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WTF do those people do?
making so much money
650 000$/year for two persons?
I wish I made that much
30% tax is about the same as in Sweden (not a good thing)
I wish I made $230,000 as a single person
I like how depressed they all look
They've got it rough.
or $650,000 as a married person
this is going on facebook. GOLD
@KyleTrauberman move to Norway and you can almost make that as a programer
@JohanLarsson really?
brb moving to Norway.
It is pretty insane in Norway, I turned down an offer last summer my friend took the job. He is making GOOD money now (drawing CAD)
lol +1
CAD drawing isn't the same as being a programmer.
@SpencerRuport no that is true but generally I think programmers make a little more
@SpencerRuport try applying for some jobs for fun. I sent a mail once and had a reply where they wanted to book an interview within minutes.
If I could retire with 200k in income I'd be very fucking happy.
@JohanLarsson: which language is this in?
You know what? You can even have 1/10th of that.
true that
@KodeSeeker idk, I tried to write it in English guess I failed :)
@JohanLarsson :P
If I could work for 230k/year I'd be pretty tickled as well.
Where are these people employed?
@Billdr my guess is they are meta workers, working with talking about the people who are actually working
We're meta-meta workers. Therefore we should be getting paid $920,000.
@kyle - I don't think those numbers are accurate
I'll wait for my check.
user image
^ a friend's take on it
@Billdr a meta-meta worker must be some executive or management consultant imo
Well, we posted the data. Now ??? and then money.
Trust me, I'm from the Internet.
the same friend said
> yeah, if i were them, i'd be using what income i had left after obama's theft to buy automatic weapons.
@TravisJ it's still funny
and it still illustrates the point
@Kyle - the WSJ is no longer a credible source.
It was when the Dow Jones Company owned it.
Now it is just a piece of sht
It's sad that we have to go to al jazerra for credible main stream media now a days.
Qatar is the Switzerland of the Middle East.
@TravisJ elaborate/explain?
They are the most neutral of the countries there.
When jquery-ui's datepicker has an invalid date, it displays a string that says "Invalid Date." Anyone know how I can make that say a string of my choosing?
I actually like datepicker :) Let me look and see, there has to be a way
ctrl+f in jqueryui.js, find "Invalid Date", edit to your own text?
If you can't hack it from the outside then where is the fun in that?
@KyleTrauberman Your advice makes me sad.
That's sad.
why is my toolbox appearing all grayed out in VS :s. Anyone help?
more details please
Are you debugging?
debug mode?
what are you trying to do?
Is the sky blue?
and I may be doing something terribly wrong too .#noob.
well Im creating a windows form application to consume a web service that I created
so Im not being able to design the form, because the toolbox appears all grayed out
any idea why this could be happening?
press Shift+F5. does that fix it?
I have not used winforms but have some memory of that references needs to be set up for the toolbox
@KyleTrauberman nope. And I wasnt running/debugging it either..
@JohanLarsson .It'd be great if you could help me there
if you make a new form, does the toolbox work as expected?
@JohanLarsson only for custom components that you want to add to the toolbox
@KyleTrauberman ok was a shot in the dark
@KyleTrauberman nope . ToolBox( even though Im specifically looking for HTML) is completely grayed out
So, earlier it occurred to me that the spam filter for chat was exposed...
How so
If the spam filter is not on, does that mean that all of my messages constitute spam?
What are you talking about?
Well, I was trying to automate a dancing stick figure, and accidentally ran over the spam filter.
What filter? You n
The one here in chat
mean the message hrottler?
you spell like I do now!
lol :D
What do you mean if the filter was not on?
I couldn't even find a meta post which seemed relevant. The only thing I found was that it says to flag spam in the faq. But do multiple edits constitute spam?
They shouldn't
editing doesn't trigger the throttler
only new messages do
@Kyle - So my early animation wasn't spam?
So that is okay to do?
i dont' see why not
its not spamming the room
you're just making edits to your one post
It certainly looked like I spammed something based off the amount of text that ended up in the edit history
we only see one thing at a time
you're spamming the server, not the chatroom
Isn't that worse?
ask on meta
I would say the server can handle it
I don't want to point myself out. And I did have to disable the filter in order to make edits that quickly
You can turn off throttling?
yes... no?
reddit said I should smile in my pic when asking about my beard:
The only thing that cannot be turned off is the time it takes for the server to process the message.
that is twice I have nsfw'd that lol
:( are you saying I'm fugly?
that and your profile pic look different
No, I do it to all images
@CCInc my profile pic was taken 4 months ago
and I have a beard and need a haircut now.
@TravisJ do you have auto collapse in place now?
Have anyone seen the ascii art animation of dancing stickfigures?
@Johan - The next script I write might be an edit in place function
@Johan - Did you see my dancing animation?
@TravisJ is it published in the meta post
@TravisJ no do it again?
@Johan - I would put it on meta, yes
nice very similar to the one I was looking for but that one had arms above head
did it ever tear on your screen?
I thought about making the dance more involved, but got worried about being flagged for spam. I don't want to spam, just trying to make something fun
@SpencerRuport yep
now I have to refresh to enable the filter
@TravisJ maybe put hangbot to use?
What do you mean?
for spammish animations
or ask on meta first, maybe that is best
Psh, you mean get flamed on meta for including the word spam in a question?
er anyone ? help?
did you include the proper headers?
place that in between the arms going left and right
Would anyone help with english?
@TravisJ I can post it just write it up
is english an alias for C#?
... no
@CCInc yep just ask :)
@Kyle - you want a more animated dancer?
@KyleTrauberman They don't like me.
@TravisJ ping me before, I'm in c++ now
why don't they like you?
Well I just don't know them
@CCInc ask here, we are your friends/family!
what's your question?
I suck at my primary language, but I can try!
@kyle @johan ok
@KodeSeeker I have never used winforms tbh
Anyway, what "receives" the preposition in this sentance: "How does the bee stay put (in a downpour) and even (in high winds)?" Assuming I correctly identified the prepositions
@TravisJ Not bad
the pipe in the middle needs to move right a little
try using two pipes
\ /
@TravisJ nice hip motion :) alternating forward backward slash above head might work
@JohanLarsson I had to tip my hat to you and unit tests the other night
fixed font doesn't help and the space is ignored
@KyleTrauberman that look painful, too drunk!
hm, the extra space got eaten
@CCInc what's a preposition again?
@CCInc nice, what was it? They are no silver bullet but really nice for some things
@JohanLarsson Well, I was jsut testing some code that KodeSeeker needed fixing
And instead of making a new project I just made a unit test. Yay.
public float c2f(int c)
    float f;
    f = (c * ((float)9 / 5)) + 32;
    return f;
@CCInc yep I use that a lot, a nontesting test :)
@CCInc the downpour and the high winds, i think.
I phrased my question bad
@CCInc an alternative is to add an assert and check the result instead of returning it
What word(s) does the adverbial/adjectivial preposition modify?
yuno work winforms . Gah!
@CCInc are you rep capping every day now?
Not really
Not bad, though
very nice
I broke 10 :)
Now I can get flag spammed
congratulations @TravisJ
have you seen one yet?
yup, only 1
it's just a blue circle on your avatar
not sure why I tried to ping @congratulations...
I posted an "answer" today, got two downvotes in 30 seconds, the problem is I usually don't read the questions when I answer :)
Not reading the question can be counterproductive when trying to answer :P
@TravisJ yeah and you have the rep to prove that it is true also
I like that you still have 0 all time down votes :)
@TravisJ I leave a lot of comments suggesting improvements though
That's cool
Hi all!
@CCInc not bad!

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