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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@JohanLarsson search the Google machine, there is a registry fix for the ALL CAPS menu. And install the 2012 Color Theme Editor, and those are not much better. Go to advanced and spend say 6-8 hours trying colors, and you will eventually be very pleased. But yeah, that is what it takes.
@TreyGramann lol, I think I'll stick with out-of-the-box
You think that now. You won't be able to take it in about a week.
maybe, but I'd guess I won't even notice it in a week
I'll give it a week before firing up the google machine
:) Figure out how to turn off the preview yet? I guess there is someone out there that wants to see the source of the file their mouse just happens to roll over.
But seriously, it does totally Rock. Huge improvement if you can get past the headaches and migranes from the visuals.
@TreyGramann I have not noticed it only used one week
Would you be creeped out if someone retweeted you 10 seconds after you tweeted?
not if they were a bot
Because I was browsing Twitter, a new tweet appeared, and I insta-retweeted it.
Ha hu ha
1k tweets, 138 followers, following 140 users
Ahahaha NO
What's your username then?
@kendfrey, Ontario, Canada
Computer programmer by day, computer programmer by night.
63 tweets, 12 followers, following 44 users
Apparently there was just a fight.
Stupid twitter search
#hockeyisback #leafs
Are you related?
@FreyTodd, Middle of nowhere!
I love Farming!
271 tweets, 62 followers, following 144 users
Nope, but we know each other IRL.
#I<3Twitter #YOLO
You make a kinda cute girl, Kendall.
Anyway, is there a faster way to make classes with constructors and fields? This is getting repetitive.
Faster than what?
Heyy that Skeetify bookmark looks good
What do you want? Adding params to a ctor to initialize fields?
Like, once I set the properties, is there a way to make a constructor with all the properties, and public get/sets, etc?
yeah like initialize all of them. Then I can take out the ones I don't need.
Not automatically, AFAIK, but initializer syntax would work.
What does this code do?
            var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(LicensingService));
            const string address = "http://localhost:19292/license";
            host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ILicensingService), new WSHttpBinding(), address);

when I do ctor, should it be adding all the properties? Because all I get is an empty constructor.
What do you mean?
is it supposed to automatically add all the parameters?
If you use the ctor snippet, it just makes a ctor.
Nothing special.
seems like there should be a faster way to make classes.
Make a utility.
maybe there already is one...
@KendallFrey How do I search for a particular user's chat messages? =]
Stalking Elle?
@KendallFrey cheers
You can also filter keyword searches by user.
So if I wanted to see Rudi's mesages, how do I get at it?
Oh wait got it
Whack his ID in there
Damnit doesn't go far enough
Or go to his profile and click recent.
Ok cheers
ANyone here know SpringMVC?
Or RoR?
I know what Rigs of Rods is.
The sim?
5 hours later…
anybody here?
hi @DON
2 hours later…
Well hey there.
hi @SpencerCole
I haven't been in here for months.
Hey, I'm still a room owner. Go me!
me too
Owner high-five!
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
it's oh so quiet...
2 hours later…
Guys, is there a similar feature like JNI in C#?
@TemporaryNickName It's called P/Invoke
@TemporaryNickName there's also C++/CLI, which lets you freely mix native C++ and managed code
ah ok, interesting. Thx all =)
This is SAD
it is the weekend. Corprate .net developers are on break
This is sad that I can see my last message from so long ago.
@AmmarAhmed I am not.
Usulaly it is not THIS empty
neither am I :)
watching a plural sight video about CSS3.. bleh
@AmmarAhmed what's bleh about it?
I can't seem to force myself to focus. nothing is wrong with the video really
I feel like it is an information overload if I am not doing hand on learning
I think I need a break. Time to play videopgames
cool, me to
Ellie took of her shirt and I wasn't here? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuucK
everything good?
You know EVERYTHING now?
Aww no :(
I am still a C# noob
How are you?
@JohanLarsson ?
@LewsTherin I threaded :)
I'm fine but lazy, been thinking about getting my feet wet with some kind of web thing
Closest I got was falling asleep watching some Channel9 vid :)
Yeah been working on that lately.. not fun really.
I've been playing games and watching tv as well ;)
is it much work left?
Oh yes.. and the CSS is horrendous
3 minutes to planetside!
is your thing online?
No, I still need to host it.. I think MS offers a 3 month trial
It will be a while before i do so..
If 90 percent of the functionalities are done then yeah
ok, you will let us know when we can see it I hope
If it isn't much of an embarrassment ;)
Time to try out Planetside 2
Talk later dude!
ok have fun
Planetside 2 kicks ass
 <Window x:Class="ClassTest"
Why that give error? What do I have to set it to?
looks like you are missing a namespace
<Window x:Class="WtfMeter.GaugeWindow"
writing wpf again?
No, I did not intend to
I jsut found this project I am looking at
 <Window x:Class="WpfApplication3.MainWindow"
doens't wrok
what is the error?
did you build it before btw?
Error	1	'Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 2.' XML is not valid.	C:\Users\Chris\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\WpfApplication3\WpfApplication3\MainWindow.xaml	1	2	WpfApplication3
always build when Xaml starts acting up
post the first lines from code behind, namespace + classname
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace WpfApplication3
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
looks like <Window x:Class="WpfApplication3.MainWindow" should work
you did build?
can you push it?
I could try
Does NetworkStream.ReadAsync(_, _, n) always read n bytes?
no idea, never used it
We can try asking @zneak he is good
@Zoidberg Happy late birthday.
Huh? My birthday was in December.
@Zoidberg "The result value can be less than the number of bytes requested if the number of bytes currently available is less than the requested number."
Yeah, happy late brithday.
@RoelvanUden dammit.
@Zoidberg You might just want to use a reader.
For example, a BinaryReader or TextReader (depending on what you want).
That doesn't seem to support asynchronous reading.
True. Depending on your use case, however, using async is not strictly necessary.
Oh StreamReader does.
... Yeah, I just about to say that, in fact. Uhu, believe me.
Well, if I don't use async everything will block until one client sends a complete request.
Ah, for a high performance server Async is a godsend yeah..
I suppose I can write an extension method for Stream that reads exactly n bytes at all times.
Q: C# compiler does not recompile after setting clock back

solomosOk this is a very strange problem I came up with. When I change the date to my computer to an older date, while I have a C# project open, the project stacks to the exact latest compiled version! No matter if I erase all the source code & rebuild the project the running exe will be the latest...

Rudi closed that question.. and he is not on chat!!
wtf @RudiVisser
public static async Task<byte[]> CompletelyReadAsync(this Stream stream, int n) {
    var list = new List<byte>();
    var bytes = new byte[1024];
    do {
        var nread = await stream.ReadAsync(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
    } while (list.Count < n);
    return list.ToArray();
Would such a thing make sense?
does it compile? looks like you are returning an array while the signature is returning a Task
It's an async method.
but I have not written any 4.5 yet so I don't know the async syntax
In async methods the return type is Task<T> while you return an expression of type T.
I suck at all web stuff so can't say anything really
anyone know of some good easy licensing systems?
It's not related to web development. :P
I'm writing a Minecraft server.
@Zoidberg ok I suck at all but a very small subset of C# :)
lol :P
The only fear I have is that my code will spin when nread == 0 for a very long time.
looks like you could use an array byte[n] right from the starts but probably not a big issue
Oh of course.
But I don't know whether a NetworkStream could ever be "end of stream" (I don't think so).
now you create your temp list and copy it to an array. I think ToArray() copies
var bytes = new byte[n];
int totalRead = 0;
do {
    totalRead += await stream.ReadAsync(bytes, totalRead, bytes.Length);
} while (totalRead < n);
return bytes;
that is the type of thing I would try to hack up a nontesting unit test for and play around, maybe using a memorystream?
Hmm good idea.
How do I do that in VS? xD
I've never done any unit testing in C#.
do you have nuget?
you need the nUnit dlls
create a new project (testproject)
add nunit via nuget and you should be up and running in one minute
Unit Test Project?
It uses Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.
@Zoidberg You want to change this code a little. Before adding it to totalRead, ensure that the return value is not zero, because if it is, the stream has ended. And thus, you'd end up infinite looping.
@Zoidberg class library
I don't use mstest much
Oh crap.
@Zoidberg no problem you can still use it
Only a template with som references
mstest is usable in fact similar to nunit, I like nUnit a littel better though
@RoelvanUden does a NetworkStream ever end?
Okay I installed nunit. Let's see.
@Zoidberg It could when the end-point is disconnecting, for example.
Ah I see.
Other code could catch that scenario, but it is better to ensure that your code is 100% valid :)
(Especially in async)
I should throw an exception then.
Does that work well with async?
More or less, it comes out as an aggregate exception.
@Ianthe ... why so early?
could you not sleep?
In your situation, I'd probably just return null and check for that.
(Exceptions are expensive)
Or did I accidentally pwn your computer and you are really asleep?
@CCInc I'm a bot
I thought so
Because it would be 2:55 AM where you are
lol just finished playing D3...
My body clock's messed up
Hmm... are you using a different clock?
Because here it is 12:54
and usually your clock is 2 mins ahead
So I assume you are not on the same clock
i don't where my clocks get their time.. i guess the office network time is screwed up
can't believe weekend is over .. haha
ei talk to ya later... i need to sleep now
@CCInc wut
OMG @RudiVisser showed up
@Ianthe Bye :(
You tagged me nub
You tag me it shows as notification I showed up :D
30 mins ago, by CC Inc
Rudi closed that question.. and he is not on chat!!
This should not surprise you!
Oh right
It did not.
I expected that.
I closed many questions
32 today actually
I also retagged 84 edited around 50 and answered 5
Crazy day, needed breaks between work
It is 7:04 on Sunday in the UK and you are wrokign?
I'm also drinking Jesus wine
@JohanLarsson thanks, NUnit works great.
@Zoidberg lol you are the first who don't hate me for using unit tests like prototypes :)
can you have F# and C# in the same project?
no, I don't think @JohanLarsson
You can use binaries from one another
@JohanLarsson You're going to use F#?
@Eve maybe, I'm so f*ckn lazy so probability is not that high
I think it's a nice language but I can't get myself to make something with it.
> I'm so F#ckn lazy
ftfy @Johan
but that is a pun and pun means DNA ban?
Jesus Wine absolves you from bans :D
It works! :D
@Zoidberg why are you not a reg here?
Because I rarely use C# and I commonly chat in Lounge<C++>.
but you can still lurk here it is free
heh :P
this room needs a couple of guys who write code. 90% of the chat is about 'boobs', it's sad
Holy bleepin bleepin bleep
A: How can i implement == and check for null in c#

CC IncTry ReferenceEquals: public static bool operator ==(Foo foo1, Foo foo2) { if (object.ReferenceEquals(null, foo1)) { if(object.ReferenceEquals(null, foo2)) return true; return false; } if(object.ReferenceEquals(null, foo2)) return false; if(...

That's the fastest 5 upvotes I ever got in my life
Boobs are never sad, unless the owner starts talking
I'm not so sure
Well, it does become sad when you get a bunch of drooling programmers yea
yeah that is really scary
Like when Ellie appears ;p
.NET does allow for loading custom DLLs at runtime right?
I want to provide a decent plug-in interface for my server.
Ya System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(..)
Ellie drools?
No Possibly, but I meant people drool over Ellie
@RudiVisser ah thanks.
@RudiVisser They do.
She drools from her vagina.
wtf we can't start now, ask a question @Zoidberg!
God damnit
Jesus is watching. Shh
> Loads an assembly given the long form of its name.
@JohanLarsson how do I get this name from a filename?
@Zoidberg There is .LoadFile(..) too
oh cool thanks :3
Hello folks.
@Zoidberg Rudi is much better than I am
HI @Bracketworks
Anyone care to upvote my 8count upvote answer any more?
I already did
Operator overloading is a coolio solution
Jesus is a peeping tom. So is Santa. The hell do they know what I do behind closed doors??
Not that I'd recommend overriding == lol
<3 rudi thanks
it was closed ;(
It's not like you lose your upvotes
Wow that's not an exact dup wtf
When extending System.Web.WebPages.WebPage, any idea on why the overridden Execute method doesn't seem to fire? I'm throwing exceptions from it, but the pages are still rendering.
@Zoidberg you can check out MEF for plugins, I have not used it much but might be right for you idk
Argh MEF makes me angry
Q: How do I check for nulls in an '==' operator overload without infinite recursion?

Andrew JonesThe following will cause infinite recursion on the == operator overload method Foo foo1 = null; Foo foo2 = new Foo(); Assert.IsFalse(foo1 == foo2); public static bool operator ==(Foo foo1, Foo foo2) { if (foo1 == null) return foo2 == null; return foo1.Equals(foo2...

For one reason: You can have an entire plugin system in less than 20 lines of code
yeah... kindda was a dup
That wasn't the dup they selected though
Yes, which was strange
Will add that as an additional
Thanks rudi
@RudiVisser have you used it much?
DarthVader is annoying me because my answer is what the OP reqeusted and not what he thinks is best practice
this is wrong. this function is not doing anything useful. Instead it should impleemnt IEquatable<T>. i hope noone uses this. — DarthVader 2 mins ago
Some people underestimate the resolve of man to coalesce behind a good cause.
Thanks @RudiVisser
@CCInc He's a f'idiot
I don't see him posting another better answer
if you do ReferenceEquals(foo, bar). that is enough. ReferenceEquals(foo1.mId, foo2.mId) .... if the object references are same, checking fields is overkill as well. so your answer is just introducing reference equals blindly. — DarthVader 51 secs ago
Time to put Mine# on GitHub.
I guess he does have a bit of a point with that, although to be fair that was his original code
Just edit it out ;)
return ReferenceEquals(..);
Sup dudes. Anyone know if winforms already has a control where you have 2 boxes, Left is a list of names. The right box is a multiline textbox, and any text thats written in there is assigned to the selected item on the left. Text in the right box needs to be persisted between selecting new items on the left.
also need to be able to add new names to the left box
@RudiVisser As I did?
Feel free to edit it
@CCInc Looking at his code I'm really not sure of the intent here
@CCInc I mean, doesn't he just want this:
public static bool operator ==(Foo foo1, Foo foo2) {
    if(ReferenceEquals(null, foo1) && ReferenceEquals(null, foo2))
        return true;

    return ReferenceEquals(foo1, foo2);
Man, fuck Notepad++
Use Vim.
Why does everyone suggest Vim..
Or (less awesome) Sublime Text 2.
hahahahah vim
Vim is the best.
Yes, when working remote and favouring torture over reuploads of files
Don't work remote.
Use version control.
And deploy using push.
I dislike C++ people in this room
I use Sublime quite a bit, but can't say it's better than say.. Komodo.
Vim is just.. terrible.
How is Vim terrible?
I actually like Vim; It's just certainly has no place in my GUI toolchain (even GVim)
When text looks horrible in a text editor, something is terrible.
Well, use a decent font.
God bless Consolas
public static bool operator ==(Criterion c1, Criterion c2) {
    if(ReferenceEquals(null, c1) && ReferenceEquals(null, c2))
        return true;

    return ((c1.mId == c2.mId) && (c1.mName == c2.mName));
I'll just use Komodo.
I just freakin changed it back
Wait a minute
That wouldn't work
Fucking bastards
I have to go now
I would love if you would make edits on my behalf
and comments
if anyone has any MORE issues with my code
It's not issues I just don't have a fuckin clue what he is trying to achieve originally :D
"/o" "peeps"
I use Courier New.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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