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$g megaminx
$should-I see a doctor
No, just ask it normally.
Should I see a doctor?
Of course.
hey does anyone know how to iterate through the odd numbers in a List<string>? i.e. I need the strings from row 1,3,5,7,9 etc etc
Should I run javascript from strangers?
It's up to you.
someone simplify this:

y = 8 - (y mod 8) + y
@Jambo You could use list.Where((a, i) => i % 2 == 1) IIRC
pretty much I need to make sure something is divisble by 8. but always rounded up
thanks @Kendall Frey
looks good
so if 33 is input, the result needs to be 40
Oh, that way.
And that code works, but you want to simplify it?
@klut what is wrong with your way? Looks nice enough
yeah I'm struggling to think of a simpler form
just seems "long"
wrap it i a method if you want it to read better
The only way to simplify it that I see is to add a comment or descriptive method name to describe what it does.
Another way is the old divide, round, multiply approach.
its going in a word doc. so it should be fine haha
@klut you are implying that people actually read docs.
word doc != documentation
it is a spec for the API.
good luck using the API if you don't know the methods, parameters to pass or what they do.
anyone used reactive extensions much or have an opinion? Started poking with it today and it looks nice to me
@JohanLarsson looks like a great technology, haven't gotten around to it though.
i looked at it for a bit last year.
ps, y += (8 - (y mod 8))
Reactive Extensions PWNZ
been using it for a long time
I think @DavidDV suggested it to me even haha.
also check reactive UI
Rx + Tpl = <3
that is how I rank MS frameworks
Don't forget WinForms. That's crap too.
rank wpf?
WinForms = <3
WinForms = <=3
Wpf is a piece of crap
Just no.
If you wanna do battle-grey business lots of data
apps -> winforms
if you wanna do special cool layout stuff -> use HTML5
If you want your application to be ugly, I agree you should use WinForms.
I really like wpf
if wanna be impractical and have slow performance use wpf
WPF is not slow.
it is when you have a lot of data to show
And definitely not 'impractical'.
<- has lots of data :)
binding errors can hurt performance I think
@DavidDV It doesn't have to be.
has lots of data and no time or interest to learn about intricate performance tuning in WPF
^ is lazy
have to deliver, I'm a expensive consultant type :p
and users don't care about rotating carrousels
If you wouldn't be too lazy to learn WPF, you'd use it.
or non-rectangular dialogs
WPF is not about fancy graphics.
I'm learing HTML5 / node / D3
WPF is about better user interfaces.
Doing a better user interface then I have now would take a lot of time
time that my users want to see used for something that THEY really want
I guess the latest WPF version is better
Have a internal collague who is moving back to WinForms after doing WPF :p
Why in all the world?
WPF is not slow.
<- lots of data / big visualization / users with outdated PCs
The only issue I can think of is if you go overboard on graphics on a slow computer.
WPF is not slow (.. with a quad core / DX 11 card
Or maybe if you don't manage your data better.
ppl want to see lots of data
But if you follow common sense, WPF is fine.
No, they don't.
they think they do. but it's job to convince that they shouldn't need to
well my ppl do :p
Your people are freaks.
pharmaceutical stuff -> lots of data
drugs discovery
seeing which of the 5000 compounds that they are testing are the best over 2000 categories
= lots of data
imo, the software should aggregate the data in some smart way though, not just throw all the numbers back
You can't display 5000 pieces of data at once anyway.
yeah do the ^
^ there problem solved
well you can't in WPF :p
I'm speaking based on the number of pixels on a screen. Not relating to any specific technology.
I kid I kid
anyway WPF is still not as worse as EF or WCF :p
oh, you haven't even seen Silverlight yet
You're comparing apples and tricycles again.
at least besides winforms or wpf there are not really other options (maybe qt)
MFC is still used.
MFC is winforms for C++ ppl
If you want to support IE, you can use HTA.
lol hta
the good old days :p
@DavidDV It's actually the other way.
is hta hip again?
I hope not.
and we do have dashboards/data vis on the web. I think most of the time the bottleneck is on the database/storage, not on the presentation side.
performance bottleneck on db?
easy solution -> good design DB + no EF
what do you use instead of ef?
good database design yes, but it has very little to do with EF.
@JohanLarsson bltoolkit.net
@edc -> Correct use of EF
BAs can think of rules that involve insane amount of filtering and joins.
BA = Business Analyst?
just wait for them on the parking lot
hire some albanians
and some other time, you just don't get to design the DB cough SAP cough
lol sap
Some ppl are doing SAP development at my office
asked for a demo
had to wait 3 minutes to get 40 countries back from there sap-crap
ok not 3 minutes, 10 seconds
so slooooooooooooooooooooow
if something takes more then 150 ms it should be really really special
bacon does come back not easily
time to go home, bb o/
becareful of the albanians
Quick question, I need a parameter that is an array ( or a list of items ) that might be int, string, DateTime.. I use object[] right ?
Sudden blank. :(
Thanks. :)
Had no idea what to type on google to search for that haha
I hate that feeling.
I don't. That gives me great excuses to come here and ask you guys for help. Which happens to help me more than google.
Yes, I'm calling everyone here awesome
Ask my bot a question starting with "Should I..."
!// ?
Pretend you're asking a person.
But is it !// ?
Just should I ?
For instance..
Should I brush my teeth with old eight whiskey ?
typo lol
wtf ms word
Doesn't do edits.
Yeah, the curse was because of that..
Should I brush my teeth with old eight whiskey ?
I don't care.
Should I start smoking?
Of course not.
Should I throw falcon punches in Kendalls face ?
Of course not.
@AndréSilva Ke-dollar-sign-ha recommends using a bottle of jack
Should I kill an orphan or grab some titties?
Grab some titties.
Should I make no sense with this question ?
It's up to you.
Should I make neutral responses less common?
Should I be batman or spiderman ?
Your bot is f*cked up.
Should I listen to him?
Of course.
In your face.
One does not simply choose Spiderman instead of Batman.
That is why his name is first Batman.. the rest is up to you.
But Batman is always first.
should i a, b, c, d, or e
Should I ask you if I should ask you a Should I question or should I ask you about other stuff ?
Ask you if I should ask you a Should I question.
Should I A or Or or ?
Why not do both?
Nice bot btw
There are even more responses.
What else should I make it respond to?
Has anyone..
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Should I has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like ?
Of course not.
The function have a parameter that receives and iList ( for example )
If I send a List, shouldn't accept it ?
List : IList
Weird.. So I think that is not my problem..
Oh.. lack of Build Action..
Fun fact: If every message in here was worth 1 reputation, my reputation would quadruple.
Fun Fact: Sex helps reduce the frequency of, and current occurrence of headaches.
I rarely get headaches.
Fun fact: the speed of light is 1.38106525 × 10^15 teaspoon-horsepowers per acre-calorie
Is that actually...?
Yeah, I guess.
That's v/p per a/e
Which is also d/t per 1/1
So makes sense.
Hi kendall, Hi all
Hi all
Anyone can suggest a good tutorial about DI / IoC ?
No one ? :'(
Dependency Injection? Ugh,
Just make a buttload of interfaces for everything, then either use hamhanded manual code in constructors or sketchy frameworks to say what gets instantiated for each interface used.
What was that ?
I've never used 3rd party frameworks for this. I just use proper inheritance and implementation's to ensure I don't have tightly coupled code.
I agree, only stuff like ninject...look pretty nice
Ninja has sword => IPerson has IThing
yes ninject is pretty popular
Ok, i'll continue my dumpster diving in youtube...regarding that subject
Thanks anyways
Great Ryan, i appreciate sir! I'm sure you're not a downvoter :)
Q: parse out hidden text from docx

Scott SelbyI have a rich text editor in MVC 3 app. It works fine unless the user tries to copy text from microsoft word and paste into the editor. When this happens I get extra hidden characters like this <!--[if gte vml 1]><v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:pref...

Is there a way for msbuild to generate the "csx" folder for an azure project without doing the full Publish target?
Should I spend all my bitcoin fortune on becoming Batman?
I wouldn't if I was you.
or new batman slaps robin
hi all
is it bad OOP if I check a parameter to be a specified type, and not a subclass of it?
Depends on the context
I think usually you'd just care that it's some subclass-or-equal type
plus that lets you add subclasses later without breaking the checking code
But I guess sometimes you might want to guarantee a consistent type, I dunno.
Like if things are getting serialized
@MikeF hmmmm... okay. The problem is, when you use my method with a subclass, it's no working correctly..
do you understand why it's not working correctly? or are you wanting a dirty hack to sweep the mysterious problem under the rug?
@CSharper That's an issue with your definition then
if you said:
PaintAPicture(object image);
that's pretty crazy
as anything can go in there
I think I'm responsible for someone using my class correctly? Isn't it?
I always try to use interfaces as my parameters, so I am not tightly coupled to anything
The problem is, they are framework types..
I"ll be back in 3 hours - have to audit my boss... yay?
@RyanTernier have fun, or good luck, whatever :)
To explain it better:

My hash service takes any HashAlgorithm as parameter. Now you can instantiate my class with a KeyedHashAlgorithm, because it derives from the HashAlgorithm. But with this type, the HashService is not wokring correctly. What should I do?

public HashService(HashAlgorithm algorithm)
HashAlgorithm = algorithm;

define: "not working correctly"
In what way does KeyedHashAlgorithm not behave well?
@MikeF you can't access all the properties of the KeyedHashAlgorithm, e.g. the Key. You can only access the property of the base class HashAlgorithm.
The hashing itself works.
Or can I neglect this situation?
@CSharper If all you're using are the HashAlgorithm base class properties, don't bother checking for/against subtypes.
If you need the KeyedHashAlgorithm stuff, change the argument type.
And if you need KeyedHAshAlgorithm but you're forced to use HashAlgorithm as the argument type because you're conforming to an interface, then do a type check and document your expected usage of the method.
So some guy from some headhunting agency just called me at work. Apparently he just asked for me by name after calling the company I listed on Linkedin. I'm not used to such spam.
I'm now tempted to drop linkedin since I don't see much benefit from it.
i constantly get called from head huners
it gets annoying
@MikeF - that's happened to me twice
what things are to be kept in mind while upgrading visual studio ?
ohh wow!
hmm ! well vs 2008 still suitable for my coding needs!
i was just thinkin to upgrade to 2012
i use 2010 and 2012
why 2 versions?
lol good question
at work we have to use 2010, and at home i use 2010 because i still have some projects in there that i'm too lazy to copy over, but i use 2012 for most new projects
I use 2012 except for old 2010 projects that I don't need to 'upgrade'.
Even though 2012 is backwards compatible, so it wouldn't matter.
i have one more question
hi kendall, i haven't seen you much today
most of the app i make

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