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Can anyone explain me this syntax?
_animationPlayer.AnimationComplete += s => { if (AnimationComplete != null) AnimationComplete(s); };
@LuziusL what is is AnimationComplete
public event Action<string> AnimationComplete;
Let's split it up.
What do you mean?
_animationPlayer.AnimationComplete += <blabla>
That adds an event handler.
s => { if (AnimationComplete != null) AnimationComplete(s); };
That is the event handler itself, presented as a lambda function.
Ok, and what does the eventhandler do?
It takes one argument s, and everything after => is the method body.
The handler looks like it simply calls the AnimationComplete handler of the current object.
So the event essentially bubbles from the inner object to the outer object.
I don't understand following point: If s is the eventhandler, how can the event handler give itself as a param?
I have no idea what s is.
It's a parameter of the event handler.
s is nowhere else than in this line
It's a parameter.
how is this a += b => {c} structure called in c#?
A lambda function is expressed as <args> => <code>, where <args> is the parameter list of the function <code>.
Do you understand how events work?
but not how this syntax does
event += handler adds an event handler.
The event handler in this case is the lambda function s => { if (AnimationComplete != null) AnimationComplete(s); };
ok, but
why does the handler call the action event, to give itself as a param?
What makes you think it gives itself as a param?
@KendallFrey Better yet, why is there a property and a method both named AnimationComplete?
@ShotgunNinja There is neither.
Regardless of what that is supposed to mean, it is sloppy and confusing.
It's an event.
I got it from an XNA ebook
@KendallFrey Oh right.
And that's standard event calling code.
I keep forgetting about events and delegates... Still stuck using Java at work T~T
So it says, "_animationPlayer.AnimationComplete += s". s is here the name of the handler right?
3 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
The event handler in this case is the lambda function s => { if (AnimationComplete != null) AnimationComplete(s); };
Ah allright
the handler calls "AnimationComplete" which is a Action<string>
with the param "s"
Just let me paste it to somewhere so that you can see the full scope
give me a sec
_animationPlayer.AnimationComplete += s => { if (AnimationComplete != null) AnimationComplete(s); };

s is this "..." method, and when AnimationComplete is not null, call AnimationComplete(s)
I think.
And what good is AnimationComplete(s), when it is not even a method?
It's an event.
what info does s contain?
When _animationPlayer fires AnimationComplete, then GameAnimatedModel fires its own AnimationComplete.
All I know about s is that it's a string.
hello everyone..
Well, it's just crippled isn't it?
How can I get the tag that the XmlSerializer cannot convert?
@CSharper No idea what you mean.
@LuziusL No idea what you mean either.
When it calls AnimationComplete
And animationComplete is nowhere else in the whole class
@CSharper I'm pretty sure as long as it is valid XML, XmlSerializer can parse it.
That there's no real use
What do you mean, nowhere else?
It's an event.
Yeah, but nothing is going for that event
How do you know?
Calling code probably hooks the event.
@KendallFrey Okay, my question was a little bit short: I have a xml that is deserialized with the XmlSerializer. I use a xsd to validate it. Now, a Tag contains a invalid date (0000-00-00) YYYY-MM-DD that is not matching the xsd. The XML itself ist valid. but not the content.
And the XmlSerializer throws an Exception that the DateTime is not valid.
That's what it's supposed to do?
How do you expect to fix that?
What he said.
Well, when s is the handler, all it does is call the action again
Invalid XML = error
normally, the handler should do "something". but here it just calls the action again
I don't see a cause -> effect
Its more a cause -> cause
It doesn't call itself.
I expect the exception, but is there a way to get the tag name of it?
7 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
When _animationPlayer fires AnimationComplete, then GameAnimatedModel fires its own AnimationComplete.
@CSharper Perhaps in the exception details?
And GameAnimatedModels AnimationsComplete, when its called, does nothing
cause -> effect -> cause
It doesn't do nothing.
It fires the event.
Whatever. I'll check that out later on while debugging
Thanks for your effort though
@KendallFrey Yes, the exception details tells me only the position (a, b) (a => Line, b => column)
What exception type do you get?
to store a map <int,SomeObject>, Hashtable is the best idea?
Probably Dictionary.
right I've seen it used ok
@DigitalD hmmm, thanks. But there is no solution for my problem
more similar to Java Map
TryGetValue, is a bit like haskell lookup on their Map
map.TryGetValue(2, out MyObject obj) is complaining: MyObject is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable'
MyObject obj;
map.TryGetValue(2, out obj)
Can't see the problem in that code.
latest is ok, not before
Yeah, that's fixed. The first one was broken.
var is a polymorphic type? (foreach (var whatever in stuff)
@crl var just tells the compiler to figure it out at compile time
k, I'll help the compiler then
it's just so you don't have to type out the full name of the type when writing code
IMO, var is stupid.
It hides what's going on.
I only use it for anonymous types.
var query = some.stupid.linq.method.where.I.dont.want.to.type.out.IQueryable<MYSTUPID ANONYMOUSTYPE>
I will admit that var helps a lot when refactoring.
Most painful programming joke I've seen yet:

Why do Java developers wear glasses? Because they don't C#
Probably the oldest too.
Please correct me if I am wrong here but if i say var foo = new ServiceController("Bar"); won't a check for null in the next statement if (foo != null) always return true?
I wonder what weird bug they are trying to solve with a null check for something that will never be null
Delete the var keyword
that thing is ugly
As soon as everyone realizes I'm always right, this world will be in such better shape.
@RyanTernier well then just for you, ServiceController foo = new ServiceController("Bar");
Um, is it spelled stick? What I meant to say is I don't have an opinion one way or another as long as we're consistent.
When you say I don't have a stick in this argument?
@RyanTernier Why don't you like var?
My opinion is above.
@Janman I like var when it's used for anonymous types, results from LINQ queries etc. NOt as a general lazy way to declare a variable:
var name = "ryan"; //fail
@RyanTernier Yea, but not that it causes any trouble with the program. I can see that it can confuse someone, but not in your example
hello kids
Questioner: Hey is log<sub>e</sub>(1) = 0? Answer: Yes but I don't like to write it that way. You could say ln(1) instead. Later: Shitstorm.
@kush ...why?
@Janman Syntactically it's correct, and it's more than just confusion. It's the maintainability, extendability, and general use of the language. If I go look at someones code to do a review, it takes more time to read through the var's, to see if they're using the correct types from functions. If I go into someone's code to maintain it, it takes extra time to look at the var's and see what's going on. Sometimes you want the root base type, and not an infer'd type that var gives.
Pretty much, I'd rather have one of my dev's spend an extra 10 minutes per day ensuring variables are named prop
anybody interested in a job in Michigan? These guys keep emailing me...
@Pheonixblade9 i want a job
@Pheonixblade9 what do I have to do at that job?
@AmberRoxanna in MI?
uhh @AmberRoxanna I think you have to have a college degree for any of the jobs I'm getting emails about...
@kush idk dude, it's for a medical insurance non-profit
@Pheonixblade9 :(
@Pheonixblade9 was it a programming job ?
@Pheonixblade9 college degree is over rated
@AmberRoxanna it is very overrated.
I have no degree, but I'd be prepared to take on anyone here in a programming competition.
@AmberRoxanna some people have that opinion. If you have 5 years of experience, they usually consider it equal to a college degree.
@Pheonixblade9 I'm not in Michigan but I know some people there as opposed to Kansas where I know nobody.
@kush email this guy: [email protected]
Hell, I'm not even old enough to have graduated high school.
Previously, we expressed an interest in your professional background in regards to the Mobile/Web Developer Analyst position with Spectrum Health. We have a continued interest in speaking with you. Please visit http://careers.spectrum-health.org/ for more information about Spectrum Health. Once you are at this website, you may want to review the specific information about the following position and location:

1833 - Mobile/Web Developer Analyst in Center for Technoloy and Information Services.
@kush yeah, most companies i know simply give you a programming test and if you pass you move on to the next round automatically regardless
someone here might be able to help. I'm interfacing an LCD in C. One mode I will have Area2, Area3, and Area4. In another mode, I'll have an Area that will consist of all three of those areas. Is it proper to use a union in this case?
@klut a union? that's SQL..?
It's also C.
A union is a struct that stores all the variables in the same memory location.
Ah, I see.
C# supports a more powerful version of them.
@klut I guess it depends on the memory limitations of your system. If you have 2K, yeah, you need to worry about it. If you have 64MB, you probably don't.
scratches head
Game Designer: Employee will responsible for making up a fun game. Required experience: Applicant plays a lot of games all the time in the face of emotional and professional difficulties. 1 or 2 hours of having thought about how fun it would be to design video games preferred. Salary: $150,000, plus a fully equipped and leveled character in our upcoming sci-fi MMO. if only
yes, but I'm wondering if I'm thinking of using it in a proper way. my thought process is since I'm in one mode or the other, I could implement it.
@kush That sounds very fucked up.
uhhhhhhh what! haha
It is not real
@kush hahahaha that's awesome.
haha how millenials look for jobs
Is it ever a compliment to call someone a millenial?
@kush idk, I was born in 1990, so I don't think I count?
@Pheonixblade9 87 counts so why doesn't 90?
oh, that's what a millenial is? We're entering the workforce after 2000?
I thought I was Gen Y
Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation
I never entered the work force.
People just started offering me money to do what I'd be doing anyway.
@KendallFrey lol
@AmberRoxanna I know many closet developers who can "code" better than most graduates, but that's it. People I want to hire need to be able to code, but also advise, be able to think outside the box, infer what customers want rather than just listen to what they think they want. They need to be able to manage their time, juggle 10 items at once etc. Anyone can "code", not anyone can develop software that pays the bills.
That's why I wish I was a backend developer.
@RyanTernier i understand your point, so what's the point of graduate students taking courses in algorithms or theoretical computer science if that does not translate to job readiness. I also think it depends on your industry. My sister works as a programmer in finance and 99% of her interview questions were all OOP
I'm a back end developer! I'm also a front end developer!
@AmberRoxanna computer science prepares you to think analytically. It does not teach you how to program.
Case in point: I have a B.S.e. computer engineering. I only took 4 CS classes. I work as a software engineer
@AmberRoxanna Completing a degree is more than just "getting a piece of paper". It tells people you know how to stick something out, how to bust your ass to get the job done, and in the end you get that paper to show for it.
As for algorithms, theoretical work, sure 80% of the stuff you learn "won't" be used for your job, however,, learning those concepts helps mold your brain neuro pathways so you can continue learning highly complex ideas where those that have never looked at those will say "why not just use a bubble sort"...
My studies were much more closely related to electrical engineering than CS
@RyanTernier i guess it comes down to understanding the fundamentals, i just hate those brain teasers they ask at interviews...
@AmberRoxanna a lot of brain teaser questions are dumb, I agree. Sure they help gauge a persons competence and aptitude, but they shouldn't be the final say. My first job was a junior at an R&D shop and I loved it, even if I was only getting 28k a year.
@RyanTernier Agreed, i just can't wait to go to college and get a programming internship...my current part-time job is a total waste of life
Wish I was getting 28K a year.
@KendallFrey You're 18? 28k a year isn't hard to make at your age. Work at a farm, construction, server at a restaurant, male stripper, trophy husband, ;)
Wish I was getting 28K a year for something I'd do anyway.
... male stripper????? ;)
Any EF gurus in here?
the conversation got weird fast
Welcome to the life of developers ;)
Yeah, let's steer it back to female strippers, shall we?
My first job was as a tech as a small computer shop
first "real" job is this one.
@Pheonixblade9 haha...everyone starts off as a tech
I don't, my current (and first) job is a cook :P
But I'm not even in college yet, so I don't think it really matters :D
First job: damn good looking.
2nd: Mcdonalds - while being good looking
3rd: Construction - etc.
4th: Earls Server
5th: iCompass Technologies - Junior Dev
6th: Blockbuster (while working at iCompass)
7th: Pomoted to lead at iCompass
8th: Senior/Lead at Visual Statement
9th: Senior Server at Tony Romas while working at Visual Statement
10th: Senior and Lead developer at CGI Group.
At what age did you guys got a programming related job?
1. This kid working for HeartLINQ.
2. There is no 2. Well, sort of.
@Janman lol, i currently work as a waitress and cleaner after school at my uncle's restaurant ... a cook sounds good
@RyanTernier wow
I started being a HTML editor for gaming magazines at 15 - volunteer. First tech job was a co-op during university.
@Janman 19
@AmberRoxanna Its all right, it pays well :) . But I'm a little afraid it won't help me getting a job as a programmer in the future
1st: Tech 2
2nd: Tech 1
3rd: Lead Tech
4th: Utility worker at Meijer (not enough work at the shop)
5th: Undergraduate research assistant
6th: Tech sales at Office Depot
7th: Tech at a computer shop (got fired)
8th: Undergraduate research assistant (again)
9th: Mobile development intern at Amway
10th: My current job
I think I got put on payroll at 16.
@Janman Don't look at it as "tech experience" look at it as life experience. Things you learn from cooking: Team Work, COmmunication*, organization, how to prioritize, etc.
Actually, maybe it was before that.
You can also impress girls by cooking an amazing meal
@RyanTernier ++, works every time.
pair that with a future good job as a tech guy, and you're gold ;)
My personal life since I've gotten to Seattle... I'm able to cook, I'm a software engineer... let's say it's a lot better :)
@RyanTernier Woah, you're right, I never thought of it that way. I must remember that :)
hello Kyle
my current job, mod games and have people hate me on xbox live :)
@AmberRoxanna Sounds fun! .D
@AmberRoxanna I'll hate you on SO Chat. Don't need an XBox =D hahaha
@RyanTernier lol
somebody else broke the build. Finally got rid of the pimp cup
@Pheonixblade9 congratulations?
@Pheonixblade9 what does that mean ?
@AmberRoxanna The pimp cup usually is held by the last dev on the team to have broken the build of a software product. It's a tradition that goes waaaaaaay back.
Don't know that one. Lead dev threatened to pin a big pink bow to the head of anyone who broke the build though
@PB we have a trainwreck poster that that :P
@ShotgunNinja ok, i understand
@ShotgunNinja exactly.
@RyanTernier like this?
@Pheonixblade9 lol
that's what we use
in Java, 10 mins ago, by Jordan
I just don't know methods at all, they are like magic
I have no idea if we have anything like that. Nobody's ever caught me with a broken change yet.
in Java, 28 secs ago, by Jordan
I learned functional programming first
Yes, I have broken stuff. I caught it though.
could someone tell me what functional programming is ? is that a type of programming paradigm like generic or Object-Oriented ?
It's a bit more mathematical.
A function takes a value in, and spits a value out.
There's generally not much data manipulation code.
@AmberRoxanna generally functional programming avoids side effects, and uses stuff like monads instead.
@KendallFrey @Pheonixblade9 thanks, i think i understand now
I so think of something else when I hear the word monads...
@RyanTernier -_-
mo nads, mo problems
Mo Stache!
@PB it's less funny when you have to say it... just saying.
i saw Gonads thing coming, everyone i know mentions gonads along with monads
Monads are like gonads, but there is only one.
Quick ! Can anyone access github website? Appearently, I can't.
@KendallFrey lol
@AndréSilva yup works
@AndréSilva yes, I can.
@AndréSilva Looks good to me.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@AmberRoxanna Nice website..
@PB are you talking about unplugging the interwebs?
@Pheonixblade9 Wait a second, let me turn off the company interwebz
@RyanTernier yeah. You know where your local backbone is?
Have you tried plugging it out and back in again? ;)
@KendallFrey How to unplug wireless ?
unplugging the computer ?
I totally wasn't thinking about anything technology related when I wrote that.
This notebook is so sh*tty that if I remove the battery cord, it turns off because the battery isn't made out of lithium..
that's why you have ;) at the end? MY gosh Watson, I sense a fib!
i still don't get it
i'm slow
Neither do I...
Sheesh people, get some dirt in your mind.
I'm trying to see a github repo about a stacksort :)
I saw that one.
Good news, everyone!
You're pregnant?
beer tax going down in the UK!
yeah, not familiar with the github talk
and there was much rejoicing
So Tomw didn't fork?
@AmberRoxanna Like I said, nothing to do with github.
You know if you didn't drink beer, and just drank water you'd save about 40$ a week, that's about 2k a year.
Yeah, something is wrong with the proxy..
Depends how much beer I drink
I can't access reddit now for some odd reason
@KendallFrey you will have to explain it to me then
'it' can mean 'penis'
Good now?
@KendallFrey -_-
@AndréSilva Hah. Neither can I.
@KendallFrey HA !
@AmberRoxanna You asked.
In... and out...
@RyanTernier how much beer are you drinking?
@KendallFrey honestly, didn't see that one coming
@KendallFrey dude, stop creeping on the ladies
I see what you did there, even if you don't.
@Pheonixblade9 Can't help it. I'm a geek.
@KendallFrey stop perpetuating negative stereotypes about your demographic, then.
Plus, that message was in no way intended for her.
@KendallFrey No, you're young and a nerd.
Unfortunately, he's no less of a ridiculous little man when there aren't women present
@Pheonixblade9 computer science joke ?
No, just demonstrating the maturity of @KendallFrey 's sense of humour.
Don't you hate it when your boss can't even spell your name?
Probably futile trying to read any meaning into Beavis and Butt-Head, it's most likely just as stupid as it looks
@AmberRoxanna Don't worry, my girlfriend's eye's glaze over when my friends and I start talking techi stuff. It's not just you.
I've had to explain what an Ubuntu phone is about 5 times.
@TomW I used to like Beavis and Butthead back in the day. It was relaxing in its stupidity
@RyanTernier lol
All my friends think about BlackBerry and Android.
@JohanLarsson did you know there were new ones?
Well, lunchy time meeting. Time to teach muggles about magical developer abilities and hope i don't get burnt a the stake
new==last year
@TomW nope, is it on MTV? I don't watch much tv

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