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NoSQL is an amazing solution
for when performance is needed
Streange not that many people have heard about it
we use Dynamo
NoSQL is really great for doing lots of little things really fast. REALLY terrible for doing a few big things fast
takes 80ms to get 1 member from a set of 10 million people, where advanced MPI matching and calculations take place (about 1,000 match algorithms).
Takes about 0.001 MS to get that member from a NoSQL Solution. Do the get once, put it in the NoSQL and wham bam
wham bam
according to the budget I made in Mint, I have $5 left for the rest of the month... lol
@Pheonixblade9 Time for a latte! Use that money wisely!
@Pete I already had one today! :D
MFP - how do I trigger a function when the views loaded
oh im crap at this wpf stuff lol. all i want to do is toggle "opacity" every 30 seconds on the main window
i need a woman
@Steve nice non sequitur.
code one
@Steve , then get out here and go get yourself one.
AHHHHHHHHHHH I have to come up with a table name. Talk about commitment
would "columnName int" round my numbers?
I don't think it would in sql but checking before the disaster
rounding latitudes would suck
why would you fuckers star that 3 times lmao
we know dat feel
you should thank us. Maybe a girl would come by and check your profile because of it
@Steve pinned.
yessss im famous for being lonely
ehh I have to use PHP to make a form that saves stuff to phpmyadmin
night guys
god damm it I give up on this
I will just azure it up
hey guys
@djserva cant remmber is user name
scot shelby
something like that
can you tell me the exact one?
I'm planning April Fools joke for our website product. Anyone has any ideas / or done some in the past? MVC website uses web services, jquery UI, etc
anyone? :)
sorry, no
@AlexS look up konami code javascript\
thanks, looking now
is there is a way to use azure websites to connect to a DB without using cloud services?
yes, can you access your database from the outside?
4Oh40 page with a computer drinking a 40?
I am sure that I saw a tutorial long ago using asp (classic) with azure SQL. Can't find it anymore
google fu is so weak
3 hours later…
Morning guys !
Sup mate
2 hours later…
Just reading about Anonymous Types. When are they useful? Don't they only cause confusion in code?
@Janman Sometimes you only need a type for a few lines of code
Waste of time to make a new type for it when you can just do it inline
Obviously if you're going to be using that type more than once, make a type
@dav_i I guess you're right, but when someone uses a new type, I immidiatelly try to find it outside the current method.
2 hours later…
hey anyone there
who can help me with linq
I am here , but not much idea with optimization..i may try
@codebrain it's bit complex
@chukwuemeka ? are you there ?
:P I am running away /|\////--
hey gaurav
@Neha shoot it , lemme try
@codebrain, hw're you doing man?
@Chukwu you're invincible ..lol.. Ma friend needs a help :P So, i am pulling you here ..
@Neha ?? ask your question yar..
I'm not invincible. Something's dealing with me over here. OK. what's the problem?
@chukwu Sup man ? how is work ? I am stuffed with so much of a non sense
I dont know , A friend like you had a prob with linq..leave it if she is not here
@codebrain , yea. I know the feeling. Bosses always find a way to make even programming boring.
@codebrain dnt think you can help anyways pastie.org/6635796
need to optimize this
I am not programming. I am capturing video of a application's features which is html5 and not working in client PC ..he is still living with XP OMG
@chukwu there is your problem ^^ from Neha
@codebrain , lol. XP?
@Neha i have hulk here :P he would solve anyting
OK. lemme take a look.
@Chukwuemeka with IE 7.0 pmfsl
damn. that's the killer part.
I wonder what was pasted there @Neha, it's taking forever to load.
I captured 37 videos and none of em is clearly seen in is PC , and he s not willin to change it. I gotta change me ! cybrogs
@Chukwuemeka loads in 0.4 seconds
@Chukwuemeka 126 lines of code
@Chukwuemeka 8116 characters
@MaxBurucker , yea. I know. That was just another way of saying: My ISP sucks.
The old and neverending problem the ISP
I am goin to disable my internet for 15 min, A crack installation here, ll be back !
Do they still provide internet via those old copper cables ??
They do
atleast the last 100 meters ..
??? no help yet
@Neha , As far as my expertise can allow me to see: you're doing it fine enough. I can only think of extracting performance from the guy that actually hits the Database: that is the method: GetSearchResult
@Neha Don't expect to drop a complex problem on a chat room and have them sort it for you. Usually the answers you can get here are fairly simple and not overly complex; if have a complex question, post it on SO or in your case, DBA exchange.
@RoelvanUden thanks, but I found it easier to explain the problem in chat inspite of in a single question
@Neha , The query you pasted just handles how the UI arranges the retrieved data. If you're looking for ways of optimizing it, you should be looking at the GetSearchResult method.
@Chukwuemeka this method is calling my stored procedure pastie.org/6635804
say, making sure it retrieves a maximum number of records and a pagination type for instance instead of retrieving the entire list.
@Chukwuemeka pagination is done with linq after the data filtered as per UI needs
@Neha , that is a bad bad approach.
? which one
@Neha retrieving all the records and paginating on the UI.
@Chukwuemeka but how i get it done in sql as I have to group rows as per the result & in UI required order
var patterns query how this can be implemented there in sql
& then paging on resulted set
I am back here
@Neha ,do the page limitation on the stored proc.
keep your UI logic as it is.
page limitation?
yes. pass in the number of records you want to limit your search result to the GetSearchResultmethod.
Q: how to call web service from a web-user control in asp.net?

ramanI have a web-user control, and i want to call the web-service from it. What is my main motive: 1. i am creating a web-user control for advanced search, for that i am adding the bound fields and buttons[Edit,Delete] dynamically to a gridview. 2. Now i am using the ajax to go edit and delete (the...

@chuk over ?
@codebrain hi please help me
@codebrain , I don't know. Had to attend to A LOT of problems from my colleagues.
OK. where were we?
@Chukwuemeka please help
@Neha , Did you get what I was trying to explain with one hand on my keyboard and the other hand on my colleague's.
@raman status code 500 is internal server error. I think you have problem in accessing your service or reading from it.. check permisions..
everything else seems fine to me..
@chukwu we were right here , ! am i going to become a cameraman ? filming sucks
@raman , who wrote the web service?
@codebrain , lol why?
@Chukwuemeka my self
@raman , good.
@Chukwuemeka thanks
You know I have written code and everything seems perfect , but capturing video , moving it to server , server streaming it poor -> what ll i do if they use a cracked nonsense streaming server ?
@raman set debug logs on it.
break point is not going the method
i always come in to error part or failure
break point is not goin to which method ?
@raman , write things to the log in your try-catches
in jquery code??
lol..no man.. you said about breakpoint in pagemethod ?
@raman , no in the service.
@raman why do you have so many alerts , if you want to check your script you can use firebug or some other script debugger
@codebrain , it's called desperate debugging. You'll find a lot of it on hurriedly written apps like the ones I spit out every day.
ha ha
@codebrain , need to go get some fuel for my system. hunger's eating me up! brb.
All my clients are using system configuration that was done by charles babage !
what ever i do doesnt work out their way ..i am going back to egypt ..:P
@Chukwuemeka it's not done as the page records are filtered on linq query from the complete records returned by stored procedure
after the group by & order by the distinct ones
I have to redirect to another(instructions) page ,if the page is loaded before the specific(exam) time.Can I? Anyone pls guide?
@codebrain i know that
@codebrain any other suggestion
hmm not right now..ll look into that !
@codebrain hmmmmmm
@Neha . That is exactly what I said is bad bad practice. By the time the entire record is retrieved by the Stored Proc., the performance damage has already been done.
@Neha , Modify the Stored Proc to return only say, 15 or 20 records at time.
but I have not other option as On UI end many rows are filtered & then the paging is done
@Neha . You actually have other options.
like implementing a page calculation private method on the UI logic and passing in the skip and limitation parameters.
this is an unrelated tip: Why are you not using any form of ORM for this?
that is what I have done
@Neha . Nope. That's not what you've done unless the code you showed me is not what you're using.
you're using that to filter already retrieved data, no?
you're supposed to use that pagination method to filter at the stored proc. not on the UI.
that Stored Proc. will take a long time to return when your database has like 10,000 rows for instance.
..so, you need to limit the page count from there.
but In UI logic I have merged multiple rows to one & then the paging is done But in sql I have only distinct keyword which is not what I have needed to group multi rows in 1 on specific criteria
Guys do you know if the result of ideone.com is reliable?
I have the pagesize only not the page count at sql
the count decided after filtration
& merging
of linq
lemme put this straight:
write your select query like this:
i.e SELECT TOP <pageSize*pageCount>
I can't do like this
I 'll explain you from scratch what am trying to do
I have a Patternmaster table
having no of pattern with their specification
& images of all pattern following a comman name format
like PatternName_colorBook
Now PatternName + color is in single table
& for book we have another master & a mapping table for PatternBook
till clear?
OK. go on.
Now this pattern have no of properties like Category, design.. & so on . & for all this properties we have their master & mapping with patternProperty Tables
A: how to call web service from a web-user control in asp.net?

user2190358500 internal error - From that I can guess is : dont use var html = '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Control/WebService/WebService.asmx/HelloWorld") %>'; Instead use: var html= '<%=ResolveUrl("full path /Control/WebService/WebService.asmx/HelloWorld") %>'; or var html = '<%=ResolveUrl(".....

Now my search page provide the option either to search from pattern name, book or any of the property
please help me me to get out of this
@raman , have you set the debug log on the service yet?
@Chukwuemeka its not coming to the code of service
thats is the my problem
@raman , You need to write to a text file whenever a request hits the service and all the way through the execution process.
Now the results: If The pattern + color combination exist in more than one book it should display single image comes first in ascending order of book including the other patterns with same name & different color.
@raman , yes, it can't come out because you can't put a break point on some assembly that VS cannot load a worker process for.
@Neha . I'm following so far.
@Chukwuemeka ok, now my sql sp is returning me all of the record even the combination with multiple books or single book respectively attached with pattern
& my linq put the condition to filter the records in ascending with single book whether it is in multiple or single
Then on resultant data set I have implemented the paging
@Neha . yes. That's good but you should implement the paging on the record that hits the search like this:
if I will put the paging in sql
It might be possible that records with multiple books are not properly
might be they comes in first page & other record on last
which should not be done
@raman what happens?
from matchedRecord in allRecords.Where(<All the logic conditions>).Take(pagesize*pageCount);
I have done this
IEnumerable<dynamic> query = listSearch.OrderBy(i=>i.CoverImage.URL).Skip(skip).Take(take);
@Chukwuemeka how can we create this log file
@Neha . The problem is: you're doing that when the SP has already returned with the long list.
@raman , System.IO.File
& I told yopu why I have done this
If that scenario db can implement then only it is possible to put paging there
@Neha . Yes you did but you can still limit the results to a page count till the person hits the Next Page button.
@raman . You do know how to write to a text file right?
yes i knoow
@Chukwuemeka uff I can't make you understand anymore & clear
@raman , then, whenever a request hits the service, write something to the log file, whenever an exception occurs.(I am assuming you've put try-catches on the service), write to the file.
that is again where i am
i have already told you that i am not able to reach the web-serives's method
then how can log file help m
@Neha . I understand it clearly. I will make you understand better if I can type the code in here. but typing out the entire SQL query is going to hurt. :( It would've been easier if you were using an ORM: Linq2SQL or EF for instance.
@Chukwuemeka I have tried with that too but I switched to SQL because of the same reason of taking so long to process the query in linq
@raman , can't you modify the web service method to include the file-writing functionality? It's necessary that you do that because an exception is sprouting everytime you call the service and that's how you'll be able to tell what that exception is: That is why you're getting a 500.
@Neha . You can still write good, optimized queries in LinqToSQL.
your SP is fine
this is what I wish if someone expert can guide me how to optimize this
It's just that posting you an optimized version of your SP is going to take me some time as opposed to doing it in LINQ
@Chukwuemeka please if you can , no hurry
but I need this to be done
@Chukwuemeka do you want to say every time the request goes to web-services
or even if can tell me or any reference I should follow I'll surely try that out
if yes then i have specifies the method(function )name
then why the breakpoint is not coming to that part
@raman you have firebug
i am getting the error there
see what you get here url: '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Control/WebService/WebService.asmx/HelloWorld") %>',
put this in a variable before assigning to ajax URL as parameter
@Neha its creating the correct path
& check what this gives you
have you checked the console
@Neha i have already checked that, even i had added the absolute path on the place of it
but didnt work for me
its throwing the same error
how ur webmethods look like
as u r returning JSON
@Neha : Try this link:
Q: Paging implementation in C# using Stored Procedure (SQL 2000)

KenyanaAnyone with a link to a sample code with paging that can be changed to work within a (10000+ records) table? I want to display the records on my asp.net page. Cheers

yaar saare ek baat btao, ye saare programmers ki problems itni fasti kyu hai, saara kaam easily ho kyu nhi jata,
@Rohit : Nwanne, aghotarom ihe i na-ekwu.
@Neha its just returning a string
but that's not the issue
issue is i am not able to access that method from json
@KendallFrey hey!
@raman hmm the issue is URL only
@Neha that i know but it creates the correct path
Guys on ideone.com its showing that filling an array of length 10000000 needs time: 0.13s memory: 380160 kB for java and time: 0.06s memory: 72768 kB for C# is that correct?
How would we know?
It doesn't look horrifically wrong.
@xoemab Yes, looks about right. Why?
@KendallFrey it 2 times slower and use 5 times more memory for me that sound wrong
@xoemab What kind of array is that?
@xoemab Java sucks anyway.
hi all
@KendallFrey I just making a project where i compare languages and wanted to know for sure
@Janman is integer. I posted the links.
can any one have idea about the problem here stackoverflow.com/questions/15522259/…
@xoemab The links are empty
Why would you trust a server somewhere out on the internets? Test it on your own computer.
@Janman check now
@KendallFrey i know how to check the execution time but i don't know how to check the memory uses
@neha have you any idea about the following error stackoverflow.com/questions/15522259/…
Are you running on Mac / Linux?
I notice that you use Mono
@Janman i not run on my pc... I run it online
A: how to call web service from a web-user control in asp.net?

user2190358500 internal error - From that I can guess is : dont use var html = '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Control/WebService/WebService.asmx/HelloWorld") %>'; Instead use: var html= '<%=ResolveUrl("full path /Control/WebService/WebService.asmx/HelloWorld") %>'; or var html = '<%=ResolveUrl(".....

@xoemab Well, I don't think that sounds correct, try looking at some official tests
@Janman ok thank you
Any graphics programmers in the house?
@KendallFrey 2d or 3d?
Yeah, I want to do a fairly complex operation involving stencil buffers and probably some weird depth stuff as well. 2D programmers probably won't be much help. :P
@KendallFrey Well hey, I've dabbled.
Nick Pitera's "A Whole New World" never gets old haha
where'd everyone go today?

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