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02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

Anyone here?
I need some help
wierd bug
@RudiVisser @KyleTrauberman Anyone on?
@CCInc You on?
is that a plate?
@PeterJennings is this it? -> "We were able to repro the issue, this is actually a .net issue. Repairing .net 4.0 usually solves this issue."
YAY someone is her after all
is there is a way to force everything inside a div to show in 50% of it's size? I don't want to go back and duplicate most of the css selectors that I have
in CSS that is
can someone answer a question?
I can try. I need help myself :/
@JABFreeware much faster to ask, than ask to ask
@AmmarAhmed I okay I have a web application and a CSS file with background:url(''); stuff
the images folder is right off the root, its not inside another folder in my project
I use this '~/images/background.png'
dont work
my CSS file in a folder called Styles
also right off the root
if I do this I works
but the first should work right?
I never seen the first tbh
is it a razor syntax thing?
plain jane .aspx
in the CSS file
@JABFreeware your home directory isn't necessarily the site root
@doug65536 no?
well if not how do I get to the site root. (testing it localhost btw)
@JABFreeware typically, the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable has it
@doug65536 I cant put that in CSS (doc-root)
can i?
no - the css file could be dynamically generated - just like dynamically generating an html page.
@AmmarAhmed to your question, what exactly are you asking?
@doug65536 I dont like that idea
must be something easier
what do you use?
@JABFreeware neither do I
I take the simple route and just make a "config" file that my code knows where to find. I've never properly solved that issue though
@doug65536 okay, I just hate relative paths
one little dir change and you got a lot of fixing to do
@JABFreeware oh. I want to be able to show a preview of the form that the user is filling
so I want to have half of the page be a form and the other be a preview to show the user where all the info they are filling are going to be on the page
@AmmarAhmed hmmm... Not sure a follow do you by any chance have an image?
something like this (imagin the left side being a preview and is smaller in size)bootstrap-forms.heroku.com
@doug65536 Thanks for you help
ill draw a diagram
@JABFreeware np, wish I could have been more helpful
@doug65536 me too! :)
@AmmarAhmed yeah that would help
@JABFreeware I answered this in THIS question:
A: What is the difference between "~/" and "../"?

CC IncThe tilde (~) refers to the application root directory. In ASP, the tilde is used for HyperLinks or Page.ResolveURL. Two dots (..) refers to the folder that is one level higher than the current folder.

@AmmarAhmed Oh I see now what you mean
hmmm... could you use a iframe?
so pretty much I wanna make a <div class=customPreview> and everything inside it becomes 50% smaller or something like that
@JABFreeware I can
no idea what it is. lemme look
OH that
well.. idk if I can use it much
because I am trying to fill up the information for the preview dynamicly as the user is inputing them on the form
@AmmarAhmed Oh I see. Gosh
hmmm... Like website where you are looking at an object you may buy and as you move your pointer over the image you get a blown up version?
@AmmarAhmed intro to modifying page programmatically (no idea how useful this would be in ASP though)
@AmmarAhmed I really have no idea how. Sorry!
@JABFreeware a lot like it. I thought it would be as simple as doing div.preview{EVERYTHING= -50%;}
I am new to CSS
@AmmarAhmed Oh its not CSS I issue you
@doug65536 I will look into it. Thanks
CSS could never do it alone, look into using JS
A: use of tilde (~) in asp.net path

Dean HardingYou are correct, it only works in server controls. You've got two basic options: Change to HyperLink: <asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx" Text="Whatever" /> Or, use Page.ResolveUrl: <a href="<%= Page.ResolveUrl("~/BusinessOrderInfo/page.aspx") %>">......

@doug65536 let me try that
and btw, never knew about the tilda thing till now. Today I learned
@AmmarAhmed yep, this question and firs answer I think asnwer it
Q: How do I path relative CSS paths correctly when using Visual Studio 2012 Bundling?

IronicMuffinI have an MVC 3 / .NET 4.0 application running on Visual Studio 2012. I just created a static bundle for all my JS and CSS files. It first squawked at me for using paths without "~/" at the beginning, but I need to include files that are in another virtual directory on my server, so I used /../...

Q: How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply?

HimadriI need to create a CSS stylesheet class dynamically in JavaScript and assign it to some HTML elements like - div, table, span, tr, etc and to some controls like asp:Textbox, Dropdownlist and datalist. Is it possible? It would be nice with a sample.

Is there a way to get all the exceptions that could be thrown?
@RyanJMcGowan what do you mean?
just catch Exception, it will catch everything (NOT ADVISABLE)
Like for linq, I'd like to catch exceptions based on what type is thrown.
I see three exceptions in the System.Data.Linq namespace. Is that all I need to worry about?
no, you can't predict what exceptions will ever happen. only catch problems you have a chance of solving. catching too much hides bugs and makes debugging harder
But is there a convenient way to look up what exceptions are in an assembly? Then I could determine which are the most likely, or maybe clean the code to avoid them.
it's possible with reflection. you'd need to find all types that derive from Exception
So there's not some feature in VS that does that?
I thought maybe in the object browser or something
if you can find the types that derive from Exception, that would be it. but that code calls other code, that calls other code, etc etc etc.
Right. But you have to dig through it manually.
powershell is good for experimental digging around with reflection if you know it
I haven't gotten into reflection much.
I'll see if I can figure out a quick powershell script...
$a=[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Data.Linq"); $a.GetTypes() | ? { $_.IsSubclassOf([System.Exception]) }
replace System.Data.Linq with the assembly of interest and it will list every exception type
nice. Let me try that. I haven't used powershell yet.
my script said "ChangeConflictException", "DuplicateKeyException", and "ForeignKeyReferenceAlreadyHasValueException"
mine too
but this would give me inherited exceptions too?
ALL exceptions in that whole assembly
that would probably be all I'd need to know 99% of the time.
if you want to force it to load something that isn't GAC'd, use LoadFrom instead of LoadWithPartialName - and specify a full path
I imagine if you wanted all inherited exceptions, it could get pretty long
exceptions within a type, etc.
that script will find every exception, regardless of inheritance. it works because all exceptions will be a subclass of Exception
IsSubclassOf looks all the way through the inheritance chain
for example: DuplicateKeyException inherits from InvalidOperationException which inherits from SystemException which inherits from Exception
Yeah. But for purposes of catching exceptions, it's probably not vital that I even look beyond the first assembly anyway, right?
I try to catch only expected problems. the last thing I want is mysteriously disappearing exceptions hiding real bugs but appearing to run perfectly
Unless there's tons of method calls to other assemblies, but that would mostly be my own method calls. Not .Net.
Yeah. And that's why I want to see the exceptions. To remind me of what is "expected"
yeah, understandable. I guess I am overemphasizing caution :)
I don't necessarily want to catch them.
I want to take care of them before the try.
unless it's not possible. Like ChangeConflict
@dotToString hey!
@ByteBlast hi, never seen you before
First time here :)
@ByteBlast impressive blog!
Oh. You like it?
I keep meaning to blog more actively but never do
@ByteBlast yeah and you might want to update your resume if you plan to get hired :D
I see your site's under construction. How's it coming along?
@ByteBlast LOL not real great
working on a program update that I will be releasing hopefully this month
focusing on that, then my blog
Which program are you working on?
@ByteBlast Yeah, nice blog
@CCInc Thanks
@ByteBlast I'll tell you when I release it. It will be $10, and very useful to some people! Its a secrete!
I'm just reading CLR via C# at the moment
@ByteBlast Yeah I got a similar book
actaully the program is not a secret, but the new features are
thats me and @CCInc 's blog
I love that UI haha
@ByteBlast thanks! Can you believe its only WinForms?
@JABFreeware Actually, I can
I enjoy GDI+ themes myself
@ByteBlast You just have to know how to use it, yep!
Slowly moving to WPF though
@ByteBlast Me too, its SO MUCH different its hard
Just very uncomfortable for projects I want to get working with quickly right now
for me and limited time
Tell me about yourself :)
@ByteBlast Sorry, my parents are making me get off the web very soon. Maybe anyone day. :)
BTW did you use a downloadable temp for your blog?
And yea
I like it, and might use it if its availible
I did a fair bit of customization
@ByteBlast where did you get originally, I'd tweak it too
I was looking at this temp
sorry dude but "lame"
@CCInc what is?
Don't like the layout of that template
I dont' like the layout nor colours or anyhthing really
@CCInc that can be changed, but hey thanks for the feedback
ill try another one
My template looks nice enough
But I will likely change it because its' not that practical
this any good
uhoh got to go NOW. See you all! @ByteBlast @CCInc
@JABFreeware There's a few nice ones there. I'll speak to you another time maybe.
If you can find the template I'll give him the link when i see him
Hello @dotToString
i declared a rich text box in xaml
inside of a grid control
i have a toolbar with 2 buttons (bold, italic) and a slider for the font size
plus a listbox
when i write code in the button handlers or the listbox handlers....no problem
when i write code in the slider value changed handler, it throws a null reference on my richTextBox1!!!!!
why oh why?!
i see
i wasn't taking into account there was no selection on a fresh form
i was manipulating the font in a textbox
i tied the fontsize property to the slider value changed event handler
but i didnt involve null checking lol
i implemented a try catch and now its perfect lol
gotta catch em all
any idea on "cannot find type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator in module System.Xml.dll" ?
for metro apps, c#
what version of .Net?
@All morning..
visual studio 12
by the way, i want to use "string str = File.ReadAllText("myFile.txt");"
what namespace shall i use?
i am getting red underline under "File"
Check the logic with break point.. unreachable code throws NRE too
i am using system.io
uday my answer not for you :P
then too, its not recognizing "file"
what error the red line says?
google it ..not a big deal ;)
some warning message would be shown on hover?
So System.IO.File.ReadAllText doesn't work?
seems like that ..
'Sup guys ..working on saturdays is the worst feeling ever
is there a site where i can code in c# competitively and learn interesting stuffs ? like ppl code for robot in github ??
@Kendall ^?
posted on February 09, 2013 by Scott Hanselman

This blog, my twitter, my YouTube are all part of my online presence. While my day job is ensuring that Microsoft's web developer tools work well across many cross cutting concerns, my passion remains teaching. When I went to work for Microsoft 5 years ago I made it clear that the blog, it's content, and my online voice would remain mine. I also told them I would do 'side work' in social med

@all did anyone has knowledge about ext.net
DisplayType display = param.OfType<DisplayType>().Count() > 0 ? (DisplayType)param.First(p => p.GetType() == typeof(DisplayType)) : DisplayType.None;
Why would this statement be thorowing an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."?
DisplayType display = new DisplayType(); ??
I figured it out
but thanks
okay, what was it?
welcome ;)
DisplayType)param.First(p => p.GetType() == typeof(DisplayType))
should have been
how do i create a Extension method, it seems like a normal class..whats the use of extension methods!?!?
Well, you see
extension methods are usful when you can't access the original class
for example, you can't go and change the source code for the List<T>
but you CAN write an extension method that ACTS like it was written with the original calss
that extension method can access original class ?
class ExtensionMethods2

    static void Main()
        int[] ints = { 10, 45, 15, 39, 21, 26 };
        var result = ints.OrderBy(g => g);
        foreach (var i in result)
            System.Console.Write(i + " ");
its a example given in MSDN..could you explain!?
Well the extension method EXTENDS the original class as if it was written built in to the class.
That doesn't look like one, could I have the link?
how to download a webpage from windows 8 metro app
i heard of webclient
but, which namespace should i use ?
@codebrain That is not a good example for learning. Take this for instance:
namespace ExtensionMethods
    public static class MyExtensions
        public static int WordCount(this String str)
            return str.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.', '?' },
using ExtensionMethods;

class Main

    static void Main()
string s = "Hello Extension Methods";
int i = s.WordCount();
SO you see extension methods let you call the method as if it were BUILT IN to the original classes source
ok..so i directly cannot access Main class.. so i wire it with an extension class !?
OK I don't think you get it
I'll explain
string s = "Hello Extension Methods";
int i = s.WordCount();
This code lets you call WordCount on a string as if the method were written by microsoft for that class
you can call the method DIRECTLY FROM the string object
yeah wordcount is in Extension namespace which we imported in here!?
yeah, you don't HAVE to do that though
you can just use classes, microsoft's example used namespaces
yeah..we can just create object of classes and use the extension methods !?
yeah hopefully i got the idea of it..ll code and find the rest :)
thanks ! correct me if i was wrong:P
you should start a tutorial blog i think @CC
i think so..
you wanna make some money ;) ??
lol..then have one :P
Q: How to convert WebGrid column's int value to string?

djITI am using WebGrid to display data from Model. I want that ID column should be hyperlink. So, when anyone click on ID,it's corresponding page will be open. I have tried following code, but I am getting error: Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: Cannot convert type 'int' to 'st...

A: How to convert WebGrid column's int value to string?

Darin DimitrovIt looks like the ID property is an integer, so you cannot cast it to string. Try casting it to an integer first: grid.Column( columnName: "ID", header: "ID", canSort: true, format: item => Html.ActionLink( ((int)item.ID).ToString(), "DetailsRequest", ...

Hi all
difference between (this String str) and (string str) ??
@CCInc, thnks....
Hi Buddies
Hi @codebrain
hw r U?
Im good :) u?
I have a question in VBA for excel.
I'm fine like you.
Im 0 in VBA and -infinity in excel :P
Do U have any xp in VBA programming?
you should look for cylen :P
in which room?
he should here , not knowing his current status..
@codebrain hi
all alone today
think so..since its saturday :P
I still got work :(
Hah @codebrain
@Roel 'Sup ?
@codebrain Not too much, vacation time; working on my website :)
You got work? :P
so may be we are unfortunate guys who works on saturday too
you starting with Hah :P i should shoot you one day :D
lol..yeah i am working on generics, extension methods, so on :P
Cool ! I ll shoot you in Paintball gun :D
Cultural differences? :P I don't think most ordinary jobs here have saturday work.
static void showDouble(ref int valueToShow)
valueToShow *=2;
Console.WriteLine("Double: {0}", valueToShow);
That's.. weird.
so we are doing most ordinary jobs
yes we dont work on saturdays..alternatives saturdays i have work :( its stupid here
that code is just to remind ppl , Its a "C#" room..lol i forgot that almost :P
whats new your side?
Haha I'm pretty much doing NodeJS/JavaScript all day and still hang here :P
@Roel : Now i am on skype with several SO chat mates..and talking beyond timezones..lol
Nodejs is a startup kinda thing..are you developin the framework ?
Buddy is here #Neha , Hey..
I got stuck in another problem today
waiting for you :P whats the question !
i knew you wouldnt come without one :P , @Roel is here today ..he ll manage it
@codebrain It's not really a startup thing anymore, that was 3 years ago. It's quite mature nowadays.
I have a bulk copy code.. if any of mandatory value in excel is missing the transaction is aborted but anyhow on server it is giving me yellow page
yeah i realize it ..Roel.
Seriously i will have no clue about your questions..
@Him how z your work so far ?
@Roel if a recruiter asks you "What is it?" what would be your answer ?
Hi @TomW
@codebrain The future.
how ?
i got it anyway..
It is the perfect platform for rapid development of web applications, web APIs and allows reuse of code on both the server/browser as well as mobile devices.
o_O what are you talking about :P ? no clue
it => ??
whatever you said, no clue how does it match. the answer was "it is pronoun" and i am thinking for the last couple of days.."why the hell he asked me that question"!?
hw r U @TomW?
@MRS1367 ok thanks, up fairly early. Driving soon, just inhaling some breakfast and tidying up
will be gone soon
@TomW -> do U have any xp in VBA programming for excel?
@MRS1367 I have
ask that guy ^
@all hi.............
anyone have idea about ext.net?
Hi @Neha
@all...pls tell...anyone have idea about ext.net?
@vaishali I doubt many people here use that..
@RoelvanUden ok
After all, why would anyone pay for a wrapper around open source software..
@MRS1367 hello
@Neha -> I want to check the Save Thumbnail check box in save as dialogue box with VBA
Have U any solution for do it?
@MRS1367 GetSetting(App.EXEName, "checkboxes", "Check1", vbUnchecked)
am not sure if u r asking for this
@Neha -> this check box in this code is for "save thumbnail" check box in save as dialogue box?
@MRS1367 for save thumnail I dnt know about but ys it for savedialogbox
I try it.
02:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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