terminated event , open program event ...) in sound box with c# ?
what is "sound box" ?
@qd0r: Try doing this using Task.Factory.CreateNew using a CancelationToken.
@yas4891 sound controle panel
@Steven thanks
@Splinky the sound control panel knows when a print job was terminated ?
@yas4891 there are liste of event to play sound i need that list
@yas4891 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels i think
@Splinky oh ok. sorry, my bad
Yeah... so what's the question?
need to get the list in my code
@Splinky read the registry. Where's the problem?
@yas4891 need to get the list of event and listen for any of them ?you can do ?
@Splinky I am very sorry, but I have a really hard time figuring out, what your actual problem is
what have you tried? What did you expect it to do? What does it actually do?
What error messages do you get?
@yas4891 get these events and handle them
i'm new in c# :)
@Splinky that's ok. Still, what have you tried?
nothing i still searching how
Ok. So you want us to present you with some working code or search that information for you?
yeh i get now the name and list of event ,i need how to listen in event ?
OK... this is not how the chat (or SO for that matter) works
you need to try something first. Should you fail, provide amble information about what you tried, what you expected it to do, what it actually does
pinpoint the error as good as you possibly can
after that, we will help you.
ok thx for the reply
I love that feeling, when you are thinking up an architecture for a software and you know that it might just not work once you build it.
it might just not scale as you need it
$i @travisj
@travisj Welcome to undefined! Please read the FAQ.
$i @NinjaEcho
@NinjaEcho Welcome to undefined! Please read the FAQ.
$intro @yas4891 @NinjaEcho
@yas4891 Welcome to undefined! Please read the FAQ.
nifty :D
Should I $flip or should I $f?
Why not do both?
I will have to run a test to see whether the distribution is indeed random :D
Should I $flip or should I $f?
It is kendall's bot
@TravisJ I shouldn't have made him a room owner back in the day
@yas4891 - Do you know when/who this room was started?
Should I demote or promote Kendall ?
there you have it
@TravisJ IDK. AFAIK it was started by Joel himself
Err. nope. It was started by @balpha
ha...@JonSkeet no longer is an owner of this room

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