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@Edalat By the way, ignore some rude comments, people here stay 20 hours + working.. :(
@ShotgunNinja HA
hi andre silva
@Edalat Hi. Just so we're on the level here, people usually don't talk about programming here
We're dirty, lazy, and bored all the time.
It's mostly people being horrible to each other
But when we do, we change subject quickly
hi steve , hi travis , hi shotgun , hi lewis, hi tom w
WTF @KyleTrauberman!
@Edalat No one ever gets that right :P
@Edalat HI eDALAT
You closed?
At least it's locked now.
@KyleTrauberman Traitor
@LewsTherin is that your actual name?
si. bill had a good point about it failing the "what have you tried" test.
@TomW Of course not :P
What human could possible have such an awesome name.
@LewsTherin says you're in Ireland (so more than likely Irish and therefore), it could be bloody anything
hi @JohanLarsson
how long would +-2000 0000 Console.Writeline take?
15% cpu atm xD
The answer to any 'how long for a computer' question is 'longer than the age of the universe'
@TomW Bloody well right, but that's too fantastical even for us :P
@CSharpStudent Depends on the length of the strings, the speed of your processor, and how many timeslices the .NET runtime is getting.
this is wonderful chat room i ever seen, im suprised
you want to write 20 million lines to the console??
public string Response(User u, Message m)
 string respond = "@" + u.Name + " - ";
 if( !m.Content.Contains<NSFW>() )
  respond += "Hello :)";
  respond += "Please only post safe for work content.";
 return respond;
2 Million
@Edalat - Hello :)
saw something with fizzbuzz thingy
@CSharpStudent lolol
I'll answer when its done xD
@CSharpStudent oh you posted 20 m
ah mistake
Ah. Wheel of Time. tl;dr
It's an Enterprise Java style fizzbuzz implementation.
Namely, there is proper separation of concerns, and everything has unit-tests.
10000 took 2 seconds or so
@TomW Your loss then :(
so should take 200s by that reasoning xD
Also, they conform to the MVC/layered architectural model, and everything (I believe) is properly documented.
ah crap
forgot to shorten buffersize :P
atleast I didn't put it at 20m XD
2m* (-_-')
I think the first 1M is just done
The question is, did it get stuck or is it still going... :P
@ShotgunNinja you mean it was originally specified to have proper documentation and unit tests, which were done for the first 15% of the project until the guy who actually cared about doing that left
Has anyone used amcharts ?
chat went from trolling to dead in minutes :o
@LewsTherin maybe Kyle, he had some nice stock charts.
I saw Highcharts but it looks like too much effort to use.. I may still switch to that though
Amcharts works, but not well enough
Hello :)
@KyleTrauberman Is that a commercial site, or just a test site?
that your site Kyle/
not finding my companies stock
CGI Group Inc.
it pulls from markitondemand.com
ahh it doesn't like the .A only GIB
@KyleTrauberman How are you doing the design? !CSS?
@RyanTernier use GIB
@LewsTherin Twitter Bootstrap
The graph itself is from the Marketplace/highcharts api correct?
That chart looks beautiful.. ok I guess I will put some effort in after all.
@RyanTernier I get the data for the chart from dev.markitondemand.com
then plug it into highstock.js
from highcharts.com
view the source. all my js isn't minified
so you can see how i do it
Does it resize in the div automatically? Or is the div set to a specific width and height
also, this project is for me to learn knockout.js
Crap, stopped the 2m console since +- 20 minutes is taking too long
@LewsTherin you set the chart size in js
200 000 took 1m, so had to wait 3M more :(
@KyleTrauberman Even better. kwl, thanks :P
Heading home.. later duders
@KyleTrauberman how are you finding knockout?
its at knockoutjs.com I bet thats how he found it. <g>
they deleted my comment on that headphone, kids screaming with a crazy parent thread:(
you can get it though nuget too if you want
@TomW It's a fizzbuzz program.
js minification is as easy as ctrl-a-delete
You said it was Java Enterprise fizzbuzz. I was making a funny.
30s for 1M lines
with stringbuilder
string takes too long to test :P
were you concatenating strings?
that's verrrrrrrrrrrrry slow
StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
if (i % 3 == 0 && i % 5 == 0) { sB.AppendLine(i + " : " + "FizzBuzz"); }
else if (i % 3 == 0) { sB.AppendLine(i + " : " + "Fizz"); }
else if (i % 5 == 0) { sB.AppendLine(i + " : " + "Buzz"); }
else { sB.AppendLine(i + " : " + "neither"); }
writing is the longest part
0.26s for creating the full stringbuilder
@CSharpStudent be a boss, do it with ternary operators.
Aaaaand I'm back
@Ellie fetches mop
oh god
@Pheonixblade9 I know you've been waiting with bated breath for my return.
@ShotgunNinja >.>
@Ellie Well, I'm not sure what you mean by 'bated', but I'm sure it applies.
@Ellie oh I'm sure there was 'bating
...nothing? not even a titter?
Sorry, was coding :P
I'm in a weirdly uber productive mood today.
@Pheonixblade9 Removed 2s from total
StringBuilder sB = new StringBuilder();
int i = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= 1000000; i++)
i%3 == 0 && i%5 == 0 ? i + " : FizzBuzz" :
i%3 == 0 ? i + " : Fizz" :
i%5 == 0 ? i + " : Buzz" : i + " : neither "
return sB.ToString();
@CSharpStudent wanna make it even faster?
28-29s seems fast enough :X
But how would you make it faster than? :P
string[] messages = new string[]{null, "Fizz", "Buzz", "FizzBuzz"};
int acc = 810092048; //11 00 00 01 00 10 01 00 00 01 10 00 01 00 00
int c = 0;
for (int i=1; i < = N; ++i)  {
    c = acc & 3;
    result += (c > 0 ? messages[c] : i.ToString()) + ", ";
    acc = acc >> 2 | c < < 28;
@Pheonixblade9 I've literally never known someone other than a family member of mine who uses "pshaw". You, sir, just made my day.
Whats the fastest you get when doing with streamwriter?
I'm getting 29.2477286 2s less than if using a larger bufferheight
@Ellie hah! I use pshaw all the time
@CSharpStudent I'm at work, sorry. Don't have time for benchmarks, just thought you'd like the bitwise solution. Might be faster
@Pheonixblade9 <3
@kush I have a girl >.>
And I have a man >.>
sorry @Ellie, no Seattle romance for you :P
-___- Oh. Dang.
I guess you guys won't be sleepless after all
Always look at the bright side of life.
though I don't blame you for wanting to escape Oklahoma
I keep wanting to think Ellie is in the UK.
wanting to think, or wanting her to be?
Does anyone here use Google Plus Messenger? I'd like to start a massive C# room right on my phone.
@RyanTernier definitely not wanting her to be. That's a far way off from Kansas.
Hi Ninja!
Hey @kush
@Pheonixblade9 OH MY GOD WE SHOULD
@kush Never used it.
@Ellie but you have an android / iOS device?
Hey, I use AIM at work...
@kush iPhone
Ha. Upside to my terrible boss throwing a "party"
@kush I WISH I was in the UK!
Free lunch and drinking wine on the clock
@Ellie and you have Google Plus?
@kush Yes
That is one thing that I will miss about this place - open alcohol policy
@Nexion The closest I've heard of anything like that (outside of the TV show with Christina Hendrix in it) was at Thrillist
@kush haha, they bring us booze every Friday. Anything from local brews to champagne to big ass bottles of svedka for moscow mules
of course, this is Seattle so it's IPA ALL THE BEERS
@Ellie get Google Plus for iPhone :)
@kush sigh Alriiiiight. :P
@kush Installing
Signing in...
@Ellie yay
IPA's are so gross
Alright, I'm in.
Haven't tried an IPA yet, not looking forward to it.
haha. Just picture myself in a movie with Bruce Willis and I just hacked the FBI... "Alright, I'm in."
Also, that's what he said.
there's no such thing as that's what he said.
@kush In dick jokes, there is.
Also I will take Are you in yet? for two hundred points.
@kush There are now.
@Pheonixblade9 running the 1M string now, while I'm going to take a shower, I wonder how long it will take xD
@kush I will take You Shutting Up for all the internets.
Why is the archaic version of TWSS funnier?
@ShotgunNinja IPA's are like drinking liquid hops
@CSharpStudent Depends on how long you spend touching yourself.
I think he meant the program, not the shower.
I feel violated...
I knowwwww, @KendallFrey >.>
"Said the actress to the bishop", is an informal (and usually vulgar) exclamation, said for humour in the form of a punch line after an inadvertent double entendre. The equivalent phrase in North America is "that's what she said". On occasion, the gender may be swapped, as in "said the bishop to the actress", or "that's what he said". History and background Said the actress to the bishop The term, or its variant "as the actress said to the bishop", may have been used as far back as Edwardian times, and is apparently British in origin. The phrase is frequently used by the fictional char...
seems like the program didn't get stuck this time :P
I hear that in Stewie Griffin's voice, Kendall
String: 1:11.4083181, StringBuilder: 0:30.0111301
That was a fast shower.
was expecting it to get stuck again xD
Anyway Off now :P
@CSharpStudent The shower, or the program?
@KendallFrey haha
@CSharpStudent said the actress to the bishop
Ugh, I'm not sure whether getting stuck would be a good or a bad thing...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
string result1, result2;
Console.BufferHeight = 25;


result1 = "String: " + stopWatch.Elapsed;
Q: How do you get a blonde to stay in the shower all day?
A: Lend her your bottle of Shampoo that says "lather, rinse, repeat".
@kush IPAs are ok, just very hoppy. Some people like that
@ShotgunNinja Good. Very, very good.
@KendallFrey Unless your idea of protection is coitus interruptus.
@Pheonixblade9 I am nowhere near a beer connoisseur. I doubt I could tell the difference between PBR and Coors Light.
@Pheonixblade9 what does hoppy mean? IPA is good btw.
@JohanLarsson Hoppy means having a lot of hops, which is a flavoring ingredient in many types of beer.
@kush the difference between PBR and Coors Light is that PBR isn't too bad and Coors Light is like sex in a canoe
Hops are the female flowers (also called seed cones or strobiles) of a hop species, Humulus lupulus. They are used primarily as a flavoring and stability agent in beer, to which they impart a bitter, tangy flavor, though hops are also used for various purposes in other beverages and herbal medicine. In the Middle Ages beers tended to be of a very low alcohol content and were commonly consumed as a safer alternative to untreated water. Each village tended to have one or more small breweries with a barley field and a hop garden in close vicinity. Early documents include mention of a ...
I tried to google IPA to hide my ignorance. However, Google autocompleted it to iPad is not a camera. Wut?
@kush go ahead, ask me why it's like sex in a canoe
Humulus Lupulus, because the scientist who assigned that Latin name loved the letter "U".
Indian Pale Ale, @kush.
@Pheonixblade9 I am guessing it is not a good thing?
@kush it's like sex in a canoe - fucking close to water
found it
India Pale Ale or IPA is a beer style within the broader category of pale ale. It was first brewed in England in the 19th century. The first known use of "India pale ale" is an advertisement in the Liverpool Mercury in 1835. It was also referred to as "pale ale as prepared for India", "India Ale", "pale India ale" or "pale export India ale". History The term "pale ale" originally denoted an ale that had been brewed from pale malt. The pale ales of the early 18th century were lightly hopped and quite different from later pale ales. By the mid-18th century, pale ale was mostly manufactured...
ellie, circle me
and everyone else as well.
hahaha, thats a good one @Pheonixblade9
Phoenix, I am not going to lie. I don't understand it and sadly it doesn't really bother me.
@kush sex in a canoe... fucking close to water... it's saying the beer is fucking close to water
It is sad because I roll eyes when people say they don't care to learn how to do simple math or how computers work.
@kush Circle you? :P
User name?
@Pheonixblade9 Her boob is... very obvious.
@Pheonixblade9 I got that but I don't understand what IPA is all about. It seems like it is not about a different amount of alcohol content. something about hops...
@kush I'm saying Coors Light is close to water
not IPAs.
IPAs are usually quite strong, 5% +
well, it has to be. It is light beer!
Light is more in reference to the flavor, not necessarily the alcohol content
Kush! Username?!
@Ellie don't know what my user name is... :( 113551049479288319426 ?
Well then YOU circle ME: HerNameIsEllie
Did you mean: HerNameIsAli wut?
Pickle you, kumquat!
Alright, hold on
I'm following you, Nick :)
@kush don't feed his ego...
@Nexion actually, in the US, light typically refers to the caloric content. Less caloric content typically means less alchohol.
@RyanTernier It would be a great idea to get a parakeet named ego.
@Pheonixblade9 It was a failed attempt at a joke. Was meaning to imply that light beers in general taste like shit
I forgot to feed my ego today :D
@kush Would rather have a nice big German Sheppard named Ego...
TaglineI'm the girl your parents warned you about...
@Nexion well, they do. :)
Oh my gosh I love that photo :D
Gimmie a Guinness or a Blue Moon any day
@kush :)
and yes I do see that big green stone
drinking light beer is sort of like getting a handjob from Emma Stone. Sure, it's ok, but it's not what you really want.
Dude speak for yourself, Emma Stone is hot as hell
@kush Big green stone?
@Nexion yeah, but there are other things you'd rather be doing
@Ellie it looked green to me
@kush What stone??
I dont think I would pass on that
on your finger
Anyone familiar with VHost files and apache?
Ohh, first of all, that's my right hand. :P Second of all, that's an old picture from before I was engaged, and that's a heart ring my grandmother gave me. It's just an outline of a heart.
Dude, I'm pretty sure my girlfriend would let me cheat on her with Emma Stone, as long as she got to join in.
She's cool like that.
Or rather, you know what I mean.
Threesomes and whatnot.
Been there, done that. I actually like regular traditional mariage.
who writes a database foreign key where the FK joins two PKs on two different tables?
@ShotgunNinja I don't claim to be an expert on relationships but I think if you got permission beforehand it is not called cheating.
I have two girlfriends and I rather enjoy it.
@KyleTrauberman Snowflake Database design?
And no we're not having this conversation again lol
FROM [Event Lead Table] RIGHT JOIN [Lead time in time out tracker] ON [Event Lead Table].[ID] = [Lead time in time out tracker].[ID];
This is fun and all, but @kush, was there a point to my downloading G+ on my phone? :P
ID is PK on both tables
@kush Actually, I think my girlfriend would cheat on me with Emma Stone if given the chance... and I'd let her, assuming I could join in (or watch).
the only PK
oh yeah, Ellie. Google Plus messenger. you can chat with multiple people at once
@kush Well, I still haven't found youuuu. >.<
@Ellie You'll get a notification saying some random guy added you
@Ellie really? He posted his number earlier.
@kush I already got that when @ShotgunNinja added me :P
@ShotgunNinja Yeah, but it wasn't working for me.
@kush Dude, she's a female programmer. You'll have to be more specific; she probably has like a million random adds.
Protip: His first name starts with "Kush".
haha si signor
Hahaha. I got it :P
and Google Plus hangouts is really cool. I hung out with my mum and sister today. in video! all three of us on our cool nexus devices :D
Indeed, good sir.
@kush I feel like you're plugging G+ a little too much :P How much are they paying you?
I remember when Google Hangout was relatively new... I hung out with tons of my buddies all the time.
I had a job interview on google hangouts
I've never used a Google Hangout
They're cool. It's just cheap, easy video conferencing.
too many children in my office...
I believe it.
its great for remote teams
@Nexion Children as in young developers, or children as in "Bring-your-little-shits-to-work day"?
Bring your little shits to work day
@Nexion You poor, poor grandpa.
I'm 21, dont call me that lol
@Nexion Then stop acting like one.

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